Tee hee don't mind me just selling my gross ass bath water

>tee hee don't mind me just selling my gross ass bath water
>certainly incels will like this!
>Just $29.99 for my bath water! I bathed in it! Tee-hee!
>what has humanity come to amirite fellas teehee!

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gotta respect the hustle

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ok this is based

I'm impressed by her desu. Think I'll pick up a couple jars.

Why are you doing so much advertising for her? This your queen, incel?

>being triggered by her and not her male fans who will actually buy it
divert your anger

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Why did you ban ME for this thread, you shirty fucking MOD? Not my fault this guy keeps spamming. Yeah, I posted in the thread but that's not gonna stop dozens of others.

FUCK you. FUCK janitors.

that's fuckin disgusting

but if i was her i'd be doing the same thing

she could pay off her student loans by taking a shit and selling the logs

>disgusting incels unironically buy shit like this
>based chick takes advantages and gains money for just regular ass water
>other incels insult the girl

shouldnt she be selling pokemon creatures instead?

>this is what humanity has come to
at least she is self-aware

Who cares? You realize her pussy is her business right? There is nothing wrong with being a slut, Yea Forums is just too bitter to acknowledge this.

there is nothing wrong with buying it either commie

very much doubt she has student loans

The best part is that it's probably just tap water

video games ?

>bath water

that shit comes from a tap and at no point even touches the thot

Wait this is just some weird name for bath gel or something right? This chick is not selling her actual bath water is she?

You haven’t gotten yours yet, user?


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i want to buy this just to reverse engineer the packaging and sell fake clones of it and undercut her pricing.

just like i've done with hot ones sauces and bad dragon cum lube for the last three years.

If you guys could actually get pussy this wouldn’t offend you lol

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>This bitch is a genius
I want you to think this through. Is this her doing or the doing of the dude taking all the photos?

She could be selling sewage water from
Flint, MI and idiots would still buy it.

this, it's always single weirdos with anime avatars that get triggered by these things

Does this even sell enough to make it worth it?
I would expect her to sell like one hundred total.

if ONE (1) person buys it, its a easy $30 profit and worth it

Imagine actually being upset at this. As an incel I think it's funny

>counterfeiting cheap water based lube
Who even buys their cumlube from anywhere but their store?

Jacking off is free and relieves the loneliness. Or you can spend $30 on ass water and drink it and contemplate suicide over what you just did.

Next stop, the air she's breathed and canned farts

>t. spends $30 on "gamer girl bath water" because the only way he can get off is humiliation, as there is no other realistic sexual scenario possible in his life

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It's actually a pretty low price considering the materials. According to her private Instagram each jar costs 3 dollars to make and since she lives in california the water costs about $20 per jar.

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>This chick is not selling her actual bath water is she?
Everything's all packaged and labeled nicely. Highly doubt whoever's masterminding this would be dumb enough to be selling water with actual human biohazard in it. It's likely straight from the kitchen sink.

been a while since i took econ and i've been up for two days straight but i think there's something about market or price elasticity where dropping the price will inversely increase sales. idr.

she makes ~$150k/mo from patreon cucks so i wouldn't be surprised if she sold 100 units of this within the first hour it was posted for sale.

Shes smart, Id do the same and would sellout even harder with Snapchat private and worn clothes. Id be fucking rich if Id be a hot grill. Guys are fucking dumb though

What is the point of this thread?

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if i could get pussy i wouldnt even be playing video games lol
and then people always wonder why single men are weird, even at fucking parties being single is apparently a sin as a dude

i literally don't get it, she's not even hot

Fair fucks to her. She's manipulating all the losers she can into giving her free money. She's literally charging for moldy tap water and yet it already sold out. Same people that buy this are the same losers that think twitch streamers are their friends / egirlfriends
Fuck em

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as expected

>mfw wasn't born a cute gril so can't do stupid vapid shit like this to make money

Kinda makes me feel better about myself to be frank.

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she knows how to sell her stuff

Oh, you poor naive newfag redditor.

t. Faggot

What would I even do with it if I bought it?

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i dont even like 2b but i think my dick is hardwired to like that 90's anime style

It's illegal, moron. That would be the equivalent of waving a flag in front of a bull.