Are you racist Yea Forums?
3D Game Artist at Epic Games
I’m more of a loliposter than racist
But I AM actually a sexist
Mild racist too but I don’t have a big problem with blacks
Does that answer the question?
Where do you get your stuff? Gelborru?
I love being black and fucking politically incorrect as fuck. These lefty whiteoid cucks don't say shit to me.
I am a normie and I am mad.
This thread is doomed to derailment, I don’t think many people would openly acknowledge their own racism
Fuck off chink.
He isn't necessarily wrong, but who? Why is he being posted here? OP, you're gayer than the guy in that twitterpic.
only have a problem with the chinese
not even other asians
Don't really see a reason to be you're all equally worthless.
Of course not you fucking nigger
Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes
the left can't meme
>epic employee: why are people on internets mean to us?
I wish you'd get banned for Twitter screencap posting literal who bait threads
Actually I am and thankfully I live in white ethnostate.
Only against the Chinese.
times when i'm not racist or sexist but i need to act like one to piss of emotionally and cognitively stunted western whites like that one because they think their opinions on anything on anyone matter: every time