There are ppl on this board right now who unironically play video games with this

>There are ppl on this board right now who unironically play video games with this

Fucking hell, I was over at my friend's place and tried playing a video game with this shit. If you're not using a mouse+keyboard you are absolutely fucking lowest tier scum

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Xbox controllers are made for chads with good grip. Dualshlocks are made for nimble söyboys and women.

You sound like you may have autism.

but its better than the 360..

>implying action games like Dark Souls, DMC, Bayonetta, Mario, Zelda, etc. play best with a mouse and keyboard


i invented my own input device that basically reads my thoughts. my K/D is over 9000 and you should probably kill yourself.

m+k is only good for FPS and strategy games

since this is a shitpost thread I'll ask; how is the elite controller? worth buying over a normal one?
is it worth waiting for the elite 2 or whatever its called

Literally the best controller there is right now with the exception of maybe the wiiu pro controller.

I can't wait until Motion aiming like BotW is on a good controller/Controller duo

All of those are cringe console-oriented garbage.

>he plays rpgs with a controller

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>playing platformers, shmups, and racing games with kb+m
Why are PCfaggots always retarded?

Xbone controllers are the best way to play 80% of games. FPS and Strategy need mouse/keyboard obviously, shmups/fighters are best on an arcade stick, and 2d platformers/retro games are best on a controller where the focus is an excellent dpad (the xbone only has a decent one).

If you enjoy broken Bumber and Trigger buttons, then sure, its a good controller to get. I wouldnt get near an elite controller until it is fully modular.

Steam Controller, DS4 and Switch Pro all have gyro and with Steam you can add gyro aim to any game you please. None of those good enough?
I doubt Microsoft is adding gyro any time soon. They'll take xinput and the specific layout it enforces to their grave it seems.

im not autistic so i use kb+mouse or a controller depending on what game or genre im playing. not expecting you spergs to understand such a simple thing tho

it really depends on the game user

Regular turn based RPGS are just using digital inputs to navigate menus, and not even in a way that requires precision/speed. The best control system for that kind of game is one that's the most comfortable. Being hunched over/chained to a keyboard/mouse is not comfortable. A small wireless controller would be the best choice.

I own both and prefer by far the X1 to play PC games. It feels better, has analog triggers, sticks are much better, looks better and the whole thing feels less cheap.

I'd say maybe if you just play retro 2D games, the dpad is slightly better on Wii U's (yet the X1's is still very competent) and having the dpad vertically matching the buttons make more sense for those games. And perhaps it stands more the test of time because I was unlucky with 2 previous x1 controllers but I think this was fixed.

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user this is the shitposting board. high quality, nuanced, non autistic posts like yours belong literally anywhere else.

>he plays rpgs

Anyone have that pic of James Rolfe showing keyboard hands position and gamepad hands position with words "work" and "game" underneath?

aside some minor quirks and the journal morrowind is the only tes/3d fallout game to have an UI that isnt crap.

Alright anons, do you use a gamepad or keyboard/mouse for twin stick shooters? PROTIP: there is a correct answer to this question.

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i use controllers for stuff like hollow knight and beat hazard

Pathetic bait.

its unironically the best controller ever made and the only things its missing is gyro support

>literally called twin stick

Let me guess, the correct "elitist/contrarian/incel" answer is the keyboard mouse.

keyboard and mouse whenever serious, xbone pad for when comfytimes and for certain games like sidescrollers, platformers, soulslikes and top down games.

DualShock feels so much better than the Xbone controller

t. handlet
or alternatively
t. yurofag

not only do i use an xbox controller, but i play games exclusively on xbone.
get fucked, nerd.

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>hinges as triggers
>shitty face buttons
>sticks are convex
>sticks right next to each other so your thumbs slide off and bump into each other
yeah no

>sticks right next to each other so your thumbs slide off and bump into each other
This is why I don't understand how people can recommend that controller layout for games that require both sticks. It's just so cramped and uncomfortable. I can only see it as a good controller for games that are primarily dpad with some left/right stick usage for certain abilities.

>want to get a steam controller
>you can't buy them directly from steam in canada
>resellers have them for over $100

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>literally haven't done serious console gaming since the OG Xbox
>Finally have an Xboner controller in my hand for the first time a few days ago
>All the flaws of the OG controller a re gone.
>The D-Pad feels like a proper fucking D-Pad now
>Immediately buy two and some rechargeable AAs so me and my wife can emulate some shit.

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>sticks are convex
As they should be.
They fucked it up with the DS4 though.

You sound insufferable to play games with

360 and XB1 controllers are the best controllers ever made. While KBM are ideal for RTS/FPS/RPG, controllers are better for racing/fighting/occasional adventure game.

How good are the rubberized grips on the Xbone controllers with them

you played RTS with it ?

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Spend 5 bucks and get some 3rd party rubber grips. They wear out with prolonged use.

>he doesn't use twin mice

>I can only see it as a good controller for games that are primarily dpad
Shame it's got a mushy garbage dpad that feels like chewed gum. Bloodstained has too many inputs to use an ibuffalo and I'm genuine using the xbox dpad over the dualshock because it's just that shit.

They are too bad at video games

>there are people on this board right now who unironically play video games
lol do you think you're cool and edgy because you imitate school shooter behaviour? lol

>Fucking hell, I was over at my friend's place and tried playing a video game with this shit. If you're not using a mouse+keyboard you are absolutely fucking lowest tier scum

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just bought exactly that one. It's gorgeous. It's the perfect controller, and I've been a GCN controller fag all my life

Reminder that if you use an Xbone pad without the clicky shoulder buttons you're using an inferior version

>tfw an idort who uses whatever control method works best with the game

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The real challenge is finding one whose sticks won't drift in a few months

Not playing monster hunter with a keyboard and mouse just yet.

Never had that problem myself so I don't know why people keep bringing it up. Then again I don't play too many stick heavy games like DMC or Bayonetta.

where can i get a comfortable controller like the xbone but with high quality sticks, dpad, etc?

wii u pro yuck can't claw with that

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you are an autistic cunt, i`ve been a pc gamer all my life and the xbox controllers (both 360 and one) are fucking great

Switch Pro is really good. People bitch about the D Pad but I've had no issues with it. And even if you do, there's an easy mod using scotch tape to make it more accurate.

The controls are fucked because it inverts the fucking button inputs on Steam. Are the fucking button patterns somehow patented by Microcucks?

The sticks are really good. Sadly the R1 button started acting up and then died after a few months of normal use. I really prefer the asymetric sticks. The dualshock 4 seems to have a better pad, face buttons, shoulder buttons(MUCH better) and the triggers feel sturdier, worse start/select though, or wathever they are called.

Fuck yes. Xbox One controller plus Eneloops is the fucking God Tier combo. It's be best controller on the market, no contest.

Shitty console but I'm glad this came out of it.

I don't understand, are you guys using the bottom half of your thumb or something? if your tips are touching the tips of the sticks they will never touch each other

Is the elite controller better then the regular xbone or is it a scam?

Just remap buttons then dingus

The only possible benefit is the rear paddles that can act as buttons. Everything else is extremely superficial and not worth triple the price. It also has fragile bumpers that break frequently.

Considering it's three times the price I'd say it's certainly a scam

I'm not a handlet

middle but due to the convex shape of the rests my thumbs slide slightly lower, and the second you need to turn the sticks towards each other you get that awkward bump that destroys any form of immersion.

My ass is console-oriented.

On its initial release there was a suspicious amount of controllers with all sorts of defects, I don't think it's going to be worth chasing up or justifying. The paddles are the only really noteworthy feature.

>If you're not using a mouse+keyboard you are absolutely fucking lowest tier scum
Try playing Fifa with kb+m you bumbaclart

But user, some games aren't really designed with keyboard and mouse play in mind, and the PC ports get annoying fast without a controller.

Attached: Xbox-360-S-Controller.png (1920x1573, 1.83M)

after dusting it off for some reason my PC doesn't detect my xbone gamepad anymore. I guess I'll just stick to m/kb and not play Halo the way I wanna.

I bought a wired Xbox 360 controller to play emulators on my old laptop many years ago and althought back then I thought it was a bit uncomfortable, I got used to it and nowadays I still use it when playing games that aren't strategy, first person or third person shooters. Mustard racers who hate controllers are most likely third worlders that only play CSGO and Dota 2.

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