Japanese game

>Japanese game
>10 pages of text
>it's really that easy user, just memorize it all

why do nips do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


if can't even go through the tutorial then don't play the game you fucking casual.

>you arent allowed to complain about games ever, if you complain stop playing
This needs to fucking stop. These things need to be criticized and you boomers need to be more open to change, but that will never happen so ill end this with a firm "go fuck yourself, faggot"
Go fuck yourself, faggit

Welp time to kms

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>western game
>tutorial starts
>4 hours later
>now it's time to learn how to walk

Maybe it's not for you and you're wasting your time on a game that you'll probably not enjoy.
What game are you talking about anyway?

literally name one game that does this

What the fuck man so rude

i dropped persona 5 for the tutorial

the game wasnt designed for people at your level

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Are you upset

>10 pages of text
>2 paragraphs max of actual info

I was just defending OP so idk

>dude why did you play 300 hours playing it if you don't like it

You didn't miss much

>Here's how the game works, learn how the game works to play it please.
>Okay, maybe this game isn't for you.

You can memorize anything if you do it enough.
Don't be a shitter. Have you ever had a job? After two weeks, you should be pretty much independent, despite having a lot of responsibilities and things you need to do. It's called memorization.

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Nice strawman, faggot

What the hell is wrong with Africa

woah seriously? name 1 game that does this


Why does western cartoon look hotter than anime?

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>40 min long tutorial
fuck this shit

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what I'm I looking at?

Dude they're like a bunch of shapes.

can let you know more

>zoom zoom can't read 10 pages to understand a deep game
>zoom zoom wants something cool to happen when he presses x

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IQ levels

Average IQ


It's better to have 10 pages of text than 10 hours of learning how to walk. Western tutorials suck ass.

it's so bad the game has a joke in game about it

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>Game praised by Yea Forums
>Get it in a Humble Bundle
>Go tutorial
>Each chapter just starts with about 10 pages of text explaining mechanics and their respective keybindings
>Can only try things once the reading is over and it doesn't come back

100% oj does not need a 40 min explanation

>china has extremely high iq
>still a backwards society and shithole besides Beijing and Hing Kong
That map was either made by them or someone liked Mao a bit too much

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huwhites stole africa's IQ

>Japanese tutorial
>shitty JPEG powerpoint to explain braindead, contrived RPG mechanics that all amount to "click attack to watch stuff die in a minimovie after [insert mechanics where colorful balls are put into funny shaped holes because MAGIC!!!!]"
>Western tutorial
>one hour of less than EZmode hand holding for a game you can master the mechanics of in literally 45 seconds because it plays exactly like the last over the shoulder third person cinematic experience you played

Tutorials are bad and should ALWAYS be 100 percent skippable.

literally Communism you fucking retard. thats like saying south Koreans have low iqs because of how fucked north Korea is. If you want to know what china would be like if Communism never happened look at taiwan.

Post her feet

japanese people are better at memorizing lots of shit because their schools make them work harder
I'm a retard who needs pictures or visual examples on how to do things otherwise I won't pay attention to the tutorial at all
The worst case of this was probably both with Xenoblade 2 and Record of Argarest War 2 where the tutorials were just text and did a terrible job of explaining properly things

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We wuz Einsteins n shit D:

Whitey took everthin mang

>play nintendo game
>four hour forced tutorial

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imagine being too dumb to process information about a fucking video game


>play rockstar game
>game wants you to focus on driving at breakneck speeds and text at the same time
>don't fully understand mechanics because you were trying to avoid clipping another vehicle and you didn't know about the "log" in the pause menu at the time

China stopped being true communist years ago. Taiwan is like that because all the elites had to hide their asses from Mao there.

>you will never learn japanese
such a fate

>The whole game is a tutorial

Just fuckin roll the dice nigga. Whatever happens happens

yeah man, fucking mario world and its ridiculous tutorials. what were they thinking?

Unless you're playing a pretty obscure game, someone always do proper and quick tutorial explanations on YouTube. Sometimes I watch them when the tutorial is too long that gets boring fast, is way more efficient to watch a video in that case.

Is it high IQ to trust a random unsourced map with no explanation?


What's with you fags making nonsensical shit up about japanese games? I've never seen half the crap you guys complain that japanese games have.

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Unrealistic. The guy who thinks the book is too hard to read would claim it's too far beneath his level and that if he wanted to read big words he'd go read a thesaurus, and then he'd pull out a young adult's chapter book and claim it's better.

>indie game
>tutorial is abysmal
>game relies on you knowing what to do

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Only when it applies to your personal narrative and you realize that collected statistics are meaningless when your surround yourself with people/ideals that you've personally vetted and you disregard any rules or guidelines that don't appeal to you or that you can avoid the repercussions of. Because good feels are important. Or something.

Able to read =/= able to memorize shitton of stuff


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It's a board game dude. You need like 2 minutes to figure out how shit works if your brain is functioning.

Niggers and arabs fucking each other while sharing the same fucking family, I'm not even kidding.
It's in french but I guess you can understand the big numbers heh:



tldr: inbreed retards are overflowing the country so much that violences, genetic disorders, rapes and murders are breaking all world's records.

Now you know why the Jews want to replace us with them. They're dumb as rocks and easy to control. When some big cities manage to have consanguineous marriage rates higher than 70% you just need to drop a fucking NUKE.

What if it takes you that long to read the text?
>tfw western education/attention span

>le china isnt true communist anymore so their fucked culture should be normal.
Generations of selfishness and soullessness has been pounded into Chinese culture because of communist rule. I was just arguing with some Chinese retard who was defending Tienanmen square saying "a few lives was worth it to keep order."
They don't value human life like most cultures. we've all seen the videos of infants getting hit by cars or people getting beat to death in the street and all the Chinese people just walking by like they didn't see anything. When tens of millions of people die around you your culture develops a culture of fuck everyone else i'm just trying to survive. This shit isn't going to change over night it literally happened like 2 generations ago.

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Shut up psued

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Which games have the THICCEST manual?

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>be chink

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Because Yea Forums never plays the games they complain about.

There's lots of games where knowing everything would require pages of text, but what makes a game good is if you actually learn that knowledge through playing the game, while enjoying learning the mechanics.

When you compare IQ levels with HDI levels of countries and take out Communist and oil countries it paints a very clear picture that you would have to go out of your way to disagree with

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You are right, love user.

Blacks really are fucking stupid, anyone who says otherwise is just denying reality for their retarded ideology.
Also to puts things into perspective, an IQ of 70 and lower is considered mentally retarded.

> tutorial is a text dump that's then reinforced by actually playing through a bunch of basic demonstrations
> you still can't fucking follow it
> american devs are allergic to letting their players sit still so american players still think this is bad

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That's what I'm trying to say. How can they have high iqs when all they care is about attaining status and surviving? Also, the chinese were like that before, communism has only exacerbated it.

>pages of text
>half of the information is misleading
>the other half is just wrong

Casual filter. Works as intended

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japs are really bad about tutorials because presumably they'd rather read than play through some baby mode beginning section

Wtf do you think IQ is? Do you think north koreans have a low IQ?

>65 IQ

Only virgins care about big smart brain, computer stuff and calculus things haha.
You take care of the big thinking, I take care of the girls, lmao

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and yet they still feel the need to waste your time with hour long prologue sections before they let you use a game's main mechanics

>Generation Z will soon be adults
Jesus Christ

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well just dont read then and play through the prologue section? whats the issue

>before they let you use a game's main mechanics
even if you've played the game before

>communism heavily censoring everything and controlling the population like sheep
>not affecting iqs
How can you be smart when the government is literally controlling your mind?

>need to be more open to change
get good or get out. there are plenty of games that will cater to your needs

what game are you thinking of user? this has never happened to me

>They're dumb as rocks and easy to control.
Sounds like Yea Forums

Retard do you actually think complaining anonymously on a Malaysian cave painting forum about a video game that was too hard for your tiny little brain to understand actually means anything? You might as well be shouting into the void.

being able to read is just memorizing shapes, and meanings associated with those shapes, and how they are used together

iq is almost entirely genetic. I'm sure malnutrition has lowered the average North Korean IQ a bit, but not by that much.
IQ is a measurement of how much you can make rational decisions, not how smart you are.
It's like when you see black crimes like holding up a gas station in the middle of broad daylight or drive bys. You would have to be a low iq idiot to not rationalize that you are most certainly going to get caught. If North Korea was full of low iq people there would be a lot more people doing things against that will result in prison time or getting sent to a concentration camp, but they are rational enough to know how fucking stupid that is. Nobody breaks the rules in North Korea. Now if you look at black populations in the west or in Africa the laws dont matter. low iq Black people will still continue to do stupid shit even if everyone knows the odds of them spending the rest of their life in prison. They arnt rationalizing their decisions well.

I see, but still, the population is not living to their full potential by not having full access to knowledge from other sources besides the government. Must be hell living there.

I didn't say they weren't shitholes.
If it wasn't for communism i believe that all of east Asia and eastern Europe would be first world. Meaning there wouldn't be any major conflicts with any super powers since WWII. I really think the world would be more advanced without the US spending so much money on military to appose Russia, China, and North Korea and vice versa. China having such a large high IQ population would have had 10X the economic output that Japan did after WWII probably becoming the world superpower by the 1970s. The only negative is I think we would be behind in space technology without there being a cold war space race. I think about this autistic shit all the time. too bad we will never know.

This is why I quit Xenoblade, despite everyone claiming it was the best game ever.

>first fight gets stopped by a bunch of tutorial text telling you how to do certain moves
>go start another fight to try and do those moves the tutorial taught me but new tutorial pops up and starts explaining a new move
>try to go do another fight to hopefully put one of the two moves into practice...another tutorial pops up
>get fed up with this and go to town
>5 hours of cutscenes happen and I forget all the tutorial stuff
>finally can control my character again, go try and fight a boss...more tutorials pop up
>quit game

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>Western game
>Lmao just read up on all of this D&D's edition's rules.

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Does not returning the wallet without money mean they just leave it on the sidewalk or whatever?

Someone hasn't played Guilty Gear XRD

keeping it

Why would you keep a wallet without any money? Is it a really nice wallet or something?

If you are on Yea Forums, your IQ is lower than 80

>10 pages
>a lot to memorize
I mean, games should include actual fucking manuals instead of dumping everything on you in tutorials, but still. 10 pages is nothing.

>Tutorial tells you have to move around after you moved around

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Jokes on you because my IQ is actually 120

>Western game
>Tutorial lasts one solid hour of gameplay, game still with support wheels until 3 hours in
>Can't skip it when replaying

Yeah nah, I prefer learning to play properly once and all the good pacing that comes with that.

Because you don't need to memorise it

We're truly in the worst timeline. Sure, tech could have not advance so much due to no space race but it sure would've been more peaceful.

Low budget games do it because they lack the resources. High budget games do it because they have shit designers.

The good games don't do it. They create quests that have you utilize skills through gameplay (Dragon Quest, early Zelda games) or just let you go off and experiment on your own (Also Dragon Quest, Vanillaware games). It's shit like modern Zelda, Final Fantasy and Pokemon that just give you tutorials and tell you everything.

You read a book primarily to do that. You don't play a game to read.

>bad tutorials are ok when japs do it

>only 10 pages
The Lunar manual is like 75 pages

It's a little different when it's a game manual and its optional to read. When it pops up on the screen and forces you to read it, this breaks the flow of the game. And 99% of the time, they could have created an event that would "show" the player how to do it, rather than "telling" with text.

I've never seen a manual literally in a game, if anything the games usually just tell you to read the manual included with the game

OP isn't talking about manuals. He's talking about pop up tutorials. Like in modern Zelda games or Xeno games. That aside, most modern games that have manuals just have them in the game. Ni no Kuni made a game where you have to use the manual. The DS version had a physical manual, but the PS3 version only had an in game manual. And it was really annoying to use.

>Win the game by button mashing anyways

Why indeed?

>spend 10 minutes reading and then having a good time with the game
>spend 2-3 hours doing boring baby-tier tutorial shit in-game