FFXIV Shadowbringers continued


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Based thread.

So what materia or gear so I want to upgrade first for DRK at level 80?


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Time for my daily dumb question that is really subjective.
So I want to find a DPS job to level since I hit 80 on WHM and I want your opinions.
I'd like something that has some mobility so it's not stuck in place often, has some party utility but isn't a complete slave to it, and has an okay to fun rotation.
Thanks in advance. I find just about every job has something I think is interesting so picking solely on aesthetics is rough, if anyone has some advice I appreciate it.

Excellent story, excellent atmosphere, absurdly good music and great class changes.

I've been playing MMOs for 20 years and this is the best expansion I've ever seen.

Hades did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to go out like this



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I wonder how long it's been in the source since our return.



Is Ran'jit based on anything or did they just randomly make a weird kung fu dragon guy?

Fuck off Ehmet

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Hien's dad.

>the leve plate images are different on the first

Dunno but I kinda wish he was a trial or at least had some expended use for him. He seemed a bit wasted potential this expansion.

>what went right
Paid reviews, otaku sycophants, par for the course with gook EA really

What sever(NA) should someone who's new join?

post yfw your expectations weren't subverted by the crystal exarch reveal

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>WoL was the 14th member of the council
>Left his position, probably didnt like the solution of using Zodiark
>Probably lead the side that summoned Hydaelyn
>Meaning we are her creator, and in turn she watches and protects the fragmented selves of the WoL
I think I solved the puzzle

any preferred server

I found 14 boring and played it through stormblood. Is this expac good enough to change my mind?

Fuck off back to WoW, all the servers are literally full.

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Sounds like DRG but it's pretty much the only class I've played since 2.0 so there might be another that's better for you. Just know that until about 60 it's kind of boring then at 70 you'll get a pretty good understanding of what the real rotation will be. Then at 80 its just nonstop damage and oGCD weaving.

/ourgirl/ did it, boys. She made the most kino of expansions.

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9 years ago


>Elidibus in the post credits
How underwhelming. I can't take that stupid nigger seriously at all after Emet.

>Game is so cheaply made they can't handle more than 500k players

This is Alternative to the Muv Luv Trilogy

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This just keeps getting more and more kino

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wowfags seething this hard
Such a joy to see

Join preferred servers, it gives you a buff called "Road to 70" which buffs your exp.
If you can, make a character on Aether as this is the most populated Data Center. Crystal and Primal are somewhat okay too.

What if he was pretending to be retarded?

Too late i'm already installing and subscribedand was previously playing gw2.


>Aaaah Emet save me, he's got a katana

>Baelsar charges in at the end of the cutscene
>Worry only about Estinien

Yes now go back to WoW. I think there's a thread up right now on the 7th page. If you act fast enough you might be able to make 1 post before it 404s

If you're insistent on playing, then pay attention to the story. Don't be like the WoWfugee faggots that skip everything then complain they didn't know it had a story.

>'best' expansion
>still can't get more subs than BFA

>blocks your path

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ninja, bard, summoner, red mage

BFA is under a million

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Our friend would never hurt Estinien

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Whos that snack in the back right

They will both be fine and will be your trusts in 5.1 dungeons.

>only 280k characters
>the average player has 10 characters
>28k subs in america
damn.... blizzard really fucked up

tfw playing ninja at 80

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Guys why are the ffxiv playable races the worst races of any mmo? I'd go Roe cause they look good with the tanking classes but then if I want to be a caster I risk looking absolutely garbage. I don't want to be a human! Elves have a horrible model! No gnomes! No human but with animal ears! Plz help, which race do pick??

Pick the hang yourself race

i lucked out being able to make a character on famfrit right before it closed.

I really enjoy new AST minus play/draw being seperate skills and Divination being on such a long cooldown.


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You should pick up the the uninstall button and fuck off right back to WoW.


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There's a Yea Forums FC on Ultros, ZR (Golden Ratio), you'd be free to join if you care to, so if that's up your alley then it's as good a place as any. If not then anyplace is fine, really. Everything is fairly populated right now so just spin the wheel and see where you land.

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go fuck yourself furry faggot

Aren't they exaggerated to prevent server blow up? They aren't actually that full.

>Bait image from meme website
>this is their proof
Lmao weebs are so pathetic
Every time I come into these threads to watch you idiots posture and shriek it reminds me of how my little brother always used to cry and scream for attention because he could never live up to me or my own big brother. But I guess that's basically what 14 players are, the annoying little kid always walking in big bros shadow who thinks just because he's no longer in pre school he's hot shit.
Well until he gets his face beat in. Enjoy yourselves while it lasts ;3

You can have bahamut out at the end of your first Dreadwyrm trance, but getting phoenix takes maybe a full minute. It flows pretty nicely though once you have all your toys.

Why does hate newcomers? I not playing wow. Servers populated is good thing! Right now is full but when expansion isnt new anymore you want game to be lively

Thanks for the information.
Which healing jobs are the most fun to play?

I'm calling janny

I literally said I dont want human but with animal ears

I thought it was an incredibly mixed bag, really liked the first like 60% and then it started to lose air.
Mehmet-Selch turned out to be your bog standard "monster" instead of an actually good villain who had better ideals than the WoD, this I didn't care for at all
>muh final form reveal
I also didn't see why they would build up the whole "corrupted light soul" BS only to do literally nothing with it, no heroic sacrifice for Ardbert, no nothing, just an asspull at the last second, some concerned looks and "lol ur healed now", where's my cool sin eater version of MC and my duty where I can slash at loli Minfilia only to have Chadcred save her

I also didn't like the fact that Vauthry turned beautiful in his boss fight, seemed to me like he should've turned into some giant abomination not unlike his human form, instead of some stupid angel
>tfw for the longest time I assumed Crystal Exarch was Alphinaud from the future
Too bad, I guess it never goes how I want it

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Ignore the mad trannies. Au Ra are the best all around looking in most job gear. Hrothgar are actual cat people and not humans with tacked on shit.


Post yfw the next expansion is going to be PLD time

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Hard to say since it's so new, but from what I understand WHM and SCH have it best right now

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They're insecure cuz even if wow dies it'll always be remembered as the best mmo cuz of tbc and wrath. When you have to stand against an insurmountable mountain you'd get snippy towards criticism too.
Plus some people are just brainless fanboys so, eh.
To answer your question, the game was made on the cheap so we can't have varied races because that would be too expensive, prease understand

>people in the comments fuming

So what makes this better than WoW?


I'm impressed I haven't seen a single person shouting out spoilers in game yet. You'd think there would be assholes who would do that.

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Sorry user, I'll brew up a dozen soijack and console war threads for you to enjoy in just a moment.

>PLD gets in the shed
Good desu.

It's totally going to be BRD or MCH

>The fabric of our star began to fray
>and the unchecked energies of creation begat malformed beasts leaving naught in their wake but blood and ash
>Just as prayer gives rise to primals, our dread made manifest our deepest fears
>Thus did the first doom befall us

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>Expecting a nuanced story from a final fantasy game
Dude you're playing a game for actual school children, what did you expect?
Just enjoy the ride

>Bunny player is stupid and takes things at face value
Color me shocked

>Shit taste opinion because they didn't expect what the story was suppose to be.

Fuck sakes. Go to /xivg/

It's not really

The music
The writing
The zone design
Gear isn't a texture onto your model
Consistent content schedule

>janny hears a video game thread behind him

Do Samurai have any positionals?

>thinking exarch was anyone but G'raha

Need porn of Alphinaud fucking Dulia-Chai

That's literally the only way to save him at this point.
Like he wants to feed (You) your remaining fragments or something for reasons, and by telling Zenos about Zodiark and Hydaelyn wants you two to murder each other after dominating them.

Haven't played in years but is Samurai still worthless?

A side and a rear iirc

WoWfags are an integral part of Yea Forums society, but they must be fed with threads, living non 404d threads.

Absolute shit taste as expected from a bunny slut.

Yes. Hope you enjoy running in front of the tank and eating cleaves

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I enjoyed it well enough, it was the only expansion I finished without stopping mid-way

Here's your (You)

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flank/side on two of their combo enders
other than that no

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>Another Sargatanas player

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>Story is absolutely great
>Soundtrack is as great as ever
>New areas are so-so, but there isnt too much you can do about areas in MMORPG, so its okay

Now if only they would let go of this "all classes must feel the same" bullshit. Tanks and Healers felt the same in Stormblood already, but now they literally feel like reskins with some slight tacked on gimmick.

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Is there a ragnarok one?

whats to spoil
no one died

Your game is so bad RuneScape has more twitch viewers

fuck off we're full

does this shit run at 60 fps on cucksoles? I find it hard to believe

I'll admit it is kind of frustrating
>Literally the only good msq so far
>still mediocre
Maybe SE will hire proper writers at some point

Kasha and Gekko have a flank and rear positional but they only grant extra kenki instead of weapon potency, still important though.

Why are you expecting the true form of another race to be humanoid? Why would he fight on his human body when he clearly said that lahabrea fucked himself up for jumping from body to body.
Did you miss the multiple times people told the wol that the lightwardens light is too much "for one soul to bear"?
Emet plan was most likely to turn us into a sin eater so we'd destroy everything. As to why he wanted us to control the light, probably he just liked us, not to mention he saw a bit of that other person in us.
If we learned anything from primals is that these beings take the shape that they want, maybe that's how vaultry seen himself as a beautiful righteous god.
>tfw for the longest time I assumed Crystal Exarch was Alphinaud from the future

Easy to gauge progression that isn't bogged down by shitty Diablo-style loot systems that are made frustrating by daily and weekly cooldowns.

No idea. There used to be one on Catuar but not a clue if that still exists.

I think the PS4Pro uses boost mode for 60 FPS.

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Please user, I just fucking gagged

>Your game is so bad it has less zoomers

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Final Boss, emet's motive, ALEXANDER, underwater city, Minfilia technically dies

I'm rooting for Elidibus from now on
Ancient ayyscians deserve to win
Fuck Hydaelyn and fuck mortals

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>Sekiro Hanzo

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SMN and RDM should do the same damage

>intentionally step towards dps and get him cleaved
>teehee its his fault
i do that all the time to my friends as a joke dont act like its their fault

>He stopped midway for HW
Now I know you're a faggot

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How soon until we get y'shtola getting demolished by runar?

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>The zone design
lol let's not get ahead of ourselves
one of the worst designs of the game are the zones

word around the office is that SCH and WHM are able to solo heal titania/innocence ex already

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I gotta say I didn't care about viera at all before expansion release, but anytime I see a bunny walking around in that outfit it makes ME expand & release

>kill for a friend than farm

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How many death flags can Thancred keep raising before he runs out of luck?

All night themes are very comfy.



I wonder if this means folks like Ramza and Ysayle who also had the blessing of light were also among those who summoned her


This isnt stormblood anymore

Don't, youre only going to be disappointed Elidibus is a jobber

>Minfilia technically dies
I mean, if you didn't see this one coming a mile away you'd have to be blind.

He's the tank trust, he can't die until there's someone to replace him.

Not him but when Arbert touched you and was like "No, I'm not the hero anymore." then you start having light attacks after Graha failed to take it. I was just thinking ARBERT YOU FUCK. JUST TAKE MY LIGHT.

>lootmaster first come first serve

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Alternative you say?

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>rooting for Elidibus

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He's far and away the most popular male Scion so a lot of them.

World of Warcraft through WotLK was the best game I ever played and it's downright painful to see how shit it is now. Watching the people defend BFA is the most pathetic display of literal shit eating I have ever seen in my entire life.



Exarch is also tank

>Baiting faggot gets beat at his own game
>Is salty as fuck
You lads are always a joy, come back again!

U have nice haircut friend

>tfw can't go back inside the castle again outside of the Trial
>tfw can't go back to The Dying Gasp zone

Both him and alisae are really abusing their plot armor

>The revelation that man created the Gods themselves is now known by a literal mass murdering psychopath.

Could have Elidibus fucked up even harder than he did?


What happen to that midget?

emets spoiler and the underwater city are all about presentation and plot context

there is nothing to spoil out of context except maybe "ascian final boss!!" which barely should be a surprise

I was hoping it wouldn't turn into some ridiculous "epic" faceoff against some weird alien deity, Emet deserved better than to just be another literal who slain by the MC
My point with the whole lightwarden light being too much for the MC was that they didn't do anything with it, as I said, it's just there one moment and gone the next, nothing ever comes of it except for the possibility of something bad happening and the heores being pushed to action because of it

You don't get him after you beat MSQ. It's dumb.

>The music
Eh, it's hit and miss
It's mostly just the same song remixed 59 times + old ff music
>The writing
Yes, well, now anyway but wow used to have way better writing
>Zone design
Haha, absolutely not
>Gear has actual texture
>Consistent content schedule

>he cares unless it gives him more power

>the land buckled; the cities burned; the waters ran red with blood
>Thus did the second doom break us
>The beast bellowed and gave birth to terror. A terror which, in turn, gave birth to new beasts
>The star was fading. We saw we had to weave its laws anew.
>But between us and our goal loomed a final misbegotten fiend
>From the depths of despair, the last harbinger arose

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Perfect fishing spot

Is Dancer fun and easy?

Ardbert did sacrifice himself you fucking moron. He rejoined with the WoL's soul. That's what let them get back up and squash down the Light corruption long enough to weaponize the excess Light.

>Everytime a wowbaboon is cornered, he falls straight into T-TWITCH VIEWS THO!!

Learn English

Have sex

He wasn't strong enough. Like all the other Ascians, he assumed the shards were too weak and sub-Ascian to protect themselves. That was his mistake.

I really hope this is all some part of Elidibus's grand redeeming KEIKAKU and it bites Zenos in the ass since he's even shittier than Lahabrea and Elidibus are.
Then again Elidibus got fucking styled on by a fucking nerd like Urianger, so



have sex and cope

Not really
It's braindead son.

What are the cons that you would say SHB has so far? I would personally say the level 76 quests, and terrible gear designs bring the expansion down.

more TDA never

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>add like 6 indicators about whether you're crafting a collectable or not
>still forget to turn it on
good brain, love to be smart and not dumb

thanks for making your fellow bunnies look bad, retard


>he doesn't know

>you couldn't protect his smirk

elidibus better be interesting

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He knows about how people used to be more powerful when they weren't sundered. He's going to try to get his remaining sharded selves im very sure.

Yes it's fucking rathalos, you can get him as a mount as part of a crossover event.

Honestly I thought they were going to half ass it so they both live.

its not so fuck off

The shitty dungeon gear is my only gripe with the xpac so far. The dungeon in Ahm Areng literally gave you level 55 gatherer gear as fucking dungeon gear.

>played the MHW event
>tfw didn't know there was an event for 14 either
Do I get it just by doing whatever the quest is?

We did, he smirked then died. He'll never unsmirk ever again.

So what are your thoughts the next expansion is going to be?
>Poster Job
>What are we gonna be doing there?

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>Varis is dead
>In his place we get recycled edgemaster man
That really left off a shit taste in my mouth.


She takes meaty lion cock. It's both canon and lore supported. Cat sluts need a strong man to form a harem around.

>nothing ever comes of it
You literally weaponized that light

Well we already have leaked api numbers that puts wow at 1.2 million subs, we also have ffxiv numbers that put the game at a flat 1 mil
So you can post all the bait images or scream, cry shit yourself, whatever you trannies do but no matter how you spin it, wow still has more subs

No, it drops from the extreme fight, you can either get him as drop from the end chest or buy him for 50 tokens (1 per clear).

>terrible gear designs
not if you're a healer

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Why does Urianger get so much flack from the playerbase? He's literally the most based scion, always putting the most work in from the shadows, going farther than all the others. Only Thancred is the other scion with a modicum of personality and he spent this expac being a bitch

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Best not get your hopes up. All he's done is job and mumble about muh balance, so unless he has a dramatically different plan than the other Ascians did I don't expect much out of him.

Zenos doesn't even want the position. He'll probably fuck off and the empire will fall into civil war again for a new emperor.

>this guy gets summoned to help you fight Hades

i hope the maintenence fixes en avant

Every time anyone has mentioned Urianger theyve talked about how based he is, where is the flak coming from

One of the reasons I didn't want to buy shadowbringers was because I felt like they were homogenizing and making healers and tanks even more boring based on what I saw during liveletters
How do those roles feel now that the expansion is actually out?

Post Hrothgar!

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Because he's a fucking nerd, wasn't a typical handsome husbando like Thancred in his nerd robe, and he uses big words.

I fucking hate you autistic zoomer secondaries literally jumping on the bandwagon right now and acting as if this is some sort of event

>elidibus better be interesting

>WoL kills an Ascian
>"I'll use Warriors of Darkness to kill them"
>fails miserably
>WoD kills an Ascian
>"I'll use Warriors of Light to kill them"
Elidibus is a worse jobber than Lahabrea

u mad

gassed Eorzea where you just fight Zenos for the entire xpac

you're a fucking retard

But he has man made echo right? Can he even have other shards ?

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Maybe the contrarians on Yea Forums might like urianger but most players ive met ingame hate him

At least we now learned that Lahabrea was just a fucking nerd who loved creating things like Primals so the WoL busting up all of the primals he helped so the seeds for sent him into an autistic rage.

You're taking the he-man thing a bit too far.
Might want to dial that back a bit.

You posted this before you autist

>I heard you call yourself the warrior of darkness now
>And everyone knows warriors of light always defeat those of darkness
>So therefore, I will win this time!!!!!
So is he brain damaged or?

>Building you up to become the greatest primal of all to fight both gods and create his world.

Can I say based?

You would think that living for centuries and being an ancient would mean they would have some decent plan up their sleeve to at least hinder us or put us out of action for a few minutes. I guess the tempering that Zodiark did to them ravaged their brains.

Ranjiy would've been better and more believable if they introduced him as Ardbert's teacher or even a Warrior of Light that stayed behind. You basically just get told how strong he is but you're never really shown it.

Probably low IQs who think his words are too complex to understand

They talk about how the Emperor's first act was to declare Zenos his successor to avoid another civil war, but since Zenos likely doesn't give a fuck and will immediately fuck off, the civil war will likely happen anyway.

Not for long.
XIV is growing and WoW is dying.

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I doubt it. It's clear this is going in a very KEfka situations.

They gave the keys to a guy who all he cares about is to crash cars. Lahabrea and now Elidibus keep thinking the Garloans are just easy-to-trick morons and now it's gonna blow up on their faces.

is this MMO actually good or is it a meme?

Tibia/SWG/WoW/SWTOR vet here.

He's definitely going to be in the patches. He seems like such a wasted potential.

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Non-ironically digging the one on the right

No go back to WoW

How will WoWfags cope when XIV finally surpasses it in subs, which is likely to be any day now, when it's literally all they have left to cling to.

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>"It's like heavensward but 2" - Naoki Yoshida

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It's literally just a jap wow clone

With the empire all up in arms it'd be the perfect opportunity to invade.

6.0 is the Garlemald expansion, mark my words.


>tfw hit level 50 and just learned about limit breaks

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But user You're Zodiark, they don't talk about you being "incomplete" for no reason, Hades doesn't "test" you by seeing how well you can contain light for no reason.

It's probably more they've never had any real opposition who was actively undoing their plans instead of just causing minor set backs so now he's panicking.
Or he still hopefully has a few tricks up his sleeve, since they've always mentioned that his goals and methods have differed from the other Ascians.
Like saving Unukalhai who I'm pretty sure will turn out to be the shard of (You) from the 13th.

Kinobringers objectively blew heavensward out of the water.

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We'll take solace in the knowledge that our best expac won us 12 (twelve) million subs while your best expac was barely able to eek past our worst expac

Sid and Rielle are precious

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Just finished last night and I’m now confused about the Ascians’ previous actions in light of what we've learned.
I get why they want to destroy other shards, so their essence flows back to the Source, and if they do all of them it brings about the Rejoining, thusly resurrecting Zodiark and allowing them to restore all their friends by offering the current life on the Source.
But this means all the calamities on the Source are just side effects of a shard being destroyed, not an end in themselves.
Seems like if they want a world full of life to offer to Zodiark upon his return, they wouldn’t be teaching the beast races to summon creatures that sap life from the world.
So why do they do anything on the Source, for that matter? What does all the summoning of primals in Eorzea accomplish? Why not spend all their time on other shards bringing about apocalypses like Emet did on the First?
As a specific example, what did the Amal’jaa summoning Ifrit back at the beginning of 2.0 achieve for them?
The only explanation I can think of is that the aether the primals draw might be directly from Hydaelyn and so it weakens her. But that’s still really weak because they’re destroying their own world in the process. If the whole world was like The Burn it would be useless to the Ascians. That's precisely why they made the second offering to Zodiark; to bring life to a dead world because it was intolerable to them.

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The question is if the end game is a bore/non-existant as always. Otherwise, having a grand time so far with the story.

thanks. I will go back to WoW when Classic launches but otherwise I'm just staying away from MMOs til then. Thx again.

>lvl 80 dungeons already have queues up to 20 minutes

this entire expac has built ascians up as lamentable immortals barely hanging on to sanity

eldibus doesnt deserve to be bullied, his mind has decayed much worse than emet ok

member when all the wow faggs and wrpg fags laughed at muh jrpg as not being rpgs?
funny how a jrpg is doing it right isnt it?

I would enjoy this expansion more if they didn’t remove literally all the utility off classes. This really fucking sucks. I hate that theres nothing for any class to do other than maximize dps and virtually any buff that exist is selfish self buffs that you line up with other dps self buffs.

No I disagree. The 14th member of the council of 14 that resigned was the original WoL that summoned Hydaelyn to defeat Zodiark. We're that WoL who's soul was split up into 13 pieces. Hydaelyn's blessing helped us defeat Hades in the second phase. Ehmet saw in us that original WoL so he wanted to put his faith in us to see if we could contain the light hence why he was testing us, to see if we're "worthy" of becoming who we were again.

Saving them from Zenos

>all out of weed
>no will to log in anymore

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Thank, I spent 300 hours making him

Locus is so good, my man. Even before I started playing XIV I heard it here and enjoyed it immensely.

Why do Viis and Viera NPC feel like they don't belong in this world? They just are jarring to see.

>Is it fun
If you enjoy being a support slut, yes
>Is it easy
Yes, more so than RDM even

The surge of aether from both loads of people suddenly dying on the Source and the shards getting fucked up is what allows the Rejoining to happen. They have said the the point of summoning primals is to siphon off Aether which in turn weakens Hydaelyn, which probably prevents her from aiding her champions in fucking up their plans.

he makes brainlets feel like brainlets

Enjoy your 15 year old dog food

The most important question is if ShB Hildi will be better than the ARR Hildibrand questline

I wonder what being tempered by Zodiark actually did, and if it was all Ascians?

And did the Ascians just dream up their own destruction, and it snowballed?

I've got a shit ton of main stat materia around 1-4 rank. Is there a place I can trade it in, or do I just convert it at Mutamix? I need to free up a lot of bag space and this is a big part of wasted space.

>saving Unukalhai who I'm pretty sure will turn out to be the shard of (You) from the 13th.
Holy fuck I completely forgot about Unukalhai This just keeps getting more and more kino, fucking yoshi.

the rejoining takes two to tango

both sides need to be unstable. the black rose genocide is half of the puzzle

I went through most of the story assuming he had the echo, since it explained how he knew we were there when invisible, grabbed an invisible pixie, reacted to Urianger using rescue on him before he actually did it, and fused with his dragonbro, but they never elaborated on it.


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I want to get into this but the only classes that really interest me are Gunbreaker and maybe Warrior. Can I go through the entire game only playing those two?

I got kind of tired of him being Mr. Secrets along with his buddy Exarch. I get it, there's lots of threads to unravel and stuff but there was just too much concealment at some points in the story.
I think Urianger alone is just the right amount of secrets but Exarch being added to the mix, being the incredibly mysterious person he is supposed to be, really made me kind of resent them both at times for cutting off so much information from us.
He cute tho, i'm jealous of Y'shtola for being able to grab his ass.


He's too smart for the average player

That doesn't make a damn bit of sense user Nothing about summoning Hydaelyn would "split our soul", the only time such splitting is mentioned is when they talk about how that's Hydaelyn's power. Another key point is Emets line when you use "her" power against him, which is as likely to refer to "you" than "Hydaelyn", there's also no reason to believe Hydaelyn's power would be very particularly effective against Ascians. But again, main reasoning here is that there is nothing to suggest there is anything other than Hydaelyn herself which could shatter a soul, conveniently into the same 13 pieces that Zodiark was shattered into.

You can start as Marauder which turns into Warrior, then pick up Gunbreaker at 60.

Nah, you're an Ascian. You're incomplete because you were split into 14 pieces, one of them being Ardbert. You even appear to Emet as one of the hooded Amaurotines right before the final battle, and he's shocked that you're complete enough to resemble your original self.
It's also why he asks if you remember Amaurot back in Kholusia.
There's even an Amaurotine whose ambient dialogue is something like "wait, I know you..." when you walk near.

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Did you pay attention at all? An apocalyptic threat on the Source has to occur at the same time as one of the shards so that the damage to the Source would require it sucking up the entirety of the aether from the shard back into itselt.

How much SkS should I be melding as DRG?

Have you paid your respects to the Great Serpent yet? It's not too late.

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i think drg is still on the old shit which was like 2.46 gcd or something like that

I give him all the pets

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summoning hydaelyn split the world and everyone in it included. thus the summoner is split too

how different is titania ex from normal

Tell me what sub-50 class to level up

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Western sp rpgs are still better tho?
What world are you living in

>light theme

How do you unlock that quest? Just by doing all those character's questlines?

Urianger is /ourguy/.
>is pretty much the reason the pure kino of ShB actually happened when he out keikaku'd Elidibus
>lives in a comfy nerd shack surround by books in shit
>has pixies lusting after his dick and decorating his nerd shack
>probably oblivious to this while he's reading his books
>Rescue's Ran'jhit off a cliff
>>desperately wishes anyone would be a nerd with him

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I think you're misremembering the fight user Hades says "curse her blessing that gives you such strength." Not to mention right before the level 80 dungeon he remarks how in every age a WoL arises to fight against the ascians. Also what this user over here says

If you were expecting some sort of support dps, I’d say its disappointing but as far as how it rotation works its fun.

I say its not fun as a support dps because:
>their “buffs” are all generic small dps increases that you line up with other classes self buffs in order to maximize dps, plus their main buff (standard finish) which is something that you simply upkeep like ninjas huton, only works on whoever you have set as your dance partner which will quite frankly simply be the highest person in the parse. Technical finish is just another generic party buff that you line up with shit like TA, and saber dance is just an extra boost to standard finish that you’ll ideally try to line up with your dance partners cooldowns
>curing waltz is heavily flawed, if switching your dance partner was instant and not on a cooldown, curing waltz would actually be cool in the sense that you could strategically weave closed position into the tank whenever you feel like they need the healing boost. The cooldown and small range also hurt it at being any sort of useful

Is it feasible to run heaven on high for 70+ characters or does the exp drop of hard in favor of trusts?

I've been through ARR HW SB and now ShB with 80% WHM playtime only. You really don't need to play more than one job if you don't want to.

Do both blue storylines on raktika, then that final one unlocks.

Did Emet show up in 4.4? It's pretty incredible that they pulled in pretty "short" time.

Gives me hope they could do something cool with Garlemald outside shitty Zenos as well

there's a questline where he tricks the pixies into making tea for him by pretending to hate it
also yes he continues to be the only useful scion even though he should really stop being such a secretive nerd about everything

it's all fun and games until you spend 20 or 30 hours wiping to living liquid

No idea. He was easily my favorite scion going in, and by the part where he gets down on one knee to apologize I was wishing he was proposing instead.

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Urianger is based. The patience of a saint and brings the subtle bantz

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O3S and sephirot mechanics, add phase is the only real wall, everything else is easy to handle

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Blizzbros... how we holding up?

Why do people even join this shit? How are these parties allowed?

>Well we already have leaked api numbers that puts wow at 1.2 million subs
that was at release of BFA half a year ago lmao

Boy her power is to split, which she did for everyone but the main 3 ascians. The real question is how did they escape getting split

Also one of the side quests in Aumarot has the receptionist in the department of architects saying that the power to create is minimal in you, you have it but it's minimal.

user, you can not like the others but I'd say Y'shtola is the only Scion lacking a defined personality at this point.
She's like a discount Urianger with an autistic hate for secrets.

He's fucking based and the only character that justifies Koji's S U C C O R translation.

>no lalafell scion thats not a secretary to be the bookworm combat type like papalymo was
>no roegadyn or hrothgar scion to be the muscle of the group
This bothers me like you would not believe, but this expansion made me like all the scions a lot more except thancred and yshtola

Is there any difference between Eos and Selene?

Black Mage. Hear me out; I have it at 79 atm, and not only is it the most mobile it's ever been, but it's extremely fun to play. Just make mouseover macros for aetherial manipulation. If that fails to satisfy, try rdm I suppose

The same Amaurite pretty much refuses to believe that You can't use the creation power though too.

>I know the FATE of everything hangs in the balance and my contributions may end up being a determining factor between salvation and oblivion but let me sacrifice myself to save half a dozen tree fuckers. Don't worry, I have plot armor.
Can you guess the character?

>The real question is how did they escape getting split
Not the 3 main ascians, the 13 ascians. And Ehmet tells us that Zodiark had tempered those that summoned him.

I'm still waiting for our adventures with the B team, imagine them with trust system

You think maybe its how Ysayle also had her blessing and was able to "create" Shiva

I never heard anyone criticize Urianger here except perhaps that he wasn't really a character until HW. He just hung out at the Waking Sands and delivered exposition. He's definitely the best Scion by now.

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The answer was obvious but there were so many ironworks red herrings I began to think maybe it wasnt who I thought it could be.

If they let Ishikawa write an actual Garlemald expansion she could probably salvage them. This is the same writer that managed to make Bahamut and now the fucking Ascians sympathetic.

That would have been fitting, Ardbert's squad was always lacking a melee dps.

one game has objectively bad gameplay and the people playing it praise it for that
the other had objectively good gameplay and watched it degrade to pure unfiltered shit over the span of many years

Do you have to level crafters/gatherers to get good gear at endgame?

Thancred was an annoying faggot this xpac, he just needed to accept that Minfillia was dead. Y'shtola on the other hand has been the same since ARR, she has literally not had any character development at all which is bad.

True, I even started liking Thancred after this expansion. Y'shtola is still shit though.

>the thing Nero threw off the CT at the end of the quest line is what allows Graha to grab you

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not really

Sarg bros represent!
I didn't know it was an rp server when I first made a character; all my friends were already playing ;_;

No. Selene was deleted completely, they just kept their button there to make it seem like you have two summons instead of making her into pet glamour.

hoary boulder and krile are scions even if they aren't main scions

None of that cheek, or I shall take you across my knee


Lahabrea, Emet and Edilibus are the three main, as told by Emet himself. They are the only ones who are their whole selves from the original world. The titles of the other ascians are just titles to be filled by them 3 plucking a fragmented self of their comrades soul. Thats if im remembering correctly, I need to refind the things Emet tells you when you ask him questions.

So now that the dust has settled and ShB turned out to be a lukewarm disappointment, are you going to stay subscribed?
The gameplay of both healers and tanks were gutted, so personally I won't stay around to grind weekly lockouts for gear that won't stay relevant for more than 3 months anyway.

But why?

>half a dozen tree fuckers
wrong she did it for her hrothchad daddy, and can you blame her

>dieing and going blind
>realizes her biological clock is ticking and she spent too much time being an unapproachable cunt
>literally a cake expiring fast
the funniest development is seeing yshtola so thirsty now, slapping uriangers ass and threatening to slap yours

Better fake erp trannies than actual raid trannies

He threw away his last piece of Garlean tech, what was used to grab us was Ironworks.

I haven't played in 6 years so I have a really retarded question: why are half the skills on my bars invalid?

I'm tempted to switch to viera desu
in game they look way better than in the character creator

Who is confirmed to have Echo currently? Does Hoary Boulder have it?

>Y'shtola on the other hand has been the same since ARR
She's definitely changed. They even mention ingame how she seems different after spending years on the first

Because they've pruned or replaced a lot of redundant niche skills.

who are you trying to convince


Sticking with their typical content and gearing model for raids. Really, at this point, they could afford to take some risks when it comes to how players are rewarded and how stats work.
Scholar seems to have been reworked a little too heavily as well (though I don't play it).

>turned out to be a lukewarm disappointment

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So anyway, we all know next expansion will have two dps again but lets talk about the one after that when they finally add a fourth healer.

I’m expecting scholar skillset to be reworked completely and made into what arithmetician will be. They’ll rewrite the lore so the fairy is out of the picture.

The new healer I’m expecting it to be salvemaker and will have mix as a skill that acts like mudras but instead depending on the combination it makes different buffs, probably an attack/shield/regen buff. It will hopefully not have any fucking stances since those are cancer, and will have weapon skills to make it a more close ranged healer but I doubt it all the same.

Anyone hoping there is a mistral ballad fight of a what if Warden of Light?

>ShB turned out to be a lukewarm disappointment

t.faggot that skipped the story for muh endgayme. Fuck off back to WoW.

Why are you posting here, I thought you went home

As someone who disliked yshtola and couldn't understand her appeal besides catgirl mascot, she grew on me a lot in SHB

name a single wrpg that has good non turn based combat.. oh wait they dont exist.

so what happens to elidibus in the last cutscene? I know he's on the moon but that's it

Nigga xpac isn't over yet, and the fact that [spoilers]scions are staying on the first for the next 4 patches means we might actually see a Warden of Light fight, especially since Elidibus mentions how he's going to get a WoL to kill us.[/spoiler]

Maybe they should stop adding new jobs and find a way to give a big boost to current ones.

>The gameplay of (...) tanks (was) gutted
It's literally exactly the same.
>he actually used his enmity combo more than once
Fuck off, shitter opinions don't matter.

t. falseflaggingwowfag
At least TRY to be accurate in your statements next time...

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The next expansion will be about Sharlayan and their exploration into ???, with Alisaie's mom teasing Alisaie heavily about her relationship with (You), and even threatening to steal you away from her.

I think it's a cause/effect relationship between a shard's destruction and the ensuing calamity.
Urianger said in that scene in his house that if water overtook a world we'd get floods in the Source.
One causes the other, they aren't independent events.
Black Rose only works because it uses the aether-disrupting abilities of the First's light.
That's why stopping the light in the First disables the gas in the Source, but the gas' use has no bearing on what happens in the First.
>but you're never really shown it.
Didn't the guy stop Thancred's gunblade with his toe at one point?
I thought he was represented pretty well in terms of strength.

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Because that sure worked out great for him the first time.

I was more on a what if they succumbed ie the scions werent there to save the wol and you fight a hypothetical boss.

No, it specifies that there was a great battle, at the end of which came the sundering, also it mentions that the summoning of Zodiark and Hydaelyn both required sacrifices, so it makes no sense that the soul of Hydaelyn's summoner would still be around afterward.

He ran away from Zenos to the moon the plot his next "plan"

He's just seething. That's literally it.

he's getting scared
he's the only one left

He just gives up now that the last ascian capable of killing WoL is dead

What a massive nerd

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>yfw getting to the 3rd act of the level 80 story dungeon

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the splitting of the soul was the sacrifice Hydaelyn wanted user. Zodiark just wanted the souls to eat, Hydaelyn wanted to split it.

what a dogshit dungeon, the second boss makes me want to kill myself

Thancred is nothing compared to you though. Or at lesst he shouldn't be, when you're the godslayer and you still job.

Is dancer really as weak as its being portrayed even taking into account it's buffs? As support I always assumed it would be on the low end of individual dps

>reach the first boss
>The first beast
Jesus FUCK

I never realized how much I missed the scions after HW and SB ignored them completely.

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>second boss makes me want to kill myself
your fault for playing dpslets

witcher, dx:hr, new vegas, path of exile, da:origins
>inb4 baka gaijin they're shit cuz I said so

Not only that but he appears to want to hasten the return of Hythlodaeus, the Warden.


its buffing is actually insane but the dps is maybe a tad too low, just a tad
I honestly expect a minor buff in that aspect before savage drops

Tried out gunbreaker and enjoying it so far. Never tanked in 14 though so have some questions.
>The class has like a half dozen damage reduction abilities. Should I be using these whenever they're up, or saving them for "oh shit" moments?
>Should I be spamming the aoe combo to keep aggro from all enemies on me, or should I focus on using my single target combos and then use provoke + that shot that generates taunt to keep everything on me?
>When enemies do aoe attacks should I get out of the way or stay where I am to preserve aggro and just trust the healer to keep me alive?

NIN player located

Just ranged/caster lb them.

t. redditor zoomers who have never played a proper singleplayer crpg in their lives

The story wasn't even on Heavensward level and the gameplay is objectively worse.

>The star was fading. We saw we had to weave its laws anew.
>But between us and our goal loomed a final misbegotten fiend
>From the depths of despair, the last harbinger arose

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too bad I play BLM and that doesn't change the fact that having waves of adds instead of an actual boss is a shitty mechanic

He was like a combination of Ludwig the Accursed and Frampt.
I loved it.

We've got a lot of lost time to make up for.

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>whm hits harder than tanks now

Why would you play anything else?

No, they mention specifically such summoning requires sacrifice, which is a recurring theme in the post-game dungeon as well, where the final boss has an amaurotian sacrifice himself to summon it. What they were going to feed Zodiark more shite for was to return the amaurotians that were the initial sacrifice to summon it. It is simply not possible for your character to be the one that made Hydaelyn

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

Can you shukuchi through the walkway

I just finished the story
10/10 kino

You're already caught, why keep going? That bored because you have nothing to do in 8.2?


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oh god it's worse than I thought

because it's getting the neff hammer in a few days, no way a healer gets to stay at 8k dps

It naturally will be, however I had a DNC keep up with me as a MNK in an EX trial yesterday. I was 12k and they were 10-9k, but it could also be I'm missing most goetia gear and they were decked out for the most part

People are gonna meme that picture of the SSS dummies but Dancers can get almost 9.5k~10k if you get good procs.
That being said I played with the best bard on my server last night who had the literal best gear you can get right now and she did 12kDPS single target, plus buffs.
Pretty fucking disappointing honestly but not unexpected. It's a job where you're giving someone a +5% permanent damage buff, and you give everyone a 5%+ buff.
I'm thinking Bard will still end up being the ranged job people settle on IF there's still a lot of emphasis on raid buffs which I kind of hope isn't true.

>The story wasn't even on Heavensward level
Okay you showed your card too early, last (you) from me

>get 7 retards that die to the simplest shit
Thanks Exarch.

I don't want to babysit

>One brings shadow, one brings the light

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would've been better if they summoned characters from FFXI

That's because they reserve that role for (You). After spending years playing as a potato U really can't see the WoL any other way, people will meme about it but I feel the the juxtaposition between the expectation of the WoL being some grand amazing hero and then seeing my three foot tall little shit wander up sells it more to me, it speaks more to our power as the WoL being transcendent of our physical form. But that's just me, I know few others will see it that way.

That was one of the few moments in vidya I felt genuine hype

Recent changes have made it a much busier job, and you can always fall back on SCH if you want to run roulettes to level fast (since the base job is shared with SMN, experience for either levels them both)

>dying home
>dying hope
>yfw the song is from Emet Selch's perspective and it's about him meeting you

Everyone is pretty much unanimous about the combat being the weakest part of all three Witcher games user. It's dogshit and you couldn't have picked a worse example.


>New Vegas
Haha no.

>Path of right click
Again, nope. Character building and slot machine mechanics are the appeal of that game, not the actual gameplay.


2 out of 5, not bad.

not as good as oblivion but almost


He summoned warriors from the shortbus shard for you

Rotate your damage reducing tools starting from shortest cooldown to longest.
For GNB specifically at 3 enemies and above spam your AoE combo. For 2 enemies and below use AoE and spend your cart on Gnash combo instead of Fated Circle

What's the point of separating magical and physical dps? I get physical ranged are all just support/dps hybrids but what's the point of magical ranged? this game doesn't even really differentiate between magical and physical damage.

Didn't start SBR yet, how is the expansion overall and the story? how are the new jobs? is MCH gud?

>the champions take over 15 minutes to answer because I was playing DRG
H-haha yeah Hype as fuck, bros...

do dishonored and darksiders count as rpgs?

Leveling is extremely fast.

fuck off back to wow, casual

Nigger get the fuck out of the thread, we're posting massive spoilers.


MCH got improved
SHB is probably up there with HW in terms of story, if no better.

No bully, he's still groggy from the long sleep

Did they add new tank mounts in Shadowbringers?

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>they didn't cater to my specific headcanon
typical bunny brainlet

>this game doesn't even really differentiate between magical and physical damage.
>t. floorhugger on Leviathan

such a anime scene but i love it youtu.be/fuOq_dC2Tak?t=417
>music starts oh shit

Better than HW and not even comparable to SB.


SBR is my favorite manga of all time desu. It's fucking great.

Roe here, we look fine in caster gear, especially if you go for the old sage look.

I knew it was him the whole time.
And I was so happy when the reveal finally came.

great, and is a guy with attention problems telling you that
I think it's kinda boring, wildfire feels irrelevant but the dps is pretty good
>new job
depends on the job

Urianger is based.

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I don't really see why not, though I imagine they are more toward being ARPGs than what most people would describe as a WRPG. Alpha protocol might count desu.

why are mmos so fucking shit lads?


sarg isn't an rp server, it's a tryhard server

i don't care how bad dnc is i'm going to play it forever

I love it when story and mechanics sync up perfectly like this.
In the cutscene for the trial your 7 other party members are placed in a circle around you where the beams of light are.
I was playing with very good friends as we all did it for the first time and it was a corny sort of good feeling that each of us was an incarnation of the other on a different shard.
A bit like Ending E of Automata.

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So when did you realize that Because you're a fragment of a shattered primal, your powerlevel is based off of the faith people have in you, and the reason you jobbed to Ran'jit early is because you didn't have enough believers, and by the time you fight him again the whole world put their faith in you and you floor him with relative ease

How fun are WAR and GNB? I’ve been maining WAR since ARR and decided to level DRK first this expansion. I’m liking it so far at 73 but I’d like to know how the others are holding up.

>when Ardbert speaks through you
holy shit that was so unexpected. I'm so glad I fantasiad into a male midlander this xpac. That scene would have looked so strange on my female miqo'te.

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Can they have a happy ending?

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Took me an hour and a half, nice of Emet to wait.

>you're a fragment of a shattered primal
Boy we're a fragmented ascian who was in the same council emet and the rest were in. I want this WoL is a primal shit to die already

There's a reason Emet asked you to remember him
the dream is dead

as a dumb lalajew it was one of the the only scenes I regret playing my race in

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You're not a shattered Primal you dipshit, you're a shattered Ascian

The council of 13 were assholes, the other Amurotines were nice people. They didn't deserve the termination.

>Because you're a fragment of a shattered primal
speedreaders begone

>how is the expansion overall and the story?
Absolutely superb on almost every level. Dungeons are good, Trials are great, level design is superb, and the story and music and god-tier. It's almost a tragedy this is locked behind hundreds of hours of play.
Leave the thread, you don't want this spoiled if you haven't already.

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I'd help them if I could but the story won't let me.

>retards still cling to that primal of light theory when it's revealed you're actually an ascian and a member of the council 14

>Garlemald but the last zone is the moon.
>Liberate Garlemald, then travel to the moon via a spaceship created by allagans

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Lala's make the best face in that scene though. The exaggerated facial expressions of the race make them seem way angrier than the other races.

So, what will ours look like?

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do you think ardbert jerks off to you when you're in the shower

>Don't kill ex primals in the first days of a patch/expansion.
>Stuck trying to get a kill with the z-team.
Every fucking time.

user.... What was Shiva again? Remind me how primals work? You dumb fuck. Did you not pay any attention at all? The whole of Amaurot talks about how there will soon be a fourteenth member of the council you, with zodiark summoned through you

It's not the speed, it's the mandatory story quests

You clearly have no ability to empathize.
The ending was the culmination of various relationships throughout the MSQ. Stop skipping cutscenes and maybe you would understand the symbolism of the final battle.

Who am I kidding? You're probably 12 or a brainlet who has never read any proper fiction.

That doesn't make you a primal you fucking dumbdumb.

that's what you get for not being a skip-chad

Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost

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Indeed, fuck off kid.

>One can't possibly be the other!
>t. slept through HW and all the shit they talked about there
>Somehow decided that we're some special fragmented soul unlike any other for "reasons" even though there is literally nothing pointing to that

How do I deal with splitting roulettes between my 80 dps for tomes and GNB for exp

>tfw hero and relied upon by thousands of people
feels fucking good man

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autistic chore sims with naturally crippled gameplay because you had to accommodate a M A S S I V E number of players at once instead of providing one person with the best experience possible
single player chads vs multiplayer virgins

6.0 will be ending the war with Garlemald and the poster job will be Gunbreaker
7.0 will be teaming up with the remaining Garleans to fight Hydaelyn and Zodiark and stop the world from ending
Which will lead into Final Fantasy XVII, the next MMO designed from the ground up by Yoshi and his team

Story is good but...
>playing mmos for the story

Overall if you take away the story the game is a pile of shit and all the faggots are on their honeymoon. This expansion is going to be worse than storm blood and you faggots will be crying in 1 Month in how shit it is. Then in 1 Month wow classic comes out and the but hurt will be insane. All the classes feel worse and the shit to do is getting boring fast.

You were warned weeb faggots...

>Becoming a primal doesn't make you a primal
Imagine being this much of a brainlet unironically though?

You have everyone gearing up all their jobs because they're not sure who they're taking into raids yet, launch primals dont die out for a while

fuck off back to WoW faggot

Did you even play Shadowbringers you absolute triple fucking nigger?

i refuse to believe the game will ever hit a trench as low as stormblood again

>t. slept through shadowbringers
exquisite bait you fucking nigger

>tfw at i443 on sunday

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He was basically the "Azula" of Shadowbringers . He was this great, strong general that more or less existed just to chase down the hero and add a traveling antagonist to the story while you prepared to go after the big bad.

It's usually a group of friends who need a couple more suckers for a full party. they WILL disband after getting their own stuff

>Which will lead into Final Fantasy XVII, the next MMO designed from the ground up by Yoshi and his team
I hope it's an entirely fantasy world like the first, I really loved how Voeburt was basically the kingdom from FF1, and the shadowkeeper was the shadowlord from FF11.

When will you realize those with hydaelyn's blessing are fragmented Amaurotites who have the potential to use creation magic? You know what primal summoning is? ITS FUCKING CREATION MAGIC. THEY EVEN MENTIONED HOW WHILE IT WAS EASY FOR THE ANCIENTS TO USE IT, IT TAKES THE USE OF CRYSTALS BECAUSE WE ARENT AS COMPLETE AS THEY WERE

They don't die out but you get people that can't even do a basic rotation and seriously argues that putting some materia in their gear is a waste of time.

It's just one line. It's not that weird.

Since playing the DPS I have leveled now at any cap below 70 makes me want to shoot myself, I only do EX and Trial for tomes, and the rest for EXP if I fell like doing them.
Trial might drop me somewhere "bad" but at least it's over dramatically faster than the others.

Don't say that. There's going to be Garlean fuckery next expansion, and now that we have all of these loose ends on the table, they can easily come in and fuck EVERYTHING up.
I'm incredibly skeptical at how they will tie everything into each other.

>You literally bring together the remainder of the world together under 1 banner, HUMANITY
The scenes leading up to Mt.Gulg is god tier

I really love this game lads.

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God I hate people.
T6 materia is infinitely recyclable now so you spend maybe 100k to get a set for the rest of the expansion if you don't want to spend money on materia for quickly replaced gear.

>Noooo you're an ascian you can't possibly also be a primal

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inb4 its all techno fantasy a la XIII

Which tank has the best healing/survivability for doing old extreme content solo

stuck it out with MNK
I miss my OGCDs but hitting harder to make up for it is pretty nice

All they have to do is keep Ishikawa on as the main scenario writer, and after seeing the absolutely glowing universal praise they're getting for Shadowbringers they would be complete fucking fools now to.

side and rear like any melee. it makes up a buttload of damage despite no direct potency buff because it gives kenki

I wonder if they're setting up Gaius as the next emperor. He seems to be the only Garlean amenable to reason and I don't see them fully dismantling the empire.

how likely are we going to fight Hydaelyn itself?

Koji was masturbating furiously as he worked on the whole Amaurot dialogue. I can imagine that stupid grin on his face as he got to write his witty faux intelligencia dialogue. The scenes in the Rhetoric debate hall were so self-aggrandizing. Now if only he could learn to stop rewriting characters and making them worse.


I really want to play FFXIV, but it's hard for me to spend 3-400 hours in a single game when I could be playing a bunch of other games instead. What should I do?

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I doubt it, Yoshi has been very vocal about how he wants a return to Fantasy for Final Fantasy. He hated the direction the game went with 13 onwards, he also said that Shadowbringers is his vision of what a true Final Fantasy story should be, and holy fuck is it great.

>Phone posting illberd spammer was a retard all along

*not to, rather

PLD and WAR.
WAR's self-healing is crazy right now but Clemeny wins in the long run.

Why does every male model in this game look like an absolute faggot or a triangle?

I actually really like the sci-fi fantasy theme of FF7, 8 and 13. It's a very unique aesthetic you don't really see elsewhere.

>3-400 hours
so barely finishing the story?

>khloe gives me 2 lines
That's one best boy done, now to wait for best girl.

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Where the fuck are you even getting this shit buddy? This is some of the most retarded headcanon I've ever seen. Even this retarded bollocks about creation magic which has fuck all to do with the subject at hand, nobody is saying you were not an ascian at some point, but the ascians sacrificed themselves to fucking summon zodiark and hydaelyn you dumb fuck, did you even play the fucking game?

>tfw enhanced bootshine with a crit and direct hit and all the buffs possible
Literal boner

They really need to expand the weapons inventory. This shit is ridiculous.

Fuck that, have them summon the Ark Angels, but add more for the unique FF14 races like Viera and Hrothgar.

Attached: Ark_Angels.JPG.jpg (967x561, 44K)

>Grasping faggot gets BTFO
>Starts grasping some more
Wew lad.

I checked while I argued. 150-180k for a set of recyclable VI

Please don't forget us...

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cant you just change classes at will in FFXIV?

Unfortunately, I find it unlikely that they will do so.
She's a great writer but I know they will want someone to write the overarching Garlean story. Her work is best done on high fantasy, true Final Fantasy rhetoric and they know this. I imagine she would hate having to write an expansion all about Garlemald.

So do the retards in this thread think the dps numbers for titania posted earlier think it was a parse and not a calculation of the dps dummy hp?
Square basically expects whm to hit harder than tanks

>WoL is a primal!!! retards suddenly exploding en masse
Die off already. I bet you think Hydaelyn is evil too

Ran'jit. his strength having no explanation, has all these cool abilities that they never expound upon. like he wears his dragon like a scarf. you gonna tell me how that happens? no? he's just a normal wuxia general? ok then.

All but one of my champions were in AF4 gear. The last one was a half naked Roe with a moogle head.

His shard must be fun

Yeah but you need to level each one independently. Leveling a Ninja doesn't make a Black mage level up. There's only one exception.

imagine if ShB had a branching story and you could side with Solus

Fuck this part really hit me in the feels.

I wouldn't be surprised if the "good" faction of Garlean takes control and they elect him president or some shit after a brutal civil war.

Beware the old man in a profession where men die young

you will never play every game, read every book, or see every movie

if you find something entertaining, do it, who cares about the opportunity cost

There's something really tragic about being the creators of the world then forgotten over time.
>that one Amaurotine that created jellyfish and casually spoke about how he wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if it was rejected.
Makes me wonder, if they were the ones that created animals, who created them?

>Just got to the Tempest
I was planning on finishing it today but suddenly for the Sahagin appeared. Fuck.

Definitely. The Glamour cabinet slots doubled in size from 200 to 400, but we're getting new jobs and not more inventory space for their gear.

Nigger leave the thread, we're posting a lot of fucking spoilers.

Take bets on how we get our relics this time around

well maybe. We gonna kill both hydaelyn and zodiark at some point. I am pretty sure everyone will get happy ending in the last expansion

Jobbing to Snakeman is probably my least favorite thing in the entire expansion, they didnt even give a fucking reason why he was so strong, he just was. I know they're gonna pull the same shit again next expansion too because they just seem to love having us job to someone then best them later.

I'm going to fucking miss him bros. Hope we get him as a minion down the road.

Gwendolt and his luscious head of hair.

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This is where I took a break to come back the next day and pull forward the end stretch.
Seriously leave the thread and go get some rest, come back tomorrow and you will not want to stop playing after a certain point, trust me.

Eureka 7.0. Because the playerbase loved it so much and the clear rates were acceptable.

>we will witness the definitive ascian demise by the end of ShB
I'm gonna miss them, they were there since ARR and played a major role in every expansion

Shhh you can't criticize Koji here. This is a pro baldy site.

>implying he isn't coming back in the final expac to help us defeat elidibus that becomes Zodiark himself.

Zenos, as much of a faggot as he was, was at least the last boss of the expansion.
I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't hate it if they did similar again.

W-w-what is he planning??

Likely whatever caused the first calamity.
Which we'll have to fight after we become 14/14 when Elidibus gets done force feeding us the other 5.

I swear to fucking god after all the hyping up these threads made for him, if the faggot zoomer that was consorting with the emperor in stormblood story doesn’t end up being some sort of amazing deep character I’m going to be so fucking disappointing.

>his genuine smile as he fades away

>Eureka music starts playing as soon as you enter his tower
>You see some dude who looks exactly like the Source blacksmith
I got fucking chills man.

I'm glad. Having them stick around for so long when we have other villains is unnecessary.

No joke, when you sit down and read it again it's the most cookie cutter fucking lore imaginable coated in masturbatory ~**PRETTY.-^-.WORDS**~. It's literally "dude monsters kicked our shit in"

>when Elidibus gets done force feeding us the other 5
That is what he's going to do isnt it? He doesnt realize that will be his downfall until we're made complete and our ascian mask appears

XIshitters, not even once.

I knew it was him. There was no other way.

But how it was revealed was gut-wrenching.

I think the easy pick for a new healer is Chemist.
Mix functions like mudras. Toss poison bombs and shit. The only question is what weapon do they use.
I know it's thematically close to white mage but I wouldn't mind seeing a Cleric job. Give those fuckers a mace and a red mage type gimmick where they charge in to do a melee combo every now and then for some sort of bonus. Name all of their abilities after the Twelve (remember them?)