I'm so lonely...

I'm so lonely. I have no friends irl or online and constantly fighting suicidal thoughts while using every ounce of energy I have to show up to work so I can afford where I live. What games are good for me to escape my life for a while and nto feel so miserable

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I don't think games to escape your life is what you need friend

Games full of feels and heartwarming scenes will make you feel better or more miserable ?


I have no friends, so I play single player games. Do that

Miserable. I just want something I can turn my brain off and play to end days faster. WoW has gotten stale and I don't know if I want to put the financial investment for FF14 yet

Unironically TWEWY

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TF2, DOOM...
Shooters don't require much brain and you can have fun.

You don't have to feel lonely user. I can be your friend! What's your tag/id?

Become a janny, you sound like just the guy

You have a job at least, faggot.

dumb kaos

Guitar Hero 2 so you can play Message In A Bottle over and over.

formerly autistic weeb OP

>tfw 35
>tfw have lived alone since I was 23
>tfw I woke up last night in the hospital alone
>tfw I want to die

chill games like stardew valley or eurotruck simulator can help a bit, but if you really want to escape depression, you'll need to seek fullfilment by studying or improving yourself at the gym
at first it will be like a chore and you will have to force yourself to do it, but it is worth it, trust me

Based. Formerly alive weeb OP


play a MMO and make friends there

Have you tried manning up and not feeling sorry for yourself? It helps and you'll enjoy vidya more

Are you a tranny? You are posting anime and are suicidal. These things go hand in hand.

>constantly fighting suicidal thoughts
Here´s a tip: there´s NO AFTERLIFE. NO SOUL. NO HEAVEN OR HELL. You die, you disappear.
Everyone who gave you "irrefutable" proof of life after death was, well -get this - LYING.
Google ALCOR or BRAIN PLASTINATION for more details about surviving death... for real.
You´ll probably stay forever in a virtual reality with 3d lolis after being resurrected by gynoids 300 years from now, but at least you will still exist.

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I recognize this girl

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Post pictures.

Trannies don't watch animes that sexualize children.

fuck off nobody cares

Of what?

Of the hospital.

I'm a man user not gay or tranny

Go dilate.

Warframe is good for that. Lots of novelty and min-maxing to burn time
Starbound is always good for that, I hear.
What do you do for work, user?

This really.
At least become a bitter asshole. Not some sad sack like you are now.

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Yea, they prefer real kids.

have sex

They do though. They love moeshit.

Id say play music games. Usually you just drown out the thoughts focusing on getting a perfect, and if you suck you take your time just improving yourself.


I don’t watch anime, I’m not a tranny.

I was just like that. I would browse eight chan's suicide board constantly and seriously consider some methods like the charcoal one. then one day i guess a switch turned in my head and I didn't want to anymore.

Silent Hill 2. But that's beside the point, stop being fucking retarded if you have a job you have a social opportunity.

Am I the only one who's addicted to loneliness? The feeling of dread and isolation makes me so alive.

Go dilate.

Stop watching anime then, maybe there’s hope for you yet.

I work at a hotel. It's really easy i just move rooms around and make sure everyone is put in the right place. The most difficult part is the people at the front desk not knowing what codes mean what and mess things up even after i explain it to them dozens of times a week. Are there a lot of microtransactions in warframe?

Same, but I'm a NEET instead of being a wageslave, and I don't bitch about it like you. Grow a spine.

your penis haha



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Change your NEET ways if you don’t want to be dead by 30 via suicide.

Play immersive sims

exactly go dilate normie weebshit

I'm going to say the c word.

This episode made me cry like 5 times before it was over.

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No. Absolutely not.
That's like trying to save yourself from heroine. By using more heroine.
The only way you're gonna overcome this mindset and actually move forward into a happier more fulfilling lifestyle is if you stop using heroine.

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WoW Classic

Kill yourselves faglord.

At least you have a job. At least you can afford your own place.

This is like the 6th tranny thread in less than an hour..

I could be your friend

Path of Exile. Just grind maps killing monster for hours.