Disappointed by pseudo legendaries

Why is almost every pseudo legendary pokemon a dragon? Can't gamefreak come up with anything else?

Attached: tumblr_p57tk4zmxj1ud3y4wo1_1280.png (1280x1763, 875K)


>4 legged tank



Disregarding type, each of these psuedo legendaries are pretty unique

Because dragons are cool, even if they lose to the literally gay type

>Only non-reptilian/dragon is the best one

Attached: f70739c44a9d93b84fd4734e15630a60.png (800x771, 162K)

>hydras aren't dragons

Attached: anklang.png (232x186, 79K)

Dragons are the gayest mythical creatures ever. Why do you think furries are so attracted to them?

>Virgin scalefags that get countered by fairy trannies
>Chad psychic tank that shits on fairyfags

>dragons are cool
Leshyes and vampires are cooler, though

ok, so what are the arbitrary requirements for being a "pseudo legendary"

>Dragons are the gayest mythical creatures ever.

So why are they always abducting damsels in distress?

theyre at most a derivative

Having 600 BST, being the final evolution of a 3-stage line and usually comes directly before the actual legendaries in each gen's dex (the exception being the dragonite line, which comes after the bird trio and before Mewtwo)

Because Dragon types were very strong before Fairy came around, and now they're generally well balanced.

Now imagine having a Fairy type pseudo. That thing will be disgustingly powerful.

Hydras aren't dragons at all, so much so that they're generally a completely different creature in most works of fiction and in the myths that feature them.

600 base stat, three stage evolution, usually encountered late in the region.

>Dragons are the gayest mythical creatures ever.

Attached: too much bread.png (782x425, 400K)

>Slow XP gain + high level required to evolve
>Stat totals around 600 like legendaries have
>Not actually legendary

If you think those are arbitrary I don't know what to tell you.

>land dragon
>retard can't even read what almost means
>shark dragon
>multiple heads dragon
quit being obtuse you dishonest game freak cock sucking fuck. nintendo and Pokemon are fucking trash.

>Dragonite is still an absolute monster 7 gens in
Gotta love it

They get lonely on their piles of jewelry, so they need someone for pillow talk

>Why is almost every pseudo legendary pokemon a dragon?
because dragon is the best type obviously
fuck fairy

Doesn't really matter what modern works do with the definition, in the original Greek the Hydra was 100% associated with the Greek classification of Dragons. Drakon was synonymous to a large snake to the ancient greeks.

are these all like, balloon animals?

Sadly, that's the best up-to-date image I could find.

>in the original Greek the Hydra was 100% associated with the Greek classification of Dragons
Greeks called literally everything that was a big lizard or serpent a dragon. According to their definition, fucking Politoed would be a dragon by their incredibly archaic and worthless definition.

What would be worse a Fairy/Steel pseudo or a Fairy/Dragon pseudo?

Yeah because that's literally what a dragon is you retard. Yet despite it's simplicity your dumbass can't even get it right because politoad looks fucking nothing like a snake.

>attracted to dragons

gee, high stats and high level pokemon, isn't that what the entire concept of a dragon type pokemon is based around?

>pseudo legendary in quotes

Do you just not know anything about pokemon?

Fairy/Steel would be immune to two types and resistant to ten, with only fire and ground as weaknesses. That'd be complete AIDs.

>Why do you think furries are so attracted to them?
Furries are attracted to a lot of animals

They are, though. Google it.