>saves multiplayer fps games
Saves multiplayer fps games
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This game hasn't been good since V9, prove me wrong.
PROTIP: You can't.
when they are ready
Uh. Player count
competitive fags that lust over the shitty stoic gunplay and animations in pre-v10 are the worst user.
The game has a higher daily playercount than ever before despite all the fearmongering of how supression and sway would drive players away.
>no forced shadows
it's forever shit
I'm too autistic for voicecomms
>saves multiplayer fps games
what other games do this?
>1 week after Kickstarter
>I am forgotten
it saved the shitty mil-sim subgenre if anything.
Why are the fucking reload animations in Squad and PR so meticulous
I remember seeing this years ago, how long has it been and it's still not out, is it? There'll be 100 people playing at a time at most 1 week after launch.
How is Battlefield 5 user? I haven't touched the franchise in a while
To be fair new gameplay came out a week ago and it's looking decent. Targeting release this year (lol)
armchair operators who can't load an AR in less than 3 seconds.
Isn't that all it does? Decrease vision and nothing else? I remember they tried weapon sway on suppression but nerfed that shit hard
It was nerfed somewhat but still increases sway, it's not just a visual effect
For some reason insurgency sandstorm is an infinitely more fun game than this
Is this one of these games I can jump in a game and just play it or is it one these autism simulators where you can't move or shoot without your squad leaders authorization.
>blocks your path
You dont have to join a squad
>runs like complete ass shit even with recommended specs
Whilst it's recommended you do join a squad, most pub games are fire at will. It just has the option for autism with clan matches.
Game is boring as fuck, nigger if you want to spend 30 minutes setting up camp in lifeless, empty towns only to shoot at pixel a mile away go outside and play paintball.
Squad shills GO
Is there a no respawn game mode? I don't really like games supposed to be realistic but where you can die dozens of times with no consequences.
Squad IS
Every version introduces NEW
But they can't even fix bugs that happen
Artificial way of slowing down the gameplay to create the illusion of realism.
"We want to do monthly patches"
>Doesn't release monthly
fuck that actually looks really good. I'll play it for however long it remains alive, which realistically won't be much.
>we want to add medic dragging
>showcases a mocap actor dragging a soldier
>this was 2 years ago and medic dragging was never mentioned since
>tfw no 24/7 territory control server
Itt insecure mic faggots
Imagine shilling for vaporware.
They can't do anything complicated.
OWI is
>actually searches reddit for "bug" and "hitreg" because he doesn't play the game
>actually compiles a dozen webms
the absolute state of you virgin
have sex
To make it slower.
Wait, are we talking about Squad or I:S?
All they can do is come up with lousy 'xd ur an autist/have sex/ur a dum dum face'
Imagine making this post
If you aren't in a squad, you won't have fun. But then you just follow your buds around and shoot the bad guys.
Squad is shit, thanks for saving me from that death trap. Gotcha.
how can one game get you SEETHING this much that you
>compile webms of bugs
>which you have to look search for on the squad subreddit
>you haven't encountered
>in a game you don't play
just how do you exist?
p-pls buy our game!! It's not riddled with shitty bugs, shitty optimization, shitty community, shitty incompetent developers, shitty graphics, shitty maps, shitty factions, shitty sounds.
>teleports behind you
Heh...nothin' personal, kid.
Oh wait, I know why
This pathetic turbo-retard has NO proof, or anything to show different.
You're welcome.
>squad again top playercount despite insurgency sandstorms free weekend and sale
>half your webms sources show up
>our game has more meaning it's better
imagine using this as an argument against countless webms showing your game is shit
Jesus Christ you're autistic
>implying player numbers are an indicator of quality
Well in that case, Fortnite is the best shooter. LOL. Hell Let Loose is still early in development compared to any of those. It will easily have 20k+ a year from now.
the bugs dont exist!! they are no where!!
just because someone finds them, they don't exist!!
pls buy our shitty game!!
helicopters when?
imagine going into every squad thread that pops up on Yea Forums to post the same webms and copy pasta
V13, no wait V14, not wait V15, no wait it turns out that the community doesn't actually want helicopters because I say so!
This game runs so fucking bad, I get 60 fps when I'm with my squad but when the entire team is hunkered down at a point it drops to like 20.
you're in the same thread how are you even using that as an argument you literal ape
helicopters will be next year... no wait the year after that when the game release
no.. nevermind now we don't want to release them it is too hard to do
what makes you think Hell Let Loose will gain players?
>Rising Storm 2 went from 22k to 2k players
>Post Scriptum went from 4k to 600 in about a year
>Hell Let Loose went from 4k to 1400 peak in a few months
If anything HLL is an even clunkier, less content version of Post Scriptum
because I didn't go through the efforts to find bugs on reddit, to compile them into webms to shitpost
you fucking double nigger
I don't even play this game and have zero interest in it but fuck me the way you post is beyond annoying. Stop with the all caps and reddit spacing, jesus
yet you're going into every thread to defend OWI
a shit company with no direction, has gone through multiple people to find direction, management, etc etc
also good job flipping images around, it takes the same time to make webms
The game has plenty of content, both in factions and maps, a stable playerbase, a small competitive scene even, modding SDK and content planned after the release
what the fuck are you so mad about?
I'm not hating on HLL at all, but thinking it will have 20k+ concurrent players in a year is ridiculous.
wow such diverse factions.....
Except people have been complaining there aren't enough maps, or layers.
>Stable playerbase
It goes up after every patch. Then it will dwindle, again, and again. Even though the game is on sale, it is losing numbers.
>Small competitive scene
As if that is a good thing. The comp scene is filled with trash like Doctor Hammer/Nordic/Bella's/Sig-tac.
>Modding SDK
only good thing
Mil-sim dudebros deserve to suffer.
>wow such diverse factions
thats pretty decent yea
>Except people have been complaining there aren't enough maps, or layers
who exactly? PR vets that think that 40 maps is somehow the norm and not the result of 10+ years of work?
>Even though the game is on sale, it is losing numbers.
overall you can see an upward trend on steamcharts
>The comp scene is filled with trash like Doctor Hammer/Nordic/Bella's/Sig-tac
i.e. people that make fun of LARPERs like the pathetic virgins they are?
This is what bothers me most about Squad, it seems there was no thought put in to what kind of story they wanted to tell, what the setting is why these factions are fighting eachother.
On some layers they even have US vs. UK and Militia vs. Insurgents, make no sense.
Then there's a significant lack of polish on the maps and some of them are just straight up terrible. Like they just put in a bunch of community made maps without any quality control.
You do realise that counterforce equals force? All of these webms came out because of your shity Squad shilling. In every thread you appear you call everyone stupid who dislikes this buggy mess. OWI has no excuse for how slow they update game. Just look at this: instagram.com
Server testing for 100 player almost 200 weeks ago. We stiil don't have any 100 player servers BTW.
No thanks, I don't want to play with ini editing eastern european pieces of shit who turn off every possible detail for 0.5 more FPS
>it seems there was no thought put in to what kind of story they wanted to tel
Who the hell cares about that
Do you know what an ini file is? It's a configuration file, your settings, you are literally fucking meant to edit it you stupid fuck.
Post Scriptum is miles better than Squad
>who exactly? PR vets that think that 40 maps is somehow the norm and not the result of 10+ years of work?
That would be acceptable if they were filled as much as PR maps were.
Current maps have so many issues, so many balancing/one sided layers, vehicle balancing issues, void of quality or any sort of assets that'd be prevalent in a company that made millions from sales.
Nope. If the devs want you to change a setting they will put it in the ingame settings as an option. Editing your ini to give you an unfair advantage is the same as downloading cheats.
yeah, except when settings are bundled together and tested by the devs for their intended visuals, but ini files can set them individually, such as completely turning off shadows. Some time ago in PUBG you could literally turn off your building render distance to zero and see every enemy inside.
>to give you an unfair advantage
>literally anyone can edit their ini to have the same settings
That's the fault of the devs for keeping those configurations applicable to ini's, not the user.
I'm trying to decide between Squad and Insurgency
enlighten us
How's Squad for a rather casual dude who liked RO2 and RS2?
not good at all
Both are horribly optimized. If you don't have high end HW (or you don't mind your game looking like Soldier of Fortune) you'll end up playing at ~40fps. To me, that's unplayable for a shooter.
Squad is a very good game, but insurgency is a far more enjoyable/fun one
Insurgency if you have a good set up.
The only issue with Sandstorm is performance.
>Follow squadmates
>die from a pixel 2000 meters away
>follow squadmates
>die from another pixel 2000 meters away
These pixel hunting """"""""realistic"""""""" shooters are all garbage. Fuck right off
Because it informs how the rest of the game is developed. Squad's supposed to be a realistic and immersive military game yet they didn't care to givie context to the actual military conflict portrayed in the game.
Very different games. What kind of gameplay are you looking for?
Does what? Terrible maps? Even fucking flight sims have more detailed maps copied from rl.
What ever happened to her?
Pregnant with some streamers kid.
Imagine being so bad at video games you can't revenge kill from 4000 meters.
There is actually no fights at this range in Squad. Only tanks can shoot the other tanks once in a while at that range.
The funny thing is: this game is so shitty that some of a map assets don't appear at some range (like at ~2.5 km out). So you could see a vehicle at this range but if you shoot at it you will hit a building, because this vehicle stands behind a building that u cannot see at this range.