Worst steam event?

worst steam event?

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>Let everyone have a turn winning!
>The real victory is taking part and having fun!
>Don't forget to buy those games and raise those points!

I'm glad for Harebros. We Corgis have already won 6 races, let the little guy have a chance to win some games.


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I really have no idea what to do. The only way I can earn points is by playing 2 of the games I own. TWO! Not any other hundreds of other games I own? And there's a cap on the points you get? So I have no incentive to even try and care. About this shit. And I gotta get 15,000 points to get a $5 coupon?
Nothing good is on sale either, I bought a few games but half the ones I wanted are still full price and not even on sale at all.

I got 50 levels out of it so it's pretty awesome in my book.

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This. Went from like 23 to 80 for free. I'll take it.

has pig won a single fucking day? why do I always pick the worst teams? I really believe this is symbolic of how much of a failure I am at everything.

>"let's just let users pick any team they want but also see the standings before they do! that way they pick the team that they most enjoy-

>-wait... wait no stop! stop you're not supposed to all clump up to one team that's wrong what are you doing???"

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Did reddit change from corgi to hare or something?

>Valve makes it so you can pick any team rather than being randomly assigned a team
>Valve gives you a chance to get free games if your team wins
>After the first 2 days anyone else joining just clumps to the team that seems to be winning because they want free games
>It snowballs until one team has literally 90% of the userbase on it
>No balance features to at least give the lower-user-count teams some kind of boost so they've got a chance
>The literal only reason to not pick the team that's way out in first is because at least if your lower user count team wins, you have a higher chance at receiving a game

At least r/gaming is swapping from Corgi to Hare, other people deserve a chance too. What were Valve thinking?

no, valve just decides who goes faster, regardless of how many people are boosting

If valve is just choosing who gets what with bonus and weights why they don't just put random values already so it always look that the competition is close?

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how can i see event info in the browser console like how many people are in each team?

>beating the tortoise
It ain’t right

>Hare has least amount of boost.
>Has the most attacks against it.
>Winning by miles.

Did Valve finally say "Fuck it" and decide to just blatantly boost a team? Which is next? Cockatiel or Pig?

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Sometimes the hero dies in the end

you can load up any game for half an hour and if you have had achievements in it before you'll earn points

Last time I ever support cock ever again.

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What the fuck's up with the point cap? You're supposed to get 100 every day, but it only seems to happen every second or third day.


As in they don't care any more and made it obvious as fuck? Before this it wasn't this blatant.

it was

you haven't been here for some days right?

>team corgi
>won 6 times but I still haven't got a free game from my wishlist
someone explain this bullshit

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>not being king retard

Lol learn to read.

>unironically browsing r/gaming

just spoonfeed me faggot I don't want to read all that shit



>Harefaggots start using moms credit card to win
I bet these idiots will waste their free game on GTA as well

nigger alert, also
>team corgi

The free game given is chosen by valve you retard

Love it, got a free copy of doom eternal from it.

With this many people swapping from Corgi to Hare, the Corgis who don't want to spend $40 to get a chance at switching teams have a better chance at getting a free game

To be honest I'm having fun with the banter.

fuck you bitch I just want get some free shit out of Gabe's wallet

>not being part of the winning team
have fun being a fucking loser oh wait...

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>Getting invested in the race when you could be using the starbound exploit to get free discounts

It's the first game in your wishlist.

Who gives a shit about levels. I just want cheap games. I miss the daily rotating games with extra discounts


nigga you retarded, if it wasn't fixed Corgi would be in the lead till the end of the event by sheer numbers alone

what exploit

I'm a harefag, and I don't get how this is possible. This whole event makes no fucking sense to me.

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I don't have any fucking idea what that even is to be honest. What are you supposed to do? Nothing seems to affect it either.

Your chances of winning a game were pretty slim anyway.
>Expecting to win in a game of random chance

Are those valve shills going to make more threads now about this shit?

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publicity stunt. They are putting there whatever they feel like. They are just too obvious about it so people instantly notice it.

even if hare wins every day. corgi would have to not place everyday including today to tie for first.

>Teams are picked by RNG
Fixed your whole shitty event. What were they thinking?

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Get a better job, shill.

Stop hating yourself. You know exactly why you and I became pigbros. We wanted to be the underdogs that don't subject ourselves to meme teams. Our time will come, brother.

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looks worse than Zoo Race, that's for sure

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it's over parrots

>have fun being a fucking loser
what did you "win" exactly? jew

I won around 1200 USD in a Christmas Calendar last year, I think I've used up my remaining luck.
if I win something this Steam sale I'm going to convert to Judaism

>all animal names are generic
>team dog is called corgis
>everyone likes corgis so they jump on it


>someone actually sat down and took the time to make this up

Lol what a fucking loser.

I do because this bullshit is tied to profile features.

Fuck Valve and fuck Gabe.

I only picked dog for the points multiplier, at least I got 2 free games because of the stackable discount

>having fun making oc is being a fucking loser

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>yfw some faggots in hare literally found a way to hack the event
>valve too embarrassed to acknowledge it

Yes, yes it is. Literally no one makes OC anymore on this Vietnamese kindergarden babysitting BBS.

is there one of these for pigchads?

looks like a boner kek

winning a game is as likely as my quads

I hate that they capped points behind sales. I wanted to participate by playing old games, not by bankrupting myself.

you joined the biggest meme team and only 1000 people on the team get a game with a victory you dingus

Being a cockatiel is suffering

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more like fucking cuckedatiel, jesus fucking christ, make it stop

the winners still hasn't updated, is valve rigging it again?

Valve is giving a pity win to each of the losers it seems.

>being a pigfag

all has returned to how it should be, hail the corgi

I can't believe we have corgiefag redditors in this thread, on this board, at this site.

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>they still haven't put the winners up

don't leave grand prix window open, it'll eat your cpu

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The people who make oc went to patreon for cash.
If Yea Forums does another team event it will have less oc

I love this image

How did corgi even win with hare being this far in the lead? what the actual fuck

The winners haven't been announced yet for me. Are you looking at the current standing?

Has anyone tried buying a game and refunding it to see if they keep the points cap increase? Valve is so retarded, I bet this oversight slipped past them

>thing that is intended is called exploit by retards who don't understand capacity

>believing clickbait misinformation
unless you started with a big capacity and somehow didn't have enough achievements to fill it the "exploits" are useless.

>STILL no winners
They got hacked with hare and they are going to shut it down aren't they.

Hare was increasing with constant tempo every second, it didn't look like normal purchases but indeed like some script or hack. I wouldn't be surprised. I kept an eye on it for screenshots and I had that thought.

NVM I'm dumb. The stats have not been updated yet and the day 8 winner message is still empty. sorry, please don't hit me

Too late. Get in the torture chamber.

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Well we shall see what happens in an hour or two.
A bunch of people could have bought the index so who knows for sure.
Still the numbers with the points and how many hares exist there would have to be over 1000 hares buying the index to get it that high.

Not at all

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No, this can't be happening cuckatiel bros! Valve please rig things in our favor this time!

I told you im sowwy :(

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>participate yesterday
>no +100 cap today
I guess that's it for me then.

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Because you didnt pick the most based animal, fuckin' loser

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the page is lagging real hard today
no boost gain and no winners announce, i think its an issue on their end

what's the hack

Also wouldn't hare have a shitload of nitro since every 10 usd brings 25 nitro before it gets nerfed for balance?
Hare had normal boost but insane distance.
So I am guessing someone figured out how to exploit distance without impacting nitro.
Hare wasn't even slow down that much as well to equal the normal amount of nitro with the distance.
Shit it might have been hacked.

They really sabotaged team cockatiel

The people who oversee this event are pure morons

>rig the race algorithm to stop corgi from winning every race by a mile
>all it does is guarantee that cockatiels will never get a podium finish again

>can't even get the pathetic 100 points today for some reason
epic, gaben, just epic

they are probably disqualifying hareniggers for exploits and banning all their steam accounts

The simple decision of letting people choose their teams fucked the event forever

Okay. Don't cry.

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>Switch from a hopeless team only to be put on an even worse team with an uglier mascot

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i do because I hit the friend limit for level 20 accounts just from IRL friends and friends of friends, no space to add cheeky banter brothers from online till now

>just lost my team and all my tokens

thanks volvo you bunch of retards

turncoat piggu go home

Winners are in!

>steam profiles are now broken


Same! What the fuck! I just got booted off my team. Why? What is happening?! Why are they so incompetent? Are they trying to tempt everyone into picking new teams?
They just fucked up everything. Now everyone is going to abandon Corgi.

>everything reset
what the fugggggggg

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oh nonononono bros

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Wtf? They kicked me from the team... Why?
Should I join again or wait for steam to fix this?

you get an error if you try to pick a new team.

uhhhhh hello????

Attached: kickedout.png (1485x1197, 339K)

actually no , every race the team who wins have a the 1st game on the wishlist for free BUT steam choose 300 players out of 3.5 millions

the 1000 players getting the games only happens when the event end (if they stay 1st place in the end) and get the 3 games for free.

I think they should just apologize to everyone and give a free game from the wishlist (random) so it may as well be $60 or $1.
because this event will be remembered as the most shitty event ever

thank me later boys

never needed to do this INTENDED part of the event, since achievements brought me to my 60k max points instantly
good job giving chucklefuck more money though, they definitely deserve it :)

This happened to me once before calm down. It will go back to normal. Don't buy games at the moment or get them gifted to you because they won't be counted in your game number and collector badge but will be in your library. They will be counted though after your next purchase. It's all good.

i predict they're balancing the exp from that one badge since its so goddamn broken

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maybe they're nerfing the badge and the xp it gave?

kek level grinders btfo

>VALVE, everyone

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did u hack steam

There was an error joining a Grand Prix team. Please try again later.
There was an error joining a Grand Prix team. Please try again later.
There was an error joining a Grand Prix team. Please try again later.
There was an error joining a Grand Prix team. Please try again later.

Wait to fix it. Unless you were Corgi, then join Hare.


>steam points reset
>steam profiles reset
>steam badges reset
>event reset

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i chose the team in third because i assumed they had less people than first and id have a better chance of winning games. at the time it was hare

same shit happened to me

This just in. It is confirmed that I'm a retard.
Hare indeed won.

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wew legit 0 level again
someone's gonna sperg hard

something's not right

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i was okay in team cock even when we have no chance to win anything anymore.
But i see that image and feel shame of being a cockbro

Fuck you.

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Is this it Yea Forums?
Are we finally going to be free?

Hare lost anyway. Corgi will win every day still, why even bother trying anymore?

>Yo guys we won't remove your badges and exp like promised but you didn't say anything about us reworking the entire system in general so here you go everything you did is now worth jackshit and most of your progress is lost. I hope you enjoyed spending tons of money in order to level your shitty profile up! Kind regards Steam

reddit dog good

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It's okay.

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pretty much worst
never EVER stipulate division by "teams" it will always be off balance
the "voting for a big 90% discount" event was the best

The worst steam event was the flash minigame where reddit essentially dDOSsed the servers to win. This event is very embarrassing too though.

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What the fuck is going on?
I was 37

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Not automatically assigning teams to users was a huge mistake and it has spoiled the whole event

just give everybody a few discounts and forget about this event

lmao what the fuck my steam level reset to 0

i didn't even get my drivers license

This already happened on the first day of the race 3 hours in. It will come back to normal in a minute or two. Calm down

steam is having a stroke

Anyone else had their level reset to zero? No longer part of a team either.

>pick team Cockatiel having not read a single thing about this or knowing what was up at all
>pay absolutely no attention to it
>0 wins
>open steam after work this afternoon
>no longer on team Cockatiel
>back to the pick a team thing
>except nothing happens when I click the join the races button
Did I just get banned from a steam event or is it glitched?

So now that steam fucked up I think everyone should get a free random game from their wishlist.

everyone is at 0 most likely a bug

you could've prevented this

haha dogs are so great ahahha epic puppers lol wow dogs haha they like us humans but on all fours hahhah good doggo puppers haha

fucking normies

It's their dDOS protection kicking in or maybe they're recalculating the levels after the latest reddit exploit.

I agree

one copy of Cyberpunk 2077 please

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Yes, it's only you.


happens to everybody

what the heck, why was I dropped from the team?

you got replaced kid

Because you aren't good enough to be on it? This is why you were always picked last in PE. Bad flashbacks, user?

>NO! Why isn't being a contrarian working?! I thought popular thing bad!

same here , what the fuck is wrong with valve and this shitty event , i dont know what is happening anymore

how is it broken
you need to spend $1 to get 100 xp
if you just buy autism cards and craft badges they're 100xp for like 30-70 cents


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valve is incompetent nothing new

I wonder if gabe even knows anything about this stupid event at all

Its tuesday, They usually do maintenance at this time. Chill out niggas

so in theory if i were to pick a team now which it's more likely to win a game regardless if my team reached first place?

Valve has literally never been good. HL1 was buggy unplayable shit for a decade and only braindead zoomers pretend like its a good game. HL2 still crashes to this day due to unpatched engine bugs.
The Steam client was notoriously unreliable and the OG meme was trying to log in and randomly getting banned.

They've never been good at anything. They're never going to have the level of polish that a platform of their size needs.

Too late, I already sold my Steam account, bought 20 games on EGS and started learning Mandarin.

you can't join a team

don't tell me to chill out, I want to speak to your manager

Have you cooked your Corgi yet?

So harefag probably hacked valve and took some shit down and buffed hare.
Hare had a constant 120 distance per second and now a majority of people got kicked from their teams.

>participating in any steam event since the christmas 2011 coal fiasco
you have only yourself to blame


Then why did they announce the winners though? It's just maintenance. Probably some new addition to the race.

guess steam just buged for me then

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WTF! i have the same problem, and in my profile i'm level zero. fix this gabe or you are dead to me!

What actually happened? I didn't take part in that event.

I could be wrong.

>There was an error joining a Grand Prix team. Please try again later.

Everything has gone to hell.
The Ride never ends.

>all the 12yr olds in the steam comments having a heart attack over this

Yea Forums confirmed for that kid that cries and leaves if you don't let him beat everyone as Yoshi.

>Open my steam today
>See this
Hope I haven't lost my points...which team should I enter?

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I've actually got kicked out of Hare and can't join a team, and now I can't join any team

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you can't enter any team

Level 0's report in

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enter my bussy

apparently a few people are getting this bug i lost all my steam badges and levels are gone

I was kicked out of pig
So should I rejoin pig or go with another team?

>been in corgi
>check today and no longer in a team
>can't join any team

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were hareniggers actually cheating so they had to shut it down?

working for me now lol (lol)

not him but I have this but I have all my levels still

>Valve rigging the event so hard it kills the server and deletes everyones badges and levels


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>steam goes down for maintenance for 5 minutes
shut the fuck up mouth breathers

things are back to normal over here

To be honest I remember only the part about making new accounts and gifting the coal to your main account, main prize was the whole steam store library.
Gaben tricked people into buying games, thinking they will have bigger chance at winning, but the game was already decided from the start by either richfags or coal whores, butthurt was delicous though


race and levels are working again, but I still haven't gotten my 100 daily cap

its back but i still dont have my free 100 max points

2011 wasnt a fiasco, it was the last truly great steam event. Just because russians abused it and they run out of games a couple days early doesnt make it bad

You had to unlock achievements of select games and you got either a discount coupon, a piece of coal or a game. If you got 7 pieces of coal you could craft for either a coupon or a game. You could get brand new $60 AAA games mind you. At the end of the sale, you could keep your coal and get a chance of winning the top games of your wishlist and the grand prize winner got EVERY SINGLE GAME ON STEAM
Every day the games rotated and there was at least 1 f2p game with achievements to unlock. also there was a humble bundle going on at the time that had a lot of participating games you could buy for 1 cent minimum back then.
The event was exploited by people who either made new accounts and bought the humble bundle for 1c or gifted the free games they got and unlocked more achievements for even more games. The exploiting was so rampant valve "ran out" of free games from 3rd party developers so the only games you could get were 1st party valve titles, and they introduced limited accounts who couldnt participate on events without buying shit first, as well as making it so humble bundle only gave you steam keys if you spent at least 1 dollar instead of 1 cent.

Account got reset to level 0 lol.

It's been two hours since the day reset and this shit still isn't sorted. How many fucking years have valve been doing these sale events and they still suck fat dick at it?

There are so many corgis that the luck of the draw hitting your account has odds way worse than lottery scams.

Based Level 0 chad, only virgin redditors bother trying to level up their account.

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>highly exploitable bug has happened that can be done multiple times

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Is this a futaba thread now?

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>tfw on steam for 15 years but missed literally the only good event (potato sack) because I was consolefagging at the time because my pc was shit

>they keep saying that i can redeem my lunar tokens in the pit stop but there is no option...
>negative tokens

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I got that 5EUR discount very easily out of it, can't really complain too much.

sorry no scat on v so your shit wifu isn't allowed
also i logged out and waited 10 minutes, my account is back to normal now

I've never risen above 100 since day 1.

I honestly ignored that event at first but all the brotato threads made me join. Glad for Yea Forums for once


What the fuck happened to cockatiel? We were easily in the top 3 for the first couple of days.

goddamnit, if I knew I could've gotten a discount with these tokens I wouldn't have wasted them on those retarded emotes

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>winners requesting a old fromsoft singleplayer game that will be $20 before the end of the year

Are steam users literally retarded?

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Most steam users are from China.

>turtbros never once won
All my decisions and choices end up like this.


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Of course. Hare was leading by a ridiculous amount. Someone found an exploit. They're probably trying to hastily patch it.

>Have to boost in order to get the 100 daily tokens
What the fuck? I thought you were supposed to save up to a 1000 before boosting.

Attached: token grants.jpg (1445x398, 44K)

>8,000 points
>spend coins on badge levels now
>wait and hope valve add some new tasks so i magically get 7k points somehow and get a discount or forget about the coins and they expire
what do i do

>can't get any more points because of the bullshit max points mechanic
Neat. Glad I got my $5 off and fucked off.

No, but it's up there as one of the worst. It's a buggy mess and teams keep bouncing up and down in rankings. Nobody likes seeing stomps with 1 team randomly winning out of nowhere with no sign of that about to happen.

The free games thing is probably the only good part. The points thing is a good idea but you cap out so easily and can't even cash in properly on your achievements. You basically only need to play something like TF2 or Terraria for a few hours to reach the cap and get your extra 100 points a day if you even get the chance to do that.

I've been boasting the moment I redeem the 100 daily. I still have no idea how this works.

>giving a shit about your steam level
fucking zoomers

tell me what you pick then nigger.

there was no exploit, Valve just forgot a 0 when setting Hare's multiplier so they got 10x more distance than what they should've

I only bought the comfy pig. Get fucked.

>I think they should just apologize to everyone and give a free game from the wishlist (random) so it may as well be $60 or $1.
>because this event will be remembered as the most shitty event ever
it's a sale, they don't care. neither should you just get the games you like, instead of investing in a stupid sale event

>for each day that you participate, your maximum will increase by 100 points

Does it really matter ?
The chances of winning a (((free))) games are close to zero.
Just pirate if you want a free game.

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>free random game
In other words Valve would give you the cheapest game on your wishlist

>I think they should just apologize to everyone and give a free game from the wishlist
That'd be absurdly expensive.


*requires spending $100 to raise max points


Removing all games below $40 as we speak.

Get VTMB2 or something.

>Not level 0 chad
Am I still based if my account level is in single digits?

Well I'm simply not stupid enough to buy games for points. So I have nothing to lose.
I consider myself a fairly lucky guy. I might win.

>not even the daily welfare capacity was given today

Attached: tfw....jpg (900x716, 116K)

Where do you see this?

>Spend $100 for a chance to save $5!
This is peak Judaism.

>tfw double digit account lvl because of the number of the owned games + years of service

>got the daily welfare today
>didn't get it the past three days
What are these points even worth being used for if you can't reach the 15k for 5 dollars off?

>posting pics of birds of prey

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In the pit stop, under the token balance there's a "View Details".

raising your e-peen

just get the few emojis you might never use and hope leftover points have some use during another event later this year

Spend $100 to get your $5 off

nigga the one time corgichads weren't on the podium, GTA5 was in the top 3 choices

I hate that fucking mouth breathing corgi silhouette.

Am I retarded or is the only way to get the discount is to spend almost $150? I don't get how it works
I also had a maximum of about 9k despite not buying anything, then it dropped to about 5.5k randomly (I still have about 9k token thingies). I have no idea how to get to 15k, I don't want to buy anything either

>a game you can get for $10 now

do the quests
TF2 ones are the easiest since they involve a good game

>Am I retarded or is the only way to get the discount is to spend almost $150?



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No man, 17 € spent in my case, I'll get the discount tomorrow with the next batch of points.

birds are not important

>be team pig
>be shit, even when the races are rigged you can't get a podium finish
>be team cockatiel
>be actually good team, but the races are rigged so you will never get a podium finish again

What's worse?

Will the bugged badges get corrected? Some people got lvl 300+ badges outta nowhere.

>that level badge and team holocaust
>still no 100 daily token

can't valve do anything right?

Back in team Hare, now waiting for Cyberpunk haha

any news on day 8 steam awards

>no 100 boost yet
Holy fuck this event is just proving to be more and more garbage every day that goes by.

just got my pathetic 100 points

This is why pigbros are the best, there aint more wholesome team in this race.

Attached: happy-pig.jpg (557x426, 58K)

Attached: beastars grand prix.png (1900x900, 640K)

Explain why you aren't on team Corgi without using buzzwords. Remember, Reddit is on team Hare now.

i switched teams

I like birds


Before the breakdown with everyone being kicked from the match and with level 0. I fucking saw that Corgi won yesterday race. I'm not lying, I swear
I should have taken a screenshot about the results before breakdown, I'm not lying Corgi won. I can't be the only one who saw it...
Please, someone tell me that he saw it too

>t. turtle

Attached: steam riggered it.png (682x131, 60K)

>be Gabe
>join team Hare
>it's not doing very good
>realize you can spend all your money boosting hare because all money goes to your company and back to your pocket

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It doesn't matter to me who's on what team, I just like the Lepus genus and think hares are cool

Because birds are Yea Forums tier and I didn't get an option to change teams.

tortoise power

Attached: tort.jpg (1200x630, 198K)

being a cockbro because pigs can still get a rigged race to be on at least 2nd place , while cockatiels will never ever get back to podium

So what exactly happen to team bird to be suddenly thrown into the bottom?

Hare and proud.


Because I hate corgis, small dogs are shit.

My friends were on another team

>small dogs are shit.
This, fucking yappy little pieces of shit with Napoleon complexes.


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I can literally only claim 100 points every day though. I still have a total of easily 20k queued up as achievement rewards, I just can't claim them. I won't need to complete quests until my maximum at least quintuples

You know that daddy Gaben isn't going to rig it again today, right? You're going right back to being a loser.

>they didn't choose the secret winner

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I am

i started the event super late and just joined the corgis because everyone on my friend list was on it

Second place is the best spot if you do the maths.

>event is so shit reddit is now just manipulating it to get the best odds at winning a game

jesus, just mercy kill it

>Trading one sub-1% chance for a slightly better sub-1% chance

>receive a guaca bowle

I've spent £20 and I only have 8k points. I've done all the tasks and boosted the free amount every single day. You must have spent money between the last sale that earned you extra points. You can't earn the discount without spending more.

>the amount of autistic rage on steam forum because corgi didn't get 1st place in a race
is being on team corgi a sign of retardation?

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a few days ago the results were literally switched. hare and tortoise were 1st and 2nd by a long way and then when I refreshed the page they had both come last. it's bullshit.

i joined pig because its the least people and figured it would sneak into a win once or twice

though didnt count on everyone giving up on this event


Attached: Corgi-Hare.png (546x429, 58K)

Turncoats should be hanged

can I get a quick rundown on how this works?

I have 4100 total points

2k from lunar new year (redeemed)
2k from qualifier tasks
100 from joining team

so in total 2100.. but in token balance it says I have zero (0). I don't get it?

kek, valve decided not to increase my maximum points by 100 today

also what is this

do pre-existing achievements count? can I get points retroactively for 100% alien isolation for example


yes. if you have a shitload of achievements in one game they'll all count. i got 24k from killing floor 2 just by idling for 30 minutes. of course, you cant actually use the points unless you buy shit.

So what do I have to do for in this shitty race to get a free game? I just joined whatever tram was winning at the time which was corgis

ok in the pit stop section it says
>You've earned 2,000 tokens total. View Details. Compete in the races to unlock 2,100 more.

Does that mean my current point maximum is 2100? is that like 20 achievements?

>no free valveboost for Cockatiel
>tortoise and hare both got one
At least pigs are honest

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i'll give you a free game if you suck my dick good

You gotta buy shit to increase your max boost past 15,000 and use an exploit.

>use an exploit
stop shilling your shitty game dev, there's no exploit

Attached: starbound scam.png (535x211, 108K)