Does SEGA even acknowledge this movie exists? I've never seen them even reference it since it came out.
Does SEGA even acknowledge this movie exists? I've never seen them even reference it since it came out
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The newest Sonic Twitter Takeover does, as well as Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06 are given reference
>Sonic Twitter Takeover
It's like the sonic boom cartoon without the good writing.
No. Sega “doesn’t like promoting older incarnations of the franchise “.
Explain Sonic Mania then.
Yeah, but it's still canon. For better or worse
How is this a reference to the Sonic Anime? I'm not hearing it. It's such a shame they never released the soundtrack. I don't think Japan even got the anime outside of the VHS tapes.
tails is wearing his pilot goggles in mania when flying the tornado
How in the fuck do people find these things?
I knew it! They never did release the soundtrack did they?
It was made recently
no, sadly
Doesn't he also jump like he's afraid when they pan up on the final level with the lightning....because tails is canon afraid of lightning?
Except it's not canon.
It's canon to it's own universe. Izuka is on record saying the Modern Sonic & "Classic" sonic are from different worlds. That's why he allowed Ray the flying squirrel and mighty the armadillo into the game. Personally I consider the chaotix part of the "classic" world, but it's looking less like that's true the more they use the chaotix's modern designs.
>hearing the bullshit Iizuka says
here's your first mistake
Besides games. That means old shows, cartoons, comics...once it’s cancelled Sega doesn’t acknowledge its existence anymore.
Cybershell's not coming back, is he?
he ded.
I honestly think the personalities from this would've been a more interesting direction for the classic iterations of the characters than the discount mickey mouse mute shit they went with