What did he mean by this?

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He's finally losing it. This is what happens when you become the character

most kotaku writers are leeches on society

He wants to take him to the bathroom and paint that forehead with his cum.


Unironically based

Streamers have taken up the space journalists used to hold. We're witnessing the killing blow.

Attached: seasons greetings.png (1600x1200, 2.62M)

How long till no one gives a shit about BR streamers?

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how long until nobody gives a shit about jeff redditblum

Doc fucking knows about (((Schrierer))).

Did jason schrierer even write anything about him I thought all of it was that other dude he tweeted about

Boy the nose sure knows.

>hey guys my employees who have to kiss my ass love my book

Kek doc destroyed that Jew

Basically. People merely commented about how the streamer broke the law by streaming in a place of streams, and he went batshit on unrelated people.

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Gaming journalist suffer because youtube exist, he's still the most successful name in the business.

not in our lifetime

oh nonono

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>People defending a fucking Kotaku writer in the responses

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He surely got him. What a brave person :)

Not too shabby for a comeback.



>finally look up this guy because zoomers won't shut the fuck up
>it's just some dumb faggot wearing a wig, sunglasses and a shit moustache who plays battle royale games
>isn't even funny, just loud and annoying

fuck this generation, everything about them is trash, from SJW's, to MAGA cunts, to social media, to fucking trannies
I wouldn't even mind the world ending at this point because I don't want to see what kind of stupid bullshit will be produced by the generation after this



This is actually funnier than Doc's unfunny tweet but retards will pretend it's a bad comeback because openparenthesisopenparenthesisopenparenthesisclosedparenthesisclosedparenthesisclosedparenthesis.

Is talking bad smack part of his character?

This is what I don't get. It's a really shitty comeback that attempts to hit him in a spot of weakness but even Dr jokes about it. Yet, this tweet has even more likes than the original. Is it just stupid people being stupid? Kotaku loyalty?

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it was an ordinary banter until giantfag wanted to (((deplatform))) the neonazi altright alex jones of streamers for making a joke

I can't look at him seriously after he cheat on his wife and cried to camera when she left him.

Willy II did nothing wrong

you're damn right

You looked at him seriously before that?
You're a fuckin retard.

they're still together dude thats why he did that

kill yourself faggot tranny

Based boomer bro

Wow he said a thing vaguely similar to what me and my peers on 4channel.org/V/, he just be BASED and REDPILLED


It is a funnier comeback but the point still stands, Schreier is a terrible journalist regardless of how he can handle being called out. Being good at holding your ground doesn't mean you get a free pass for being an absolute useless faggot

We get it, you don't like Jews.

>Schreier is a terrible journalist
In what way?

Just like streamers and people who browse chanboards then. :)

Most people don't even know who he is, but know who Doc is and will jump the hatewagon against him. That's mostly why.

It's just not funny.

It's not their fault m8 they had no choice. The (((media))) completely fucked them up.

It's a pretty shit comeback.

Of course he jokes about it, that's the best way of displacing the negative attention and make yourself seem on the cool side about it, but this retard will be forever remembered as an absolute dumbass for breaking the law this way among his equally retarded peers. Imagine being the most stupid among retards, that gotta hurt

He's literally posting in-character though you dumb fuck


imagine being so insecure you need to pre-maturely bash anyone thinking differently before said posts are even made

What makes him a terrible journalist? Isn't he like the only games journalist that actually tries

>2 time champ
>6 ft 10
>cheats on wife for glorious cunny, wife too beta to leave him
>best tache on the internet
>Amazing mullet

Faggot kotaku journo
>0 time champ
>afraid of tits
>thinks huge tits are a lolicon fantasy

Every goddamn thread there's a faggot begging for world ending event cause something he apparently didn't give a shit about 5 seconds ago is not up to his taste, jesus christ, just kill yourself already, I'm tired of listening to the same "fuck this generation" boohoo bullshit

Schreier is such a cuck ...

doesnt he have to beat his communist "game developers are the most oppresed race on the planet" drum to his braindead followers instead of tweeting nonsense?

>21 gilla

Two posts that called his comeback bad preceding my post.

It was a really harmless thing that happened. Stop pretending that anyone would feel bad about it.

Anyways, the guy had a shit comeback. It was a pretty bad attempt to low blow. He should've just gone for the cheating Doc thing. Of course, idiots like you still thought the original was funny so I guess he wins in the end.

Why is it bad to cover working conditions in the gaming industry?

>Harmless, but low blow
>Cheating is not low blow
The fuck is wrong with you

I'm curious as to why you're in such arms about a fucking kotaku retard being insulted

what's wrong with getting someone to actually substantiate their argument retard

Doc could whoop Jason's jew ass

Cheating is a low blow you stupid nigger. The original just happened to be a bad attempt at it. l2read


You're just replying to everyone that clearly has an idea you don't agree with and trying to get them to "substantiate". Now tell me who you work for.

He writes patronizing and misleading articles.

Which articles have been misleading? Have there been more of those than there have been accurate leaks, because he has dropped several accurate leaks.

I'm not even the same user

Is he a kike?

>writes about poor conditions in the industry
>nothing changes at all
So this is the power of a games "journalist" blogger?