What went so right?
What went so right?
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passion, when videogames were made by people who cared about videogames
Red pill: the video game
The openness of the levels, allowing you to take many different routes through a level. Combined with great atmosphere, a jammin' soundtrack, and really good writing, and you get one of the best games of all time.
What games come CLOSE to what DE achieved in terms of level design, atmosphere, and story? There are games that are excellent in one or two of those regards, but all three?
>finally decide I want to play the Nameless Mod
>go to moddb
>there's a post from four days ago about how they're making a big 3 part update for it
I can name some games that meet it in terms of Level, Atmosphere, and Combat, if you're the kind of person who plays games for the gameplay.
What? The story was just a mix of every nutjob conspiracy theory out there at the time, garnished by hilariously bad voice acting. If you liked it that much MGS2 has the exact same story almost word for word, except the terrible voice acting is replaced by over the top japanese ridiculousness.
Ambition, game wasn't afraid to risk biting more than it could chew.
>just a mix of every nutjob conspiracy
>no mention of its commentary on god, the role of ai in modern times, and the dangers of globalism herd mentality which took up the majority of the plot
This is how I know you didn’t play the game
story that fits the gameplay perfectly
VtMB. Too bad it's a bugfest, and overall not nearly as good as Deus Ex. But it's got the same spirit.
>Too bad it's a bugfest
Unofficial Patch, basic version.
being made for pc first
Still not as good. No amount of patches will fix the atrocious second half of the game.
Well duh. But that one is not a bug, just a heap of bad design necessitated due to publisher's fuckery.
A game with shit gameplay is never a good game, which is why deus ex was always awful. Rpg as a whole is a godawful genre. It's like the devs know their playerbase are retards so they never make mechanically interesting games. Soulsbornes are literally the only exceptions, and they're barely rpgs, more like action games with heavy rpg elements.
Playing a game for story is also absolute faggotry when there are far better mediums for story, like actual books, movies, TV shows. I can't relate to pixelated cartoons made for manchildren. If you've ever cried to a video game story (I bet 99% of you deus ex retards have) you should immediately do humanity a favour and rid yourselves from the gene pool.
But gameplay is the best asset of Deus Ex, you retard
You sound like truckpump from Barkley Gaiden
Nobody knows. People can make educated guesses, but its basically impossible to tell since nobody is able to recreate it. Fuck, nobody has even really gotten close.
Its like making the perfect omelette by just tossing all your leftover shit in the fridge into it, its the best thing ever and you dont really have a clue what made it so great since you didnt go by recipie, it just came together like magic.
Same thing with Battlefield Bad Company 2. Dice has no clue how they did it or how to do it again.
Game is based on interconnected systems, so you can experiment with different mechanics and rules and come up with a solution that the developers did not think of.
Level design is mostly great in general.
Writing is superb, story is perfectly paced and pretty complex, once you think you know what's going on you find out some more stuff that pushes your investigation into a whole new direction.
Actual redpills.
Characters are believable and relatable even though voice acting is far from perfect. It's this kind of bad where it's better than if it was good. JC is a top tier autist.
Music is mostly great.
A lot of subtle humor.
Name em
You already know them.
>every Arkane game
>Alpha Protocol
That's it.
You never played Deus Ex
Come on, man. It's not like the first major enemy NPC you talk to cites actual statistics on how corporations slowly tricked the populace into paying its share of taxes. And pushed the trend of consolidation which evolved into a master/slave relationship where no true competition or privately owned business exists.
Just nutso conspiracy theory game.
I literally cannot think of an fps with slower/clunkier/shittier gameplay than deus ex. My lord what a fucking abomination. The guns cannot be more unsatisfying. Furthermore, even though the douchebag walks at a snail's pace, for some reason his footsteps sound like he's going all out tapdancing. And my lord the game is fucking eye cancer too. Even at launch it looked like absolute shit. There is literally nothing redeeming about this pile of ass unless you're a typical rpg basement boy that has no one to talk to irl so you pretend that npcs are your friends instead. Pretty much every rpgtard in a nutshell.
You just have terrible taste desu
>the gameplay is shit
>i don't like the gunplay and my footsteps are loud
Epic..... Simply epic...........
You watched a single cutscene and called it a day, didn’t you
I'm bringing up the conversation between JC and the NSF leader. There's shitloads more in the game, but the first conversation alone had shitloads of depth to it.
I'm annoyed how people see Deus Ex as some epic red pill game that called out the jews instead of an actual good game
t. zoomer
I'm actually 33 and played the game at launch. I know you feel special for playing a game older than you are but to anyone with a functioning brain it's always been a pile of shit, memethink aside. Deus ex is the most overrated pile of shit in the history of video games and it's made for retards that are mechanically challenged.
Nah, arguments were given. It is objectively slow as shit, clunky as shit and the guns feel like shit, because it's a shit game that also looks like shit. Let's keep circlejerking it until next millennium though to fit in rite guiz?
>slow as shit
Why is that a bad thing?
>clunky as shit
In what way?
>guns feel like shit
Point taken
Nice fucking arguments
>It is objectively slow as shit
Not a criticism, different gameplays have different paces
>clunky as shit
>not loving the clunk
>and the guns feel like shit
it's an old game with a far wider range of mechanics to develop than your typical fps so of course gunplay will be worse than in Half Life or something
>because it's a shit game
I disagree
>that also looks like shit
No it doesn't? It looks perfectly fine
>Let's keep circlejerking it until next millennium though to fit in rite guiz?
Different games*
b-but it is both, a "good" (actually the best ever) game AND it is also a pure red pill
sounds like you suck at sneaking
and yes, it looks and already looked terrible at release date, BUT:
>what is story?! What is atmosphere ?! And what about its kick ass soundtrack ?
sounds like you should try COD...maybe the story fits better to you
>game has actually a good story
>some Yea Forums faggots hate it, just because they are used to bullshit storytelling
>b-but RPG elementrs are bad, mkay?!
I want the "redpill" conspiracyniggers to go and stay go. Can't have a dude sex thread without this scum showing up.
reminder gameplay is combat.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
for all the trolls and haters of this game:
i couldn't say/write it better
Deus Ex 1 actually IS the best game of all time.
Maybe if you're playing an on-rails shooter
It’s not fair bros. No other game is as comfy and captivating when it comes to atmosphere and narrative and play style. The new DE completely miss the point