How to save Star Wars

Star Wars is in such an awful state, the movies suck and the games suck because the movies suck. EA's new game looks like boring fucking trash. Here is how I'd fix it:

>scrap the entire premise, fuck playing as a jedi, jedi are boring as fuck and annoying
>make Kylo Ren the main character you play as
>Star Wars is now a gritty cyberpunk setting
>Kylo is looking for Sith artifacts, and comes across info some dealer has some on Nar Shadda
>Kylo goes there and goes on a full assault
>fight your way through the seedy underground and cyberpunk streets and rooftops of Nar Shadda
>combat system like Jedi Academy but better and updated for modern times
>soundtrack by Carpenter Brut
>add lots of blood and gore, cursing, death, and sex and drugs

There, I just saved Star Wars.

Attached: kylo ren cyberpunk.jpg (1280x1255, 749K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this sounds better than any star wars game ever made

>There, I just saved Star Wars
Meh, there's even a simpler solution.
Take away EA.

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>>make Kylo Ren the main character you play as
Into the trash it goes. The only way to save DisneyWars is to nuke it from orbit.

>play Kylo Ren
No thanks.

Garbage, just scrap Nu-canon and make Jedi Knight 4.

Nah Kylo Ren is awesome. Playing as a Sith is more fun than being some boring do gooder Jedi shit.

>kylo ren
>a sith

Not to mention that he considers emo poseur Sith wannabe not only not lowest tier shit, but "awesome".

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We already got loads of great Star Wars games. It's dead and kylo buttfucking soiboi ren isn't the solution.

>male human protagonist
why would you even

Dude, Kylo Ren is setting out to finish what Darth Vader started, how is he not a real Sith?

>emo poseur

Kylo is fucking swole and shredded as fuck, what are you talking about?

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Except the new LEGO Star Wars full saga
They’re making that

>add lots of blood and gore, cursing, death, and sex and drugs
you must be 18 to post in this website, this literally sounds like some coldsteel shit jesus christ

Jedi / Sith space wanderer / pirate simulator.

I'm amazed, somehow you managed to create an even more disgusting and horrid SW setting than Disney could ever hope to do, and that isn't an easy task
Thank God nobody will ever listen to you.

He looks like a sissy ass fag who spends more time on his hair than most women. Sounds like you're just a repressed latent homosexual.

>likes:drugs, death
>dislikes: kevin from deviantart

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So what would you prefer, the gay shit Star wars is now, with faggy Jedi talking about how it's bad to feel or they'll fall? face it, Sith were always cooler anyway, Jedi are pussies and literally one bad day away from going Sith anyway.

Kylo does NOT look like a sissy ass fag, he looks like he's manly and secure in himself. And his hair looks awesome, not everyone is some fat slob that never washed their hair, like you.

>those stupid faggy jedi not being cool and edgy and shit, what a bunch of pussies for not killing people and being badass
you're a massive faggot and you should probably do something other than spend your summer on Yea Forums

Your dad must be a limp wristed faggot if you really think kylo is manly.

user please
>you are diet han solo clone product number 1977
>fuck off to the unknown regions for a bit after a bad deal
>dicking around unexplored systems
>find weird shit like ancient trippy sith temples and lifeless megastructures
fuuck man

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>Star Wars is in an awful state
Literally the ONLY unique thing about Star Wars is the settings (usually), and you wanna ruin that too?

I played Sith in TOR, shit was awesome. Actual good storyline, and not generic junk with some sap whining about how he's scared of falling if he even so much as shows emotion or cares about anything ever.

I look like Kylo irl, got a problem with that? I pretty much look like DMC 5 V, who looks like Kylo. Except I'm shredded like Kylo, V is thinner and not shredded and ripped like Kylo is. Kylo has a fucking 8 pack.

>he actually played TOR
how do you expect people to take you seriously when you say things like this

Star Wars already has cyberpunk stuff, like nar shadda and coruscant. Besides cyberpunk is anything but generic. Did you see how cool cyberpunk 2077 is shaping up to be? Generic my ass.

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Oh my god, what an emo fruit
Does your boyfriend hold you by that faggy hair of yours when he's ravaging your butt?

>earings arent gurly fuck you user

>le tor was bad meme

It was a fun game despite the flaws. I loved Huttball. You're dead inside if you can honestly say Huttball wasn't fun,

pvp in ToR was better than pvp in final fantasy 14

What you're telling me here is you haven't played the Dark Forces series. How about you go fix that before you try to call other people pussies.

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>he doesn't want to get into shootouts in Twilek strip clubs while high on Deathsticks


I don't think you understand what cyberpunk means.
Do you seriously consider anything involving technology cyberpunk?
SW doesn't have an ounce of cyberpunk themes in it

I have a gf from Finland and she loves the way I look, you're just jealous and insecure loser.

That looks retarded, thank you for proving my point
>pvp in ToR was better than pvp in final fantasy 14
That's like arguing which STD is better

OP is a massive faggot who types like a 12 year old
everything he has said is pure edgy cringe

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This. How the fuck is it people are so ok with disneyified tame shit? Show the cool side of Star Wars. I wanna gamble at Nar Shadda and enter death matches in the arenas. Not sit in some boring Jedi temple discussing how feelings are bad.

>calls other insecure because they called him a fag

Cyberpunk is hi tech low life. Nar Shadda has tons of that, with tons of high tech shit there but lots of broke people stuck living hand to foot in the slums. Gang wars constantly too. Coruscant is the same, wealthy people near the top, lower levels are literal cyberpunk slums full of gang wars and constant fighting.

Just because something is cool doesn't mean it isn't generic.

At least you admit that you have no idea what cyberpunk is about, so we have that out of the way, thanks

I bet you never even played the game, just meme how shit it was to fit in. I played as a Sith Inquisitor, and it was fun.

Coruscant's lower levels looks like something out of BLAME

I bet you don't even have a gf lmao


Finnish girls are beautiful and exotic, quit hating

That is the literal description people on this board give anytime detractors claim cyberpunk 2077 "doesn't look cyberpunk".

That's fucking stupid.

I don't, women are for pumping and dumping and not keeping them bothering you at your side
>Finnish girls are beautiful
Mongol genes lmao

There's literally zero reason to play a heap of butchered remains of a proper TSL sequel haphazardly stitched together. And I've seen enough of it to form an opinion. And this is as much as your le ebin trole thread is getting out of me.

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That's Traveller's Tales, not EA. They somehow got the rights for LEGO Star Wars despite EA having exclusive rights for Star Wars

That logic makes no sense, the prequels were huge pieces of shit and they still made good games at the time.

I just want more games set in SW. Something like Racer, Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, etc. They don't have to be AAA.

>muh mgtow

You aint foolin nobody, mgtow's don't get laid, just make videos crying about how women dont want them lmao

>implying some asian features on a euro face isn't beautiful

>Dude, Kylo Ren is setting out to finish what Darth Vader started, how is he not a real Sith?
He has no real purpose, he wants to be like his granpa for no real reason.
He has the mind of a kid in the body of an adult, you can even see him burst in anger like a fucking child.
Also, he is not a real Sith because he is still attracted to the light, there is nothing evil in him, he just do some stupid thing like killing his father to convince himself that he is a real bad guy.
There is nothing threatening about him whitout his vocoder to modulate his voice and his fucking helmet, he looks like a teen cosplaying a sith.

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the prequels were before star wars became some soiboi franchise infested with sjw shit

kylo ren is the only good thing about the new movies. his sword looks fucking sick

Kylo Ren is the best thing to ever come out of Star Wars. Fact!

>lets take Force Unleashed
>add some EPIC edgy as fuck things.
>like cursing, killing, taking drugs, and SEX!!!!!!!!11!!11!1!


That's the entire point of the character, it's a guy who doesn't seem like a Sith succumbing to the dark side. Did you think Sith just start out as bald badasses or something? Look at Anakinn, guy looked like a total pussy and he ended up becoming Darth Vader. Palpatine literally looked like Hillary Clinton as a dude, and look at what he became later.

Except I specifically said the gameplay should be like Jedi Academy wit actual lightsabers, not glowsticks. Which is funny because EA's game is force unleashed without the crazy combos and with some boring ass generic jedi character..

>not wanting to play a game about Kylo traveling around the galaxy succumbing further and further to the dark side and trying to kill any attraction he still has to the light

>in the first movie Leia dont need to help from a man
>random negro is in charge of a whole planet
>differently abled wookies destroyed the empire

it is like you have not actually watched them or its ok when it was from pre 2015.

the new movies made fun of donald trump and his supporters, and had some literal who female general that shit on men just because, and also a rebel base literally full of black and muslim women for no reason other than to be progressive

Kylo is a huge faggot. so no. I dont want to play a game where the character gets upset and breaks his PC because his boss told him no than goes on to have another tism fit in an elevator when he thinks people are laughing at him.

Starkiller was better
Maul was better
Dooku was better
Grevious was better.
Vader was better.

anyone of them would have a better game than Kylo "bitch made" Ren.

Everybody makes fun of the orange man, what a big deal

That’s an awful idea, playing as a Sith or wannabe Sith works, but setting another Star Wars game on a city planet sucks. Cyber punk sucks, lots of sex and drugs in Star Wars sucks. What you wanna do is read a few Star Wars books featuring Sith and design a game around their exploits.

>Grevious' entire motivation was "Fuck Jedi"
We need another Greivous, a guy who's a cunt without needing a "tragic" backstory to justify it.

This works too, continue where “legends” or as I prefer the old eu left off

This user gets it

and the first movies
made fun of nazi and other fascists.
had some literal who princess leading the rebel alliance that makes fun of manlets and hairy lanklets.
has a whole planet own and ran by a black man. Han's ship is really Lando's. Leia wanted to fuck Lando right when she met him.

Star Wars just needs to go away for a while. It's had it's time (multiple times) and now it's so overblown it comes off as being forced (pun intended). Of coarse this won't happen because people still pay to see this shit.

>he didn't read the book describing 17 years old Palpatine murdering his entire family just cause daddy bad, darth Plagueis good
Just go read Darth Plagueis, man

But Greivous has a backstory, he's basically Che Guevara of one little proud nation

you ignore EU for the most part.
it is shit.

>had some literal who princess leading the rebel alliance that makes fun of manlets and hairy lanklets
When did Mon Mothma do any of that in her two minutes of screentime?

>basically Che Guevara
That's what I said, a cunt.

> he thinks fag wars can still be saved

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Greivous does have a tragic backstory though, his whole motivation is being tricked into thinking the Jedi were the ones who caused the crash that lead to him becoming a cyborg.

The sith is a belief


For the most part it’s not, it has its screw ups, but a large portion of it is gold.

>look into his history
>turns out he's evil because some aliens allied with the republic killed his waifu
That sucks, why don't writers understand that someone can just be an asshole?

>Vader was better.

You mean the guy that betrayed a man who saw him as a brother and had some screamo meltdown over some dumb bitch? Oh and killed defenseless children because a creepy old man said so? That guy? Don't forget this:

wow what a total badass

How is that not an emo edgelord then? Killing your dad for some retarded reason like that.

Here's a better idea: Let it stay buried. I'd say let it die, but it is already dead.

Swtor was (and is) garbage, and everything post Makeb expansion is even worse.
t. guy who's done every story twice and inquisitor 5 times.

Because not many people are just assholes, there’s usually a reason for their behavior.

no. not at all.
>every single back ground character is really some kind of SUPER important person who does many things
>well the only reason the rebels blew up the Death Star 2 was because IG-88 was put in to the core and was messing things up!
>Boba Fett and Han are best friends! After Fett climbed his way outta of the Sarlac pit!
>Luke's waifu is some ancient 3000 year old jedi that was trapped in a computer
>the endless clones and palpatine being resurrected some how
>Han and Leia's kids are all like Super Powerful and not self inserts at all!

Swtor isn't garbage, and I found it fun. Smooth gamreplay, fun combat, nice aesthetic. Fav area was nar shadda hands down.

He simplified it, Palpatine didn’t have a healthy relationship with his father, do yourself a favor and read the book.

It is objectively garbage, but it's okay that you find it fun.

still better than having a tism fit and breaking the computer or having a temper tantrum in an elevator by your self because things did not go your way.
Kylo "Bitch Made" Ren is shit teir.

>Anikin has a tism fit.
>slaughters a village of sand people
>oh wait he had an excuse they raped and killed his mom

>Yea Forums shits on Kylo Ren
>loves V, despite him literally being Kylo Ren but with demon power instead of the force

come the fuck on

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I agree that not many people are assholes, but when nearly every single one of your antagonists has some tragic justification for their actions it starts to become rather trite. Having one or two antagonists that are just cunts for the sake of it isn't a bad thing.

remember when vader got butthurt some commander didn't give a shit about his magic force powers so he chokes him to try and look like a badass? I bet after hours all those officers laughed at how much of a pussy ass BITCH Vader came off as

V is also a faggot and is the worse part of DMC V.
>his game play in brain dead easy
>has to quote DDEEEEP poetry with no context
>comes off at a high school kid

also vader was basically some retard attack dog palpatine had to keep in a leash since his solution to literally anything was "kill it", guy6 was a fuckin dumbass lulz

yeah then he transforms into something even worse

>50 something year old weeaboo edgelord wearing a trenchcoat and fighting using a katana
>tries to act badass but his brother mocks him the entire fight
>his own son beats the shit out of him and humiliates him after his brother kicks his ass

Vergil is fuckin loser tier, no wonder mundus had his way with him in hell lol

>hey your powers are not real
>oh yea? lets put that to the test.


>Commander Ren I regre
>Ren turns on his light saber and slams his keyboard

>No Kylo you cant go after that girl.
>throws a temper tantrum in the elevator
>Stormtroopers are used to joke about him being an autistic man child

>every single back ground character is really some kind of SUPER important person who does many things
Lots of characters have stories where they do something relevant, I don't see what the problem is here.
>well the only reason the rebels blew up the Death Star 2 was because IG-88 was put in to the core and was messing things up!
The Han and Fett thing, and Palpatine clone arc are both bad stories. And as for Han and Leia's kids the majority of the skywalker family is super powerful in the force, it wouldn't make sense for them to be any different. I'm not sure how any of the three could be self inserts, you'll have to elaborate.

Star Wars Musuo
Star Warriors

I agree, it's not something you see often in Star Wars though.

>Lots of characters have stories where they do something relevant, I don't see what the problem is here.
sure and that is a good thing! when done right. added it decades later and making said back ground character a key part of movie events succeeding. even though they were not at all mentioned.

the kids come off as fanfic characters that dont fit in universe.

I have no hope that Star Wars games will be any good so long as EA holds the rights to the games.

Upon learning that EA would retain their rights, I was very disappointed. I knew then and there that we'll not receive anything of significant value to the franchise on a videogame level.

we need a japanese company like platinum tog et the rights to do star wars games

Literally anyone that isn't EA would handle the Star Wars IP with more love, care, and respect than EA would.

Shit, I'm not fond of Ubisoft, but I believe that even they would do better with it than EA. Just imagine a Jedi game akin to Odyssey or Origins, but with multiple planets.

V has better body proportions, like a twink that grew up into a delicate but pretty man. Kylo is pretty deformed.

>EA's new game looks like boring fucking trash.
it will still bring in positive income for them