Red Dead 2 on Epic Store will be the end of Steam.
Better pray.
Red Dead 2 on Epic Store will be the end of Steam.
Better pray.
Nobody wants this shitty boring game on PC.
Epic Store is good, at least someone supports the developers.
Seems like a fine excuse to get on my ship and set sail.
Rockstar doesn't need epic or their money
>a boring movie game is what will put epic over
guess again
if they do it'll only because they will get paid by Epic and will release it on their Social Club and get 100% of the revenue anyway, similar to how Ubisoft does it.
R* has their shitty social club, why haven't they just made their own store by this point?
>Acting like the PC community (who has never had a Red Dead game on their platform) isn't dying to play a new Rockstar game with new Rage engine tech so they can go crazy with mods
People are blinded by their vendettas. I swear.
>Rockstar doesn't need [...] money
user, i hate the chinks like everyone else, but Rockstar are hyper jews, they'll do whatever gets them more profit.
>"This will be the end of Steam!" said the increasingly nervous insect for the 20th time this week.
So, Tim is bringing me this game for FREE?
Why, how generous!
>a Red Dead game on PC
you never give up, huh?
This will be the end for rockstar, I'll boycott all their game and pirate em.
>but Rockstar are hyper jews
How is that? RDR2 offers more single player content than 90% of games that don't even have online or in game currencies
Which is putting their game everywhere on PC, Epic is for broke ass devs not the company who sets sales records every time they release a game
Rockstar already has their own launcher you inbred retards.
So you want steam to be replaced by something even worse?
If was for example something that kills steam AND epic store and makes GOG as popular as em, yeah, i would be on board with you, but you're celebrating that bowser was replaced with lavos.
The only argument Epicshills seem to be able to hold against Steam is "y-yeah but imagine if THIS happened!".
All they can do is fantasize about Steams' demise.
Is everyone ITT this retarded? That shitty social club IS their store. You can literally buy the game from their own website and play it through social club.
rockstar has it's own
1) launcher
2) store
3) warehouse
kill yourself chink sub human
Are you unaware of shark cards?
>That shitty social club
Why's it shitty?
What do epic shills even have against steam?
All i ever see is them calling it a monopoly, which is very arguable, but never which bad practices that supposedly entails.
I got GTA V on steam and stopped playing Online years ago when they wouldn't stop adding pay2win shit man. I haven't even played a single other Rockstar game since then, how would I know that?
I love how people bitch about some companies business choices but don't understand the reality of how things really works because they've made big money nor have had anything to with business.
>Gaming Purists:
Fuck you Rockstar! Instead of making extra money for online gives us more games and expansions
>Industry, YouTuber's and Journalists:
Fuck you Rockstars!!! You're putting out too many games, crunching people to death and ruining lives!!!
They can't win either way. They're so goddamn massive that there's to many people bitching for specific things. They just made RDR2, and they have new projects in the work. They will continue to probably have online modes because that supplies extra revenue and budget for future projects. Don't like it? Tough. What do you think they should do and why? Current strategy is working great it seems like, keeping them near the top of industry.
Rockstars the biggest 3rd party dev in the industry (bigger than Epic).
They don't need them. It's the other way around.
KYS buy it, think about the devs and there starving children, human scum you are
Doubt epic can afford the bribe money to off-set potential lower sales from the exclusivity and resulting negative marketing
Basic economics epic shills
Also lol, at the most rockstar would pull an ubisoft, taking epic's bribe but still selling the game on their own website, and epic are stupid enough to fall for it
A shitty pc port is going to kill a monopoly? Okay OP.
If 6 months is all they could manage for Borderlands 3, how much do you reckon they can for RDR2? 3 months tops? and R* will still sell it on Social Club anyway
i don't give a shit as long as it fucking comes out on PC. I swear to god if i'm going to have to play this game again at 30 fucking frames per second i will die. If it does come to PC, if it ends up not being on Steam, it surely will be on Rockstar's Social Club aswell.
you don't have the money for the games anyway neet
The only intelligent reply itt
I'll say that most 3A game that hasn't take Epic bribe is due to publisher asked too much and Epic can't pay it
True but Rockstar is owned by Take 2 and they have took EGS shekels already alongside Randy
You greatly over-estimate the games importance.
Ubisoft has their own launcher too and that didn't stop them from putting their games on EGS, did it?
No but that just means I'll buy it on their launcher. In case you missed the news Ubisoft's game actually sold more on Uplay than EGS and they announced record-breaking Uplay installations.
lmao it literally does not matter if Take Two puts it on le Epik store when everyone will be able to easily bypass it by buying it on the R* Social Club.
Don't forget that no matter where you buy it from you'll still need social club so why not cut off the middleman and get it straight from the source?
I'm praying everyday that worthless whores stop giving birth to insects like you.
Rockstar doesn't give a fuck about your irrelevant PC, let alone STEAM.
The only version of RDR2 on pc you will ever have is youtube console walkthrough.
> Implying this game is even worth the bandwidth you'd use to download it
And that's enough to get the full experience :^)
The Steam monopoly has to end sometime soon, yeah? At least until Valve gets their shit together.
go away toddler
>acting like the Rage engine isn't an unresponsive and clunky piece of shit
Go renew your $59.99 plus tax subscription service and play some multiplayer with the other consolefags.
RDR 2 will never ever be on Epic. The only reason GTA V was on Steam + Rockstar Club was because of the exposure Steam generates. RDR2 on on Rockstar Club and Epic is like negative exposure.
it's literally one of the most advanced engines there is retard. i bet your favorite is fucking UE.
This. RDR2 unironically has a better chance of being on Windows Store than on EGS.
Rockstar is struggling to keep players engaged with Red Dead Online, so I doubt it
RDR online microtransactions on steam will make them more money than epic could ever give