Fire Emblem Three Houses

You will protect her smile with all your might, right FE bos?

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why are their faces so weird

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Why Blue Lions have all the best girls, it's unfair

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I will not. I'll be joining the Black Eagles and culling the undesirables of society. Ingrid will survive only if she has the strength to do so.

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Yes, but I'll also side against the Blue Lions in another playthrough and personally kill her.

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I hope Shamir is shown on Friday or Saturday, this week has been lame so far

Three best girls in one pic.


Who's Shamir again?

Best girl coming through, make way for best girl

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By weird do you mean beautiful?

>von Cordelia

What your opinion on Hilda?

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It's actually pretty amazing. The first couple of looks at this game painted a grim picture but it improves with every new trailer.

Graphics are still shit but it's the Switch.

Why do you like mongoloid faces?

Seeing as Serra is my favorite girl in the series, I'm hoping she's as fun of a character.

She teaches bows and lances. This is the only picture we have of her so far.

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Her face looks nice.

>digital edition $40
>Limited Seasons of Warfare edition $100
W-what do Yea Forums?

Who is the best girl and why?

Best girls are in this pic

Why is Edelgard there twice?

Are you saying Edelgard looks like a bitch?

Marianne's popularity sure was short lived

That's one way of interpreting it. Lysithea really looks like young Edgelard to me.

what did fire emblem fans talk about prerelease of a title in say, 2001 for fe6 or 7? before the series' community became centralized around waifuism i mean.

I'm gonna protect the cinnamon roll instead.

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Lyn? FE7 was the first Fire Emblem game the west got anyways. Dunno about what the gooks said.

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Everyone seem to have the same fucking body type with this class.

How fucking lazy are they? Reaching pokemon level of garbage here.

I will make her kill her childhood friends while pregnant, carrying my son.

maybe, a 1/3 of a chance
so far nothing shown yet has changed my decision of rolling a dice when confronted to the choice

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Yes, ill even marry her, but only in my Blue Lions playthrough, ill kill her and fuck Lysithea and Edelgard in my Golden Deer and Black Eagles playthrough respectively.

Imagine fucking her while her brother is in the other room

Look its literally the same body model. They didn't even fucking try.

that's the best part