DOOM was developed and released in 1993 by:

DOOM was developed and released in 1993 by:
Adrian Carmack - aged 24
Johm Carmack - aged 23
Tom Hall - aged 29
John Romero - aged 26
Frank Klepacki created the soundtrack for Command and Conquer aged 21.
Toby Fox created Undertale aged 23.
Palmer Luckey founded Oculus VR aged 20.
Alexander Bruce released Antichamber aged 26.
Matthew Davis released FTL: Faster than Life aged 26.
David Louche released Candy Box! aged 19.
Will Stahl released Squad on Steam Early Access in December 2015 aged 23.
Mike Bithell created Thomas was Alone aged 25.
Risk of Rain was created and relaesed by Duncan Drummond and Paul Morse, both aged 19.
Vlambeer was founded by Rami Ismail aged 22 and Willem Nijman, aged 20.
Really makes you think...

Attached: Hmm.jpg (900x900, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have big design docs but I fucking hate programming so I'll never make a game

>sfw version of the thinking meme
actually gay

im an ideas guy

How many are college dropouts? This is a legit question
I think I wasted the best years of my life listening to academia fags blowing their own dicks to their own books and lectures

more than half without a doubt
i feel you, man

Adrian Carmack - Unknown
Johm Carmack - Dropped out after 2 semesters
Tom Hall - B.S in Computer Science
John Romero - Attended Sierra College but dropped out after unspecified time.
Frank Klepacki - Don't think he attended University
Toby Fox - Studied Environmental Science (No idea if he graduated, but likely he did)
Palmer Luckey - Attended California State University where he majored in journalism. However he was homeschooled and went to uni quite young from the looks of it.
Alexander Bruce - Unknown
Matthew Davis - Unknown
David Louche - Unknown
Will Stahl - Unknown
Mike Bithell - Unknown, but was creating point and click games whilst at school
Duncan Drummond and Paul Morse - Met at university, though no idea if they graduated their class or not.
Rami Ismail & Willem Nijman - Both dropped out when the university wanted rights to their game.

>I think I wasted the best years of my life listening to academia fags blowing their own dicks to their own books and lectures
You did


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You won't with that attitude. Need to be programming every day for at least 4 hours a day, more if you can!


just pick up game modding, it took a year but i finally got the hang of it
i started with lua scripting on roblox back in 2010 lmao

So do it now? You have no excuses besides being a generic internet edgelord

I can tell I'm not cut out for that productive project lead lifestyle, because the first thing i think of doing looking at a list of projects like that, is that I'd immediately retire and use the money to go as long as I can without working

Programming what?

Nothing wrong with that! I think most people on Kickster have that attitude.

I guess, its more the problem is rhats my attitude NOW, and I literally try to squeeze in as much rest and laziness as possible working the job i do now. Maybe pasaion is necessary? I have talents but its really about innovating the workflow and idea isnt it? Doesnt have to be hard!

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college is not that bad if you have a passion for a subject that objectively requires higher education in order to be fully qualified in
game design is not one of those subjects

Its just about the money and the pride, for me

>t. women studies major

I can barely pass my programming classes because I'm a brainlet and have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Maybe NEETs have the right idea and being a wagie is a trap

>So do it now?
Do what? He was asking how many dropped out of college.

If you create your own game and it sells bucketloads, you're not a wagie, you're an entrepreneur on your way to easy street!

close, history
the amount of resources that even a mediocre university can provide in certain fields is simply unparalleled to what the public is able to typically access.especially true for history, many physical artifacts and primary sources are locked behind university paywalls/exhibits.
another issue is that, unlike game design where there is a tangible result from your hobbyist efforts, history is essentially reading books/primary sources. anyone can do that in their spare time if they commit themselves, a degree just shows "look, I've fulfilled the generally agreed upon criteria to be qualified as a competent academic"

Program a game. He's saying he wasted his good years.

>college offends me so it must be bad

Fucking brainlets

No one is gonna believe this shit. I'll probably be worse then the fucking Brigador devs who looked like they had PTSD and I'll be forgotten like the 100s of games made on
>Exclamation marks on every response
Kill yourself faggot

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He's asking just because he's in college and probably feels like its a waste, since all college is pretty much a waste. He didn't say he hasn't made anything (even though he probably hasn't)

He should learn meme shit like Webdev to make money, not falling into a trap and expecting him to win the lottery while slaving away to make a game.

Didn't this nigga have a job at Titmouse or Nickelodeon?

Any recommended motivational music or cintent i can keep around to keep myself working at a goal?

>32 this year
>60k salary
>have achieved fuck all
Waiting for FFVIIR before killing myself

Movie scores are very motivational

I’m an ideas guy who actually made a game but the graphics are shit so nobody wants to play it

You have a fucking income, you achieved more then 90% of this fucking board

The guys that did swords of ditto have the opposite problem
The most amazing graphics I've seeing in years, and the gameplay is garbage
Legit garbage, even after the patch

>27, or 28? Cant remember
>$55k a year
Could be better but my gf needs to lose weight and get out of debt, and i need to achieve a dream

Ill do ur graphics user

>Toby Fox created Undertale
More like trolled around erp forums and copy pasted fursonas in to the game as "charctures"

John Carmack is a one in a million genius, don't feel too bad

He did a stellar job

thanks homie let me know what you think

are they all white?


Why does it matter to you?

And male as well. Won't someone think about the SJWs

it just proves that women and coloreds aren't allowed/accepted in technology.


Rami and Romero don't.

It doesn't help that third world countries literally don't make games
>inb4 that one exception
Proving my point.

>25+ year old retard with no special skills on programming
>"just make game"
I won't fall for the /aggd/ meme

they could if america would let them within their borders.

I clicked on the link but there was nothing :(

My dick in your ass.

Nigga just grab a computer and pirate an engine lmao

I should literally just steal all your shitposts and male them into characters for a game. This whole little segment of youth culture is cash waiting to happen


someone WILL cash in on the boomer/zoomer/doomer/bloomer stuff if they haven't already, get em while they're hot


Oh God, my birthday is in 3 days.

nigger that whole meme was made by MONSTER shills, it already fucking is


>nobody could actually LIKE white monster

>turned 23 during the 2008 financial crisis
Never had a chance.

'Sips' and monster energy drink general threads were definitely supported and bolstered by monster, if not entirely created and run by them

Did you know 'daily sips general's thread was made in Yea Forums literally to advertise that Monster had a zero calorie drink, to people who had sworn off Monster due to calories? They literally would discourage drinking any other low calorie drink but Monster

>being this retarded
SJWs wouldn't give it any tits.

Dunno about that. People will buy a stellar product, even if it is in the middle of a recession.

reread his post and then consider what anons mean when they say “rent free”

Lol dumbass. There are more jobs avaliable than ever. Stay delusional, you have no clue

there's still time left for me

'more jobs' I. E. gig economy shit like uber and deliveroo

good, because unless it's a white monster it's not a sip. some newfags give leeway to more monster products, but they're newfags