>game has multiple best girls
>no harem ending
Game has multiple best girls
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Then why do they want it banned and censored then?
Lmao maybe if western woman were not such trash. men would not have to cope with anime/shitposting/porn
Bump I want to see the pol fags response to this
Do it
>game has multiple best girls
>half of the girls only have non-romantic routes
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has one.
Hotaru is a bit of a stretch as far as reality goes, but good taste.
Not a /pol/fag, but anime women aren't real. That's their big caviat, their major downside. You can't touch them, they can't touch you, they are advertisements in the shape of a female to sell BDs, figurines, Drama CDs, increase gacha sells, etc.
The fact that there are shit women, and that most women in your life loathe you aren't related. The fact that you still spend time and money on whores that don't even fuck you, and that invest the same level of attention on you and thousands of other men, makes you a pathetic cuck. At least real women are fuckable. How many men do you think have sexualized your waifu in ways more perverse than you could ever imagine? How do you delude yourself into thinking she is yours? How do you erase from your mind the gallons of cum spilled in her honor? If you do so for real women, but don't for anime women, you are a blind hypocrite.
>wah wah why am i not loved by someone
Pathetic. Grow up.
3D don't touch me either, and isn't pretty to look at most of the time.
Post anime sluts or get out of my fucking thread
Real women are boring anyway
2D>3D anyday
lmao get fucked, the thread is all mine now
They don't, but they can.
Do that. I was just stating my opinion. I know you fucks are autistic enough to not care or rationalize why you are so pathetic, and you are more than entitled to do so. Anime women make for good faps, but beyond that they don't do anything for me.
>major downside
More like major upside.
The possibility was there once and had happened, but is so long ago it's written off in the annals of "Shit, that actually happened"
>game has multiple best boys
>no reverse harem ending
>reverse harem
Doesn't that just mean dying alone?
Almost every woman that I have ever met has let me down in fundamental ways. So far I know of one woman that I would consider to have her shit together and not fuck shit up but she still has some faults that may lead to her letting me down as well. Its to the point that even though I don't want to I expect every woman I meet to just be terrible in some unforgivable way.
Why try to deal with that when I could just not? Loneliness hurts but is easily fixed by hanging with friends or distracted with the literally endless media that is available.
>The fact that you still spend time and money on whores that don't even fuck you, and that invest the same level of attention on you and thousands of other men, makes you a pathetic cuck
as oposed to real women, where thousands of other men have sexualized them in ways more perverse than i could ever imagine, great argument faggot
I fixed her.
Big gay
Jews are not a United people, there are different factions each with their own agendas.
based and redpilled
It is, you stupid faggot, when you can literally fuck real women and the only way to get sexual with anime girls is by sexualizing them. Also
>implying all women are e-thots
Real women with social media are sexualized by the hundreds at most, and the number of men they fuck is way less. But if you still think you're a cuck because she has had sex before, but don't feel like a cuck when undoubtedly thousands, maybe millions, of men spill jizz to the same anime whore you do, you are a stupid fucking hypocrite.