Race of people lose their ancestral home and die by the thousands

>race of people lose their ancestral home and die by the thousands
>"boom, like happy festival fireworks ya?"

Someone at Square unironically thought this was an appropriate thing to say, courtesy of Wakka "Final Summoning? More like Final Solution" Captain of the Aurochs.

Attached: Wakka_doesn't_trust_Rikku.jpg (1920x1080, 1.2M)

Sin has been wiping out villages for so long that people are just numb to it and get back to playing blitzball after the bodies are cleaned up

Is that someone, dare I say it, based?


Attached: 1552104013381.jpg (320x417, 44K)

Im pretty sure Wakka was supposed to be shown as an inconsiderate prick in that scene

Why is Wakka so racist?

I'm not sure he even knows what an Al-Bhed looks like he had no clue about Rikku he just hates them because Yevon says they're bad

In ff9, did zidane even say anything to freya at all after cleyra?

The biggest missteps in that game were
>leaving discs 2 and 3 unpolished and bare bones when disc 1 was polished to a shine when it came to character interactions.
>Swapping Hades and Necron.


it started out so great too, the first few hours of that game are so solid and cinema, it really gets you into it

Praise be to Yevon.

>In some alternate timeline, FF9 stars Vivi instead of Zidane, cuts out a good bit of padding g in the middle, dedicates plenty of time to fleshing out each character and their chemistry with the rest of the cast, and the story ends with a beautiful battle with Hades where Vivi affirms his will to live, punctuated by his children roaming happily as the credits roll.

better dead than al bhed, wakka wakka

>Say something mean
>get called a Hitler

In what way were discs 2 & 3 barebones?


Because they killed his brother

The writing, rather than the content. Around a few hours into 2 dialogue quality takes a nosedive, blatant padding starts happening and characters lose agency in the story. Where sidetrscking diversions and characters splitting and rejoining was used to paint conflict, context, growth and drama, the scenario becomes a bit flat. Where Steiner, Vivi, Freya, etc had wonderful setup and side stories, Eiko and Amarant are clumsily added and pretty much every plot that's not Vivi or Zidane's stops mattering to the characters, to say nothing of the narrative.

The content was bare bones as fuck. The entire planet outside of the first continent was almost completely sterile.

Attached: al bhed.jpg (908x1674, 813K)

What about the teaching?

Attached: Jakesalad.png (382x544, 54K)


Retard didn’t realise his own friends were al bhed