Everyone raves about the Witcher
>You gotta play it. Maybe skip the 1st one bro
Fuck that, that's not how its played.
>The combat is so bad and the dialog just awkward.
Oh god were they right? Or do people only like this game because all the women in it inexplicably want to fuck the PC?
Everyone raves about the Witcher
Fuck all the console secondaries.
TW1:EE is literally the only GOOD game in the whole trilogy, with the best overall gameplay depth, best story, and best atmosphere.
I never even played it. something about the game aesthetic screams of autistic weeb
>slav as fuck
I hate GenZ Ieddit escapists so much.
>skip 1
plebs, it's the best one
combat is shaite in all 3
I just finished replaying TW1 and i'd argue it has the most satisfying combat in the series.
In fact I can't name any other games really that do fights with lots of enemies as well as TW1.
The dialog is pretty good and the overall story is the best in the series without question
Witcher 1 is pretty good but I always burn out by the second third act (which granted is like 20-30 god damn hours just in the swamp area and the first part of the town)
Could this be the worst post of the year?
It's a flawed gem. It starts off a bit confusing and doesn't really do a great job of making the mechanics well-known. There are a shitload of items and you have no idea of what is good/bad/important. There are a few sections with quite a bit of backtracking and there could have been more trash-mob variety. Other than that, though, it's an excellent game and arguably more true to the source material than the following titles.
Witcher 1 is a better RPG than the other two, change my mind.
All three of the Witcher games are great and worth playing.
>It's a flawed gem. It starts off a bit confusing and doesn't really do a great job of making the mechanics well-known.
What do you even mean by that?
I was 13 when I beat the non-enhanced edition, which added extra tutorials, without any issues.
None of the mechanics are remotely complicated?
who cares what idiots think, any trilogy should be played in the right order, this isnt Elder Scrolls or Final Fantasy where story doesnt link, Witcher same as Mass Effect should be played from 1 to 3 in the correct order, no amount of zoomers and TW3 newcomers are gonna change my mind
t. played all Witcher and Mass Effect games when they came out
I must admit it had some pretty redpilled characters
I'd like to see you try, pleb.
try what?
All these threads recently make me want to replay it again.
I actually liked the combat a lot more than in 2 and 3.
The dialogues were pretty good aswell, none of that "highlighing the right option" shit.
witcher 1 is the best one and you are just a pleb
oh wow another post that shits on the original without even getting to best boy Siegfried, how fun
>The combat is so bad and the dialog just awkward.
So just like the 3rd game?
Just finished a replay having not played it since before 3 was releaseed.
Was genuinely blown away by how good the writing and translation was considering how unknown the studio was at that point.
Still my favourite in the trilogy by far and one of my favourites of all time
I want to shackle Triss with dimeritium and play with her asshole all night!
This game had kino loading screens
That's not a loading screen
Kino everything tbf
Speaking of loading screens, does the game load at a decent speed from a SSD?
I remember getting annoyed by loading screens in the town when entering buildings.
Was the ending of 3 really supposed to be the horror Aldersberg had foreseen? Ciri just kinda snapped it away like it was nothing.
I recently got the first one and one thing I’ll say is that the facial features and animations are really off-putting. Wasn’t it made using Neverwinter Nights 2’s engine? Wasn’t fond of that shit either.
loading speeds in general are better with SSDs as far as i know
if you have a modern PC it will load fast even with a HDD
What do you mean?
If anything playing 1 & 2 first makes 3 a bigger disappointment.
hell no
Yes. And normally, it WOULD be horror. But we can't have Sapkowski's precious heroine failing.
They fixed loading screens way back when the Enhanced Edition came out
3's DLC > 1 > 3 base game > 2
3's DLC = 1 > 3 base game > 2
story wise, the ending of 1 is just too good
>tfw to inteligent for political plots
I mostly agree except I'm not so sure about the DLCs. I generally liked them but I never got all the jerking off about HoS's story and BaW just dragged on too long after a 100 hour game where I had already gotten tired of the shitloads of side quests
Also for the record, 2 is an absolutely amazing game that's only worse in relation because it's part of the best game trilogy ever made
It's overrated. I finished it like 7 times back in 2007/2008 and never played it again.
You really were happy with how anything related to the first two were brushed to the side in favor of "muh Ciri"?
Missing Iorveth? Siegfried nowhere to be seen despite his king losing his mind? Radovid 180? Thaler forgetting his accent was just a cover?
I wanted to like The Witcher because I like GOG, but the gameplay is just so bleh, combat sucks.
ok, let me elaborate.
If you're good at video games, you click the enemy once.
and if you're REALLY good, you click again when the cursor light up
if you manage to fail that, you're supposed to close the game and come to Yea Forums to complain how complicated and shit the game is
>Radovid 180
because that ugly dyke manipulated him and he finally realized it
You finished a 40 hr long game you consider mediocre 7 times?
ofc i would have preferred if they added all those, but they were cut cuz of lack of time, but that doesnt mean i was disappointed in any sense
the combat is annoying until you cut down a room full of salamander with group stance and then you realise actually the combat can be pretty fun, in fact late game the combat is downright enjoyable
>but they were cut cuz of lack of time
Come on man, the game has like 60 hours of sidequests alone. Surely they could have cut something there instead
Also, they had enough time to tack on an entirely pointless shitty empty open world after development was finished
you dont play it for combat, you play it for the story, around chapter 3 you will be hooked, but i guess youll never experience the joys of witcher 1
>Radovid 180?
To be fair, he was always heading in the Madovid direction. Even the books, though ambiguously, claim he'll become a lunatic soon enough.
>go into swamp at night because I need to kill some archespores for the contract
>they pop up
>they go underground
>can still see where they are because of the little fear icon
>they're still taking burning damage
Igni a best
No shit. That doesn't change the fact that all that cleverness the character had is suddenly gone in 3 because he went batshit crazy off-screen.
OR if you are a true patrician taste and ultimate Chad.
You get tier 4 attacks and HOLD your left mouse button for maga damage.
>Yea Forums
>playing games
>finishing games
>not just spouting autistic bullshit and projecting because they cant manage to get out of bronze league
Did you just forget where you were for a moment?
Witcher 1 is pretty much a NeverWinter Nights module, and is built on the same engine.
If you approach it like that, and accept that it's 85% RPG, and only 15% action, then you'll have fun.
if you can't handle witcher 1 combat how will you handle the combat in the greatest RPG of all time (gothic 2)
just like cast igni lol just burn the whole Temeria down bro
This is what a 17 year old Redanian looks like
This board is full of hipsters welcome to Yea Forums dumb newfag. Only here will you see retards claim the witcher 1 is the best in the series. It has some of the worst gameplay of all time and the level design isnt much better
I was so disappointed with his character in 3, just felt like a different personality entirely
My point was that I never had the desire to play it again despite not playing it for 11 years. Which cannot be said about Witcher 3.
the fuck is going on here i dont remember there being a giant shadowy arabic city in murky waters
Is 1 worth it in any way? I played like halfway through 2 back in the day and loved it
>Jesus Christ how horrifying.jpg
Neither of those have ever been a selling point of Witcher and they certainly aren't in 3 either.
Of course not. You played it 7 fucking times.
pretty sure siegfried dies canonically
That doesn't mean shit, though. I finished both KOTORs like 15 times and still play them every now and then.
How do you know how W3 holds up after 11 years?
He seems to be one of those people who leave negative steam reviews on games where they have 1,000 hours playtime
Nah, they mention him in HoS.
The only canon there is is that you never kill Thaler in 1.
How can you know whether a game is shit or not if you've played it for less than 1,000 times?
I prefer it to 2
Playing it now and the only thing that REALLY puts me off about the presentation is the audio quality. English voices sound like they were recorded by porn actors into a tin can phone.
Why is that?
witcher 1 it's the only good game in the series tho
It is, it's even slightly clunkier, but definitely worth a try. Mine Valley has its unique charm, and the whole atmosphere is on a whole different level. Plus it's nice to play it, in order to better understanding relations between characters.
>Skip a Witcher game because the combat is bad.
Better skip the whole fucking series then, because the combat in all 3 games is horrible.
Witcher 1 and 2 were pure kino. Witcher 3 really threw me off because of how different the story and characters seemed. I never read the books, I guess it's closer in tone to them.
But going from 1 to 2 was super smooth, it was a direct continuation. From 2 to 3 is just a weird shift. I still enjoyed it. But I played it without breaks and I had to rush through Blood and Wine because I was tired of the side quests and gameplay that hadn't evolved at all in a 150 hour game.
1 is the only actually good Witcher game, the others are casualized console game #500000 but Witcher 3 is carried by its storytelling and atmosphere
witcher 1 has the works combat system ever created by mankind
not even joking
well he is a witcher, dont expect some sort of DMC dash or horsechainsaw unlocks that will change the gameplay, he is what he is, gameplay has limitations are purely out of lore
>and I had to rush through Blood and Wine because I was tired of the side quests and gameplay that hadn't evolved at all in a 150 hour game
I fucking love CDProjekt for putting actual writing into every sidequest instead of having copypasted fetch quests but there is such a thing as simply having too much content
Also, you should read the books
What's wrong with 2? The story is still great. Sure the combat was slavjank, but everything else about it was good.
The ending where you spare Letho really got to me.
That is literally the worst excuse that exists. I generally like the combat in all 3 games but it's just stupid to claim it cannot be changed because muh lore. Gameplay concerns should always be primary
Plus, how the fuck do you explain the change from 1 to 2? He's still a witcher in both
it has it’s moments, but the other two are just better
The swamp has broken many a man.
You're right. It has a better crafting system, it has more systems related to PnP RPGs, it focus less on being cinematic and more on passing a good story. You're right.
U can also skip second entry. If you want FULL Witcher expierence u need to hit the books first since games take after events in medium mentioned above.
Now about the combat: i enjoyed it. You have 3 styles at your disposal that you switch mid battle if needed. (light combat for small guys, heavy for /fit/izens and group for packs of monsters). Also u don't smash ur mouse key - timing is key which is why so many guys bitch on Yea Forums - because Yea Forums sucks at video games.
>best game trilogy ever made
Play more video games
The second game disappointed me with that shit, I was REALLY expecting some payoff from what you did or not. Nope. Then here comes the third game with an even bigger fuck you to the beginning of the franchise.
but he still deals in normal signs, potions and swordplay like in the lore, doesnt matter if you do rhythm game or the usual dodge and hit, geralt is superhuman, but he isnt anywhere near Dante level in the books where you can suddenly turn the game into hack n slash
For one, no one implied anything about hack & slashes, that user just complained about combat being the exact same thing for 150 hours. The difference between 1 and 2 shows you can have different combat while still adhering to this lore bullshit you brought up
And this
>but he isnt anywhere near Dante level in the books where you can suddenly turn the game into hack n slash
Is fucking ridiculous. If anything, every single combat encounter against bandits should be over in 5 seconds flat because Geralt is _exactly_ that superhuman in the books
But that wouldn't be fun, no matter how much your precious lore would make it right
Not him, and I don't really share that opinion. But what is the best gaming series (not specifically trilogy) for you? Just curious
TW1 is eurojank core and really just an amazing game all around. A love letter to the books, too
when you are lvl 20 against lvl 4 bandits it turns into 1 second encounters
>exact same thing for 150 hours
but he is a witcher, the only thing that can change are monsters and curses, he either fights the usual way or lifts the curse which can be a bit different but its not combat anyway
its harry potter written by someone just past their teens who never grew out of their teens, ripping bongs to death metal.
Did anyone find the final boss of B&W to be hard as fuck? The entire game was a cakewalk to til then, and then out of nowhere is a boss that just bodies you.
I was pretty tired when I got to that part, but it really caught me off guard.
No fuck off, I'm not gonna respond the same thing for the third time after you just said the exact same thing again
Please clearly read back the discussion and think about what me and the other guy actually said instead of just going "well he's a witcher so how can combat change"
i beat him first try on Death March, but yeah he was hard
t. hardcore gamer
>gameplay depth
kek, they all have shit gameplay.
The Witcher 3 gameplay and combat is absolute shit and no amount of "good" story can save the game
I burned myself with the fucking chapter 3.
thats like saying a movie cant be good cuz it doesnt have explosions
When should I read the books?
Before? After? Right after Witcher 2 because muh amnesia?
The combat is fine.
Use potions/oils before fighting, learn how the stances work, and time your clicks. I honestly prefer it to Witcher 2's bad attempt at being an action game.
the combat is atrocious and the fucking swamp backtracking is beyond aids
It's just a shitty chapter. Way too much backtracking between swamp and the city. Soldier on and the game gets a lot better in third chapter, even if the area is pretty much the same.
The first one is the best desu. The story, characters, and atmosphere are all incredible. TW3 is also fantastic, but TW2 is kind of lackluster
i read the books after playing through Witcher 1-3 and i enjoyed them
Micheal Bay would agree.
skip it, pretend you did, glean information from threads about it and get right to the meat of the entertainment: shitposting about it like you know more then anyone else on it.
the games a fucking slog, mate. i just saved you a whole fuckload of time
Personally everything but the combat is the best the series has to offer.
it only happened once but it did it way better than lmao 3's body inspection:
>Have limited time, a pretty long list to bodyparts to check, you can get it right or not, and the story (short range consequences) slight change to replicate that.
3's body inspection:
>click all boxes
>it must be X.
I'm having a great time at Witcher 3 but this bothers me way more than it should have.
Is this hard to get working on Windows 10? I have the OG box with discs and I was gonna install it for a playthrough but if it's a notorious pain in the ass I don't want to bother.
I've never played it, I just picked it up at a Mom 'n' Pop game store. I never checked if the key is the good or if it matters.
How many explosions were in Pain & Gain?
You had Marky Mark as a main character. Every time he is on screen things go POW!
>small brain: TW1-3 had great stories
>galaxy brain: Thronebreaker had the best story in the series
well u should try and see then lol, if not u can get it for free from GoG, just install Gwent(dont even have to play it) and u get TW1 for free
I got the Witcher 3 since it was really cheap on sale even though I skipped the first two
got to the lilac and gooseberries line and figured the entire game was just gonna be cringy dialogue and dropped it immediately
None of the Witcher games are good. The first two are typical fantasy wish fulfillment for virgins with shit combat. The third is practically a walking simulator. The writing is good but the gameplay is still extremely boring.
Cool beans.
>walking simulator
I like TW1 because the atmosphere is top notch, soundtrack is amazing and just the general feeling of the game is really comfy. It's unapologetically janky which I find charming.
I couldn't give less of a shit about the le epic sex cards, to be honest.
Witcher 1 is, with a huge gap, better than the others.
>outstanding graphics considering the engine it's made on
>styles actually have a purpose instead of being fluff that players choose based on whether they want big numbers or fast numbers like in 2 and 3
>alchemy is actually strong and worth the trouble, W2 alchemy is beyond bullshit until you Metathesis and Amplification, W3 alchemy is borderline useless the whole game through until you get the superior variants, and even then the only good things are the extra abilities the pots get
>drinking pots during combat in W1 (hard) has actual consequences unlike W3
>Geralt in W1 is the ugly mofo he is meant to be, not some McDreamy faglord
>W2 and W3 is about spamming dodge, W1 needs you to pay actual attention to the enemy animations before committing to an Active Dodge
>W1 gives actual multiple ways to solve a quest, including bribery (completely dropped by W3 and barely worth mentioning in W2), outwitting NPCs with dialogue options or equipping special items
>a few W1 quests have actual in-game consequences that alter the way future quests are doable, W2 has none of that and W3 has one such a quest
W1 is superior in so many ways. But faggots cry about "muh rhythm game", like the button mashing in the other two is better in any way.
I'm absolutely convinced the only people shitting on W1 are either zoomers or mentally handicapped people that need "press X to AWESOME".
Has it occurred to any of you that all three Witcher games are great, for their own reasons?
i like all 3 for different reasons
>When should I read the books?
Don't play TW2.
she looks like she _____ ______
jesus christ. you really think she would actually play videogames? what a fucking horrifying idea
What has 2 good other than others?
I was honestly pretty let down by the way contracts were handled in W3. I was expecting that I had to properly figure out what monster I was dealing with, by talking with NPCs (and getting mutually exclusive information because they either try to obfuscate the truth or because they just imagine things) and by actually looking at site of crimes. Then I, the player, should piece the info's together so I can properly prepare for the fight and if I got the info wrong I got the wrong potions on and stuff.
Instead the game held my hand all way through.
>What has 2 good other than others?
The Roche/Iorveth paths
Just a fuck ton of story branching in general
Best looking armors
Fast paced combat
And yes, the political story was fun
Of course it has downsides like the QTEs and alchemy, but the other games have downsides as well.
now everyone fuck off
>What has 2 good other than others?
But yes, the main story is the strongest in 2. Choices and consequences is another thing it handles very well.
And no, W1's story's only highlight is the ending. It's fantastic, but the rest of the story is just lazily rehashed and remixed parts of the books.
Honestly, that goes for everything, not just the contracts.
>fights inside a room
>automatically gets what happened for real and not based on how much stuff i got.
much better than what we got in 2 with the strange cell shade look, which didn't fit the game at all.
Apart from the Striga affair and the Vodyanoi, what was rehashed from the books?
The main story (faggot stealing the mutagens to make super mutants) wasn't in the books.
I wonder why they excluded Meve in TW2. She's the most competent leader in the North with the biggest hatred for Nilfgaard.
>mfw witcher 1's story is literally fallout 1
What's with zoomers and cringing at the slightest thing?
Damn, you must absolutely loath W3 then.
"Cringy" is just one of those weak childish insutls tumblrinas throw at stuff they don't like because any harsher words would be triggering
See also: gross and icky
>This is Yea Forums
>These are the people OP listens to when it comes to games
Just try it out and see for yourself you chump
>faggot stealing the mutagens to make super mutants
The professor is lifted straight from the books. Triss is, mysteriously, just Yen, down to her dialogue. Alvin is a Ciri stand-in, except without the horsecock worship.
Kids crave adulthood and thus desperately try to look/act mature. But because they don't know what adulthood or mature behaviour actually is yet they just act like idiots.
It's incredibly strong in females, those sometimes never learn to become actual adults.
everyone in the game talks like a fucking faggot so I uninstalled immediately
delete this, Ciri's love for horses is purely platonic, she's like an 8 year old girl
your mother suck dwarf cock
If you have a sister, bring her here