Was having so much fun last thread, didn't notice it reached bump limit.
I like talking about army identity. It helps you figure out why some units are weak and some are stong.
>Empire Generalists with who have a lot of power in their artillery and cavalry, ok infantry. >Bretonnia Best cavarly in the game, weak infantry and artillery. A notable unit are the peasant bowmen who are suprisingly good for their cost. >Greenskins Generalist swarm army that has solid infantry and cavalry, ranged is lacking but not non-exsisant like the vampire counts. Doesn't really have somehting it stand out in besieds the strong WAAAAGH ability of greenskin lords. >Dwarfs Heavy armor infantry protecting strong ranged power, only mobile option is the gyrocopter which cant really be used to hammer and anvil >Vampire counts Rush faction that relies on their strong mobile units (such as flying units), and undead attribute to overwhelm the opponent. Their powerfull magic and lords help mitigate the weaknesses of the undead attribute. >Wood elves Strong elite army, but that means less troops. Probably has the best missile infantry in the game. Monsters are more of a defensive line then DPS >Beastmen Fastest faction in the game, rushes down the opponent to overwhelm them with high DPS and flakning power. >Norsca Strong infantry, stonger monsters that can fill many roles, probably the best monsters in the game. >Chaos Strong monsters, stronger infantry that can fill many roles, probably the best infantry in the game.
Doing a Vamp run now with Vlad and Isabella, enjoying it so far. Are Cairn Wraiths worth the extra cost over Grave Guard?
Carter Morales
Maybe against orcs
Sebastian Gray
hopefully you mean you play TWW2.
Juan Clark
>High elves Powerfull elite defensive army, lots or ranged and melee power aswell as Dragons, has a gimmick were some units are really strong at high health. Has a second gimmick were most elite infantry is resistant to missiles in one way. Ones again low numbers, units tend to have very low health for their price. >Dark elves Powerfull elite offensive army, lots of melee power and monsters. Their army has a powerfull effect were if they kill a certain number of things they all get buffed for a while, in this period they become neigh unbeatable and will often win the battle. Their ranged options are really solid for their price. Also low numbers. >Lizardmen Strong infantry with powerfull monsters, their best monsters are powerfull ranged artillery pieces aswell as freaking dinosaurs that will stomp your shit in. Rampage is a downside that balances their incredible stats. Their missile infantry fills more of a supportive roll than actually doing damage. >Skaven Hordes of weak units protecting some very powerfull glass cannons. Their ranged firepower is incredible but comes in the form of slow weapons teams and artillery units that must be protected. Their killer infantry and monsters are also glass cannons, rat ogres and plague monks can give a beating but not take one. While not slow it lacks fast cavalry units. Has a gimmick were fleeing are faster, has a second gimmick were fullhealth units have better stats but are slower than lower health units. >Tombkings Powerfull constructs (monsters) backed by weak to ok infantry. Their undead attribute helps pin down enemies which their constructs can then beat to a pulp with either their melee power or ranged attacks. >Vampire coast Powerfull ranged units and monsters blast away at the enemy while their undead infantry holds them in place. Is notably weak to missiles. Has access to strong ranged flying units, aswell as the most powerfull single unit in the game the Necrofex Colossus. Lacks cavalry.
Luke Martinez
>He play discount empire
Michael Cox
Their cav makes Empire look like shit.
Oliver Allen
Cairn wraiths are for armoured tarpit enemies with low attack stats. They tend to get the shit kicked out of them by, or at least are cost ineffective against, higher attack units.
Liam Cox
Ok so now that I finally laid out what I think all factions boil down to I'd like to say some stuff about them
Greenskins feel really weak and unfocused, and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks they need a rework. They are the closests thing to "Jack of all trades master of none" which generally means that they are just bad. Their infantry is ok, their cavalry is ok, their monsters are ok and their ranged units are weak. That leaves them with nothing to excel at.
The Cygor is a weird unit, not because it's bad but because it does not fit in the beastmen playstyle at all. The beastmen generally want to swarm the enemy and deal a lot of damage quickly, the Cygor is a slow artillery piece that can fight back. Not a bad unit but you really need to play beastmen differently to use it.
Bretonnia having just good cavalry and nothing else makes them boring. It is why I feel a lot of bretonnia players just put Louen and 2 paladins on a flying mount to snipe you lord, because that is one of the few viable alternative stratedgies.
Chaos has a funny problem. Their chosen infantry is so good that you don't want to pick it because the enemy is certainly just going to blast it to shit with artillery. It is almost allways better to buy 2 chaos warrior instead which costs slightly more but is a lot safer. Funnily enough their lack of ranged infantry isn't a problem at all.
Vampires lacking ranged units means that they are the only faction that is 100% forced to rush the enemy at all times. This makes them predictable but they are so powerfull that it barely matters in only matches. Their lords ar their real strenght.
Temple guard are generally not worth the money, their stats aren't even universally betters then the saurus warriors. Rampage used to be a shit mechanic but after many nerfs and changes it is finally not a steaming pile of crap.
Parker Watson
Greenskins desperately need some form of anti large cavalry/monsters and infantry. Boar boy Big’unz are just too slow and easily tarpitted to play the role effectively, and only one of their infantry units has even a hidden anti large value.
Josiah Torres
Greenskins notably do not have a "charge defense against large" unit ANYWHERE in their army. I feel that having that would really help them out, right now their only way to deal with large units is big'uns who will take a lot of damage from tanking a charge, or orc boy big'uns who might not be strong enough to beat the large unit. The savage orc versions of those units are generally not much better so it doesn't really help.
Dwarves have a similair problem were their anti-large units do not have charge defense and where their charge defense units do not have anit-large but that problem is solved by just protecting the anti-large units with the charge defense units answell as their powerfull ranged options.
Xavier Myers
Or using an organ gun to just shred large units before they get to your line.
Nathan Richardson
Point that thing at cavalry and watch them shred.
Jose Morales
Some things they could give Orcs from TT to make them better >Choppas rule In TT orcs had a bonus to strength in the first round of combat, regardless of charging or being charged. This could be given via a temporary buff that boosts MA and MD for 10 seconds on combat join then wears off and only recharges after 30s out of combat. This would make their charges extra strong and help them hit back at enemies that charge them. It should be noted only Orcs got this rule, not goblins or Giants.
>Big stabbas Giant spears, would give Orcs the anti large they need. Big stabbas biguns would be precisely the anti charge unit they need.
What are the odds that siege battles stay the same for game 3?
Blake Long
Total Warhammer is my first TW game since the original Rome so I don't know how it's been done elsewhere but I fucking gate siege battles in Total Warhammer.
Justin Scott
Attila and maybe Medieval 2 are the only ones with fun siege battles, the rest are boring I'll take gimped siege battles over not having any faction variety like in pervious games
Caleb Ward
Sound sick. I wonder if CA hasn't implimented this stuff yet because they think Orcs should have a hard time against large, but then I wonder if they are ignorant at their weakness right now.
There is an Orc patch rumoured though, it is unlikely they'll stay this weak untill game 3 gets released.
I woudn't mind the shitty siege battles if the A.I didn't camp in cities so much. I would also love sime wall less settlement battles.
Nathan Morris
If you're like me and played WH1 and are on the fence about 2, get it.
Got it on steam sale and it's loads better in general and an improvement on the first as a whole
I thought everyone knew that. The factions in the second game have way more flavor and mechanics attached to them.
I also love that every faction has their own music in the second game.
Brandon Baker
Fuck no with Med2 battles, they literally don't fucking work and AI can't handle them at all. When there is more than one layer of walls AI shits themselves completely. It will try to retreat behind second walls in a way that will leave them basically defenseless. If they are attacking and you are behind second walls they completely don't know what to do. I never had fun siege battle in med2. And fuck those invisible walls preventing you from deploying troops where you want.