ITT: Post games you have over 2000 hours in, judge others

ITT: Post games you have over 2000 hours in, judge others.

>pic related

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I've never played KoTR

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don't like star wars, sorry

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That's not KotOR, that's probably TORtanic.

It was a different time. At least that's what I tell myself.

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It's TORtanic.

4,800 in TF2
Probably double that in WoW but I have no way to check because I quit

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Dark Souls/2/3
World of Warcraft
Probably Counterstrike: Source back in the day

2000 hours?
Literally nothing.
But Insurgency, Mount & Blade, and Killing Floor 2 are pretty high.

Literally nothing, Hell I don’t even have over 500 hours in any games.idk how the hell you guys can play games for so fucking long feels like I’m wasting life away

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Probably nothing, honestly. Final Fantasy XIV might be in the ballpark.

I've beaten Mass Effect 1 at least 10 times, but that's not even close to the 2k number. Same with Jade Empire and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.

I have around 1200 hours on Dota 2 and I regret each and every one.

After a few thousand hours, I think I eventually managed to become not completely shit at it.

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Posting on Yea Forums is less productive than actually playing a game and here you are wondering how others waste their time playing games

Mount and blade

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Warframe and rust


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Why would I judge anyone for playing the least shit MMO there is?

I don't know how many hours I sank into TOR but I got every class to 50 and a couple to whatever the level cap went up to for each expansion so I imagine it's quite a bit

This shit doesn't feel like a job to you yet? I know it did for me. Luckily it literally was, though.

And I still want to go back.

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TF2 and im still looking for another special game to reach 1000+ hours in Siege is in my third place for 600 hours but i dont want this to be the one bros

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Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Monster Hunter World

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Dark Souls

I just loved coming home, cracking open a bear, and invading people. I'd help people sometimes too. Also, no I don't take PVP seriously, and follow e-celeb meta cancer. I play for fun.

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You're okay because of the last part. Good on you for not being a faggot.

I've only played 3 games religiously growing up.

>TF2 (4200 hours)
>RTCW (2000+ unconfirmed)
>Wolf3d (2000+ unconfirmed)

I'm an FPS fanatic, what can I say.


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based and basedpilled

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>cracks open a bear
Is this the true power of of a PVPer?

Probably Corruption of Champions.


Good game but I don’t see how you could spend 2000 hours playing it

Based and Silent Assassin Pilled

Terrible game with god tier fan service for Star Trek. Another game I have a lot of time in


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Is the game any better now?

Over 2000 hours for me? Counter strike source on zombie mod servers and Heroes III

I log into that game from time to time, but it's so rare that every time I do get to playing it around, everything's fucking changed.

TF2 and Ragnarok Online

I don't know how many hours but I'm fairly casual about most games. I think I probably only have >2000 in the series as a collective as opposed to any single game.
>still better than anyone else I know by a wide margin
>also conslow lmao

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No Star Wars game or MMO will ever be as good as Star Wars Galaxies. Even the shitty NGE that was a WoW rip off had more features and better content than most MMOs today.

>Fully player run houses and full cities
>Fully featured spaceship simulator inspired by X-Wing vs Tie Fighter
>Customisable multi-crew ships
>Full crafting and non combat buff classes
>Priorities socialising and down time instead of catering to ADHD zoomers.

There will never be anything like SWG again. The Repopulation is a failure. Play SWG Legends Yea Forums.
Also an awesome game but still capeshit.

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>exclusively play memebuilds
>find it most fun beating tryhard dexfags
sure is comfy putting boot to weeb neck

feels good trashing faggots like this

I hope you're joking

wow I would disown that little shit

Revamp makes the game a fuckton more grindy so probably that.

Played this when it came out and still play it to this day
Don't know the exact hours but I'm sure it's up there

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I'm pretty sure my most played game is Trackmania Nations, and I've tracked just over 1000 hours in it back when Xfire was a thing. The next closest one would probably be Euro Truck Simulator 2 at 800 hours, and I doubt I've ever played another singleplayer game for even nearly this long. CS 1.6 was also in the high-ish hundreds in Xfire, and I'm sure if I had counted it I'd have a few hundred hours each in GTA VC, GTA SA and GTA IV as well.

I have over 5000 hours in SWTOR

second most played is probably APB, roughly 2000h hours

i haven't played either game in like 5 years though

4300+ hours.

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Resubbed to this for a month. Managed to make it look like not garbage, but everything else is still fucking garbage

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I miss Galaxies. Wasn't old enough to hold a job while it existed. I could only play the demo over and over again. I had so many dreams about what I would do in that game if I ever paid for it but I moved on and lost track of it. The reality probably would have never held up to my imagination so it's a mixed feeling. I almost don't want to go back and reevaluate it, today.

Pokemon. This is one of many playthroughs.

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not busting his ball going full rage mod and using his superior knowledge of the game to break his opponents will and physical well-being
good job user

dota 2, 2.5k hours and i regret every single one
next is wow at around 500-600 maybe?
everything else is not even close, a few games at 100h plus minus