Why can't we make games, bros?

Why can't we make games, bros?

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too busy kidnapping children to sneak into america

Because people choose graphic design over Software engineering and end working in a McDonalds.
And those that manage to finish SE move to the US for 90-100k starting salary instead the national 18k.

por pendejos

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The only thing made in mexico are tortillas.

and this
Mexicans are actually really smart people, at least the ones who are properly educated. Most schools there teach American High School math during elementary school.

you need money and the only one willing to sponsor you is televisa but only if you make a game about el chavo del 8 or any other series exclusive of them

they should merge graphic design with programming, besides software engineering is also underpaid and your only solution is to escape to the US but good luck because everyone does that

Average iq of 88

wait till cartels realize there is good money in vidya by making shitty games with lots of microtransactions
kinda weird they arent laundering money with it already

>They should merge GD with SE
Why merge a useless career with a decent one?

to fool pretentious wannabe artist into studying something useful.

Because you are all too busy roofing houses, doing yard work, etc. And when you get home all you wanna do is eat some Tortas, drink a few modelos, and then pump your wife full of cum resulting in your 6th child.

why make games when we are living in the best era? god bless AMLO

Why do Mexicans make so many goddamn threads? You don't see other LATAM countries spamming their self-important shit.

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Because there are probably more Mexicans hanging out on Yea Forums than any other hispanic country?

poor storage and data retention capabilities of tortillas

Kerbal Space Program

why do furfags make so many goddamn threads?

Brain Drain. Most of the smart, good-looking mexicans migrated (legally) to the U.S. or elsewhere.

>mexican believes spaniards aren't common here
basado retrasado mental

>we now have mexican africans as official race and living in our land
>negrito changed for nito
how long until they later claim for reparations?

fucking retard this shit is mostly populated by americans and americans might as well be mexicans at this point

>from Mexico
Perhaps a written apology? Maybe it'll happen, since AMLO demand Spain apologize for conquering Mexico.

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>Most of the smart, good-looking mexicans migrated

so pretty much the ones with resources to do it, but yeah, you're right.

Mexicans are in no position to look down on other races. Focus first on not getting your people flayed alive by savage cartel beasts.

>being mexican and not knowing you are either part spaniard, or part negro slave mix.

>AMLO demand Spain apologize for conquering Mexico.
based Peje

At least our children don't kill each other during English class :^)

>Mexicans are in no position to look down on other races
we can and we will, fuck those caravan illegal immigrants, as if we aren't already in a dire situation

You know people can fail and quit right? There is a reason why most SE, CE and EE students quit the first semester.

lack of education and hardware

America can't make games either.

so you be saying universities intentionally have graphic design just for the money?

And they will till people notice its a scam, so never.
There is a reason its more expensive than useful careers.

Was Guacamelee made by Mexicans? It was a pretty good game.


graphic designer fag here. i somewhat feel regrets studying that because i was hoping to learn web design and some 3D but the school i went to is so obsolete, why the fuck are we getting classes about painting? i want to learn the stuff that business are looking for nowadays, not even basic html, wtf.

It's decently easy to learn 3D and web design independently.

Thank Dross and Shadow! they make shitty videos of how Yea Forums is a dangerous place.

it was made by one mexican who didn't know dick about his own culture except the pre-packaged commercialized hogshit americans love to consume as "mexican culture"

Kek ya termino tu mujer de golpearte.

yeah i know is easy to learn those tools thanks to the internet but now i don't even have the time to because of work. wish i did during my freetime while i was in school

>Mexicans are actually really smart people, at least the ones who are properly educated. Most schools there teach American High School math during elementary school.

i don't believe this for a second, education should be equal in every single part of the world, the same classes should be taught everywhere you are. Except for american universities i guess, those are the exception.



I guess that explains why it was good hehehe

You might start by making your own flag instead of stealing from another country and slapping some shit in the middle

But Kerbal was popular on Yea Forums at some point despite being spyware

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Getting butt hurt about the truth do you still believe in the “Virgencita”?

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>Mexicans are actually really smart

They're smart at Jewing tourists out of pocket cash. Doubt a Mexican dude can build a game engine tho.

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It's not spyware.

Eva Xephon AKA Yandere Dev AKA Alex Yanny Mahan streamed it a lot.

i know right, how dare someone chops anyone heads off absolutely disgusting how they are basically animals simply cause they are hungry.

t.vegas sniper that killed hundreds in seconds while a heavy drug user supporting those cartels.

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yet we can speak to you using your language, can you say the same?

An indie team of Mexicans are creating a Metroidvania inspired by Hollow Knight



The game is in early alpha

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It had 3 different kinds of spyware at one point.


I've been learning c#, java and unity for almost a year, reading books about algorithms and good software development practices and working on my problem solving abilities, I can produce PBR models using maya, zbrush and substance painter, but there is no way in hell I can make a game by myself, it's just really difficult to find order people here that share the same interests or are as committed as I am.

part X-part Y is a cop-out to not say "I'M A MUTT"
>YandereDev aka EvaXephon
the fact that absolute bastard used Xephon as part of his first nickname triggers me so much I'd be able to orbit the earth with my rage

Git gud, incel

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia



Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies


The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too







This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too



Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:


Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America

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mexicans should do mexican things. patobox is great. use your own cultural/traditional things and humors.

>linguistic fluency = I.Q.

I refuse to accept that people actually believe this and I will go ahead and accept that I have been trolled.

there is a hack n slash game with aztec theme on steam, is really fun, but if you are bad with timing. is not for you


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>french grandfather
>african grandmother
>mother and her brothers are white with green or blue eyes
>i have black features and small benis

thanks genetics :DDD

Color Revolutions Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The gulf of tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64-16 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Ukraine 04-17 kyrgyzstan 05 Georgia 03 Mexico 14 Honduras 09 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya and Yemen and Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippines 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of African Americans and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of german, italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asian Americans Immigration act 1924

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yes? spanish is ez mode to learn lol

It's an excuse to have /pol/ threads, same with the "south american" threads.

/pol/ falseflag, nobody gives a shit about mexicans cept for them pushing their agenda

in the meanwhile
>everyone but my maternal grandma is from my home island
>we can(and did) track our ancestors all the way to 11th century's Condat de Barcelona
>maternal grandma was actually descended from the ones who conquered Granada

Lets see your spanish, brah

hora de demostrarlo, colega

a ver cabrón, dinos algo en español, grandísimo hijo de puta

read again, educated mexicans. theyre truly smart worlwide but theres only a few of them, you need to be almost rich

A ver puto, veamos si muchos huevos

mejico es y siempre será una puta mierda, háganme cambiar de opinión

México is the only relevant Hispanic and Latin American country

no puede ser peor que Paraguay
Paraguay está lleno de putos moros

>rich people finish their education

Rich people don't bother with universities, they either buy their diploma while drinking their whole stay or they simply don't attend to it, they are incredibly INCREDIBLY stupid, just like the common average folk is also incredibly stupid with the exception of being poor. you might be thinking about the mid-high social class.

We made pic related.

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that was a really fun fighting game

Wr can't even make good movies, our novelas are copies from other countries, our musicians are obsessed with corridos and regueton. Gotta say I'm not surprised we can't make video games besides el chavo Kart.

I studied in Mexico before coming to the states. I can tell you that I did proper physics and chemistry in middle school and that high school students need to get through integral calculus before graduating. I guess it's done so we can compete with the world.

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You're not the average Mexican. If Mexicans were so capable of speaking English, why must there be all sorts of U.S. government services in Spanish for the illegal alien trash? I speak more than one language and English is not the first language I spoke and I have no problems with English. In fact, I speak, read, and write it better than the vast majority of Americans who only speak English. What is the excuse of the Mexicans in the U.S.?

Secondly, among ethnic groups, the only people poorer than Hispanic people in the U.S. are blacks. Why is that? Don't say racism because there are plenty of obviously non-white people in the U.S. who have done very well. I also suspect that the illegal aliens in the U.S. are subject to less racism here than they are in Mexico itself.

Plain and simple. For whatever reasons, Mexicans are just dumber than many other people. The country lives next door to the wealthy U.S. and yet it's a shit hole. You generally don't see this in other parts of the world unless the shit hole is a totalitarian regime where people cannot even leave the country (see East Germany, North Korea, etc.) In every other situation, a country that has elected officials and borders a wealthy country, that country is also certain to be wealthy within one or two generations.

wait you iz telling me that burger education was not a meme all this time? Integral calculus, physics and chemistry is either year 1 or year 2 of preparatoria.iirc organic and inorganic chemistry is literally year 1

>Mexicans are actually really smart people

The condition of Mexico doesn't seem to suggest that at all.

>at least the ones who are properly educated.

OK. But those properly educated Mexicans must be a tiny, tiny minority. For what it's worth, most people in the U.S. are also poorly educated as "high school math" is something that somewhat smarter Americans learn in grade 6 or 7. The education of a median American is shockingly poor and it's getting worse due to the really stupid people pulling the median down even further as we water down our programs so that the extra dumb people's feelings aren't hurt.

Because the Cartels don't want to

>Mi cara cuando un amigo se fue al D.F a estudiar diseño de videojuegos

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>this thread again
En lugar de estar quejandose hagan algo al respecto
Yo ya lo estoy haciendo :^)

Shoot, I meant to say that I did all that stuff in Mexico. American education is horrible, I waltzed through high school not learning anything new. College only got challenging when I got to upper division courses. I'm amazed people struggle with non stem classes and they dare cry about their struggles during graduation. It truly is a meme.

>Mi cara cuando un amigo dice que va a estudiar diseño de videojuegos pero reprobó Programacion 3 semestres seguidos

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Que quiere decir esa cara?

Keep in mind 75% of Mexico are goblin tier mutts.

A ver?

Pics or it didn't happen puto

Ya made this

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You need the immigrant pill user.

Most of those guys are not from Mexico, they come from the south or from the isles to the east. The reason why they say they are form Mexico is so that if they get deported they end up here, our gourvement has been suportive of Trump initative and borders have been way tighter than they were before, ending up on a lot of those shitty ass people residing here.

I'm from a small city 200k, we are now on 400k with at least 3 - 6 beggars on each corner. I'm actually legit scared we might end up like detroit

The border down south has been putting them on literal metal cages cause the centers that help them with food and water are overrun with people. You've seen those token cholos? All tattoed up? Well i haven't in my entire fucking life until recently with all these deportations, i always thought they were mexicans that ended up crazy in usa after being discriminated and using an unhealthy amount of drugs. Turns out they are an actual gang from the south countries.

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Anyone here browse hispachan?
I rarely go on there, but when I do, holy shit are the threads depressing.

>They're not rom Mexico
All latin americans look the same once there's enough indian in the. Mexico has a massive underclass indian mutt population and they look the same as the goblins from central america.

que sos puto gay?

>There arent armed Cartel human traffickers roaming the border and shooting at people

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Stay there maricon

Please tell me atleast it was C and Assembly instead Java and Phyton.
Please tell me he didn't fail Java.

Indian or not, we don't look like a shitty soundcloud rapper, and i've traveled to enough cities on this country. I've legit only seen 1 black people when i was 24 on Monterrey back when i was studying there a couple years ago

Now i've seen like 10 blacks on the corners of my own city. Monterrey has 5 millions habitants, we have 400k, we are legit fugged

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I am making a game about a graveyard keeper and a witch of catemaco.
It should be done in 2-4 years more.

>Sup, ese, I'm here for the job interview
wut do?

You do realize we haven't let any of the gang caravans into the country right? Remember that last one that went to Tijuana when everybody was saying it should go to texas? Well guess what, they didn't go to texas because they would have to go through rival gang territory.

Just give him the application for GD and tell him to start looking how flip burgers.

You are hopeless?

Approve him because diversity quotas.

Buenas, chavales, en este vidio tutorial os enseñaré cómo configurar vuestra clave del güi-fi

Si la mola este vidio, no olvidéis pinchar el pulgar arriba con el ratón

Probably because being a Game Developer doesn’t pay well in Mexico.

Shoot him 5 times in the chest and bury him with a chili on his brow, as he would have wanted.

pendejo más bien

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because too busy trying to sneak into america to live a shittier life than i mexico

because too busy beheading rival cartel members

because too busy being worthless in general

>they took our gold
>the mayan riviera owners are spaniards
>half our banks are spanish


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Yes it was Java, Highschool level programming doing mobile apps for Android, basic stuff like a calculator, a restaurant menu. Thinking back we did a lot of number thingys.

As for IDE we used NetBeans and Eclipse, nothing too fancy.

Eventually we worked on designing web pages which is miles easier, but he failed again.

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We don't focus on that, we just play Nintendo games.

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>tfw NEET glorificado (TooToober)
>Estoy a punto de comprarme una compu bien vergas de juegos con ese dinero
No hay mejor sentimiento que probarle a tu familia que los puedes mantener sin estudios más allá de la prepa, anons. Clickea aquí para desuscribirte de este blog.

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That's because the cost of living is extremely cheap here and you live with your mom until you're 30+ and also university is pretty much free.

Unlike Americans who have to move out when they turn 18, move to a shitty apartment and pay rent, and pay a dozen thousand dollars per year for university

Because you're too busy being racially ambiguous and saying "cuh" and " nigga" every 5 fucking minutes.

Fuck off.

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>ir al DF