It's ONLY 20 dollars, Sony and Microsoft charge 60!

>It's ONLY 20 dollars, Sony and Microsoft charge 60!
>We should be THANKING Nintendo for making paid online as paid as it is!
Can someone explain this logic to me?

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Noone is saying that.

I can't but also they were pretty much forced to since it would have been hard to explain to investors why you didn't grab the free money as well

>>It's ONLY 20 dollars, Sony and Microsoft charge 60!
>>We should be THANKING Nintendo for making paid online as paid as it is!
>Can someone explain this logic to me?
I can't
I've always refused to pay for online because it's not worth it.
That being said, I know it won't change anything, Nintendo's literally getting free money, even if it's 100 bucks a year, that's profit

>paid online as paid as it is

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They're the same people who buy a console that's 2 or probably 3 gens behind in hardware just because of "muh portability", and they've also been buying the same Pokémon game for 30 years, what do you expect?

Consolecucks, that's really all there is to it.

Meant to say "as cheap as it is"

literally nobody has said this, quit making threads about your shitty strawman argument

It's literally pennies a day. Jesus Christ imagine being this poor. Pathetic. Well atleast fags like you won't clog up the Smash servers.

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20 years
Pokemon's not that old

I don't mind paying for online because i already saved literally thousands of dollars in pirated games.

It being released 23 years ago makes me feel old.

consolecucks deserve all the shit they can get, after the 7 gen if you continued with consoles you are just hopeless

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I will NEVER pay to use my own internet.

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>It's literally pennies a day
>giving away your money for to get past a post-release paywall for p2p connections
It's okay, user. Not everyone gets to be smart.

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This. The fundamental contradiction of Yea Forums's politics is that it's ostensibly pro free market, but everyone acts like if companies pursuing greater profits don't cater to their personal desires it's a moral outrage.

It's the lesser of the three evils. Still shit, though, especially when you look at Smash's netcode.

I am positive that every Switch owner is pissed about how shit the paid online is.

Nintendo just can't fucking get with the times. I had more reliable connections and speed with those fucking AOL discs people used as drink coasters in the early 2000s. Plus I didn't have to get my ass off the couch to hard reset the system constantly cause for some reason sleep mode breaks wifi and there is no option you can access without long pressing the systems power button to restart. Seriously! Why the fucking is power off and restart not an option you can access from a controller?!

Side note. Paid online on top of paying my fucking internet bill is why I haven't done any console gaming since the 360. Fuck that shit.

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It's $20, and at least you get a decent collection of NES games with it. You can also get a free year from Twitch Prime or by purchasing Mario Maker 2. Don't be such a poor nigger.

>at least you get games that are free everywhere else!

I got a year free. It's okay. Bitching about it does you no good because then you're cutting off online modes of any game that supports it for yourself

>$20 a year
>game mostly(fighting games are an exception, no idea why fighting games run like shit) plays great no lag
>$10-20(with giftcard deals) off each game you buy via voucher
I'd say its worth it for the $10 off for full price games.

sounds like you just have shitty internet, everything works fine for me

Congratz! You're almost as dumb as the OP! Haha

Paid online has taught me sheep psychology is real.

>well they're charging now I guess I just have to get it!

I'd argue that the good PR Nintendo had in the paid-online debate had its' value too. Now they don't have that.
Now I would advice against buying Splatoon 2 ($60, 3 years worth of online) because its' not worth paying for the online.
>at least you get a decent collection of NES games
Might as well just hack your switch and get all the NES games. What are they gonna do? Ban you from online you're not paying for and therefore not using?

They don't. They are either shitposters or actual soulless drones. You can't be the fanbase that prides itself on it's free online for YEARS and then turn it around with the "what, are you poor? ;)" spin. There is no self awareness.

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>works fine for me :)

Bitch I get 40mbps all the time. My wife's computer on wifi in the living room can easily support a constant 30mbps when downloading games from steam.

Fuck your fanboyism, cause no, your shit is not working that well. No Switch has good Internet connectivity.

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Hardware isn’t everything you’re a zoomer if you value video games purely on graphical spectacle go watch another cgi Disney movie goyim

I hate paying for online as anyone else, but I'm not gonna throw a tantrum or spend most of my time shitposting for 4 bucks

Or the fanbase that prides itself on the fact that "the Wii U actually has good games unlike the competition!" and then start mocking and berating people for buying a Wii U once the Switch starts getting its games.

>I'd argue that the good PR Nintendo had in the paid-online debate had its' value too. Now they don't have that.
Sure, and that argument may or may not be right, but it's not the argument that people make. They get angry that Nintendo is demanding they pay for a service that was previously free because they don't want to pay it.

so because i don't suffer from disconnects or lag, i'm a fanboy? you sound irrational and stupid

Well, let's see.
Switch is
>region free
>has games tied to account
>can share your digital library with friends
>can buy games from other region's shop and play them just fine with easy methods such as paypal
>get gold points to get discounts on anything on the Switch's eshop

As opposed to the free online on Wii U and 3DS which is
>region locked
>can't share your digital library with friends
>purchases are tied to hardware and not account
>can't purchase games from other regions
>only promos are using gold points only on select titles and not worth it most of the time

It's worth 20 a year alone just because it's no longer a fucking pile of anticonsumer shit.

Yup, you are either a fanboy or a lier Likely both. Literally the only person I have come across who isn't bitching about the Switch's shit connectivity.

So you're saying it should be three times more expensive because you're a seething Sonyfag? Can someone explain this logic to me?

TBQH it still is, the Switch is far from the worst offenders. To me:

Worst = Sony
Middle = Switch
Best but no gaems = MS

If you order stuff off of amazon, link your twitch account to get twitch prime and then do that offer for the free 1 year of Switch Online.

>BUT SONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNNOOOOOOY
Imagine having to react with this to legitimate criticism.

It's Sony's and Microsoft's fault for setting a bad example,
we can't exactly fight it, since the average consumer is already used to it, so atleast it's not that expensive, it could be worse.

the price is manageable, but the shortcomings of other services doesn't make nintendo's online better; it still really stinks

>ninteNEETs can't even afford $1.66 a month

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Imagine buying a system and games then cutting yourself off from a major part of some games in some self righteous crusade against the industry as a whole

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You're not, you're paying for Nintendo Online,
Oops that sucks, guess you're a dumbass. Better put that 20 dollars back in your hillbilly vacation jar, might need it so your garbage family can survive off red hots for a few more days
It's not giving anything away, you're paying for a service Nintendo provides. So you're about as stupid as the first poster, but even worse for being a weebnigger anime fagposter.

I hate this site, not one of you is worth a damn.

So, instead of buying your internet twice, why don't you just turn off your internet when you use your p2p online internet so you aren't paying for 2 at once? Makes sense right?

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It's not logic, it's the sunk cost fallacy. People spent money on online bing bings and now they feel obligated to have to justify why.

Seriously this, get a fucking job and education Yea Forums 20 dollars is nothing. It isn't Nintendo's fault you're pathetic.

>works for me

>It's not giving anything away, you're paying for a service Nintendo provides.
What service is Nintendo providing?


>tips my waiter $20 a day
>faggots here complaining about $20 a year
The fuck is wrong with you midwesterners?

>paid $12 on ebay to join someone's Nintendo family plan
Does this count as supporting Nintendo Switch online?

It's more like "it's not that big of a deal". You can only spend so much energy on being angry and this isn't worth it

Give me $1.66 a month

Nintendo only is shitty I rather play 60 a year for voice chat/non free games/and better discounts than 20 dollars for some roms, discounts on indie games and only play smash online

>"It's only $20, that's nothing!"
Outside of online play and things that have no equivalent (ie the NES online controllers, but those are a scam anyways since you can get an 8bitdo for cheaper), everything NSO provides can be gotten with a free xbox live account. $20 IS too much when the other guys are charging $0

What about a minimum(when there is no sales whatsoever which rarely happens) off $10 for digital games?

>you're paying for Nintendo Online
Which is just paying to use your own internet, it's all P2P, so it's not like you're paying to use Nintendo's servers or anything like that, because those don't actually exist.

> Paying for playing online on top of paying for your internet connection

Absolute slavery

Can someone explain what this retard means by this?

Is it really ? Or that’s how you break it down for the 20 dollars a year

>you're paying for a service Nintendo provides
A service that other platforms (every storefront on PC, Google Play, App Store) provides for free.

> tips my waiter $20 a day

Are you retarded

I live in Massachusetts and I would never pay ANY money to use the internet that I'm already paying for.
Imagine being this much of a fucking drone.

Yeah but the online play is the important part.

You mean the vouchers? The equivalent to that would be gamepass, which doesn't require paid online and is $1 a month vs $50 up front

im fucking sick of this shitty online paywall. theres no logic behind it, the only people defending this are nintendo shills or little kiddies who need to play their smash bros online. this service is the same as when it was free, and were really paying online for just 3 things.
backups, which are now cloud-only and were free on every console before this shit, done on purpose so people would buy this shit online
nes games, which are about as good as nes games, and you dont even get all of them
and the ability to just fucking play online. but its still the same shit online. its peer to peer, no fucking servers, and its the exact same as when it was free. paid online is a fucking scam at this point and theres nobody who can defend this piece of ass

Nintendo Online.
No understanding of economics, AND poor reading comprehension. Big shocker.
>I won't pay for NSO because it's a scam
I think I might just go to the casino and lose 300 bucks and have the time of my life while I
think about you poor degenerative losers that are so pitiful you can't justify paying 20 dollars for a years worth of service. Bet you losers will pay 15 a MONTH for World of Virgins though.
Kill yourselves. Serioulsly, you don't deserve games.

Nintendo provides no service they weren't before.

Ok, I still only pay $1 a month for my gamepass ultimate which includes online, so it's still $8 cheaper than Nintendo while being loads better

Console fags are stupid. Don't call this a problem, it's the future you supported. Not 1 company but all 3 of you.

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You're paying for the SERVICE Nintendo Online, you are literally paying for a service. I won't be responding to dipshit posts like this, your lack of ability to connect the dots is staggering. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves for not aborting you.


You have to pay the $20 at one time. If you save $1.66 each month you will be able to buy a $20 1-year subscription at the end of the year. Or you pay $20 up front and then save $1.66 each month to recoup your money and pay for the following year. Or you could just have literally any fucking job in the world and realize that $20 per year is basically a nonissue.

>you can't justify paying 20 dollars for a years worth of service
Guess what? I pay the $20 a year for Nintendo online. Just because I think it sucks doesn't mean I don't have the money or refuse to purchase it. To me as much as it sucks, it's still worth it for online, but that doesn't stop me from voicing my opinion on it

> Sending data p2p

Wait, it's only $20 for the whole year? Ok that isn't too bad then

Not gonna bother explaining economics to a degenerate mongoloid. Continue to not be able to afford the service so I don't have any more retard matches in Smash.

I can smell to soi from here

Imagine complaining about Nintendo online while simultaneously supporting it.

>You're not, you're paying for Nintendo Online,
You're not paying for a service, you're paying to get passed a paywall.
Nintendo online is p2p

then quit bitching, Nintendo doesn't care about your worthless opinion, they already have your money.

try it on your wife's son computer

abandoning thread. enjoy being cancer poorfags. Sure was fun enervating you wastes of space.

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You get what you pay for. Should go check the official Nintendo forums how much people complain about these "free" roms Nintendo give out, and how bad some are.

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'no think, just gib shekels'
Something along those lines. He's trying to convince you that $20 has no monetary value and you should therefore give it away

Like I said, I think the service sucks, but not enough to justify giving up online play. That doesn't mean I won't complain.
I'll say what I please about Nintendo's online thank you very much

I haven't ever paid for online on my switch, nor will I ever. Paying for the internet I already pay for is a fucking gross move.

That $20 also goes toward NES games being updated for online play on Switch. You might not care about it, but that's what the money is going to.

>release 3 NES ROMs a month
Just ROM dump all NES games you can get licensing for and then do the same with SNES and N64 you absolute brainlets how do unpaid hackers get this right and you don't? Jesus Christ.

Imagine being prideful about being a retard

A comprehensive virtual library sounds like a good incentive to get paid online.

Would you rather they offer Switch Online for free and then plaster advertisements all over the place like websites do?

Nintendo likes to pretend that the NES ROMs they let you RENT (not own, rent) are comparable to the free games you get to OWN with other services. So they trickle them out to try and make it appear similar to the other guys. It's not fooling anyone though

Nintendo at least use lube

Nintendo did bitch about how few people are signing onto it, getting more then fucking NES games would help.

It's retarded. I have the Nintendo Online, but I'm not going to renew it once my sub runs up. Nintendo has plenty of great games they could give us from different consoles and we get nothing but NES for this long? NES is 99 percent shovelware shit that isn't fun to play in a post SNES world. I'm sorry, I'm not big on "that game aged terribly!" arguments but the NES is largely a heap of archaic shit.

>Paid online is fine for consoles, only Xbox is doing it and they're dumb!
>Paid online is fine for consoles because PSN is really good and so is Xbox Live now and if you want no paid online just go with Nintendo!
>Paid online is fine for consoles because Nintendo isn't even charging that much!

How much further is it going to go, consolecucks?

PCfag with a Switch here: PC has 15 dollar a month MMOs to thank for this kind of thing just btw. We're all in this together, boys.

>That $20 also goes toward NES games being updated for online play on Switch. You might not care about it, but that's what the money is going to.
>Pay for online
>It goes towards shitty ports no one wants instead of better online people actually paid for

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What is this thread? Should it be more expensive or cheaper?

This is a thread made for mad people. No normal sane person would care what you do with your money.

I care that corporations are coercing me into paying for something that shouldn't need to be paid for.

Why are you defensive over anons being unhappy with a subpar(to them) product? Switch Online is subpar, user. It's well known.

It should have features worth the price. Dedicated servers, built in voice chat, more than just NES games you rent, cloud saves need to be supported regardless of game (who gives a fuck if people save scum), etc...

Either fix it or make it free


Paid online is bad
Nintendo online is just not even for servers most games are p2p.
Ps4 plus is more expensive with the games being hit or miss
Xbox gold gets good games but most people have game pass already.
Pc has no internet pay wall so it is automatically the best one.

PC does this shit, too, just on a game-by-game basis. Microtransactions, loot boxes, straight-up monthly subscriptions, etc. Back in the day, PC gamers would just host their own dedicated servers at home or pay to rent a server. Those servers you played on for free were being paid for by the players who owned them, and any other free online was P2P. This shit isn't free, you're just spoiled and entitled.

fucking this, outside f2p games the biggest most popular games are subscription based already, then they charge you for the expansion even though you are already paying over 100 dollars a year on the game.

I don't pay Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo to use the internet I'm already paying for on shitty consoles.

>Pc has no internet pay wall
The games with costly maintenance do, like MMORPGs.

You are a consumer, not a producer. You don't have to buy their shit if you don't like it. It's their choice to mitigate their service whether you like it or not.

How am I being defense for saying normal people don't care what you do with your money? Are you my mother or something.

That is a separate thing.
Paying for a game and for the ability to use wifi is different things

>own PC, Switch and PS4
>don't pay for online

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some have sub requirements, okay, but compare that to consoles where you need to pay for online to even use it for MOST online multiplayer in the first place.
Having to pay 15 bucks for a sub to an MMO is different from needing to pay just to play shit like Splatoon or smash online.
Also MMO's aren't all that popular of a genre anymore, and most of the time suck massive cock as a game.

If this is what they need to do to keep investors happy I'd rather have it than microtransactions being pushed in 1st party nintendo games.

I do think it is stupid, they were providing this service for months for free as a "preview" until right before smash came out. I paid for it with gold coins and will probably be able to do so most years of the system's life, so I can tolerate it. If they threw in full NES and SNES libraries it would actually be a great service, as it stands now it is just a necessary evil of getting to sit in my apartment and play casual smash matches.

you can get a year for free if you have an edu email

>What is Animal Crossing: amiibo festival
They learned they made no money from animal crossing fans by doing that.. I have nothing else to add I just wanted to remind everyone that "game" exists.

You're not paying for the ability to use wifi, you can access the eshop and news feeds on the Switch without paying for Online. You're paying for cloud save backups, NES roms, and the use of certain online features within games. You have a bad concept of how shit works, man.

At least Sony and M$ offer some games with the service. What does N offers? LITERALLY, SOME 20yo games.

Out of the 3, I still emulate those 20 year old games. Platformers are my crack user.

Precisely, Nintendo's only reason to kill the rom sites is so they can slowly trickle out a few of the shittiest roms for the paid subscription all the while saving the good ones for some packs they'll put on their eshop. All in all while Sony or M$ give you some modern games, Nintendo just tries to screw you over on every opportunity.

would you guys prefer a more expensive service with 'free' games like ps+?

I can still find roms tho. I wasn't born in the year 2000, I know how to find them.

Back when only MS required people to pay for online, the cost of servers wasn't as apparent. What should have happened, is MS has it's online service go free to compete with snoy and nintendo. Instead, the exact opposite happens. Another reason why the games industry is also the most retarded industry.

I haven't played a console game online since the PS3 dies.
Everyone that supports the blatantly worthless "service" of PSN or Xbox live, which is in actuality a very simple hostage situation, is killing videogames.
Before paid online profit motive is tied exclusively to hardware and software sales. They have to make you games to make money.
After paid online? Profit motive shifts away from software to baiting you _just enough_ to keep your subscription current.

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It's not what you can do, it's what the company is trying to do.

Protect their assets?

I would rather pay $60 for working fucking servers, than $20 for "Technically you're online"

No, remove something you already had access to, so they can try to shove a shitty service down your throat while every other company actually puts on effort into their service.

>Purchased one year's worth of Switch Online back when they rolled out in September.

>Sent in my Switch for repairs two months ago. It was shipped back with a notice that Nintendo extended my Switch Online subscription for two extra weeks for free to compensate for lost time.

>Received an extra year of Switch Online for buying the specially-marked copy of Super Mario Maker 2.

>Found out that Nintendo runs a promotion with Twitch where Twitch Prime members get a free year of Switch Online, with three months granted to you off the bat and the remaining nine months given to you later on.

>Seeing as I already have Amazon Prime which grants me automatic access to the service, I claim it.

>My service doesn't expire until 12/20/2020 and I've only spent roughly $30 directly into my subscription so far, with the rest of the months coming in from offers and promos.

This is literally the most consumer-friendly online service out there.

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Isn't the because the other companies are already getting paid 20 dollars monthly? And have been getting paid that way for over a decade now, while Nintendo has little server presence since their online release. And again isn't this service still optional?

No, the service itself isn't optional, if you buy a game like splatoon or SMM2 you are basically required to buy the subscription. HOWEVER unlike other companies, nintendo doesn't offer servers, doesn't offer free games that are actually worth your money, doesn't offer ANYTHING worthwhile. At least with sony and M$ on top of the free games one can argue that you're paying for the servers, with nintendo it's literally "pay to use your own internet".

>Isn't the because the other companies are already getting paid 20 dollars monthly?
And Nintendo is only charging $20 YEARLY.

The only reason xbox live was paid in the first place was to compensate for the high manufacturing cost of xboxes, which had complex hardware that ran circles around PS2 and GCN

I can still 1up that on xbox
>take up the $1 a month gamepass ultimate deal
>pay $24 dollars
>get 2 years of live, gamepass console and gamepass pc
>expires in october 2021
>better services than nintendo online

Except there was a reason back when MMOs still had sub fees since that was the ONLY way they made money to maintain their services.
In 2019, there is no excuse for a sub fee, especially for a platform holder like Sony or Nintendo, and ESPECIALLY not for Microsoft.

I'm pretty sure having to pay at all to be online is paying for your internet. It's a stupid practice and you shouldn't be outing only Nintendo for it.

That's why I said other user.

>outing only Nintendo for it.
Not that user but Nintendo hopped on that bandwagon most recently (not even a year yet) and they offer the worst service
Poor service for free is okay, poor service for money is not okay.

>I'm pretty sure having to pay at all to be online is paying for your internet
Nope, if the game has online servers that's what you're paying for.

>making paid online as paid as it is

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What kills me is that I wanted to play games like Dark Souls Remastered with local multiplayer, and it's online only. I really wanted to recreate that Monster Hunter cottage co-op love but I can't.

>hardware and graphics are all that matter
Go back to yearly CoD entry with literally no difference from last year number 15, kiddo.

You are still paying to be online user. It doesn't matter if the quality improves or not. You are part of the problem if you opt in for that service. I bet you two weren't even there when paying for your internet first became a thing.

You can buy XBL for cheap and right now if you play your cards right, you get like 3 of XBL and gamepass for like 120$

>You are still paying to be online user
>You are part of the problem if you opt in for that service
Nope, they are not the same service, that's the core of the problem.
> I bet you two weren't even there when paying for your internet first became a thing.
Stop projecting.

It's literally the same service user, how the hell isn't it?

>You are still paying to be online user.
The hell are you talking about, ESL?
Paying for your internet service is not the same as paying for Nintendo Online. Only a fool for pay for the latter.

Ik sorry everybody in Yea Forums is poor.

this guy is

>equating gambling to someone charging you to access your own internet
How about not paying for nothing so companies that charge money for nothing can actually start putting out shit i want to pay for, instead of asking me to pay for shit I dont want

Sony and M$ offer you a fuckload of free games, some of which were released less than 5 years ago. Nintendo offers you SOME shitty roms from 20 years ago which you could download for free before the stroke down the sites.
Sony and M$ give you official servers, meaning better connection. Nintendo offers you fuckall.
Sony and M$ offers cloud saves. Nintendo offers it for SOME games.
It's shitty all around.

just dont pay it
bring NINTENDO to their knees all of you switch owner who clearly own a switch and not some other console!
GAMERS RISE UP!!!11!!!1111!!!85535856

So your problem isn't that you are paying to use your own internet. Your problem is that you aren't bribed big enough to pay to use your own internet. Is that right?

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Considering that Twitch gave me a year for free, I'll complain about it next year.

Go look at any Resetera thread and the amount of people sucking Nintendo cock is too much. Why the fuck do developers listen to those pedos

>So your problem isn't that you are paying to use your own internet
You mean paying for STABLE SERVERS? You know something which ISN'T "my connection".

>Your problem is that you aren't bribed big enough to pay to use your own internet. Is that right?
>Sony and M$ give you official servers, meaning better connection. Nintendo offers you fuckall.

Jeez, user, it must suck to both blind AND dumb.

The logic is that you have no right to complain about paying for your own internet if you also defend Sony and Microsoft for not only charging extremely higher costs but also starting this garbage in the first place. If youre a PCfag the argument obviously doesn't apply to you but most of these retards whining about this are console war autists

Alright have fun in your own thread then.

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Ok, let's write a thing or two.

1. I am a Switch owner, and I don't like the fact I have to pay for online.

2. We knew long ago that Nintendo will start charging 20 eurodollars for this service. Back then, people didn't complain, probably because they thought they'll Mario games for free. I mean, for 20 dollars/euros.

3. If you want to recruit people for your personal army who will fight Jewish Nintendo by refusing to give them 20 euros/dollars a year (or less, if you share it with family) abd forcing them to change their policy, you are doing it in the wrong place. You shout try at Resetera.

>inb4 cucked Nincel
>inb4 hack your Switch retard
Just sell your Switch OP, and be done with it.

I don't understand why you would defend paying extra for something that was free before? "Oh hey finally I can pay more!" What?

>You shout try at Resetera.
Resetera has constantly okayed this shit and anyone with a Nintendo avatar will try to make you banned.
>Without this, we wouldn't have gotten Tetris 99!
Absolute bootlickers to the point of disgust

Removing the region lock didn't cost Nintendo anything, and the fact that you think region-free games are a service worth paying for marks you as an utter retard. The region lock should not have existed in the first place.

If it doesn't have the Nintendo games it's a false equivalency

Not that user, but it is pretty obvious why is there a region lock. Because you could buy games from different region and pay less, and publishers don't like that.
I am changing the subject now, but can someone explain why are some PSP and VITA games blocked on PS TV?

Yeah ideally not paying for online services on a console is better but it costs absolutely nothing. I wipe my ass with 20 bucks. I bet half the people complaining itt are underage or min wage cucks.

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You mean the NES games? Because you get backwards compatible games with it too, which is the equivalent to those

Paid online is not worth any amount. It could cost my semen and I still wouldn't pay for it because it's not worth it. I just bought a new CPU with the money I could've spent on a Switch + online instead and it was worth it.

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Woah big boy bought himself a cheap CPU

It was an upgrade so it worked out.

Just like you're not paying cardboard, you're paying for NINTENDO cardboard!

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>Sell a console at a loss
>Make up the money through peripherals and online subscriptions

Every console does this, if they didn't they would just make the console more expensive and you would still complain. The way it is now is the lesser evil.

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Surely, the production costs must have been reduced in the refined models. In any case, people should have fought to not need to pay for online in the current gen.

Only $20 for literal shit, but you can't tell Nintendo fanboys anything. Every time I bring up it's not about the money, it's about supporting them making garbage they tell me if enough people pay for it maybe it will encourage them to make it better. I'm still paying for it anyway for Mario Maker but I don't like it one bit

>haha too poor to eat shit?
>it's only pennies a day for shit so just deal with it
every time

no, he isn't

No, I mean online for games like smash, Splatoon 2, Mario kart, Mario maker 2, and so on.

What the hell, you're in the same boat as the rest of us. No one wants to pay it but the only reason to pretend you're going to let $20 stop you from playing something you'd otherwise want to play is to be contrarian on Yea Forums

>it's about not supporting them
Suck a dick dude if I want to play Mario Kart online casually $20 is literally nothing even if obviously paying $0 would be better. I'm not going to avoid it to make a statement because some autists sperg about having to spend their allowance.

>consolefags compare paying for online on their shit boxes to MMO's
Not all MMO's even have subs, some go the f2p route and some go b2p. Subs for MMO's are shitty in their own way, but at the fucking least they actually do MORE then shit like Nintendo's online "service."
MMO's with subs at least dump some of that cash into keeping the servers running and making new content, Nintendo's online is just you paying just to play their fucking games online with shitty P2P, not even dedicated servers.
For me its not a matter of price thats the question, my question is, is it even worth anything? I don't think P2P online is worth even 1 penny, let alone 20 dollars.

That's a limited time deal and goes up to $14 next month, kiddo

Unless you had preexisting Live subscription which just gets gamepass added on for a buck/mo for the rest of it which is pretty based i gotta say

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>>Sell a console at a loss
>>Make up the money through peripherals and online subscriptions
So instead of charging $300, they should have charged $320? What's the break-even point?
And you know some people won't buy the online, so they should have sold it for how much to keep online free?
Putting that aside, when has Nintendo ever sold a console at a loss?
The fucking WiiU was profitable because they don't sell at a loss

>I'm not going to avoid it to make a statement
Where does this strawman keep coming from? Not a single person said this, but it's like scripted damage control to justify being a corporate lap dog these days. Just admit you can't defend it and move on to the next thread.

There is no logic to paid online, it's pure greed.
In Nintendo's case it's essentially a paywall where you get nothing in return, except ROMs of games you've already played, and the worst chat system in all of gaming.

I’m good thanks.

What are you getting at here?
Xbox live and NSO are both online services. No shit you can't play Switch exclusive games on Xbox live. Works the other way around too.

It's not worth defending you come off as a petty poor faggot bitching about it. It's $20 holy shit are you serious?

You get access to their online service in return for the low low cost of $20 a year further subsidized by any game purchases you've made :). I already have enough coins accrued for next year and I'm not even half way through my current subscription yet XD

which YouTube video did you copypaste that comment from?

>Can't afford $20 a year for something he wants
>Can afford to spend all day whining about it

huh okay

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>trying this hard to hide how fat his hands are

If they really insist on having online be paid it's nice that it's cheaper than the competitions' equivalent services, what's not to get? Hell, I'm getting a year of it free from Amazon Prime.

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prove me wrong lol

>thinking any console brand sells anything at a loss
it's a literal PR stunt and you consolefags keep eating it up.

I remember hearing the break-even point for a full Switch unit's production (incl. joycons and dock?) is about $250 so that's some $50 profit, it's not that much lower to produce than it is to sell it. Nintendo's probably only sold at a loss with the Wii U.

I don't know what Nintendo's break point is, i'm sure only they know but I can guarantee you it costs more to make a Switch or any other console than what they sell it for. Look up what "loss leaders" are if you're interested.

>Some people don't buy online

True, but some people do and some buy the pro controller or the lan adapter. It all serves to make up the money lost on the initial sale of a Switch.

>people ITT actually justify paying to access servers

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You need to go back and stay back

but that's only good profit if the system sells well...

No, fuck off, there's already a thread up about this.

>It's $20 holy shit are you serious?
You're right, 20 bucks isn't a lot of money
However, Nintendo online is not worth $20
Would you be happy buying a bar of soap for 20 bucks? It's just $20

I don't get it, if Nintendo isn't going to improve the internet or provide servers, then what are we paying for?
I mean, I'm still gonna pay because I am not THAT bothered by it. But I really don't understand what I'm paying for, there's like 6 games that it's necessary for, but that's just for my taste. I'm sure most people only care for 2-4 of the online games.

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No one is trying to justify it but you look pathetic complaining about spending $20 on something that's not going to change. Sure, just don't pay for it but it's just sad watching grown men complain about $20.

>Nintendo online is not worth $20
If you honestly think this, you would be so, so much happier getting out of video games as a hobby

>Xbox introduces paid online
>the world says "yes, I will pay for this"
>Playstation takes this as an invitation to make their online paid
>the world says yes to this as well

This is the future we chose.

Attached: oh heck.jpg (196x196, 11K)

I spend more than $20 on high end organic soap. I don't even bat an eye spending that much because it's chump change.

I pay 0 so get fucked

and it's worth it for Splatoon2 alone :)

>you would be so, so much happier getting out of video games as a hobby
Justify your statement, don't just say dumb shit.

I only paid $10 because Mario Maker. I'm not saying I'm happy about having to pay for online in the first place though. The online is still shit and they really need to take into account the rest of the god damn world and not just Japan when making online infrastructure.

Not him but you first.

you're the one saying that $20/year is expensive

You really are a brainlet

Meh, consolefags deserve to suffer so whatever, let them suffer.

It's more pathetic seeing grown men defending corporations fucking them in the ass because they have an attachment to the brand name.

So they can't be compared in the sense where you say XBL is better because it can't be a replacement

>this product is not worth its price = saying the price is expensive

I said Nintendo's done nothing to make 20$/year worth it.
I said the value of Nintendo Online is below $20 a year.

>Can someone explain this logic to me?
Idiots who don't know how P2P works and want to justify the money they spent.

>let me double double down on the strawman

They hit a goldmine with Splatoon, except that goldmine brings no money as people playijg it usually buy Switch for just one game. So, investors started pressuring them to add lootboxes and microtransactions, but Nintendo found a less disgusting way to monetize the splat craze.

Splatoon2 online is worth it :)

>defending paid online

Attached: DEFENDING PAID ONLINE.jpg (2061x1806, 1.49M)

>what are we paying for

You shouldn't have to pay for that, don't be retarded

The online is pretty barebones but there's a lot of fun games that are mostly online like Mario Maker 2 and Splatoon 2. I'd say Smash but I got so tired from only fighting swordfags and shit after I got into elite as Bowser that I haven't played the online for months, still play offline though.

I got the year free through amazon/twitch prime, otherwise I'd be pissed. Have any of you guys tried out SMM2's versus mode? It's nearly unplayable

Not even him but he didn't say its expensive, he said Nintendo's online isn't even worth 20 dollars, which is objectively a true statement given the fact that their games are P2P online, which is so fucking basic, simple, and costs pretty much nothing to run. Oh, its also shitty in general.

user, c'mon, we'll get no where if you're just here to make silly little jokes.
'they locked p2p multiplayer behind this $20 match-making service tip' isn't an arguement

P2P is only a small part of it. There is a lot of other network infrastructure in place. I don't like paying for it either, but don't pretend that there isn't a bunch of server-hosted shit also going on outside of or in support of the P2P structure.

that's not what objective means, sweaty.

If you think spending $20 is that severe you really are pathetic.

Although not prompted, here's a reminder.

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They still need to maintain the matchmaking service, brainlet. Putting my post in quotation marks isn't an argument.

p2p is not worth 20 dollars, that in of itself is an objective fact, sweaty.

>We should be THANKING Nintendo for making paid online as paid as it is!
Who the fuck said that?
The closest to that are people saying it's bad but not the worst.

>P2P is only a small part of it. There is a lot of other network infrastructure in place.
Are you retarded?
Do you even know what P2P means?

>can't even use the term on something applicable
You're the brainlet here

>Go look at any Resetera thread and the amount of people sucking Nintendo cock is too much
Don't they hate Nintendo? I mean, neogaf and they're an offshoot.

No, you're paying to get rid of an arbitrary paywall to host connections on your own console or other player's consoles. It's only a "service" in name. And no, some shitty NES roms don't make it worthwhile and are sure as hell not the reason people pay for it.

We could try to explain it OP, but we can't make you listen

Genuinely the NES games.
Seriously, it gives you the chance to be playing these games without having to spend 5 dollars on "tennis" or "volleyball" or some shit, I like that.
>muh emulation
Yeah, sure, but getting access to all the available NES games for just 20 bucks is better than Virtual Console for sure, especially if they finally expand to the SNES, they don't have any good NES titles to add anymore, time for an upgrade.
>muh xbox gives me better games
Debatable, it gives you specific games for free for a month, then it goes to the next line up of games. Definetly good, but defintely different.

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no, it isn't :)

There still needs to be a service in place to connect those consoles etc.

Switch is a kiddy tablet, it probably has trouble emulating anything more complicated than the NES, lol!

And those don't cost much of anything to maintain.

and $20/year isn't much of anything :)

Just like $20 isn't much of anything

>Yeah, sure, but getting access to all the available NES games for just 20 bucks is better than Virtual Console for sure,
I can get behind that. I mean with VC four NES games already runs 20 or near to it and I'm pretty sure the SNES ones were something like 7 each so if you're just just in it for them then it already pays for itself.

And yet that's still more than is needed for said service. It's worth $5 at most

To you, sure. But to nintendo they sure as hell are making way, WAY more bank than what they need.


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>tfw I said a variation of 1 - it sucks, but it's not as expensive as Xbox or Snoy

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In your subjective opinion

Remember the Special Offer?

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That's pretty much what everyone says but in the eyes of a brand warrior anything that isn't unbridled hatred for Nintendo is sucking their dick.

It is faggot. Of course, you enjoy shoveling feces in your mouth, so you'll convince yourself that feces are worth paying for even when it's worth nothing at all.

>When the other guys are charging $0
Nintendo isn't trying to compete with PC because they literally don't care. They only market to people who buy consoles and their *actual competitors* are charging $60, so they are the cheaper option.

How far are we from Pirated Games being able to play Online?

It's P2P shit, so...we're already there.



If you can't even do the research and want to delude yourself into thinking nintendo are doing things in your best interest, you're willfully being taken advantage of.

If we're already there, why are people getting banned user?

>Complaining about $20 A YEAR
What are you, a third worlder?
Because that's the point of these costs. Keep away undesirables who can barely afford the console, so they don't ruin the servers with their 150 ms ping. Just like one of those membership clubs, the point of charging for an upfront fee screams NO NIGGERS, SPICS, KIKES OR CHINKS.
I might even say $20 is too little and some might slip through. I wish they raised it a little.

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YOU should be the boss of Nintendo!

I bought a $50 eshop for $40 dollars and used that when buying the MM2+online bundle, so I basically got a year of online for free. Also if you buy digital games you could always use the gold points from them to cover the cost of online. Theres also the voucher deal that online members get, which also saves 20$ total from the next two $60 dollar games (can use discounted eshop cards for voucher to save even more) negating the cost of the sub.
There's multiple ways to avoid paying the $20 dollar sub fee, but some people still refuse to get it and complain when they cant access Mario Maker, Splatoon, Smash, etc.

Go back to trannyera

LAN play online works for games with LAN (and some others). Other than that, you can only go online with legit games. Kinda sad that this would only hurt singleplayer games for people that still want to play online more than they hate that they're gating p2p.

This. I wish it was $100 per month to really drive out any subhumans out.

Nice pixels retards.

Don't ask question, just consume product.

*doesn't understand Inherent Vice*

lol get out of here with that tryhard plebshit wow Starwars is for manchildren, great insight

Holy fucking shit I had no idea anyone was charging $60 for online, are people retarded lmao

Jesus, you're literally a fucking moron.
You can literally do P2P costs next to fucking nothing. You can quite literally do P2P networking free.

It perfectly describes you.

Being 100% would only drive subhumans in, you think third worlders can't just afford 100 a year? It's not like they ever buy new games, they either keep playing the same shit over and over or they rob a store and get them that way. Fucking retarded faggots.

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I'm terribly sorry you cannot zoom in.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

sure it does just like how you mindlessly consume memes without looking at any greater context to satisfy your programming

Hell of a lot better than being a corporate drone.

yeah and $20/year is next to fucking nothing, what's the problem? That's not what literally means btw.

I don't hate it because it's $20

I hate it because it's literally the same shitty service as ever, but now they're charging for it

>the same shitty service as ever
Actually it's worse than the Wii U's online.

Literally no one said we should be thanking them.

I understand being upset, but don't be retarded as well.

>No dedicated servers
>Have to plug in some mobile shit for voice chat (may as well just use discord or anything else)
>cloud gaming free on other platform
>literally no difference between the free version that people could play before
they are making people pay for NOTHING

If you actually gave a shit about "muh graphics" you'd be on PC faggot. As a member of the master race nintendo are genuinely the only consoles I find appealing.

>it's the ''what are you, poor'' episode re-run

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>If you actually gave a shit about "muh graphics" you'd be on PC faggot

Attached: best-graphics-2018-red-dead-redemption-2.jpg (1067x573, 73K)

Again, if it's worth 0 dollars in the first place, it's not worth 20 dollars or even 10 dollars.

don't forget that they also need to host 16'000'000 bytes of data on their for leaderboards

Okay but uhh... where the games user?

I can't believe they still don't have free SNES games up. Like holy fuck you're charging people money for this shit service and you can't upload a fucking rom?

>he thinks this somehow is the game with the best graphics
Your braindead consolefag is showing.

I think very few people have argued that Nintendo charging for online is a good thing.

At most people have argued that you can't mock Nintendo for doing it if you own a ps4 or xbone since they've charged for online for much longer and charge a larger sum of money too.