
Attached: file.png (1330x1432, 839K)

Does anyone besides shills and verlisify actually like sword and shield?

nintendo doesn't have shills, they do it for free

I think you're making people up that don't exist so you can make your shitty wojak image and post it on reddit

is top right that one pokemon game? what happened to it

Attached: Pokemon SDK.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

nothing. they cant release anything about it because you know what happens to nintendo fangames that get a surge in popularity during their development

does it have a name so I can check up on it from time to time?

t. totally not a nintendo lawyer

Me and my buddy are getting it. Looks fun

no it doesn't. those webms weren't even supposed to be posted on /vp/

welp back to lurking

>Pokemon Sword and Shield will have great competitive gameplay since the competitive scene has been absolutely fantastic since ORAS
Has it really?

competitive is baby modo now since a bulk of the dex is missing!
please thank us!

this and 99% of those screenshots you see are just gifs or concepts.

Attached: massacre.png (426x328, 186K)

If these guys are that creative and competent enough at developing a game, why not make a fangame for a different series which won't slap you in the face for daring to infringe their rights? Some other forgotten monster collecting series could use some love.

soulless thread.

Attached: 1552967571756.jpg (1920x1034, 321K)

This never happens.

Competitive Pokemon has always been a shitshow where every team has the same 6 Pokemon. Having less Pokemon to choose from won't change that.

I genuinely wonder what kind of person likes to spend time making these.

Attached: 1489851535614.gif (280x302, 3.75M)

Because the creators of those mods don't wanna make different games, they want a good Pokemon game.

it's a game built in the pokemon SDK engine and it is a fully fledged game in development i can assure you. they are just being smart about just releasing it all at once when it's ready so people can play it and redistribute it. it's already become one of /vp/'s favorite fangames and there's hardly any screenshots beyond what the leakerfag gives us. if this wound up on reddit you know damn well nintendo would get their yellow jewish hands on it in due time.

Attached: file.png (962x963, 418K)

Looks better than the last few gen's to me so far. The national dex missing is a bit of an overhyped fault, but PokeAutists wanting to protect the series is perfectly normal.

>actually gets rid of most of the trash pokemon designs

the thumbnail looked like wario land 4

>that Pokedex
Holy fucking soul

Someone who has an unhealthy obsession towards hating a certain group of people to the point of making several 'I AM SILLY' comics based on things that never happened because it makes them feel validated.

The Nintendo Hire This Man meme is specifically for assholes who make "Old Game in HD Unity Video" you absolute cunt
You can look at both of the unity videos and the new pokemon and say they look like shit
But that doesn't matter because you're gonna spam this shitty strawman of a comic and have gullible idiots believe your picture

Attached: st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u3.jpg (210x230, 15K)

Except they're in you retard

I didn't know, seems like they're smarter than the majority of those dumbfucks who promote their shit and ask for donos.
Now that you've posted this though we should nuke the thread.


They're both soulless.

Name one person who hasn't shitposted against the Pokemon N64 tree, OP.
Name one time where anything in your image has actually happened.

Attached: 5f8408d63642a510356d57a09e25789e.jpg (540x491, 21K)

Literally me.

Attached: pokemon.jpg (1378x1564, 318K)

Those people on the top are just there to shitstir, they don't care about Nintendo.

I though this one was just unfinished/not worked on yet

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