Other urls found in this thread:
good job to gaming industry for saturating emerging "genre" in less than a month
>literal garbage
>Winning anything
can some company man the fuck up and make a dedicated custom game client with an editor
and no starcraft doesnt count
what the fuck is that music?
how long until this fad is over
Judging by the MOBA fad, roughly 5 years or so.
>no more Pay to Win
But LoL is tencent
>bandwagon cash grabs are now happening days within eachother
Please just let it all die.
It'll die way faster than mobas.
>lol autochess
>epic auto chess
>tencent auto chess
aren't these all basically tencent games on some level?
>July 2
>will be released later today (yesterday)
>isnt on app store
both LoL and Epic's "official" autochess Tencent, right? So are they making a third one to compete with themselves?
I'm enjoying the auto chess games, they remind me of the good old WC3 customs days. I've only played TFT but I'm waiting for another company to drop one that looks good. I just wish there was less of a PVP focus. I loved running the PVE gauntlet in Pokemon Showdown and then enjoying the occasional PVP round.
To overlap on profitable markets, neither outright challenging the other
>female characters aren't goblinas
Based chinks.
>Game concept is popular
The lack of originality in the gaming industry is amazing.
weird to see every western company ripping off what started as a chink game desu
ye they totally weren't shitting FPS every day when Doom came out
muricans living in the past
battle royale barely lasted 2 years
Lol is property of tencent though
why is the genre called auto chess?
its nothing like chess
find love
its not automatic either
Tencent owns riot games retard
>new idea gains a bit of traction
>soulless bug corps immediately shit out 3 mobile tier capitalismbux generators mocked up after the idea
>probably more in the pipeline
It looks like a shitty mobage. OP's image looks like those little fucking images they show you on Google Play when you're looking at an app's page.
Rank. Disgusting. Low effort trash.
only because it uses a board like chess, and thats really it
its not even a new idea its some decade old custom game mode
google translate from chinese, any game on a board in chinese = chess in english
the absolute state of pc gaming lmao
and you retarded faggots have the audacity to try and talk shit about consoles. go fuck yourselves
is final fantasy tactics a manual chess?
Well, I didn't know that, but let me guess? Some shitkid streamer played it so it got popular?
>no more pay to win
My sides
When is the inevitable porn game spinoff?
It seems to keep happening more and more often as time goes on, like accelerating.
While shame is dropping at a similar rate, it feels like. Like they just don't even try to separate themselves from the crowd anymore and more often go to dumb lengths like partially ripping the fucking game name.
Sad position.
Take your meds consolebro.
some chinks ported the wc3 mod to dota 2, and dota 2 is so stressful to casuals everyone started playing the mod, streamers too.
Cycle basically repeats itself, people couldn't handle wc3 1v1, they started playing dota
You blind boys realize all mobile games are generally copies of anything popular right
It's all like that and this isn't new
Does anyone know how tencent is monetizing these? Is there a buy in? Or shit to buy after the fact? I've played like 5 games of Underlords.
Sort of yeah. I always thought of it kinda like that. Positioning and grouping are things, though having free movement makes it a ton different.
Duty Calling: Current Conflict
Call of Crafting
Playmygame's BattleRoyale
>place a bunch of hot girls and monsters on a gird and watch the ensuing gang bang play out
10/10 GOTG
>tencent beats tencent
>auto battle
do people actually like games that play themselves?
Cute lad, i wanna rim that navel
BR is just an extension of the survival games which lasted for way longer. It's the same thing but with mechanics to actually end the match.
>drum up controversy and rivalry between two of your own games
This is some Lou Pearlman BSB vs Nsync tier shit.
assuming it follows the rest, it's buying skins (gambling) for the mascot thing standing at the side. valve are stupid and took that out of their game so i have no idea how they are monetizing theirs
I would unironically play it.
this is what game journos wish every game was like
>Tencent Owns Riot that puts out TFT
>Tencent Owns Epic who bought exclusivity rights to Auto Chess on PC
>Tencent Made its own autochess rival for mobile
Why do chinks inflate the market with crap copys?
As it should be
IDK Fortnite is still doing great
>Tencent game
>ching chong ping pong winnie pooh music starts playing
we got more autochess games in a month than doom got clones a year after release
tencent doesn't own all of epic, they made this so they could claim 100% of the profits
>fast paced
good job at completely missing the point kek
To be fair three of the 4 major auto chess games are from tencent or tencent owned studios.
because every single autochess release is recycled assets
watch as in less than a year there'll be more autochess copys than there are battleroyale games
Multiplayer FFTactics/Tactics Ogre would be a great way to kill off mobashit
Wait wtf
when did chess became a new game mode?
i don't think they're missing the point, multiplayer mobile games have to be fast in nature because of the risk of disconnections in subways and whatnot, don't know how well they tuned it for this though
>companies wants to make money
holy shit user, you might be on to something here
>10 minutes matches
I might try it
They were licensing Doom's own engine. The genre wasn't even FPS yet, they were just Doom Clones.
this is a carbon copy of drodo's mobile autochess. well, it looks a bit better, but it's astounding how much of a copycat this is.
I might try it, for whatever reason I really dislike LoL's version
Now pay me for watching your shitty ad
examples? the only copy of doom i know is Rage2
Wrong. It's a Dota 2 original map.
Can't wait for PUGB Auto Chess and Fortnite Auto Chess!
so just like any other industry?
Dota 2?
nope, dota2 isnt the original source of this
pokémon defense. jump around in the vid and you'll see it's same play loop. the dota 2 modders expanded upon this
Where is the Blizzard auto chess???????
>chess rush
How do they find such original names?
in 5 years
Still going strong. You want to talk brief, Hero Shooter lasted all of half a year.
they need to polish that turd user
Auto-chess is worse than walking simulators
Tried playing it, game is stuck checking for update. Im assuming the problem is that i didnt give it premission to access my audio and other files, so fuck it
But Tencent literally owns Rito, so...
you assume correctly. not worth a hassle.
it's ok, but the 'original' autochess mobile is the best one in my opinion. every other version is 'meh'