>Making dozens of promises about upcoming game
>Almost none come true, launch is buggy and unfinished
>Spend two years adding some of the promises back
>People act like this is some great service and that you're a fantastic company
How the fuck did he get away with it?
Making dozens of promises about upcoming game
What promises are missing exactly?
>How the fuck did he get away with it?
I don't think they did op
buyer's cope is a powerful force.
They more or less did. All the press on them is good now, sales continue to be solid, all has been forgiven.
That was three years ago, people have moved on
do they have multiplayer now?
that's on the game, Sean Murray has been where exactly in all of this?
Running the studio and giving interviews. He just had a huge one on gamesindustry.biz not two weeks ago.
did they add the fucking giant snake yet
>People act like this is some great service
First off dude is an indie dev, not a Double or Triple AAA studio, so stop comparing him and his game to Triple AAA shit. Second he owned up to the mistake and spent almost two years (like you said) improving the game.
The issue here is
1, People forget this was done by an Indie studio because large companies like Sony gained interest in the game
2, see 1
There are hundreds of indie games that get patches, updates, improves, etc over the course of a year and I see no one complaining about them. Yet this indie game gets complaints because muh mainstream.
Being the studio's founder and programmer, what kind of stupid question is this?
Fool me once, user; shame on you.
Fool me twice; shame on me.
>muh mainstream
It was the multiplayer and other lies that still aren't part of the game you absolutely ahistorical hypocephaloid
Except multiplayer has been in the game for like a year, what is still missing from the game? Why are you retarded?
>Being the studio's founder and programmer
exactly, not on the foreground shoveling horse shit lies where he'll get confronted with his actions
What is the problem? Why must I still be angry even if they are doing an effort to fix it? Most people are aware they fucked up hard anyway, they just don't see the point in complaining.
He has been giving many interviews and talks, he's still very much the face of the company, but you obviously didn't notice since you are a vapid tortanicfag.
if you're putting out a $60 full price game, most people are going to expect AAA quality. I know thats prob more a sony decision but the point stands.
If that was the only fucking reason then why are you still complaining? Multiplayer is in the fucking game right now.
>People act like this is some great service and that you're a fantastic company
This should tell you something about the state of the industry if spending time to fix your shit and satisfy your costumers is considered "great". Still, it is objectively better that they are patching the games into something acceptable than just letting it die and taking the money home. Don't make them great, but it is not bad either.
How so? The game on release was obviously unfinished due to publisher pressure but they kept on updating it.
literally ANYTHING to do
i haven't played since the mp update but you saw basically everything it had to offer within a few hours then it was just rng planets
1. don't make dozens promises, just few
2. cut half features at launch
3. start to adding deleted features slowly over months as free dlc
5. get good reputation for years to come
Show me a source right now.
>People act like this is some great service and that you're a fantastic company
It's still boring as fuck.
1. he didn't
2. they could've just given up, but i can appreciate them trying to fix their mess
>developer actually tries to fix their game and listen to feedback instead of dropping it
What is the problem here?
If there's one thing worse than lies it's tortanicfaggots trying to force outrage about a game they never cared about to begin with.
Why should you ever trust what they say about a new product they're making? Why continue to support the idea that developers can lie about whatever is in their game, sell you an incomplete product, and get away with it?
1, Don't get notice by super company (Sony)
2, Do whatever the fuck you want and people will eat your shit off the ground
see MN9
see Star Citizen
see any and all Patreons
see twitch thots
see twitch dudebros
Idiots will give their money to you as long as you don't get notice by the super companies. Only then will they expect better quality and begin complaining.
This. Never buy games from devs who make incomplete games even if they complete it later on.
pic real is what i meant
Except they didn't lie and actually added the stuff they promised, it was just unfinished on release, so you can say you can trust that they won't drop a game after release even after overwhelmingly bad reception like 99% of devs do.
>what is still missing from the game?
Fun. But pacifist game like this can't work.
>mainstaged multiple E3 conferences
>heavily advertised
>literally published and funded by Sony
>comparing a company with million dollar budgets to indie dev with no money
>Why should you ever trust what they say about a new product they're making?
Exactly because they are trying to salvage it instead of leaving it for dead. Had they dropped support for the game, you would have a point.
Outragefags killed this board.
>comparing a company with million dollar
exacly, they had only one million
>>People act like this is some great service and that you're a fantastic company
they are in comparison to most companies who will just abandon something or just milk it with dlc season passes and microtransactions. If EA is -1 then NMSteam is right on the zero. Failing to do what they promised put them in the negative but then finally putting it out puts them back to zero.
Can you join a faction in a space battle like in the trailer yet? Or encounter planets with more than one simple biome? Did these giant worms got patched in? Can you customize your character? Hell do players have a character model at all or is still the same glowing orb from the shitty "multiplayer" they added in?
I fucking despise you people.
>shit game comes out genuinely shitty and unfinished
OP has severe autism, do you really expect him to understand this concept?
No one would be whining if they just advertised the initial release as Early Access, it's purely a matter of discussing semantics.
This. They didn't act like these were features that they thought of adding post-launch. They straight up added the shit that they initially failed to deliver on. Comparing it to companies like Bethesda, who fucking added NPC's into 76 as if they thought of it themselves, or EA, who instead of fixing Star Wars Battlefront they just made a sequel with the same issues. They could've taken the money and ran, they could have released the update as paid DLC, but they straight up just worked on delivering on many of the promises they initially made FOR FREE.
what other triple AAA games did they create before this one? I'll wait
More like no one would complained if they tried to sell a barren unfinished game for 60 bucks at release
>for free
which is OP's point, they lied about shit and sold the game and then they delivered after the fact and now people are defending what they did and making excuses for them
Saying they are doing the right thing by patching the game isn't the same as saying they were right in releasing a crappy game.
People also seem to forget that during development their entire studio got flooded over and practically had to start from scratch half way through development
But instead, entitled little gamer babies like to complain because "wow it's so popular to shit on this game haha I'm so original pls like me"
Releasing the game in the state they were in, and failing to deliver on their promises? Shitty. Redeeming themselves by updating the game with what they promised? Sure, it should've been in the base game, but it's nice of them to actually care.
the posts/articles supporting the dev read like mad ravings of someone suffering stockholme syndrome. it's insane.
Who cares? Only autists, that's who. They delivered pretty much everything except for the goddamn sand worms when your favorite dev would've just pulled the plug if their game came out to the same reception, you know it's true. You just don't like Sean Murray or his studio for arbitrary reasons like onions or whatever and simply can't understand why most people have moved on.
why are you acting like i'm making a persona attack on that guy when i was just explaining op's reasoning
stop thinking you have to be someone's shield, a developer i like wouldn't have released such an undercookd game to begin with
As you get older you see this, even within just gaming, from time to time. People get invested into something to the point that it becomes part of their identity, and the potential shame and humiliation of being wrong about it makes them put up these disproportionate defenses. We're all susceptible.
Look at Star Citizen now for the latest great example.
>Except they didn't lie
And see, this is one of the reasons I continue to be mad at NMS and Murray and why I cannot listen to fans like you screaming that its amazing now. They demonstrably lied. Over and over again. And this isn't "he kind of gave a wink and implied something we read into it." In the months and weeks - even DAYS - before the game was released, Sean Murray directly stated large features of this game were present that were entirely - not just partially - but ENTIRELY not present in the final product they released.
I'm glad for them that they've taken the time to finally add much of that. And good on them for sticking with it. But their lies - yes lies - are well recorded, and the fact that both Hello Games and their fans continue to parrot this nonsense is a huge fucking red flag for anyone on the outside.
You are describing people like OP who feel the need to make NMS hate threads in 2019, SC is just an unreleased joke so there's not much to defend.
I never said it's amazing and I don't even own the game, I pirated it and got exactly what I expected: a "walk around procedurally generated landscapes" like Noctis IV and Space Engine, morons like you expected something entirely different and are still under the delusion that there was some incredible Star Citizen 2.0 space life simulator that was promised.
It's not like he did something amazing, it's just that we've seen how most of his competition has handled it, AKA shout excuses and insults at critics from behind the phalanx of paid reviewers. What Hello fags did when shit hit the fan was the textbook correct damage control measure, which was to immediately go radio silent and focus on FIXING THE FUCKING GAME. Which they did to at least some extent.
This user speaks the truth.
>needing to publish multiple AAA games to not be considered Indie
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not the definition of Indie by anyone's standards. The fact they were funded by Sony immediately bumps them out of the Indie category.
i never played no man sky but honestly 99% of the devs would have dropped development after the shitstorm
>Sean said game will have X
>game eventually has X
lol, why are you trying so hard to force this outrage cancer?
Lol let it go OP, it's actually pathetic that you're still angry, still carrying around your list of grudges
Says who? Where's is this rule written?
That's like saying if a Highschool football got an NFL contract the players on that team are now pro players on the same level as the greatest NFL players in the current league as well as in the hall of fame.
This is straight out bitterness now user, you aren't hating the game because of its (lack of) merits anymore but because you see hating the game as a part of your personality.
Yeah, we've seen how this defense worked out for Pokemon. You're working with AAA budget and promotion, you have to put out AAA stuff or you can eat shit and die.
Can you engage in space battles and pick a side then?
>act like a faggot
>get treated like a faggot.
cruel word
NMS has more than 300 hrs of content, its $60 well spent since 2016. By now I could had spent around $400 on MMO subscriptions.
Because Indie literally is an abbreviation of the words 'Independent', and the fact they're being affiliated and funded by a publisher already pulls them out of being indie, let alone Sony themselves. While Hello Games is still an indie developer given their fairly small size in development team, No Man's Sky is not an indie game purely by receiving funding from a publisher. They're a subset of third party games in general, meaning they already shouldn't be published by a first-party like Sony.
Well, at least they stuck to it and admited their faults, i'm still not buying their game, but that kind of atitude is rare in the gaming industry nowadays.
I'm sure 90% of the people saying "its good now, what are you complaining about" and leaving glowing steam reviews are the same fags who defended it at launch anyway. They made it sound like there would be giant faction wide battles and all sorts of shit that would make the X games look like garbage and yet its still just an inventory management simulator with randomized planets and fuck all to do.
Yeah, you can attack freighters for example to steal their contents or save the freighter from pirates instead.
Why haven't fucks like you invested time into stopping Star Citizen? You're over here complaining about a 1 million dollar budget when Star Citizen is sitting on 300+ million. Where's your troops, your army, your base, to put an end to Star Citizen?
If 1 million = 1 mad then you should be 300+ mad at Star Citizen.
>Says who?
The name Indie? Independent studio?
No Man's Sky living in people's heads rent free nearly 3 years later. Amazing.
>people actually bought this game
And this is why the game market is dysfunctional, because you guys have poor taste and poor impulse control