Need tips to get better aim desu

need tips to get better aim desu

Attached: DAB24496-E193-4F84-9DB6-65A475DA203F.png (320x320, 90K)

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just stop aiming bad bro

Put your cross hair on the enemy and shoot. Like cypher in quake. Hope this helps!

practice on headshot maps

literally just muscle memory
literally just play a lot

disable mouse acceleration
make the crosshair small
take your time and be calm
drink water
respond to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Low dpi and big mousepad. Works for lots of people

Set your sensitivity to maximum on every game then learn to adjust

lower settings to increase frames. better framerate will make it easier.

It's 50% your grip and 50% your trigger pull. Also anticipating recoil is bad, it's like when you played sports (you played sports right) and you taught yourself not to flinch.

Main grenades.

this is the most dogshit advice ever. you don't get good at aiming "JUST BY PLAYING". There are people who play games for thousands of hours and literally never improve. If you want to get better aim you need to actively practice for that exact purpose not "JUST PLAY THE GAME BRO LMAO" Shut up you fucking idiot.

>you don't get good at aiming "JUST BY PLAYING"
t. has never been good at a competitive K&M game ever. Once you get up to about the top 15% of players you'll realize something, and that something is everybody above you has at least 5-15,000+ hours in the game

t. notalent

lower DPI to around 400 and lower ingame sensitivity to about 3/10 or whatever. you will have to use your arm a lot more but when you get used to it your aim will get better.

Keep in game sensitivity at max and lower dpi, otherwise you skip pixels

Miss less

Learn twitch aiming.

nice mental breakdown talentless autist

you have no talent you big retarded ho

Here's tip number one, discordfag.

take amphetamine like all the pros.

this is pretty true. shroud is popping addy, his cs team used to pop addy (they were only best in NA but still). that fortnite faggot is definitely hopped up on something he's always twitching around like a fucking adhd ape

“Spiral in” towards your targets
Overaim and then compensate by tightening in in little circles

Imagine being a hack

Learn weapon patterns.
Try to predict enemy movements.
Adjust mouse sensitivity.
Train reflexes to quickly and accurately move the aim to the desired location.
Position yourself properly.
And most of all, play the fucking game.

Imagine being this asshurt

You're wrong btw

pretty much all cs:go pros are on adderall

if your mouse is shit it will skip pixels

everyone except Allu

allu is an autistic savant so he doesn't need drugs

>There are people who play games for thousands of hours and literally never improve

can confirm

been playing FPS for over 20 years and I still suck at aiming


Is this good aim?

Stop playing with a controller. Play with the sensitivity settings (look around, aiming, etc.).
If you're playing with a controller, then consider practicing side-stepping.

Yikes and cringepilled

based /fit/ - Yea Forums gabagoolbro