Hitman thread

Bank hangover Edition

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I just bought H2 Gold and completed first level on my own. Quite overwhelming and in some places confusing, but kino deaths
>The doctor will see you

What's the consensus on the Bank? Are people happy with it?

Fantastic level
A little small
Aesthetically amazing
Cool Easter eggs
Highly exploitable, though

Overwhelming is a good description
It's too damn huge
Levels like Miami or Mumbai can be very intimidating if you don't use the visual aids (which I recommend not using, though)

It's one of the only nu-hitman levels that made me consider using tips. It doesn't make sense why all of that scientific army shit, a tech convention and a race course are packed together so weirdly. I love the ideas but each one could've been executed better independently.

The most enjoyable thing for me is ofc resolving the different stories
There's a really cool one between Knox and his daughter, were everything clicks

Agreed. I think the best way to experience the games is without the markers.

>More terrible sniper maps
>More recycled elusive targets
I love the game, still playing it a bunch, but man some things about it bum me out. Really, really wish they'd not devote resources to making the dumb sniper maps and instead churn out more missions. Even if they reused maps, I would prefer that. Miami, for example, with completely different targets and stories and shit would be kino

I hate Bangkok
Worse than Colorado
Wasted potential thanks to the hotel layout/laberinth

I don't hate Bangkok, but I don't really like it that much either. I wish we got a better hotel map. Hotels are perfect settings for this. Like Blood Money's hotel level... amazing

Should I buy the season pass while its half off


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If you like the game, yes, because cheaper is better, and more content is good. Bank level is nice
Otherwise, no

What one is it user? I never understood how to get Dad knox in position to push him onto Sierra when shes racing. Nor do I understand that challenge thats redacted that has a picture of dad knox with what looks like a detonator

sabotage the laptop, and have know by himself
He will literally go to the edge and give you a cue about her daughter passing by. If you push at that moment, it triggers the opportunity.its scripted, so there's no luck involved

The detonator one is the coolest on the level
Let me give you some clues or I you want I spoil you the whole thing, but you may regret it

Read if you want to spoil Miami
You can enter pits and sabotage cars
You can do this to kill targets or in favor of targets
Knox is into the ruse, which is one of the stories
you can ruse him, too
Once you complete the proper story you will understand

Better have the 2016 levels over the pass

>another legacy ET
What the fuck? So we've had Sean Bean twice and the soldier in Columbia and that's it

No, there was one in Sgail and one in Hawke's Bay as well. But yes, they're repeating them a ridiculous amount. I mean, I pretty much never did them in the first game despite owning it so it's still new to me, but I find it lame anyways

It's great just a bit too easy.

Is it me or does the emp phone literally destroyed the entire game?
YouTube is getting tons of vids of people using it to finish targets and destroying levels in the most broken way possible
That shit needs a nerf ASAP

everyone agrees that it's OP af

Dead Series, should've made Absolution 2

link? I can see how it might be useful but I'm not sure about breaking the game

it kills whoever picks it up as an accident.

Attached: e9d[1].jpg (600x600, 18K)

Basically they drop it in the way of the target and kill it whenever they are at the exit
Mrfreeze just uploaded a playthrough of the whole game using it to kill every other target

>Failed this ET because goofing about too much
Shit. I should only have started doing this after I unlocked everything.

pull your internet cable if you fuck up

Never really thought of doing that and I wanted to see if I could get my ass out of the mess I got myself into.
Besides I fucking hated this mission in 2016 and I hated juts as much here.

Are those 2 new bonus missions any good?

no, they are basically permanent elusive targets

Witness the shitshow that is the emp phone in action

Wait, why does emp kill people?

it's not emp, it's a deadly taser

>another sniper assassin map
make more regular maps please

there's another one coming later this year.

Comfiest map to take a shit?

No, the one is mumbai is so easy to SASO that most of the time you spend in the mission is running to the exit.

>That EMP virus destuction

I was totally unaware of that, and I've seen it on 3 different vids in the last 24h