Wayforward at it again.
Wayforward at it again.
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the Japanese name? Kunio-chan?
Cute girls make everything better.
Looks interesting, but this is very obviously a shill thread.
Try better next time.
Kyoko and Misako are their names.
>boys get kidnapped
>girls fight to get them back
probably the most unrealistic thing in that trailer
...What in the holy hell is this? WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!?!?!?!?!?
Every thread is a shill thread. Just look at the Mario Maker threads.
What if the boy is a cute shota instead?
>What if the boy is a cute shota instead?
Buying this day 1 and playing it with my mom.
She's a big River City Ransom fan.
>it's okay when they are turned into cute anime girls
Stay classy Yea Forums.
looks fun desu
I don't know how to feel about this. Help Yea Forums wat do?
Yes, you seem to understand how things go
god i wish that were me
While its nice to see a new beat em up this looks shit.
Just get Fight'N Rage instead. It's actually fun and is 75% off due to the sale right now. (it does have annoying hard to pull off combos though)
I would if it was on console
Yea Forums is shill central at this point
>same thread made 8 minutes ago
calm down retard
Fuck you.
I could do without the song but I'll cop it on sale or something.
It's ok to like more than one game in a genre. That's SoR/FF on steroids and this is River City (probably gonna be the best one in a long ass while hopefully better than Scott Pilgrim)
Thought it looked interesting, then realized they had boyfriends. Fucking dropped.
>instant reply
can't wait for the next one in another 10 mins!
>can't wait for the next one in another 10 mins!
>He thinks i made it
You have been made a fool!
This games art looks amazing but why the fuck would they make you play as the girls? Why the fuck the embarrassingly bad theme song? This is definitely not aimed towards a female audience because everyone knows women aren't into this kind of shit. I'my starting to believe anime really does turn people trans cause anybody who loves anime always self inserts as the fucking females. You guys are actual faggots.
Already looks better than River City Underground.
I'm sold.
Looks nice
rent free
>Zero pompadours
This shit ain't kunio-kun
We'll never get Kenka Bancho: Sukeban edition so this will have to do
>Waifu bait game
>Plot is to rescue boyfriends
>It's ok to like more than one game in a genre.
Yeah, but its also okay not to like every game in a genre too. I'll wait for the reviews for this because it doesn't look that great.
>Not a girl
>can't masturbate like one
>they are in a heterosexual relationship
>in 2019
I really hate the chunky pixelshit look.
Watch the video.
The 3ds games were somehow entertaining albeit repetitive.
>Y*rifags are also plebs who have never played Kunio chad
>heterosexual relationship in 2019
Do they even exist?
Their boyfriends look hot
Visually that looks kind of shit.
maybe because believe it or not, it is NOT the first time they do that? at least on Japan?
Kyoko and Misako were playable too in the Snes game 'Kunio-tachi no Banka'. also a beat em up, however i can understand that one 'doesnt count' because Japan-exclusive.
they also appeared in River City Super sports challenge and River City Melee SP too, also playable.
Um, did I give you guys permission to reply to me?
I don't think I'm playing as female characters, I'm playing with them because I'm a lonely sad sack whose only female interaction vidya girls are.
>ywn have girlfriends who will fight to save you after you get kidnapped
It's not fair....
In all seriousness, this game looks tight. Kinda reminds me of Scott Pilgrim. I might get this one.
No fuck you i do what i want faggot.
Fucking cool, im getting that on PS4
Yes, scroll up.
What sort of faggot self inserts into a video game?
Took you this long to understand Anime girls make everything better
Everything you just said in this post is fucking cancer.
>all the sad plebs ITT who don't know Kuniokun and RCR
This can't be real
not buying this game bud sorry
>They're supposed to be Kyoko and Misako
>Doesn't look lime them
>Streets of Rage 4
>now this
Are beat-em-ups, dare I say it, back?
So this place has become so afraid of trannies and woman the sole idea of playing as a girl triggers Yea Forumsirgins?
why doesn't wayforward just move to porn web comics?
all their games are a garbage excuse for fanservice
yaah, i do agree on that, but maybe its just the colors, also modern redesigning.
at least they got the hairdo's right?
no u
who fucking cares? It's rad.
Wayforward knows what audience to shill for
you will take my (You) and cherish it, motherfucker
>game looks fun
>/pol/ is sperging because playing as girls threatens their masculinity
Please go and stay go.
u no
>actually good fucking pixel art
>save the boyfriends
Now this is based
Looks cute. How are the other modern River City games?
Game looks nice but
I don't have anyone to play with
>arcsystemworks + wayforward making a River City Random sequel
What happened to that gay Kunio Game that was in development on kickstarter? Did that get cancelled, or was it so bad it got released & nobody told me?
Oh joy, can't wait to watch cutscenes full of witty dialogue everytime I press the punch button.
This post reeks of so.y logic
Is it just me or is this Blossom and Buttercups big delinquent adventure?
RCR: Underground?
it released like 2 years ago. outside the Composer debacle and music, the game wasnt bad. i really dunno why the complaining there?
>No friends to know what i'm playing
>Play it in secret
>your boyfriends have been kidnapped
>are you bad enough girl to save your boyfriends?
Thank god. Games don't need a story. The intro to double dragon is the most story a game like this needs so at least they're making it simple.
I don't really like Wayforward games. Gave multiple ones a go and they were all kind of boring. All they have going for them are drawing girls and that's it.
uhhh where's the EGS logo? huh? huh? why is this allowed in 2019?
>Not localizing Misako's name to Cyndi like a proper River City game
WayForward developed right? Double Dragon Neon was trash fire so I have no hopes for this.
>normalfags calling it Scott Pilgrim
>/u/diots demanding they not have boyfriends for literally being school girls
>Yea Forumsirgins enraged by literal fucking playable girls
Jesus fucking christ
Are you guys fucking underage, casuals or? Just back the fuck up, shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out.
If all it takes is an old game to expose the entirety of Yea Forums, then just get the fuck out.
>Yea Forums doesn't know japanese street girls beating the shit out of people has been a genre since the late 70s.
I hate you guys so much.
didnt saw a girl picking up somebody and using it to beat another person
therebefore is fucking shit
>Are you guys fucking underage, casuals or?
It's Yea Forums so both.
>RCR/Kunio but with girls.
yeah okay
>i'm going to ignore all the people saying it looks good and only look at the one literally who retard that says it's bad
>no actual long skirt sukeban
Hard pass.
Like it or not Scott Pilgrim was the closest thing to a modern RCR. It wasn't actually good, but it tricked people into thinking it was. Hopefully this is actually better.
depends on what game are you searching.
as it stands all the Kunio games that came to america are solid Beat em up RPGs.
Tokyo Rumble is Basic RCR at its finest
Knights of justice is a decent DQ-esque take on the franchise.
Rival Showdown (Aka: River City Ransom SP) is an excellent remake of the original with A LOT of new ideas.
Super sports challenge and Melee Sp are supposed to be good MP, but then again, im a lonely loser.
I most likely won't play this but I'll enjoy the porn when it becomes FotM.
Holy FUCK someone is making a new beat-em-up and it looks decent? I'll finally have something to play other than Fight'N'Rage? Finally something for me and the three other beat-em-up fans on Yea Forums.
This. I was waiting for this and now I can put down DFO.
>cute anime girls
>cute anime girls with strawberry blonde ponytails
>cute anime girls with strawberry blonde ponytails beating people up with a baseball bat
>this video game is unrealistic!
oh no
>RCR: Underground?
That's the one. It looked like trash.
Personally I'd rather they just let you swap between characters like they did in that one Japanese only one on the SNES.
My biggest problem is the characters don't look anything fucking like who they are supposed to be and graphically it looks shit.
>girls winning fights vs men
Who cares about the feet? Look at her pits.
>tfw no cute girlfriend to beat up punks and save you from kidnapping
Yeah. Don't you ever see those threads arguing over the very nature of choosing a female character? We get them almost every day.
Soiled it
You're not worth being kidnapped.
Glad they got rid of that shiity 80s pixel style looks good now
>cute anime girls does RCR
Cool, will check it out.
>You're not worth being kidnapped.
WF is a studio that tries to act like they are Japanese so of course they'll avoid shit like that.
Actually looks fun and good and doesn't wholy rely on fanservice to make up for shitty gameplay, unlike that travesty SNK Heroines.
Nigger I have 60 hours in Fight'NRage. I want to play a new beat-em-up.
>no pantyshots
if i was a girl i would literally never stop masturbating
as it stands i only ever stop because im physically incapable of continuing without harming myself
Newfags wouldn't know.
>All these people complaining about their boyfriends
They're established characters with established relationships. Did you complain when Super Princess Peach made you save the Mario bros.?
tell that to my pristine virgin 6.4" cock fag
>Are you guys fucking underage, casuals or?
Where do you think you are?
Why not just self insert as the boyfriend?
I can't even focus on the game because that shitty theme song, who the fuck approved this?
>as it stands i only ever stop because im physically incapable of continuing without harming myself
What about using your prostate?
>blue bipedal hedgehogg wearing red shoes runnig fast and collecting Rings
>gotta go fast
>gangsta paradise
>New river city
>Characters are school girls
>School girls winning fights
Kunio-kun for Smash.
>Expecting yuri fags to have played RCR games
>No Online Co-Op
Aaaaaaaaan into the trash it goes.
Say what you will about River City Ransom Underground, you know what it had? Online co-op.
1. Wrong, and 2. it was way better than Double Dragon 4. Now THAT was a trash fire.
You know they did.
Underground was OK. Final boss was a joke. Maxing out the characters were lame too. Its fun to play with friends, also the VS mode is OK.
Looks cute. Will buy
Imagine not knowing about sukeban
>No Online Co-Op
That's because Yea Forums's knowledge of anything doesn't go backwards more than 5 years. You honestly expect Yea Forums to know about Sukeban Deka?
>They're established characters with established relationships
Are these girls even the girlfriends of ALEX and RYAN though
Looking cool, although I'm not a fan of the pixel art style used. Love River City Ransom.
AAAAAAAAANNNNNNND into the trash it goes, not touching anything with this faggot involved and especially not touching it if they make western eceleb references
>River city ransom is now for closet pedophile weebs
>People of culture and taste are no longer allowed to enjoy it as weeb faggots are guaranteed to fill every thread with poorly drawn ecchi
>bioware/ND makes a game where the girl save the man in distress
>Yea Forums hates it and calls it sjw
>wayforward uses a qt japanese anime artstyle to make the same game
>Stuck in a endless loop not being able to pull the trigger
Time is suffering
If it's WayForward, it's probably Jake Kaufman.
I'll probably check them all out further down the line, but Knights of Justice has my attention
ive tried but i can't get to it for some reason. im only 150lbs so i dont think its fat
Song is cringe but looks fun.
Fucking hard pass.
ahh shit
>River City GIRLS
My body is fucking ready, dude
The song is really bad though
Fuck it. It's ruined.
I don't know why people keep pretending it's something obscure. You couldn't mention Kill-la-Kill without someone mentioning it.
>implying it wasn't weeb to begin with
but Kaufmann has written at least ONE good vocal theme song... this game's song is just ass.
Looks alright. I wish it LOOKED more like the art style of River City Ransom. But I'm a sucker for a good beat em up.
Fuck off, faggot. Fight N' Rage is good but gameplay is completely different to the RCR games. It's like saying "durrr why you playing F-Zero go play Mario Kart."
I liked it a lot, but I'm not a huge veteran of the RCR games, I mainly played other games like Final Fight, Ninja Warriors, Knights of the Round. The RPG stuff felt refreshing and new to me, but maybe it wasn't as good as the older RCR games? I played as Paul and I'm told he was EZ mode. Only part I didn't like is that I got lost a couple of times in the open world with little hints about where to go next.
The only good vocal song he's done was in the first level of Double Dragon Neon.
He's in
sorry my queen
They've got a sukajan yankee, so I am content.
>no actual long skirt sukeban
That's because they don't exist anymore. That stopped being a thing in the 70s. The only reason you see it in shows from the 80s is because japanese movie studios milked the shit out of the sukeban counter culture to the point that by the 90s girls wanted short skirts again as a way to rebel against it. Bosozoku girls still exist though (i think)
And yet here we are in a thread full of retards complaining about girls beating guys in fights. Moot should have killed this website when he had the chance.
Your such a faggot!
Holy fuck that song is horrible. Why the hell would I want to play some 8bit looking shit with flat women anyway?
There is a difference, Bioware does it cuz Girl power. Wayforward does it because they know that you want to do the attack that flashes not-blossom's panties at the screen.
...Go fuck yourself.
Seething. Also
>actually good sprite graphics instead of this FUCKING trash
Thank god. Not even the original RCR looks like this "retro" shit anymore. No reason to be fucking lazy and make things look like NES.
This faggot is gonna cameo in a dress, isn't he?
It came out, but it sucked because a lot of the side-stuff like stats and shops were threadbare, and the combat was no better because you had to pause after taking out every opponent for an animation of your dude fucking them in the ass to get better exp/money.
True, it should've been a game where you play as one of the thugs they try to fight and and you just bend them over your knee and spank their asses and or just lift up their little skirts and fuck the panties off them or something.
Your such a faggot!!
>Not liking Rescue Girl
Oh well, at least I've got a cute black gf to play it with.
Cunts like you have ruined the Crystal Chronicles port. Go fuck yourself, couch co-op or DEATH.
except there were 0(ZERO) panty shots in this trailer so I'm not expecting any of that.
You mean two
>No online co-op
>Egoraptor was involved in the development
>Both main characters are little girls in a game about violently fighting strong criminal men who are so strong they have overpowered two men and kidnapped them
Fucking dropped.
for as "progressive" as some anklebiter fucks may think they are for their preference for female protagonists, it's always with sexiness along the way. even besides shantae, Patty's the perfect example
let's be honest for a moment, those retards would've still be complaining about girls winning fights against men even if they knew sukeban was a thing
Wayforward will never make another game without waifufaggotry again. Hope you're happy, Shantae fans.
I'll just get a nobody to play with me.
post more reddit/twitch memes pls
Say your last goodbyes, nigger.
I find the song a bit weak in general.
>Delinquent girl beat em up
Ya'll a bunch of bitches, this looks great
This game was already fucking trash with the girls as main characters now this game is just an abomination with this fucking Trainwreck of a slob involved.
>Bosozoku girls still exist though (i think)
They do not. Bosozoku as actual delinquent gangs petered out after a massive police crackdown in the late '80s.
Surviving bosozoku clubs have, like, one or two part-time members at best and are mostly an excuse for former members (now grown men stuck in entry level unskilled labor jobs or at the bottom of the totem pole in yakuza families) to get together and drink once a year or so.
Sucked dick. They replaced all the gang stuff with generic, wacky enemies that spawn at random so it doesn't feel like RCR at all. On release they also had awful platforming puzzles, a GTA style "cops coming after you" thing that made no fucking sense and awfully grindy movesets that required you to grind and spend XP just to unlock basic fucking moves nevermind the good stuff.
It was trash.
Okay no seriously, does Parsec let you convert a local co-op game to an online one? serious question. I would like to know.
Could be worse
is it fun or is it one note slog like the original RCR?
only the other kunio games are any good. It's a real shame they never got localized.
>has to use a third party program to use a feature that has literally 0 reason to not be in the game.
what were they thinking?
>Doesn't even have online
What a load of shit.
How come buttercup can't fly in this? I knpw you're in this thread jake. Vocals need update
>sukeban deka
>not superior best delinquent girl asuka
Did the creators of Kunio-Kun approve of this, or is just a shitty Western localization of a Kunio-kun game released only in Japan?
oh it's 100% going to be Gyraru Grump shit, they'll be secret unlockable characters voiced by Dan and Arin.
What do you expect? Their balls are so small that the idea of playing as a girl in a beat em' up game terrifies them.
>no cute deliquent girls in media these days
Seems like it's worth a pirate
It wasn't.
Faggots didn't like it because it was about s o y-less men fighting for what is right.
Now it's a power fantasy about little girls doing things that would never be possible ever. It's s o y boys now.
There's bountiful proof in this thread alone.
They JUST made a new Sukeban Chainsaw movie though.
Yes. Just don't have SHIT internet.
I agree, but parsec has been pretty fun for me. I guess the devs simply could NOT be bothered with online co-op.
unironically that's a good thing, we need someone to do the opposite of the industry's status quo to keep things varied
>Dan and Arin do their shitty "girl" voices
>but it's okay because they're just PRETENDING to be shitty voice actors
god dang man
Fuckin' retard, she's a sukeban not a fuckin' tranny you cultureless ape. Fuck you gaijin pieces of trash obsessing over our games.
Shoot me now i'll cum!
Yes that's how those things works. There's other apps that do similar things, like Moonlight. Nvidia cards can do it natively too, through Geforce Experience.
It's just streaming the game's video feed to them while they return button inputs to you.
I think it's an original work, if the original creators are on board, that hasn't been announced yet.
>not wanting a cute delinquent girlfriend to fuck people up for you
I'm only seeing one faggot here
I'll get it if it ends up that his influence is limited.
I miss when egoraptor was alright, did it all go wrong after GG/the tester?
Alright Yea Forums what's the worst case scenario here?
>Game Grumps deformed grump heads on a poster in the background somewhere
>One of their cringey Starbomb songs as a background theme in a level
>One of the characters namedropping them in a conversation saying how cool they are
>Boss fight against pixelized Dan and Arin where they spout GG memes the entire time
>not with
No user, you are the faggot.
Hey user, you like Rock CDs and local brews?
ASW has the rights to Kunio-kun if I remember right.
>still no panty and stocking Beat 'em up game made by arc systems and wayforward
They would be to busy fucking everything in sight.
someone already said it, their blatant Dirty Pair trace job characters being unlockable characters voiced by the two of them
Oh the characters are from this game. I didn't even realize that.
>reddit spacing
>ctrl+F shower
>0 results
Shower scenes boys wake up.
They're unlockable characters who are bubsy tier in terms of quips
this game would have been a lot better if the online worked.
Underground wasn't perfect but they captured a lot of what made the originals so fun. It's too bad it never caught on.
FUCK! They should've made one by now!
yeah, that's a dropped from me.
oh well, at least you can skip that shit
oh fuck, please no.
>double dragon is all the story you need
>posts the intro to Bad Dudes
Pretty sure Double Dragon has exponentially more lore and story than Bad Dudes, which is "The president has been kidnapped by ninjas, are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president?"
i'll buy it just to piss Yea Forums off.
You sound like women. You're making baseless accusations in defense of your shit taste.
Frankly it's amusing.
>they're going to be humble enough to play this game upon release and use their own characters while still showing how incompetent they are at games in general
>no bosozoku girls
>no sukeban girls
Do-do Yankii girls still exist? Does ANY japanese schoolgirl subculture still exist outside of Gothic lolita?
Looks good. gonna pick it up on Steam.
Why would they?
Modern Gainax only cares about milking Eva, everyone who worked on P&S left to form Trigger.
The only reason I even noticed was the ponytail other wise I'd have no fucking idea.
Really dislike the new designs.
they'll find a way to make sure you KNOW they're in the game, like you have to fight the two of them in a boss fight and that's how you unlock them.
>digital only
>Limited Run only physical for Switch
Based japan
>Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (新・熱血硬派 くにおたちの挽歌 The New Hot-Blooded Tough Guy: The Eulogy of Kunio and Co.) is a belt-scrolling action game released by Technos Japan Corp. exclusively in Japan for the Super Famicom in 1994.
>Up to two players can play simultaneously. In lieu of extra lives, the game utilizes a party system in which the player can switch between different characters at any point. While Kunio and Riki are the only characters available at first, their respective girlfriends Misako and Kyoko also become playable as well throughout the course of the game.
I'm betting you everything there's gonna be an unlockable "retro" mode with these new designs.
Stay mad, tiny balls.
I mean, that's not terrible aside from voiced thing. They look like cool 90's anime characters.
there's already footage out of him saying the N-word like a million times.
Plenty, just new and different ones.
The only contigruous one is Gal, but that's mainly because it morphs through endless sub-subcultures over time.
If it's anything like the Shantae games, then you can skip dialogue. Thank god.
Looks really good, never bought anything from Limited Run, I hope they ship internationally
My olny hope for this game, is that you can make some really nasty girl on gril finishers in this like those seen in the 90 beat em ups
Physical release coming soon.
>it's okay, Arin is a professional voice actor now
>look at this progfssional work, he'll absolutely take it seriously
>good enough to comically impersonate George Takei as a gay cat, good enough to impersonate a girl, right
Are you legitimately retarded or just shitposting?
>I would rather watch cute girls fight big strong men instead of having sex with me
>No YOU are gay!
What's wrong with this?
I was living under a rock
they literally just fucking traced scenes from Dirty Pair and passed them off as their own
suplex finish leaving all to the view?
>coming soon
so next spring? Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon took FOREVER to come out physical.
What pisses me off is that this is most likely Zoomers first exposure to the Kunio-Kun series. Not Renegade, not Super Dodge Ball, not River City Ransom, but this shitty waifufag game.
You just fucking know some Zoomers at Twitter are going to pretend to be fans over Kunio-Kyn despite never playing any of the other games. Fuck this World.
>reeee they are appropriating my culture!
And I'm out! Thanks anyway.
Shut the fuck up boomer , nobody fucking cares
Heavily referenced from is not literally traced
cringy fucking terrible e-celeb that lost any talent he's ever had because all he cares about it money, pretends to be a voice actor but can't act for shit(but pretends that he's joking).
Arin confirmed to be on the dev team as a "special consultant" and we don't know how encompassing his influence is yet. His shitty Dirty Pair knockoffs are basically confirmed as unlocks.
Im sure someone more well-versed in kunio lore can expand/correct on it but.
Kyoko is RYAN's 2nd girlfriend, CYNDI, from the original is another girl, called Mami on the JP Version.
Misako is ALEX's girlfriend... allegedly.
As she was presented on the original games pre-snes era, she was the class cutie/popular girl, yet in Kunio-Tachi no Banka, she is presented as this sukeban tough girl, i dunno if theres an explanation for her wanting to become a sukeban, or if this is other Misako that just happens to look like the original one.
And just to Clarify, ROXY(Hasebe in Japan), is just a friend of Kunio.
If those games were on more recent platforms, or had recent games, then this wouldn't have happened.
You guys have got to stop with this 'reeee zoomers' shit. Think positive, maybe this game'll prompt people to look into the older titles.
you're pretending like River City Ransom was some sort of obscure game that hasn't got any re-releases over the last decade
how can you look at this shit and not see how blatantly obvious it is that they copied the scene.... were you one of the people that thought the YIIK was just doing a HOMAGE to the books he plagiarized?
>the copyright section has a mention of DOUBLE DRAGON
>Fan of Kunio-Kun
>Kunio/Riki get kidnapped
>Doesn't even put up a fight
That could have been handled better. Worse case scenario, this is a GRRL power game using the Kunio license. Cautiously monitored, I know they'll fuck it up somehow.
River City Ransom was already bastardized Kunio-kun
Damn, still gonna buy it tho, it looks fun.
It's on Switch and PC too you obsessed roach
Both RCR and Dodge Ball are available on the Switch NESflix shit, calm down.
>Looks like a silly joke, I don't see what the big deal i-
>It's for a line of merchandise
How far has that fag and his jewish business partner fallen?
I tend to play the female characters in beat em ups, anyway. Always have. So it doesn't really bother me what plumbing they have as long as it's solid gameplay.
>hurrrr dilate
Pic related.
Those are two different images. It's clearly heavily referenced but not traced. Look up what traced means.
yup, or hair pulling while delivering repeated hits to the womb.
remember kids
omage is spelled with a "H"
You think Arc System Works would mess up one of their beloved franchises?
this truly is the way forward
>little girls.
Your memes are not funny or epic, get it!?
He's in
Hasebe and Mami are both in this, you can see them in the artwork on the OPs post.
Curious if this is some sort of alternate universe, or a proper sequel to KTNB
>how blatantly obvious it is that they copied the scene
What part of "heavily referenced" are you struggling with?
Tracing is the act of direct line for line 1:1 copying. The image you posted is very obviously not a trace, the poses are different and so are the proportions and basic shapes of the characters.
> Implying 2000 zoomers played them before
They are just bandwaggoing fans, like the Castlevania kids when Simon was announced
>it's not a copy it's a reference!!!!!!
you sound like the GG fans that try to defend the blatant ripoffs here, like it's very obviously copied, probably not that exact frame, but it definitely was
It's about none fags, A+ immediately, if it was about dykes it'd be into the garbage in seconds.
Based looking game
Nah, you're just fucking gay. I bet if there were optional genders for the speed character you'd still pick the female. You anime fans are all trans that self insert as females. Fucking always.
that's not a double dragon character.
Something like that is probably what the "suggestive themes" are for, but it probably won't show much for an E10+ game.
Stop that.
>implying you aren't just embarrassing yourself and helping me prove my point
"referencing" in artistic terms is different from "a reference" in pop culture terms.
Referencing is a form of copying, but it still isn't tracing.
Bruh I don't know what your autistic problem is with GG, but you used the word "traced" and it's very clearly not a trace, that's all I'm saying.
you HAVE played River City Random right? expect some Neon Double Dragon references since Wayforward made that too. Speaking of which WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DOUBLE DRAGON NEON PORT.
>jumped by cops
>w-why they no fight?
Fuck off dumbass.
Goddamn son.
God damn, everything Sukeban Deka I've seen has been rad as fuck. I really need to find the whole series.
ok it's shit anyway
Hey I just want to say that if any one of you is SAB-CA, I think your opinion on anything sucks.
Btw, what's the best Kunio Kun currently available for 3DS? I got the sudden urge to play one after watching the trailer
Just a question for all people who are fans to this franchise, any other female characters related to main duo that would be unlocked? Like cousins or sisters?
I know next to nothing about this setting but yeah it should have been something along the lines of they got poisoned and then captured after taking about 50 dudes each.
his characters and voice acting were literally the worst part of that cartoon. luckily they made up for it by having artists working on the show literally draw porn of the girls
You mean the internal hipster cunt move of "I'm so well read I can put in a couple lines from my favorite book and hope my other intellectual superiors can get the reference too"? The one every hipster cunt does? By that logic, noticing the Gyaru are supposed to look like the DIrty Pair is an intentional homage for the intellectuals who watched 90s anime.
>but the quotes are directly lifted and not referenced in the credits
It's not an "intellectual reference" when you do that, user. That's how hipsters work. Literally "not made for you".
Beating the shit out of an entire gang with the help of one person is unrealistic no matter what gender the protagonists are, you stupid mutt.
Hmm, guess so, they do look like them, except for Hasebe's pigtails, Also:
>Mizusu is in the game too.
Neat! Hopefully we get her as playable too, if only to bash skulls with a giant muscle dude with a clear hormonal disorder.
why do you hate fun user?
this game any good?
zoomerfags probably got exposure to castlevania with the GBA, same with river city ransom
Aaron being involved is a massive bummer especially if he shoehorns his OC do not steal (stolen) characters.
Still gonna buy though. Just dissapointed
I've only played Tokyo Showdown. How was Rival Rampage?
That's why I pick the nigger in SoR2. I would pick a minority if given the chance and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.
Because everything should be pc only.
to be fair my first metroidvania was Dawn of Sorrow. But that was only becase i was a N64 kid so i was never exposed to Symphony until ports years later. Not everyone is exposed to every game ever faggot.
>he actually defended the plagiarizing
is that a delinquent name?
where did you hear about this sir
this is all so tiersome
i am done guys
i can't live in this society anymore
>picks the skinny twink
Not helping your case any fag
blame the Switch for reinvigorating couch co-op.
Those are the most generic names ever. This was truly 90's.
WF's twitter
Halfway through the game one of the girls starts saying how she thinks browns are dilating the gene pool?
>Not everyone is exposed to every game ever faggot.
no, but the more a game gets entries/re-releases the more chances a new generation gets exposed to to it
fuck off americans. not everything must be politics
Well, ignoring LOL DARKSUBVERSION, Kyoko Sakura (from Madoka Magica) does act quite delinquent-ish.
Women are factually and scientifically weaker and stupider than men. This is not debatable. It is hard fact. No amount of anecdotes or fictional characters will change this fact.
Putting a man in the damsel position and having two UNDERAGE GIRLS WHO ARE SO YOUNG THAT IT'S ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO DRINK ALCOHOL fight adult men twice their size is FUCKING STUPID.
Go right ahead and enjoy it. But at least admit you are a delusional retard that likes stupid bullshit.
Nice! Glad i have friends. Hopefully there's a 4 player mode too!
Yeah don’t worry their everywhere.
>implying both are mutually exclusive
WF could've very easily added online, but they didn't not because local co-op exists, they just didn't want to
Lancelot-kun kawaii~
Yup. When the plot is made up and the story don't matter.
Looks cool
oh cool the character designs are from the Devil's Candy artist
It has no online co-op.
Two western SJW E-celebrities were involved in the development.
>coming to xbox one
Shit, just for throwing us that bone I'm gonna buy it
Calm down retard. It's a video game, not real life. Plus it's a spin off on an already existing game.
You wanna play as a guy? There's a ton of RCR games that let you do that.
Stop being autistic.
>picking the only character who could run
>when you can retain your dignity and slide on your back all day as the wall of muscle, whose massive girth combined with the sliding makes him cover as much ground as the kid
It's like you don't want to break everyone's backs.
Sell me this game OP. What is it? Why should i care? What do you do in the game? And post screenshot.
How old are you?, and be honest.
don't give up bro, I know we live in a SOCIETY and it's hard but good games will come
Beat 'em ups aren't exactly known for their fastidious attention to realism in the first place, so I don't know why you'd care so much that the premise of this one is implausible.
normalfags are ignorant once again, but its surprising the scott pilgrim game is still in the cultural zeitgeist
/u/ fags are just trannies who want to be cute girls but aren't gay. they just self insert as lesbians
Yea Forums is retarded as always
Alex looks great but Ryan looks weird (And no I'm not gonna call them Kunio and Riki)
Have sex.
Way forward always releases their games on xbox, so at least we can count of them for not fucking us over.
i like how girls could squat, really rolls my bottle of spirit
take my u
I don't think anyone would refute but you're still acting like a gigantic faggot.
Imagine caring about this kind of shit while playing a video game
Wow you gave zero reasons why it's bad, fucking retard
I suck as grapplers.
>we're in a world where we can't have female protagonists realistic or unrealistic without some faggots complaining
Spotted incel
>Can't admit it
>Pretending you know a god damn thing about River City Ransom
Rival showdown is quite different than the other games.
The gameplay is the same, but also the growing of the character is even more RPG like with passive skill management, different equipment slots and learning new techs thru constant use.
The controls are more fightan-like separating punch, kick, jump and defense in their own button, and then theres the fightansuper-like special techs.
The story develops and changes thru the decisions you make and the fights you take over the course of 3 ingame days, as a remake of the original RCR, if you are expecting the same game you will be in for a rude awakening.
>tfw I'm in the early stages of making my own beat em up game with anime aesthetics, with a female cast where the main protagonist uses a bat
>but my game is gonna be a hard M rating for language
Looks good. We need more Beat Em' Ups, coincidentally I bought River City Ransom Underground this Steam sale as well.
>no fun allowed
I wish I had a qt gf that would save me when I get kidnapped
>Women are factually and scientifically weaker and stupider than men
>This is not debatable
>It is hard fact
>No amount of anecdotes or fictional characters will change this fact.
Wait they own Kunio now? I thought Million had the series?
There's a difference between being arrested and being jumped for no reason, the scene literally shows them being beaten up, dumbo.
its a video game
Your game sounds fun, user.
You don't need to self insert into every character in media you know.
Jeez I keep forgetting Yea Forums gas unironic incels
Please don't breed.
Wanna get into River City Ransom, what's the order here
There's Misuzu, who is a recurring gag/character from the classic games. She's an enemy but becomes a friend when you beat her/prove your might.
>implying some stupid bark no bite faggot will stop me from playing another based Kunio game
yeah Arc Sys had it for a while now. you probably didn't notice since the last two River City games had very limited releases.
Obviously you dont know river city ransom retard
Stop being a ghoul and grow up
This is ironic right? Please tell me it's satire
Unironically have sex
Fuck chases and fuck milk runs
>on everything but the egs
How’s that other beat em up on the switch, it has rpg elements iirc
>Rejecting science to support your delusions
Make sure you scrape out the scrotum hairs and pus before you dilate your mutilated wound of a penis.
>disrespectful towards women
Sounds like an incel to me
If it was on EGS, they probably wouldn't have had it on Steam/GOG/Humble.
>"haha yes women are weak and stupid, yes mom I'm coming up for dinner just wait"
>using MUH REALISM to justify YOUR delusions
Misako > Kyoko
Will there be a Sauna scene?
I hope you have never played a game about an italian plumber stomping on giant mushrooms and killing bipedal dragons otherwise you will look like an hypocrite
Girls won't rescue an incel
what are the chances of Saki from ZLS and Ryuko from KLK getting background NPC camoes?
You guys got me interested, what sukeban media is out there? I got nothing to do today
Dropped. I'm not playing as a roastie
You just described Chad though.
Where the fuck have you been living where women don't throw their pussies at that behavior?
They're 2D so it's ok.
Needs more yo-yos
looks like 2000s dirty pair.
It better be sexy as hell or it's big f'n no from me. I'm talking Loli levels of degeneracy.
>fucking loved Misuzu for being a tough powerful fight-loving boss that the protagonists made fun of for being built like and as strong as a fucking tank
>even loved that she had the guy knockout grunt despite being all girl and not a crossdresser like the guy from Yakuza 3
>but being designed for Western sensibilities means she'll be softened in one way or another
no, they fucking aren't - they're distracting and make me wanna fap instead of playing the game.
Why is everyone reacting negatively to this? I though Yea Forums liked Arin.
>muh Chad
Like I hope you're just shitposting, in real life people wouldn't even spit on your face
Fair enough, I'm still interested but I do think the plot could have been handled better. On that note, I know about the DS games and those games were REALLY rare. I had the chance to get one of them but didn't.
I bet you're fun at parties.
>t-this movie has magic in it
>magic is unrealistic!
No idea, ever followed any e-celeb and the drama around them.
>switch first on the list
You forgot Underground the western remake, pretty snazzy pixel graphics but mediocre everything else.
Honestly for me it's
Rival Showdown > Tokyo Rumble > Underground > Knights of Justice
>I though Yea Forums liked Arin.
where the fuck have you been?
Thanks senpai. It starts of a violent best em up, but while working on the story I though, wouldn't it be fun if every character was a cute anime girl saying really fucked up things. The prologue chapter is the main character, a very white girl, finding out that after a DNA test she has some African American in her, so she goes around screaming what's good niggas, until some black girls tries to fight her. Tutorial fights ensues and it ends with the main character pulling out the DNA sheet and it after they comb through it, they can confirm it's not fake and it checks out. They apologize about it and go on their way.
There's plenty of movies and shows. Barely any games though.
They're blatant ripoffs and no one will ever call them out on it.
........../....//..............................................\\ ..\
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE.......|..\.\....\....\...\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)...........................(...(.\...)...)...)...)
When will Yea Forums get over the idea that discussing games is shilling
I don't play games for literal babies.
Except Loco Roco.
>they have boyfriends
River City Ransom Underground had it even if you played as the female characters, so maybe.
could be worse
Shit dev that uses girls to sell shit games. And you idiots fall for it.
There is nothing wrong with liking stupid bullshit, get your realism shit outta here and fuck off.
Do not let River City Girls distract you from the fact that Streets of Rage 4 has not revealed any other characters except Axel and Blaze and additional fighters will most likely be DLC
Two guys beating up an entire gang is realistic, eh?
You genuinely need to go outside if you think women enjoy being respected and treated equal.
Just look at how many women voted for Trump. There's no way you can get me to be as delusional as you, white knight. Women are so sub-human that they cherish being treated like shit.
Damn, that's cringe
people want cute girls and cool guys, its not really hard
She's on OP's image, she still looks mannish to me.
They did this in exchange of TRIGGER animating the opening of Shantae 5? that explains everything
I can't wait. I love a good Beat 'Em Up.
Yes. There are news stories of real heroes out there.
But you wouldn't know about that because you're a delusional idealist obsessed with being submissive to the factually inferior sex.
It feels really good to like cute and sexy girls and play games with cute and sexy girls.
New Ninja Warriors game soon my good buddy.
Keep setting way forward is great
Wow you're unironically an incel.
And it's fucking ironic you tell me to go outside to learn about people while it's obvious you don't know shit about them
>make a game about empowering women
>still sexualise the girls
This is how you do it
>Yea Forums
>discussing games
Nigga at least cite your bullshit.
>excited about a River City game and you don't even know who the main characters are
cool, that's cool
Yeah Wayforward's always been great on that front. Probably why they get along with Jap devs so well.
>Yea Forums
>doing anything other than endlessly complaining about everything
it's possible for one dude to beat up an entire gang
The art style has a definite stink of "westerners who like anime" to it, I.E. Magical Girl, which is turning me off. the Kunio series has a distinct art style that I wish they kept or at least stayed closer to.
It's not on the epic store.
Don't worry user, trigger animating shantae 5's intro
you what
why would you buy this on pc anyway? It's clearly intended to be couch played with friends
>generic anime girls instead of delinquent JKs
I play as cute anime girls because I like staring at their butts. You wouldn't happen to be one of those fags who stares at man ass all day in his vidya, would you?
Man I can't wait for that.
i remember them from the snes kunio game, but i’m a weird purist who still enjoys the original RCR the most
it's become pretty well known that actual artists that work on the show draw porn of characters on the show and post them on social media, most of it's gone though since tumblr did that whole "SEX BAD" thing
>artists working on the show literally draw porn of the girls
Based. We don't get that often.
You know, what if the Yakuza team made a Kunio game? It could be pretty rad. Imagine doing the torpedo attack in 3D.
I want to nut deep inside of Kyoko in the missionary position for the sole purpose procreation and our pleasure as I hold her tight.
>Make game with female protagonists
>Make them FUCKING CUTE instead of "totally badass" angry dyke niggers
>No one complains about it
Wayforward is so much fucking based
>Video game where two men beat up a city's worth of people in a day using guns, swords, and fighting styles that may as well be magic?
>perfectly realistic.
>what if it were two women
You people are the Anita Sarkeesians of our time. Some people just want to play video games.
>hurr arin will be a playable character because ???
He's most likely just a shop keeper ala pic related.
on that note what's the game to the left of HGH because I don't recognize it
>what if the Yakuza team made a Kunio game?
Yakuza games are basically Kunio-kun grown up adventures
>playing as a girl
I seriously hope none of you will do this
I knew some of the samples were too on-model for a fan artist to recreate.
I don't want those Game Grump retards anywhere near it.
God I wish that were me
Well Kiryu is the weird anime man in his otherwise rather normal universe, aside from a few other weird anime men.
Even his fucking face doesn't fit the rest of the games.
>japanese setting
>whites and non-asians exist
That said, it's still filthy western made fake anime ugly pixelshit indie
>cute girls
Welp I know what I’m doing this September
When is that even coming out? We've had like zero news.
>Japanese setting
>paying for things in dollars instead of yen