I resubbed early for classic yesterday. I haven't played retail since WotLK...

I resubbed early for classic yesterday. I haven't played retail since WotLK, so I decided to check out my old characters (who had to be named again because they were inactive). I've gotta say, retail is an absolute shitheap. No fucking talents anymore, half my abilities are gone, apparently there's a fucking mount/pet window now and all mounts and pets are shared on all characters. I've also noticed almost all the characters I can see are from different servers... on my own server's overworld. What the fuck is this? IT'S A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME. To add insult to injury, all my characters bounce up and down when running, which is annoying as fuck.

Anyone who claims classic is going to be shit compared to retail is a casual faggot. I literally played vanilla and BC servers earlier this year so this isn't nostalgia talking.

Attached: wow-classic.jpg (1024x512, 93K)

WoW was a dumbed down streamlined version of EQ to milk braindead casuals. You toddlers need to leave and take the CoD and Halo shitters with you.

Fuck off, I played Lineage II before WoW and I still think classic WoW is good.

Wow, you played autistic korean grindan shit where you get punished for PKing. Sasuga casual.

>you get punished for PKing
I don't remember this at all. It was a free for all when I was trying to grind for animal bones. Chinese farmers set up heavy armed dwarf guards to keep us out.

Imagine paying to be a grindpig in a game with shit combat and being so lax in self-awareness you start complaining about other paid grindpig simulators.

Zoomers like you wouldn't understand.

Paying to be a grindpig? I understand your a caveman that can't control your primate urges. Besides, I'm probably older than you.

It's called working to achieve something in the game as opposed to instant gratification you get today. And no, you're definitely not older than me.

>Game achievements.
Fuck off loser. How old are you grindpig gramps? No point in lying.

>Game achievements.
I'm talking about achieving things, not unlocking "achievements" you fucking retarded zoomer.

>beta ends July 12
>release August 27
So just to confirm, Blizzard thinks Classic is 100% tested and the only reason the release was delayed is because the retail team would be butthurt if people didn't play 8.2


>To add insult to injury, all my characters bounce up and down when running, which is annoying as fuck.
You should have seen the first female night elf draft. It was kindergarten adventures sugar overdose jump for your life edition.

That the first thing that comes to your mind? Have you ever been a part of a community in a game?

You're talking about gay shit like mounts and WOW BEATING MOLTEN CORE. You faggots didn't even see inside original naxx.

EQ was a flawed and messy game with good ideas and terrible execution.

Pride month is over, can you fuck off?

EQ was also a dogshit carebear game, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

Dialate you fucking fat grindpig tranny.

>y-you too

I almost feel bad for you.

>working to achieve a thing
>then an expansion is released and all your """"achievements"""" are invalidated
what an amazing feeling, please do take my $15/m blizzard!

Niggers like OP have existed since Classic claiming that WoW is dead/shit

>>then an expansion is released
Good thing the classic servers are classic only, then.

What the hell is this thing on his mouth even suppose to be? Also why did they give female UD better face options when most players are Male?

Attached: nathanos 2.jpg (345x403, 26K)

I feel genuine pity for any "person" paying to be a grindpig and saying they're "working to achieve something."

Whatever you say, Lil Zoom Zoom.

>he thinks "classic only" servers won't be shut down due to lack of players in 2 months

Attached: 537198516546546854.png (300x265, 20K)

Dude, remember when buying a mount was huge, it was super expensive, hell half the time you wouldn't even get one right away, you'd be like 10 levels over and finally afford the mount, and it was slow as shit. But damn did it feel good

Whatever you say Asmonfan2005