3D Game Artist at Epic Games

Are you racist Yea Forums?

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I’m more of a loliposter than racist

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But I AM actually a sexist
Mild racist too but I don’t have a big problem with blacks

Does that answer the question?

Where do you get your stuff? Gelborru?

I love being black and fucking politically incorrect as fuck. These lefty whiteoid cucks don't say shit to me.

I am a normie and I am mad.

This thread is doomed to derailment, I don’t think many people would openly acknowledge their own racism

Fuck off chink.

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He isn't necessarily wrong, but who? Why is he being posted here? OP, you're gayer than the guy in that twitterpic.

only have a problem with the chinese
not even other asians


Don't really see a reason to be you're all equally worthless.

Of course not you fucking nigger

Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes

the left can't meme

>epic employee: why are people on internets mean to us?



I wish you'd get banned for Twitter screencap posting literal who bait threads

Actually I am and thankfully I live in white ethnostate.

Only against the Chinese.

times when i'm not racist or sexist but i need to act like one to piss of emotionally and cognitively stunted western whites like that one because they think their opinions on anything on anyone matter: every time