Epic Sale be like

Epic Sale be like

Attached: epicsalebelike.png (637x433, 73K)

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>be like
This is an 18+ website

Based Epic can't stop winning. Gabe's fat ass BTFO once again. How are you Valve drones enjoying shartifact and dota underlords?

How long can they keep throwing money at something that is clearly not working?


>Tim Sweeney enters through stage right with a smug grin
>user's see him and with genuine rage begin to yell at him

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Until retards like you give up and buy games from the epic store.

Just remember you don't need to buy any of these epic exclusive games because Epic already paid for them!

I'd pirate before I touched that cancer with a ten feet pole.
Steam worked to earn my patronage. If EGS wants it as well, it needs to be better than steam for ME, period.

I'd sooner buy games from g2a then buy from the epic store.


They all say that don't they. Steam doesn't give two shits about you, sales have been getting shittier and shittier since 2015. Epic is going to save PC gaming by ging steam competition.

>Epic can't stop winning
They're literally losing money in OP post

>only knows how to run a business with nothing but spending money
And this is why EGS will fall, competition is good but you need a business model with structure and progress to move forward or compete with bigger and better players. Throwing money at everything and hoping it will work is the most retarded thing anyone can do and he deserves to fail

do tell me more, shill. please. I would love to hear how the most barebones storefront without even a fucking shopping cart can somehow rattle the champion who's been
in the PC gaming market for over 15 years
>inb4 exclusives
fucking please. Those are coming to steam anyway so even if I dont pirate them before then, I can simply pick them up for chump change during a steam sale

I don't care about Steam "giving a shit" about me. I like the service.
Epic's "fuck the customer, we're all for the dev" shit isn't good for me because I'm a customer, so I won't use Epic. Simple as.

Damn well better after fucking up bad. You keep fucking people over, Tim. Paying those people is the least you can do with your bllions.

Tencent is pulling all the strings and they basically control China's economy, so not anytime soon if Tencent still thinks they'll make a profit.

How the fuck are people falling for this shit and calling Epic the good guys when it was the Epic's shitty exclusive deal that caused the refunds in the first place?

Nobody is interested. Stop.


>bugman still doesn't know the definition of "competition"

The fuck is going on here.
Why are they locking as exclusive a game that never made a profit?

Even then it is not a full refund is a partial refund. Think twice before ever investing in kickstarters again.

Because fortnite dropped by 70% since last year and we need new audiences fast.

Funny story, that. If they give away steam keys to the backers, nobody else will buy the game on EGS. If they refuse, they'll get sued into oblivion. If they rescind the exclusivity, then the dev team goes broke, they lose face, steam becomes bigger, etc. They just saw this game as doing well and anticipated so they went for it. The stupid bugmen didnt realize that this game was heavily funded by very few nostalgiafags and it never had sale potential until it was too late

They put them in a situation that likely would have ended in a class action lawsuit. They already had to issue a bunch of refunds because of the exclusaivity deal. So they game hasn't even launched and it's already seeing so many losses due to the deal with Epic that Tim literally had to give them a ton more money to make up for it and to maintain an imaage of good faith to them and other devs who will lose big when going exclusive with Epic.

so this went from "only a little part have ask for refunds so thats dont trouble us" to "we are covering all refunds to save ys ass"


>"Go ahead and refund bro, this one's on me"

All it takes is credit card/personal info.

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Epic games, a literally who company, is now one of the most powerful entities in The gaming industry.

Fortnite is to blame for this.

Profitable franchises don’t take the deal. He gets the indie and meme games because the amount of money he’s willing/able to dangle on a string actually convinces those devs to take the bait.

I don’t doubt he’s offered plenty of devs his offer of guaranteeing a few hundred thousand in sales, who have turned him down because their Steam sales figures number in the millions consistently.

I think I can easily say Sweeny is the quickest I've ever come to fucking hate a developer and I wish nothing but the worse for him.

>another example of epic games dealing with a problem by throwing money at it
This company is going to be completely screwed when fortnite and/or the battle royal trend as a whole starts to die down

SOURCE on fortnite dying?

>Epic games, a literally who company

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Also where's Heavy Rain? You guys told me I could pirate EGS games because it's on the house but Heavy Rain been out for a week and no crack.

I think it was just the sheer number of chargebacks.

>Literal who
>Makes Unreal, one of the most ubiquitous game engines in the industry

Fornite made them a ton of dosh but Epic was always a massive player in the industry.

70% loss is just the twitch view stats, but for a game like Fortnite those can be a rough indicator of how things are going.

It's funny because that's what they are doing.

Why keep your pledge if the game will me made anyway? Might as well refund.

I could see worth in the epic store if they passed some of the extra revenue to publishers (read: not devs) back to consumers in the form of cheaper prices while maintaining a working store.

reminder that buying out games with exclusivity contracts is explicitly ANTI-competition

Why is it okay for steam to have exclusives but not ebin?

Hey shills, give me a reason why I should support the Epic store. Anytime you list a negative that makes steam the bad guy can equally be applied to Epic.

>devs deserve a higher cut? No, they don't. Valve made terrible games like Shartifact despite being obscenely rich, so devs should have their waged garnished.
>steam is DRM? I agree, but that just makes Epic all the worse
>you cry about steam being run by jews, I can see your point, but why the hell would I trust the chinese any more?
>exclusives? They're not exclusive if I find them on the pirate bay :))))
>competition? I agree, which is why we should only support GOG, the one true distribution platform where you actually own your games

It just seems like, for every legitimate point you have against gabe's fat ass, that's a point that also applies to Sweeney's stupid ass.

remember to refund your shenmue so epic has to pay for it

Steam doesn't buy exclusives. People just choose to be exclusive to them.

>create a problem where one didn't exist
>make am insanely half assed fix to said problem
>"wow look at us go"


People release on Steam for ease and availability since it's the most popular storefront available. Steam doesn't require anyone launch only on their platform, they don't have to.

EGS literally has nothing to market itself with besides "WE'RE NOT STEAM!" It is physically impossible for anyone to argue in favor of EGS without simultaneously mentioning Steam and something negative about it. You have not and will never see any threads, articles, discussions, etc. talking about what great features it offers and here's why you should use it, only that Steam is bad and you should use EGS instead. Anyone advocating for EGS is 100% a shill or braindead (likely both), because there isn't a single reason for any consumer to do so.

If valve weren't being greedy money hungry cunts the problem wouldn't exist.

Yes, obviously Valve is at fault for its competition being a dumpster fire.

You can't reason with bugmen

>Epic can't stop winning.
They are giving away money to people who'll spend it on steam, Epic Retard

I am

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>>devs deserve a higher cut? No, they don't.
Not an argument.

I wonder how long Tencent will allow him to throw their money at a problem until the nice guy mask falls off.

>not an argument
not an argument

Deep Silver / Yu are scamming epic
Shenmue is a niche title and wouldnt sell much.
They got Tim to pay for a bunch of additional copies for the exclusivity, and to pay for the copies of people who already bought it and are going to pirate it now its not coming to steam

EGS is burning money

Well with their monopoly, it's impossible to really compete with them on any real level. Anything would look like a""""dumpster fire"""" compared to them.

Ubisoft is the biggest winner in all this. They get Epicbux while all of the people who would've bought their games on Steam will just get them on Uplay.

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Ubisoft is going for EGS?
Dont they already have Uplay?

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>it's not the fault of the losers for being bad, it's the winner's fault for being too good!
I think soccer moms say this shit when their precious fawless supertalented angel gets trounced like a chump at some event
fits the chink mentality to a tee, really

How bout that shopping cart, dog face? Maybe after that you can add pre-loading

>Steam doesn't give two shits about you

Neither does Epic, steam offers me a better service so I'm sticking there.

yes, it's a 500IQ move, people buy it on epic and are directed to uplay while Ubi takes Epics money, and the people that hate epic go directly through uplay

>Steam doesn't give two shits about you,
neither does any sales platform. EGS isn't refunding because they're cool and trying to help out their customers they're doing it as a pure marketing ploy. Its shitbirds like you and guy you're responding to that just can't stop treating everything like console wars. Who cares where people buy their stuff from

They're scamming epic. Epic pays them millions for exclusivity, but it still has to be available on uplay. Uplay sales skyrocket because people would rather buy there than on epic, AND epic pays them even more since the sales on the epic store were so bad.

Ubisoft is laughing all the way to the bank.

That's the point, nobody wants to use Epic so peolpe will buy their games on Uplay, they get 100% of the cut that way instead of giving a part of it to Steam.

Yep. Anno and Ghost Recon.
EGS was way too stupid to take them up, because they were on sale in Uplay which, as shit as it is, is still miles better than egs
Exodus went the same way with Gamepass coming to PC

>I don't care about Steam "giving a shit" about me. I like the service.
This. As long as their means of competion is exclusives instead of features I'll just "Go on lads. This ones on me"

Literally all of their PC titles this year except for Far Cry New Dawn and a couple of games no one cares about are Epic "co-exclusive" (Tim's own words).

It's still pretty high, but games like Apex Legends showed that it can be lost in an instant. Epic is in panic mode and desperate to create life support. Which is why they are rushing The Epic Store.

Oh yes because that went so well with Origin and Uplay

>sales have been getting shittier and shittier since 2015
Steam doesn't controll game prices anymore, if they did shit like farcry 1 and 2 (both 3,99€) would be at 0.39€ and 0.81€ like valve games from that time because they are old as shit


truly EPIC

They don’t have to like me and I don’t have to like them to buy eroge and management games at 50% off and refund them if they’re garbage

>make a good product
>try not to stifle creativity and business with needless rules and regulations
>become a monopoly without trying to

There are barely any epic exclusive games, they're also on windows store, Uplay, and gamepass. You're just butthurt because they're not on steam

Someone post that dog

Steam doesn't have any form of forced exclusivity deals. If a dev wants to, they can release on Steam and on any other release platform like GOG. Devs release on Steam more because, just as the actual meaning of a competitive market dictates, Steam is the platform with the most users due to being the best platform in more areas than just dev/platform sales split, and thus a better place to release games to reach the largest number of sales.
Meanwhile, Epic REQUIRES that devs ONLY release their games on Epic and NOWHERE else, thus killing competition.

but that's a lie

It's really incredible how far they're bending over backwards to please publishers. It looks like the key idea their entire strategy is based on is that the goodwill of publishers will determine whether the Epic Store can establish itself or whether it will go down in flames.

It's like getting stabbed by a mugger but then they offer to pay your medical expenses, and they get the key to the city for being such an upstanding dude.

Epic only requires them to not be on steam.


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>they're doing what they're supposed to do
whaddaya want, a parade?

what a fucking retard

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It's fascinating to watch Tim Sweeney, right now he's like what I expect would happen if one of you got a billion trillion dollars and were told you have to use it to do something gaming-related.