How the fuck are you supposed to play anything in this heat when your gpu doesn't go below 80 degrees

How the fuck are you supposed to play anything in this heat when your gpu doesn't go below 80 degrees

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me on the right

Go to the local pool.

custom loop

it's only 82 out, it's not even hot yet

you're cute user~

like it or not, we summer heat now

>japanese shadman

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I have a single fan in my PC + the PSU's fan thingy and my GPU hits 72 max and that's onyl cause it's Summer now + there's a little bit of dust in the heatsink that I cba to clean out. I feel bad for you if you're in Aussie land or you're on a shitty ass laptop.

My PC's fine and it's only about 80 degrees Kelvin.


seethe /ic/let

post video games

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Have air conditioning like a civilized person.

Did you say "Cool off!" ?

dumb american

Commonly 90f(~32C)+ here and can be anywhere between 50-90% humidity throughout the day. Room is at a comfy 65f(~18C) all the time and CPU/GPU temps never go above 140f(60C), and only get close to that if they're both getting maxed out for hours.
Not even water cooled. Not sure what your problem is partner but maybe get a window AC if your main AC can't keep it down, or a box fan to create airflow out of your room if you can't afford that.

Underboob and boobsweat are the greatest treasures known to man

>tfw it's raining outside and pretty cool right now
>tfw you use this opportunity to fap furiously for hours instead of gaming
I can't fap otherwise. I'll just sweat myself to death in the heat.

Imagine being right and being friends with left. I would honestly be angry 100% of the time.

thanks, you wanna fuck?