Is D.Va the only redeemable thing about Overwatch?

Is D.Va the only redeemable thing about Overwatch?

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>rock hard tits ignoring gravity.
fill a balloon with water and watch it get squished by gravity. thats how breast physics work

No, most of the girls are very pretty.

The hot chicks and Reinhardt are one of the really few redeemable things

But dva is definitely the prettiest my fellow pretty man

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>bleached thot

Widowmaker is also a good part

I get hard when I see her

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Isn't Crispin Freeman in the game? I don't play it but that would be a redeeming factor.

her inflation and weight gain art is pretty good

I want to be redeemed by Mercy.

>blacked nazi

This. Skintight bodysuits go great with a huge belly.

Why yes.

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Dva is kind of meh

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if she was blacked she wouldn't be a nazi and if she was a nazi she wouldn't be blacked you absolute retard

amost, she's one of the two redeemable things

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I need her to heal my broken heart.

I love this cunt

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Zenyatta being named after the greatest album of the 80's is a positive.


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Yup, same reason Widowmaker is great.

Blacked D.Va maybe

>implying she doesn't have a love-hate relationship.

I love how Overwatch threads are basically blacked and bleached shit now

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SFM futa in general is the only redeemable thing about Overwatch


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is there anything more cringe than "BLEACHED"?

And Mercy.

Its just people really insecure about themselves.

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Blame the fucking faggot mods for allowing blacked shit from /pol/ flood over to other boards

Yes. is best girl and the only thing I miss about Oversnatch. The other women, including Mercy, were all fucking ugly.

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people that always reply with the same shit whenever I post. I really love it

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>ITT Pedos

>and Reinhardt
Based and crusaderpilled

i love's legs!

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I hate /pol/ shit as much as anyone, but taking the time to create and repost "BLEACHED" shit in reaction to BLACKED just screams of insecurity.

What is bleached, is it like the opposite of blacked?

Not really

the 13th amendment

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I want to trace a line from her child birthing hips to her armpits with my tongue

>like the opposite of blacked
kinda, but not exactly

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Oh fuck off libshit, everything whites do is considered "insecurity" by you faggots


Both bleached and blacked are super cringe inducing.

Both are shit.

While blacked is black men fucking white/asian women with racial play and nice contrast of colors, bleached is just white people having sex.

As a Việt I found it hilarious that niggers and cucks cried about edit made by a bunch lonely white virgins.

literally superior in every single way

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>Can't even have a normal fucking ow lewds thread

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>Hating /pol/ = libtard

Someone seems to be upset.

The vore art too.

>no bleached tattoo

Shit art.


I'm not even white, I'm going to start editing real soon too, because I like the fetish.
Seriously, blackedfags are just insecure and love some smear campaign

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>bleached is just white people having sex

can't you fags just masturbate like normal people?

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>he didn't post Afrobull
you had one job faggot

I do, i ignore blacked and bleached bullshit and look at normal porn of my wife widowmaker.

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Good, have some wifey

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Of her getting blacked by Doomfist?

well she is wearing a skin-tight suit.

Thanks friend.

cute feet

do you get off by knowing you are making a bunch of virgins in the internet horny?
just curious

Can't fap to overwatch girls anymore unless they are blacked. Feels just wrong.

half this site is porn dumps i really don't know what the issue is

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>watermarks everywhere
what the fuck is with him

I'm paying it forward, wouldn't have 44 gb of porn images if it weren't for kind anons before me who arguably had the harder job of manually selecting images and dumping them decades ago without the help of extensions

Peer to peer porn > boorus that some dipshit can forget to pay the hosting for

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property of warlord akande

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God i love pharah

Oh ignore that shit, yes I want to exchange bodily fluids and squirt and rub things together with

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why dont you fags just go to /gif/ , theres always an overwatch porn thread up on there. then we can have one less faggot bait thread on Yea Forums every 8 hours

>Hating /pol/ = libtard
Yeah that's right. You're not a centrist.

I think a lot of the girls are really cute/hot to be fair, it's the only reason I keep playing it

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>generic waifu bullshit
No. This shit game only has one redeeming quality and it's Zenyatta

Why's so perfect bros

Yes. And when she keeps her mouth shit.

Hana only knows how to zergling rush, doesn't know how to play properly.

because that's what it really is, the blacked meme was made by asian incels anyway

No, she's the definition of basic bitch and I have no idea what the appeal is of her.

DVa is for cumbrains.

>that one virgin who feels like he needs to be the one to explain how tits work

>blacked meme was made by asian incels
proofs? I'm pretty sure the people that spam this are white cucks, some blacks and some turks and pajeets

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How have you somehow found a way to blame /pol/ for blacked threads?

jesus christ eat some food you fuckin stick

The whole thing is just so cringey. It was a reaction to the blacked threads on /h/. I mean yeah, you're weird if you're getting off to anime girls getting blacked but that's just normal fetishism. But for bleached, they're doing it out of some kind of strange insecurity that there are drawings of fictional women having sex with black men but not vice versa.

It's mostly white cucks that originated from /trash/

I go there all the fucking time dude, it's all part of the shills and other faggots shitting up /pol/

>some shitposter trolled a neo nazi board to they started a genre of porn to prove him wrong or something?

>that's just normal fetishism
Nice meme.

This. BLACKED posters are pathetic cucks and BLEACHED posters are over compensating cucks.

>But for bleached, they're doing it out of some kind of strange insecurity that there are drawings of fictional women having sex with black men but not vice versa.
nah, maybe it kinda started like this, but not anymore

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> you're weird if you're getting off to anime girls getting blacked but that's just normal fetishism
> but that's just normal fetishism
> normal

wanna know how i know you are from the tribe ?

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>neo nazi board

black niggers

Mouth watering.

I want Zarya to destroy my pelvis


smart and cute.

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>bought her figure from blizzard for full price back when I loved overwatch and played it everyday
>stopped playing
>figure taking up too much desk space
>felt like a massive loser for having a figure
>let alone one so massive
>sold for double what I paid (1,000 freedom bucks)
thanks and thanks ebay

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dva is just shinji on HRT


Now that's pretty fucking based

mei is suppposed to be overweight to appease social justice warriors as agent76 and tracer are both gay

>not getting thinner so, you can get some sweet, sweet BWC love juicy
Mei is smart, she knows how to attract white males

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>Ugh! A-user help I'm stuck!

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Wait a minute, I saw some big black guy, I'll go get him.