Videogames are for children and unemploymed males

>videogames are for children and unemploymed males
Is this true?

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Gotta love the media. They hate Trump yet they go along with the "good economy" nonsense.

fuck off mr shackles

>play video games plus other hobbies
>have a job to fund my hobbies
>but avoid women and trannies while fapping to big tiddy anime girls

not the games fault if you're a moron

Lemme check my email
>schedule phone interview
>schedule phone interview
>call automated system and leave two minute responses

It would've been longer, but gookmoot says I'm spam.

goddamn I wanna be home playing video games that's for sure

>job market is unstable
>it's somehow surprising that people will try to fill their time through other means

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what if I play video games AND have a good high paying job?

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BASED, the more young white men not getting jobs the better. Soon the hard working productive whites who are keeping this clown world alive will enter pensioner age so they can't work, while the increasing brown minorities will keep asking for handouts/ won't work/ won't do enough productive work. In the end, the whole thing will collapse

Honestly for the most part yes. But I would also add Employed SINGLE men to that list as well.

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That's already the case in Germany, the welfare demands are so high that they have to start asking the German citizens to chip in.

Study finds that most jobs are too shit to support a standard cost of living, young men can literally make a better living playing video games on livestream and doing some other at-home shit to make good money.

Are you absolutely retarded? Do you just consume the garbage that /pol/ spits out? The job market is ridiculously unstable in America due to monopolies buying other monopolies and limiting the amount of available jobs. The companies that can't compete with the mega corporations go under, limiting the job market even more. An illegal immigrant isn't going to steal your non-existent job.

No one will give me the time of goddamn day
Look at my email, it's filled with rejections
Look! Lowe's! They rejected me! So did Target!
McDonald's said thanks but no thanks
Y'know, you could get me on at your work like all your coworkers do that you bitch about all the goddamn time.
Sending out resumes and doing your work for you and your idiot subordinates' work for them. I'm gonna start charging you every time you ask me to "make this presentable".

I don't tell them I fap constantly and pester random sluts on tinder/bumble. "I like to travel" or "I've been to x, y, z, 1, 2, and 3" are usually a good time.

This. I'm a pharmacist and our job market is legendarily bad for the last decade.
Standard pay in my state is $60/hour but the market is so oversaturated that now I couldn't even get a $35/hour job with no benefits because they found people with years of experience to fill it.
Fuck this gay earth, been searching for a year and can only get temporary shit.

The media makes no sense to me, liberals love to talk about how drumpf is a corporate boot licker but then demonize men for not wanting to be wagies for the rest of their life. It almost seems like ignoring this shit and living your life however the fuck you want is the ideal.

Gamers are incels, virgins, freaks, manchildren leeches! They should be working and making me... (wait.. uhh)... their family more money!

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dumb leftist retard will get the spiked baseball bad when the democratic police state won't protect you

My stupid fucking boomer uncle literally spouts shit like this despite me having a better paying job than him while playing copius amounts of video games.

Wait, I thought a majority of gamers were female according to ""studies""

You should just remind him that you make more money than him any time he brings it up. Stand up for yourself.

>my email is filled with rejections
While i do have quite a few of those for the most part I just dont fucking hear anything back.

I can't even get temp shit. I'm just glad I didn't fall for the marketing scheme even worse and go to law school. I came into some money and managed to pay off grad school easily, but law school would have ruined me.
It's the same for me, I normally do not receive any sort of rejection at all but I fill out hundreds of applications a day, sometimes.

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>tfw engineer
Honestly the job hunt for me has been miserable as well. I didnt know pharmacist jobs were that hard to come by. I remember when I was younger always hearing that becoming a pharmacist was one of those less thought about professions that actually pay alot.

>he didn't just ask his dad to send his resume to the front
lmao, when will you guys learn nepotism is the only way?

My parents refused to do that. Dunno why.

Man I'm glad I picked video games over having a job, because you can only have one, video games or a job. Who would pick a job over video games?

fuck you i only work the winter months, all summer i chill at the lake and play video games.

Yes and i am fully responsible for my circumstance. There's nothing else i enjoy doing in life. I don't care about money, i don't care about family, and i don't care about academia. This will probably backfire at some point but so far so good.

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I mean honestly he doesnt know my gaming habits and i dont feel like its worth even getting into that argument. Also i feel if i actually btfo of him like that he would move the goalposts to some bullshit like "well do you have a girlfriend?"

>study finds

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If a game takes time to play and a job takes time to work and the two often can’t be done at the same time, then this makes pretty good sense to me

Originally my father was of no help. And then when he did try to help, it turns out he actually doesnt have as much clout as he thought he did.

I wish I was a kid. An unemployed kid, in fact.

It's your fault for preparing for jobs that weren't in demand in the first place. Should have majored in something like accounting retards.

Because a job takes up 100% of your free time right? You literally only have time to work and sleep before working again.

same but I'm applying for info-graphic jobs. Just keep rejections after rejections. I started a training at a wagie Tim Hortons last night and I have 2 other night of training but I seeing I was awful last night. I'll probably get fired.

Did I say that you fucking spastic
All we’re looking for is a statistical correlation, not categorical differences
Don’t exhaust yourself trying to think it through, bud

I did, sorta. Trouble is that I assumed I could get my foot in the door as a heterosexual white male.

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>"just study bro"
>go to university
>become NEET
>"lol should've got into a trade bro"
>get into a trade
>shitty dead end minimum wage job
>"lol should've studied bro"

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You can have a job and still have time to play video games you dummy

>mfw I just recently left my job to do my security license training
4 days training and 3 weeks till approval. ONE MONTH OF VIDYA BOIS

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>tfw full time job, weekends off, plenty of money and all free time playing video games

I pity those who are unable to find the balance of work rest and play in their lives.

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I did not say that you can’t
It seems obvious to me that the more you play vidya the less time you have for work, and the more you work the less time you have for vidya
That is the only claim I have made in this thread
Again, please don’t think too hard, you’re going to hurt yourself

Law is ass too. To make good money with a JD these days you need to know people to get a very good postgrad, or you need to have another doctoral degree like an MD or PharmD and then go into medical malpractice law. Friends I know who did law are suffering too. Good on you for avoiding that meme.
It was a great gig up until the 2008 crisis. 1995-2008 there was a massive shortage to the point where wages doubled and people were offering new cars and stuff for signing on.
Then retarded colleges started flooding the market with new graduates and at the same time insurance companies started fucking with pharmacies. These days I lose money every time I fill most of the more common meds because insurance reimbursement is dogshit.
I see my boss' financials as I work because every prescription I bill shows the reimbursement and I'm basically watching the pharmacy go bankrupt in slow motion. This is what happens when a market gets regulated to death and the middlemen come in and suck the blood out of it. This shit is also starting to hit MDs now.

>the welfare demands are so high that they have to start asking the German citizens to chip in
Isn't that already called "taxes"?

To be fair those are the kinds of jobs that parents constantly suggest to their kids. Since they are "prestigious", high paying, and used to be guranteed jobs out of college. Also those sorts of majors arent like fucking art or history majors where the meme surrounding them is that you cant find a job. I gurantee most engineers arent thinking about if they will be able to find a job or not until after they have already graduated, and surprise surprise they cant find a job

Yes, now all the women should get the fuck away from my video games.

Video games don't take priority over work though, work is mandatory to make money to survive, you fill in the remanding time with as much video games as you see fit.

What is this meme trying to imply? That you are about to drink "that gay shit"

True, but in my defense pharmacy as a profession only collapsed recently, right as I started studying it. I can't be expected to keep googling the state of my chosen profession and changing majors every year to whatever is hot at the time.
That approach would only work if university degrees were affordable and easy to get.

Just look em in the eye and give em a strong handshake

Don't overthink it.

been unemployed for over a month since i graduated. I don't have any money for rent and it 3 days due.
But im here playing vidya not giving a fuck.

If I was American I wouldn't want a job either, your employers treat you like slaves.

Born -> school -> college -> work for 40 years -> retire -> DEAD

The cycle of slavery, maybe they're just like fuck it I'll play games and shoot myself in the head when I get bored around 30

> He doesn’t have inter generational wealth through real estate. He Didnet start investing money at 18 before he even got a job.

Yikes not gonna make it bros

but i have terrible hand eye coordination, i might shake his dick by accident

>drive men out of education
>drive men out of the workplace
>drive men out of the family with draconian family law
>gee why are more men just playing video games instead of raising a family on nightmare modo ?!
But we don't have to talk about that. Look at the dancing Keanu! Isn't he cuuuuuute

Well damn, if minimum wage paid for a single bedroom apartment, electricity, water, and health insurance, I’m pretty sure everyone would be getting jobs.

>Just to send in an application take over couple hours just to do and it's never even guaranteed for an interview
I know it's to weed people out but it's excessive. I don't want to take your shitty tests that prove nothing.

yeah, people still see video games as just something that single men, unemployed men, or housebound men do that you should have stopped doing in high school. Sad but true. I mean just look at how many girls don't want a guy who plays video games. Video games are just seen as a childish thing to do by people, and a guy who plays video games obviously "doesn't have his shit together" while someone who just watches Netflix as a hobby does. People stilll think of video game players as those ugly, not athletic, possibly autistic, basement dweller virgins still living with their parents... oh shit thats actually true in my case
standard pay in your state six times more than i make an hour...
yeah i heard about that too, "it will always be in demand"

Became a cop, making 70k a year, living a nice comfy life, don't feel like a wagie, deal with excitement every day, and get to come home and play vidya and workout. On top of that I basically get free pussy any time a girl finds out im law enforcement. Life is good Bros.

This shit is nuts. Literally the jobs parents used to fucking hound their children getting into are shit now. I mean all the big ones "become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer." Are all shit (except maybe doctors). Has to be some correlation there.

Uh huh
Very good user
And people who work more will probably play video games a bit less often than people who work less
So if you perhaps did a study, you may find a negative correlation between time spent working and time spent gaming
This can be true even if playing games does not make you less likely to get a job

True t. neet
Fuck this society

Jobs that are in demand are all outsourced, everything else is biding your time in a bureaucracy waiting for boomers to retire or die

what is that gay shit that you can drink?

Only if you live in the middle of nowhere, where the jobs are even more scarce

I wish I could find some full time job...

>if minimum wage paid for a single bedroom apartment, electricity, water, and health insurance
That doesn't make any sense user.
The purpose of working is making someone else richer and not being able to live off of it

>More people getting jobs that determine who gets a job than actual work
Honk honk

Most gamers are female

That anons a fucking fag. Accounting is a miserable fucking job and the pay isnt really that great. Its not like you were an art major or some shit who went into the degree knowing that its hard to find work after.

Nice sauce you got there.

Boy, if only we each got $1000 a month, huh?

>law enforcement

Damn hope you work in a mostly white/Hispanic area user otherwise you honestly have a target on your back.

>no minimum wage in my country
just fuck my shit up

The original versions of this meme had people dodging gay shit but this faggot repurposed it to say they eagerly await and take in that gay shit

Been unemployed since i graduated as well. Pushing 8 months now (graduated in Dec).

Well minimum wage in NY is $15/hour because our rent is 2k/month for a studio...
Also keep in mind I studied for 6 years for my degree and have $115k in student loan debt. I kinda need that $60/hour to justify my investment.
Honestly I'd love to work for much less if it meant that my education and living space were also more affordable.

stay away from my neetbux, you jewish journalists

The standard phrase is "miss me with that gay shit" meaning, I would like to avoid something I consider gay. In the picture, you see someone who is fully willing to NOT be missed by aforementioned "gay shit", presumably because they enjoy it

>be told that IT jobs will always pay well and always be in demand
>go to school, get my certs, etc
>turns out it's all outsourced to pajeet anyway
>tired of dealing with idiots and their idiot computer problems
Fuck this shit I'm gonna be a farmer

Wherever people smell money there will always be plenty of leaches looking for a paycheck. Ergo you get massive amounts of overregulation, skyrocketing education costs etc.

But I play tons of video games and I'm employed. Nothing like getting a day free after 2 hours overtime and wasting it by enjoying vidya

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All good until something goes wrong and you get shot in the back or gun down the wrong nig, being a cop isn't as respected as it used to be

I thought I was being pretty clever, in all honesty.
>Where are all the men in human resources?
>So how can we attract more men and women to the profession who possess the necessary business and analytical skills, in addition to people skills, and who are interested in contributing at a strategic level in order to effect change? How can we support women on the path to the C-Suite? And how do we reposition the role of HR in many organizations to be more strategic?

Now imagine some 6'4" country boy with an accent thick as cream gravy showing up to an interview with some slut who marches in pride parades despite not having sex in over 15 years.

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If you want a decent job you have to talk to people and have a 'wider' knowledge base. Seriously, networking is pretty much the cheat code to success. I went from a tiler to an independent contractor who advises foreign companies on how to break into, or expand in, the domestic market.

Independent contracting is the shit if you can create the connections to make it feasible, and if you can preform well enough to keep clients coming back. If I'm not in a meeting I'm usually just at home playing video games, reading, or lifting weights waiting for a call or an e-mail to come through.

Search for an IT job in the petrol industry instead, lots of automation going on

>young men wont work!
>they must work!
>error 404 npc stopped working
>heh nothing personal

Yes, and that's a good thing!

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I always have to wonder why people don't move out of the city? I'm paying $650 for a one bedroom.

How do you get your income, neets? Are you still sucking on your parents retirement, as the leeches you are?

why should I get a job name one reason

no, they started to open accounts where citizens were urged to donate money voluntarily, in some cities at least.

lel, this is everyone who says they can “help you” they ain’t got shit for clout. I had the dean of my college send my resume out and get me in touch with people, we all got ghosted. Now I’m st some shit boring ass job designing storage units instead of actual high design architecture. And everyone wonders why I’m addicted to benzos and opiates, and play vidya during all of my free time. Tfw my gf is moving across the court and I can’t afford it. Shit sucks man

>spent 3 months trying to find a job, a couple of hours a day
>finally got one at a greenhouse with nice people
>get laid off a month later because the person that I was suppose to replace didn't actually leave, which made it so that I worked the busy season but did not get to learn and work on the slow season
>have been playing video games for the past month just because
No shit young men would rather play video games in this Hell economy and work environment boomers have produced. A fucking call of rejection at the very least would be nice once in a while, but I don't even get those.

nah, if anything when I was working i used to play way more, now I have time to do other shit

Do you said you have been searching for a year? Have you had any issues regarding how long your job search has been? Or do the temp positions I guess help prevent that. Ive been graduated for 7 almost 8 months now and havent found shit. Starting to worry that the length of time will start to negatively affect my chances.

Playing games is more fun than earning your fat boss money

literally me.

It’s interesting that a whole percentage of men checking out of society and relationships can literally damage the economy and society in general.

country *

because you cant afford a family if you dont have an income, goyim

>But if you work you’ll get a gf and kids!
>But that guy got multiple gfs without working and kids too
>Reeeee stop comparing yourself to other people and get a job like everyone else you don’t want to fall behind your peers do you?

It's not enough, the government wants to increase taxes to support the refugees and the German population is fucking pissed. For the first time in 70 years the German Conservative Party is getting votes, that's how pissed they are.

Sure am, not retarded enough to think this is a bad way to live either. Parents still love me too if you can believe it.

In my case it's just that I can't move because job prospects aren't any better elsewhere. Other than that, no real reason. For normies though, it's about the lifestyle and prestige that comes with living in NYC or LA

Men in HR is an oxymoron because HR’s entire existence is predicated on keeping straight white males out of the workplace to fudge the numbers

Security can be a fun job, I miss the overnight vidya sessions between hourly patrols

True, but you have to be okay for that when you apply for the job. I live my life a day at a time and enjoy the time I've got on this Earth while I've got it, at the end of the day I just do what I can to maximize my safety and if it happens, so be it.

just fake being a fag

Its this or be homeless as I try to find work. I've never been bad to my parents.

>am currently unemployed male playing vidya most of the time and living off my savings
guess they were right. how do I fix my life, Yea Forums? aside from ending it

>>videogames are for children and unemploymed males
Memes and fuck society. What's next your going to tell me to have kids? LMFAO!

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brainlet, you can't predict the fucking market of jobs. I studied as nuclear operator by in Country nuclear power plants were closed for "Muh Chernobyl"

I mean, considering that we live on an age where LGBT people are put on a pedestal

Not in my case because I have a place that I work a couple days a week at and I also recently started a temp job on the side.
Honestly if I didn't have that, my life would be over. Any resume that has gaps in employment goes straight in the trash these days because they assume you're lazy. I would say fill in whatever you can to close up those gaps, show you're doing something.

I made the mistake of learning a trade in the southwest, why pay an apprentice good wages when you can hire a Mexican as a 'helper' and he'll do all the same work illegally and cheaper.

There are no plans to raise taxes (since they already got one of the highest tax rates in the world) and who is "the german conservative party" supposed to be, the CDU? Because they have been in power for last 12 years

This exact same logic applies to why there's nothing wrong with NEETing if you can pull it off well. Finding a way to live comfortably can be done without having to work. Mostly bullshit luck involved though.

The undeniable fact is that there is not enough jobs for everyone, universal income is the solution

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>work it job, only talk to other servicedesks and companies
>fuck this will be great, no angry end cu-
>all calls are from angry pajeets or other outsourced shit desks
Yes mr pajeet streetshitter I will accept your level 500 escalation while you pelt me 24/7 for updates

That's fine but we can make enough bullets to kill everybody.

Not a real solution for a few gay reasons. Not that it matters, people love solutions that only temporarily hold back the end.

As long as it comes from robot tax I can get onboard with that

The pay is all over the map though, and depending on where you live it may not be worth the trouble. There are security places hiring in my crime ridden area going for minimum wage

Too many people, not enough money and shitloads of debt. Get ready for the hard reset.

>have good job
>mom falls into really poor health
>quit job to live with her and essentially become her pca
>in bumfuck nowhere innawoods now
>no jobs around me that aren't cook grocery store/gas station clerk unless I drive 40 miles
at least I have my vidya and gardening

ok another reason to don't have a job ill be stupid to get a girl just for my money

>An illegal immigrant isn't going to steal your non-existent job.
>Hey mister americano, i will work for half the minimum wage. You dont need to pay any insurances. Please let me work, even i dont have an official status.
Sure they will. If its a job without a special training they will demand less pay. If they need a job to acquire official status they will work for peanuts. And the immigrants who are able to flee contain alot that have some sort of job degree.
In reality its nor clear if this happens enmass but the potential is there that many are willingly to work for less because they need to stay. Only high professional jobs are immune against that because they can weight their degree or know-how in.

This. Automation is already here and killing every jobs one by one. Vote Yang 2020!

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>beiing a slave nstead of investing into crypto

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what do you mean, just because they won't become mindless drone workers?
yeah they told me that would get me a gf but now i work too much to even look for one so i have to unironically rely in apps like bumble and tinder
employees will notice that, looks like you just weren't qualified for your job. what do you have, poor verbal communication skills too?
this is what my grandpa says, lol he literally tells me the look them in the eye and strong handshake
yeah i too think anybody who cant live a life of luxury off of entirely investments, gambling, or the stock marker, never having to do a job in their entire life, are never gonna make it.
you know some places have systems/programs that scan resumes that automatically weed people out just based on their name, if you worked at a certain place before, age group, and even up to if you live in a certain area (depsite living in same town or city as job youre applying for), i dont know the exact details but this kind of weeding out does exist
thats already happening in places where refugees and single moms are thriving, right? why not just make it so nobody can have more than 2 kids

I agree, they even lost votes over the last 5 years. Guess some alt-right larp their feeled reality!

I lost a couple thousand bucks on crypto. Not the worst loss in the grand scheme of things and my portfolio may still recover, but I can't exactly rely on that.

>This study was done on a population of streamers and E-sport professionals

German will do no such thing. They would rather die than stand up for themselves

>tfw I got a good, high paying job in a respectable field with a stable company EXPLICITLY so I could have money and time to play video games without worry
feels good

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>The solution is to depend on the state.

Ask the Soviet Union how that turned out.

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I graduated last December and haven’t even gotten an interview. I think I’ve only gotten 2 actual rejections.

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maybe you shouldn't have been a fucking retard and just bought link

>Investing in crypto now
LMAO, that ship sailed years ago, now everyone is just hoping the boom happens again

>the ESL lashes out in anger

What field?
I suggest, if you need to make some dosh, start taking up remote software contracts.
It's not stable income but it's something you can do without having to fucking own a car to be an uber driver

There's plenty of jobs for everyone. Stop memeing. It's just not jobs you want to work.

>tax massive companies like amazon for automating and outsourcing work
>give the money back to the people

Either the companies cut down on automation and outsourcing and provide jobs to people here, or they pay the price because it gives them a few cents more off their bottom line and everyone gets some free money.

I have a gap and I'm so screwed

I have an idea. what if we just start killing rich people and distributing their wealth?

Where do you go to get that kind of work? I'm UK.

I like the timed pop quizzes they have. They're becoming increasingly common and it's the "choose the best answer" type of horseshit everyone hates.
HR. I do odd jobs here and there for pocket money.

Fellow new yorker who left here. Come to Virginia. Youll die of boredom but life will be substantially easier.

mid-level IT is dead. being a generalist will get you a dead end sysadmin 50k/yr 60hr wk gig. pick a technology path and just specialize in one silo like crazy. devops, DC networking, virtualization, etc.

What do you do for a living?
>Oh, I'm a student but I'm sure I'll find a job once I graduate
Knew it.

this is why you're poor

Fair enough, but it’s pretty fucking demoralizing to go to school for two degrees and neither of them get you a job in your field

>Parents a few months ago ask if I’m depressed
>Admit that I’m worried about being used at a full time job alone till the day I die and how I hate being ugly
>A week later finally get a job
>literally nothing else has changed, my predictions for the future are 100% on track
>user why do you not do basic maintenance are you depressed do you have ADD

Thanks for reading my incel blog.

>fucking stypid whores
>wtf why cant i be HR i have people skills!

It takes hard work to turn your life around, but you can do it. It's really simple, at least in step form.
>step 1: form a positive habit
>could be anything, from exercise, to cooking, to cleaning, but it has to be consistent
>this makes it easier to form other habits, which you need to do
>step 2: get into the habit of searching for a job at least for an hour a day
>by doing this, you at least are trying and are manipulating your odds of stumbling along something great
>step 3: become specialized
>try any CC, trade school or uni if you have the money and find something you like
>loans are okay but keep them low
>step 4: network
>this is the most important step and it's the hardest too for someone that is bad with being social, although sometimes being odd makes you stand out more
>step 5: grind
>This step sucks but you may have to go a few nights a week without vidya or Yea Forums. It helps to remember that Yea Forums is really just social media for anti social people, or at least lie into believing that
That may be way too oversimplified, so please if there's any criticism of that, at least take into consideration that everyone is different. If you can't at least do the first step, you're making excuses.

>admitting your insecurities to your concerned parents
lmao what a casual

Weird how people don't want jobs that have poorer working conditions than fucking slaves of the past did. I still have my pride and I'll gladly die before willingly submitting to slavery.

>Not working a nice comfy tech job from home while shitposting and playing vidya

Truth, it's not like I enjoy working in a factory, but at least I'm earning money while applying for an actual job. I actually got so many job offers, it's ridiculous. None were in my field, obviously, but I've only been searching for a few weeks. Just don't want to sit on my ass.

the US government already collects more wealth in one year than all wealth in the hands of every billionaire in the world

Accounting is not a miserable job. If you think so you’ve never worked a truly shit job. It’s not a sexy, exciting job, but it’s not miserable.

Try working as a cashier for an understaffed grocery store, or electrical solar panel installer in 100 degree weather.

Yeah I should just bottle until I snap desu I’m starting to realize the only way to make people care about your problems is to make your problems their problems.

>>they must work!
To have a functioning society you fucking retard.
Do you really want Women running everything?

At least they care. My parents love me but they’d never come out and ask if I need help, not that they’d know how, anyway.

never worked
never will

simple as

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Whatever excuse you need to make to feel better about yourself user.

>boomers walks in and gets job immediately due to qualifications or just being liked by employer

>trying to get entry job now, you need like 2 fucking master degrees, agree to work for free and need 5 years prior experience

pretend to be a homosexual

dial up the accent for effect, wear conspicuous pink accessories or whatever it is they do, and put "prefer not to say" for the question where they ask you your sexual preference.

Sad thing is, user, I actually do. I've fucked a girl who interviewed me, once, but it was after I was removed from consideration.
>at least an hour
Nah, it's a full time job. I've been at it since 6:00 this morning, but I'm on break now.

I mean i have my internship from right before i graduated. But i havent done anything since then. But even if i did apply at walmart or some shit and work there while i did my job search, would that really help? In school we were always told that little unrelated jobs we have had before dont really need to be on a resume

If everyone was like you, you'd be dead. There'd be nothing to leech off of.

Those are called ATS (automated tracking systems) and they reject applications automatically based on keywords and job titles in your resume.
They don't actually reject by your name or where you live, HR does that manually because if people ever found out that they programmed a system explicitly for that purpose, they'd get sued for discrimination.
But make no mistake, HR definitely does that. I spoke to the head of HR for Elli Lilly a few years back over some beers (funny enough he's a white male boomer) and he straight up told me he avoids hiring white men whenever possible because he wants to increase diversity at the company. Naturally if he hadn't been drunk at the time he never would've admitted it. Of course, I pulled my application with the company after that because I knew I wouldn't get a second interview anyway.

>women take mens jobs because of feminism and "diversity"

They can't ask that. That is definitely an illegal question. You need to point me towards that company so I can apply and then file a charge with the EEOC and get an easy payday.


>look up entry level jobs
>all of them require multiple years of experience in different fields

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Actually no. I have no idea what country you live in but I am pretty sure in almost every country there are more unemployed people than jobs open.

Study also finds that 9 out of 10 people who die used to breathe

I’ve considered just signing on with Amazon to get some money while I look for a job but I’ve heard how soulcrushing the labor is and I’m weighing whether I’d rather enjoy my period of unemployment or just submit and suffer for money.

I don’t think there’s a right answer either way

I made this for NEETs who will probably do more and more the more they get into it.

fair enough. i'll start lifting tonight. see how that goes

user, I'm gonna assume that guy just wanted attention and wont apply any of this, but as someone who was close to a beer that did this and turned their life around im just gonna say good post

Yeah me too. Dual BS in math and chemistry, which are not the most marketable subjects, but it's not underwater feminist african basket weaving either.

You fucking put walmart on there with your internship. It's a job.

They can't force you to answer that, but they're allowed to ask for "non-discriminatory" purposes like monitoring diversity in their hires and making sure they employ enough trannies to not get passive-aggressived at by the HR lady

In the UK, at least, maybe US is different.

Letting them work and vote fucked the entire planet up.

Enjoy being replaced by a bot.

Real advice for NEETs here. Get a job in security gatehouse ideally. I sit on my ass playing gatcha shit on my phone for 8 hours a day.

Upwork and Cybercoders are two big freelance sites. There's also lots of jobs that will just let you work remotely fulltime.
I'm not joking when I say apply to Amazon's SDE positions. You might be surprised how far you get. The best way you can practice for those is to read about data structures (like graphics, binary trees, etc) as well as do code challenges online on hackerrank and the like.

>get a job in security while paying for college
>fall for computer science meme
>welp im bon-
>qualify in my company for cyber security
>work hours are fucking donkukus and dint have holidays off but its comfy and easy
Now i just have to stop being autistic and have sex

Whites should go full gibsmedat desu, we're already becoming a minority in our own countries so people should act the part.

Let the brown masses work their asses off to support you, when everything falls into a deep state of stagnation at least you'll still have your 1000 bucks a month

Prepare to get replaced by an accounting AI

Gods that's exactly what my email looks like. I've had one on-site interview, but it ended in rejection

I blame absolutely nobody for this.
Most jobs suck ass, most people treat those under them like garbage, and honestly life is just flat out trash when all you do is work and sleep 70% of the week and only have a maximum 30% to do other things.

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i'm trying to find a fucking job I send out at least half a dozen applications a week I just got off the phone with some fucking fly by night marketing firm I don't even remember applying to and it screams fucking scam but i'm gonna go to the interview anyway because I need to do something before I mcfucking neck myself i've been awake for 20 hours because without having a job or a routine I gradually stayed up later and later and slept in longer and longer until I trapped myself on a nocturnal schedule now I need to get up for an interview at the incredibly easy mode late hour of 10:30am and i'm not sure how i'm gonna fucking do it cause it's noon and all I want to do is sleep but if I do i'll wake up in the middle of the night rather than the fucking morning aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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I would say do at least that simply because it shows that you're hungry and motivated to work. I'm a salesman on the side, nothing glamorous for a guy with Dr in front of his name.
The worry is that they'll think you're a lazy useless NEET if they see an empty resume. The irrelevant stuff only stays off the resume if you have something more relevant in its place.

I keep forgetting America is practically a third world country. Basically, in all western countries there's more work than people. Homelesness is often a choice, not a necessity. I could find work within a day. It's a shitty job, but it's a job.

Gaps shouldn’t penalize you. It’s so crap. I’ve got like 4 months off recently and I’ve been ghosted by so many people. I had to settle for literally the first thing that offered me. Capitalism is shit

Fucking whores isnt people skills. My brother works in HR. Youre just a shallow asshole and your response kinda proves it. People can read that shit off a person man.

you'll just become brazil

>Get to make money and play games
Part timer master race here, imagine the existential dread of waking up as a wagie or neet

>women are now the majority of gamers
how do we escape clown world?

>Went to school to do museum stuff
>Assistant position pays $15/hr
>Requires 2-3 years experience with a master’s degree

I wasn’t expecting to make bank but what the fuck. So now I’m stuck with a useless bachelors and no desire to get a masters if that’s the best I can get.

Fucking this. I was fighting tooth and nail for these damn engineering jobs that I don't even want.

So I said fuck it I'm going to learn a trade instead.

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>half a dozen a week
You're not trying.

Yeah, US is different.
>shallow asshole
What does your brother do, exactly? I'm curious.

>go on Indeed
>every job listing requires you to make an account on the company's website and take a 30 minute pre-interview quiz and wait a week before they tell you that you were rejected, if they even bother
nah I'm enjoying my NEETbux and small investment returns. If you're going to make the act of applying itself an arduous task I'm not gonna bother. Companies do that as a scam anyway so they can cry to the government that no one applied, and that's why you should let us import Indians by the thousands.


I haven't had a job since I was in high school, is it to late to turn my life around now that I'm approaching 30?

Pretty sure that's pasta, user. I remember seeing it before, or something really similar.

>honestly lost count of professional certifications, well over a dozen
>decade of experience, last role was paying nearly $50/hr

Took two years off to pivot into another field, didn't like it, and now the best offer in last six months of searching within 300 miles has been $15/hr. I can make more flipping garbage from thrift stores on eBay.

What country are you from? I want to go and check if you speak the truth. Because I am 99% certain you are wrong.

Even the most basic jobs have many requirements nowadays. You don't just walk in to any job.

Is it just me or are older generations gate keeping new jobs hard?

You never heard of them needing so many qualifications and internship before they landed their full time jobs.

>Have a shitton of connections due to Mom being a cop
>literally get handed jobs on a silver plate by her old friends
>Still a depressed loser who just wants to be a NEET
How do i fix this lazy faggot mentality of mine? I hate myself. Everyone works so hard to boost me up

Your only option is unironically trade or school with internship

>entry level job
>1 year experience mandatory

best way to get a job is networking
that alone makes college worth it if you're not autistic

when you realize you aren't actually being persecuted

This thread is depressing af. I don’t come on here to be reminded the shitty state of the job market. Post some anime tiddies faggots.

>go to work
>lmao here's your shit pay
>the delivery guy makes more than me,works 3 fucking hours and only on one day
fuck that
Are you scared of fucking up?

people make it seem like a job = you made it in life
but i mean honestly isn't that all subjective or is this classic nihilism.

>Get a job
>Play even more games because i can afford it.

>Boomers refuse to retire
>Supply exceeds demand so companies get to be extra picky

Great Boomer die off soon, bro. Then we'll just have to compete with the machines

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Administration for a cable company, basically.

Well, I would rather the world collapse than leech off of my hard work


>subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.
>harass or annoy (someone) persistently.
Pretty sure I'm being persecuted every fucking day of my life.

>see job descriptions that list Bilingualism as preferred
>then it's Required further down
Fucking boomers.

You have to commit to something and start. Everyone degrades after a while of neetdom but you bounce back once you have commitments and responsibilities again.

This shit is why being an introvert in this world is fucking impossible, I wish I could just change my personality

But you're still helping them make more money by buying hardware for games.

Will look into those, thanks.

We're always the convenient scapegoat.

They don’t care unless it affects them is what I’m saying. I have no choice but to keep doing what I’m doing till I kill myself, I’ve got nothing to live for and I’m not sad enough to off myself yet but I feel like Im dangerously close and working is doing absolutely nothing to alleviate be actual issues in my life.

But omg I have 10k in the bank I can buy shit that also won’t solve my problems :o

>affording games
Not a problem.

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>Are you scared of fucking up?

I mean, i could be worse off you know?

That's all on you.

i wish it was pasta

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>get valuable degree (nursing, engineering, accounting)
>start out making $55k in low cost of living areas
>accrue lots of time off
>be employed and have money/time for vidya

Thanks, will look into that.

If you make more money than him, you should be able to afford a better whore than him. I would say that is a win.

this but fuck women, 2d waifus or bust.

He's a secretary, the cable company just calls it HR-Admin. Pic related is your bro, bro.

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accounting is getting automated

>Apply for 2 million entry level jobs in my state
>Get like 1 interview every so often
>Think I ace the interview
>Get rejected anyways
>Never informed how to improve
You know what the worst part of getting rejected? Is that they never fucking tell you where you fucked up and how you can improve.
It’s either some bullshit like “We are currently not looking for a person of your qualities” or “Sorry, but we have decided to hire other people”.

I've worked part time in an amazon warehouse for a month because I needed some quick extra money.
EVERYTHING you do gets timed. If you need 10 seconds more than planned to move a cart, pack up an order or need to go to the bathroom some supervisor will tell you to hurry up (in that fake friendly way).
That shit will destroy if you can't just tell them to fuck off and quit

I'm too old for school :(

How do i get over my fear of time? I feel like i never have enough. But my free time is wasted here or lying down thinking about how much i hate myself or how much i should really learn this or that

>Thank you for calling Cocks Cable, my name is John-er-Joan how may I direct your call?

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>People on Yea Forums
>Asking them to do anything social

if you arn't retarded, now is absolutely the best time to be a NEET

>go to get a higher education, instead get a debt you'll never realistically pay off in any amount of time
>wageslave it up, ending with suicide or going postal on your fellow NPCs

people who set up their own business(s), those that know how to invest / play stocks, or people who just flat out don't give a fuck and keep it to the simple life, are statistically the happiest

heck, with modern goverments in the west so keep on importing migrants, just let them pay the taxes.

chinamen finally gets a taste of the goodlife, and I will be the parasite on his back

exactly, what the fuck happened to the times when you could just walk into a place and get a job? now you need 3 dick sucking degrees to work at even the shittiest places


Not so fast

>dude, just predict what the job market will be like 4-8 years from now

Correct in my case.

Oh my god please invest that money into certifications and exams

It's not on purpose, and not out of malice, but out of greed.

When they started out, everything was new, eveything was developing, and everyone was learning. Previous experience doesn't matter if it's a field you can't be experienced in in the first place. However, as they grow older, people leave, move away or die, they need replacement. Training someone to the things they had a lifetime to pick up would cost money and valuable time, so they'd rather just have someone who can jump in and start almost immediately - because then they have less downtime, and more productivity from that person.

The problem is, that screws over people who didn't have the chance to grow up in that environment, putting more stress on them to pick up the pace as companies practically rotate the same people between themselves.

I mean like i said in school we are taught to not put that sort of shit on our resume, only put stuff applicable to the jobs you are applying. And it makes sense. why the fuck would an entry level petroleum engineering job i am applying for give a fuck that i put produce away at a grocery store or worked fucking electronics in a walmart?

Man I guess. Its just awful because I have also heard horror stories of people going out and working other jobs, but after a while it still doesnt matter because, while yeah you graduated with an engineering degree 2 years ago, you have been "insert whatever other job title here" since. So the company will view you as that rather than an engineering grad.

why even bother getting a degree and shittons of debt if there's even a chance of it not being useful because of lack of demand

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Its either the state or globalist corporations. Pick your poison.

stop talking about real life stuff please

Pretty much described my situation. Real life sucks.

>your next career is almost here

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>portal of sin with access to representations or facsimiles of everything your heart could desire now covers the earth in infrared film
>why no one want do shit?

No you're not.

Dude makes 60 an hour and gets free cable and internet with health benefits. Id gladly be a fucking Secretary for that sort of easy fucming work

More like we play video games BECAUSE we dont have jobs

You're never too old for school. What kinda quitter mentality is this?

You obviously don't know shit about accounting. It's way more involved than doing 1040EZ and bookkeeping. Computers aren't doing tax planning.

And that ladies (gentlemen) and gentlemen is why I am self employed.

now go find that in your studies and stick it

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