what's the best class for a beginner?
I have never played DaS
they're all pretty good honestly
he also has one of the best outfits in the game
All of them are decent, just pick whichever appeals to you the most. Warrior, Brigand and Hunter all have good stats for a melee character, Knight also works if you prefer heavy armor and don't mind being fat and slow.
Anything but sorcerer/pyromancer
Any of them. On top of that your starting class can easily take whatever direction you want. It's just starting stats and equipment.
I've always preferred starting as deprived since you start with almost nothing for gear and equal base stats. I like building myself up from an almost clean slate like that.
if you pick up a black knight weapon the run's basically over
and fuck izalith. god ds1 is shit.
I always start as the brigand or whatever it is (starts with an axe and some parachute pants looking things and a weird hat), beat the intro, sprint through the graveyard to the zweihander then stack strength till I can swing it proper.
Game is ezmode from there out.
I miss playing the game but my Laptop shat itself.
Is the remastered ps4 version worth it?
How's the online holding on?
Is it still viable making a low level darkwraith to mess with other players?
Any that has a shield. Levelling up endurance with a solid shield is a simple beginner strategy. You will be able to block almost everything, and have lots of stamina to dodge and attack.
Any class that can wield an ultra greatsword. Seriously, you can cheese almost everything with one.
I like pyromancer or hunter. I would make sure not to use thief unless you don't mind potentially accidentally skipping around to high level areas due to your master key.
Deprived to get the best stats later, which you do by leveling resistance up as much as possible.
my first class was pyro and i beat the game, so u can too
Anything but Deprived, Resistance is a bad stat and don't put any points in it
don't listen to these soilent creatures, they act like DS has good roleplaying that's fun and diverse. You basically need a sword and shield so pick a warrior or a knight (I think that's one of the classes). The rest have some weird weakness or aren't capable in any one category.
the game is ass but better than DS3
Pyromancer. The axe is decent, the armor set has good resistances, and the basic fireball you start with is actually borderline OP in the first few areas. Additionally, you start at level 1 unlike other classes, so you're a little bit more in control of where stat points are allocated (don't level resistance.)
The only downsides are that the shield you start with is rather sub-par, but you will find better shields fairly quickly in the first areas, and the armor, while high in poison and fire resist, has no poise. The early areas, again, have plenty of options to take care of this, however.
Literally anything, class has zero effect in this game and for 90% of new players you'll be rolling some hideous min-maxed armor combo with a shield and halberd.
They're all the same.
deprived OP class for beginners
I'll give you tips instead. After leaving the tutorial area, you can go one of two ways. Go up, but if you decide to go the lower way, a blunt weapon is better than a thrust or slash one. All the enemies are weak to it. Don't try to engage to many enemies at once often. Lastly, leveling vit and end are usually good early game. Str/dex are for weapons. Int/Faith are used for spell requirements and scaling. Attunement id how many speel slots. There are three different type of spells. Sorcery requires int and are more damage based, miracles require faith and include healing and damging spells, pyromancy scales off something else. Raise attunement if you want more spells. Never level resistance.
>Heater shield
>Decent armor
>Midroll by default
Can't ask for more in a starting class.
Faggot class for you homie
Your class doesn't matter.
Knight gives you some poise so you don't recoil and moan like a bitch every time you get hit, but you'll need to level up endurance to not fat roll.
confirmed shitter
Based, this was my preference as well
bandit is the best, high strength health and equip load, all you need
Cleric is great for beginners to the series because you get more healing abilities.
>Warrior is the generic melee class. Both him and bandit are used for optimized melee builds
>Knight and Cleric are for faith builds, imo cleric has a better weapon and is the better of the two.
>Wanderer and hunter for Dex builds Wanderer has better starting gear and Hunter has slightly better stats for optimization
>Sorcerer is for magic builds.
The rest are meme builds. I recommend Warrior.
>Build variety and overall mechanics in DS1 are bad but the locations and bosses are great
>Locations, bosses and overall mechanics of DS2 are bad but the build variety is great
>Build variety, bosses and locations of DS3 are bad but the overall mechanics are great
Why is it like this?
There are no classes really. The ones you pick in the beginning become irrelevant very quickly unless you are minmaxing
deprived or gtfo
>Build variety and overall mechanics in DS1
That’s not true because they are just average/good and not great. Definitely not bad.
>great bosses
The base game has like 20 or so bosses and a majority of them are straight up bad and piss easy. DLC bosses are better, but a big chunk of DS1 bosses flat out suck and arent fun to fight, especially the Lord Souls.
>mechanics of DS3 are great
What mechanics make it so great? DS3 plays like a mix between 1 and Bloodborne, and it doesn't do either particularly well. Just straight up doesn't feel good to play.
Start as a warrior or bandit.
Use historically accurate weapons and armor. Don't use any magic or pyromancy.
You'll thank me later.
stupid animeposter 3 has much variety
Magic knight so you can use the elite knight set with the Moonlight Greatsword.
You can also make your bow scale off magic damage
And one of the talismans scales with magic so you can use those too
Cleric is unironically great.
Warrior has always been the best starting class imo.
>the game is ass but better than DS3
In what way? I also never played a Souls game and was thinking of just getting 3.
>Straight Sword for R1 spamming, Ultra Greatsword for poise, Twinblades/Curved Swords for true combos, almost everything else is bad
>Shitty spell variety, Sorcery is only slightly viable
>Most armors are generic knight shit or edgelord outfits
Accidentally responded to Post was meant for DS3 only
Knight is the best beginner class. Highest HP and best armor and shield out of starters, a solid reliable straight sword, and can spec into any type of build without wasting too many levels. You can remove the helm and gauntlets until you've raised your equip load to avoid fatrolling. You will appreciate having enough poise to not be staggered by arrows and low level hollows.
He's lying. DS3 is DS1 with modern polish. There are arguments that DS1 is better but it's more about niche taste and minor details. For a newb 3 is clearly the better option
Any melee class. I started as a bandit, I think.
Catacombs is far worse than Izalith.
Deprived is good. You can one-shot undeads by 2-handing your bat and you'll find armor quickly enough.
Hunter, but only if you want to cheese the game with a bow, pick warrior otherwise.
Hey thanks. How does Demon's Souls hold up?
Starting with 3 will ingrain bad habits that will get you killed a bunch in 1 and 2, particularly around stamina management. Conversely, playing the series in order will make 3's free rolling feel luxurious, almost like cheating
You can easily run through the Catacombs but with Izalith you have to go through a lot of hurtles.
>Millions of Capra/Taurus demon's
>Reskinned Stray Demon
>Running through all that lava
>Millions of butt dragons
>Millions of demon statues
Going through all that just to get to the worst gimmick boss in the series. At least the skeletons are cool and Nito was a decent boss fight.
Deprived sucks for anyone who doesn't know how the game works yet.