Best console this gen keeps winning
PlayStation chads we win again
switch's isn't over. snoyboys are just coping about their buyers remorse.
>switch hasn't been out for half this gen
Two of those choices are last gen though?
Do you unironically want them to put the WiiU there?
...they're gonna keep going with it? Jesus christ, we're only a year away from fucking phones outspeccing it
Playstation easily
Switch carved out a niche for the manchild and actual childs
Xbawks is just deadbawks
>switch hasn't been out for half this gen and is still doing better than Xbox
It should've been PS4, X-Box One, and Wii-U
That way Sony gets even more votes and Nintendo gets far less.
Console wars are for kids, just grow up and play the games you want to play
>t. 16 years old
Imagine rating goty's 2000 - 2008 but there's a goty from 2015 in the list
Doesn't make sense
It was the only console that didn’t shit the bed also people love to forget that Nintendo fucked up so badly that the dropped a console half way this gen to start over
You mean the Wii U? Does that mean the switch is like a Xbox one x/ps4 pro then?
>He bases how much he likes a game and console on how well its selling
Why? Why are you fighting for these companies? Is your brand loyalty that high? These threads fucking suck, alongside Twitter threads.
switch pro, retard.
Bout to play Detroit for the first time on PS Plus and Maker 2 on the weekend. I'm honestly shocked Sony put GOOD GAMES that aren't indie trash onto their service!
>good game
>let alone a game
literally the best example to show how low snoyboys their tastes are.
The poll wasn’t about sales
>Finally got some games after 5 years
PS4 is probably the worst console of all time.
Pretty sure phones are better already.