This is a good game

This is a good game

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I agree, OP. 'Hollow Knight' is one of my favourite games.


not really

yes really

It's a good Miniclip game, yeah

This is such a bad meme

wasn't my thing but i respect it. i don't like a lot of indies though


is this game a casual filter?

Yep, people that play it are casuals.

It's alright

It's map system is, apparently.

I agree
people should play it


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>newgrounds flashgame tier art and minimal animations
>blatant souls ripoff lore, story and even mechanics
>blatant castlevania ripoff gameplay
>lots of backtracking
mediocre at best

I bought a physical copy of HK recently along with Bloodstained. I enjoy both of them very much and while I think BS is the better game, Hollow Knight is more comfy.

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A lot of end-game HK is anti-comfy.

it's great

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This. I honestly dropped the game because i hated the art so much.

not based

>doesn't spend alot of money on graphics, more time and money can be spent on good gameplay and free DLC
>rips off good games like Souls and Castlevania
>backtracking becomes less of an issue the further you progress

Just looking on the bright side.

>backtracking becomes less of an issue the further you progress
Literal cuck mentality

i like the graphics. i find the atmosphere so beautiful

>ripping off good games is good
Yeah lets never make anything original ever. Faggot.

That's kind of how videogames work user. The game becomes more free and open the more you progress.

Hollow Knight takes what works and improves on it. I see nothing wrong with that.

user i don't think you know what the phrase casual filter means

It was good, but then got ported to Switch and retroactively became bingshit.

>thats how video games work user
But i thought backtracking was an 'issue'?

the game got popular which means people have to shitpost about it now

It might be, but I dont like it.
Atmosphere is too dull, puts me right to sleep

>implying a game can't add good mechanics of other games because it unoriginal

literally a downie

Excessive and unnecessary backtracking can be an issue, but a game that learns to minimize it can make it work.

>>blatant souls ripoff lore, story
I mean, HK does take note the more non-intrusive delivery of narrative and lore found in soulsborne games, but none of them are at all similar to HK's.
>>even mechanics
Last time I played, the only thing I found similar to soulsborne was the XP loss upon death.

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If people can’t deal with no map, they must get terribly lost while driving without a gps.

"Borrowing" a few mechanics is fine, but the borrowed mechanic shouldnt be the base of the game, it makes devs even more lazy than they already are.

Actual philistines

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Back when I wasn't sure whether to buy it I never saw a single negative thing posted about it. Now after I've played it and seen how well deserved the praise was, the shitposting won't stop. If anything gets me to leave this godforsaken place, that'll be it.

Why can't the mechanic be the base of the game? It worked in other games, so why not give it a unique spin? I get the desire for originality, which is why I sympathize with you, but I just don't think it ruins Hollow Knight.

You make it sound like thats not a common thing and i am here to tell you that is not the case

from more recent and similar games I liked both Bloodstained and Ori more.
