What's the beans on toast of video games?

What's the beans on toast of video games?

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Skyrim is toast
Beans are sexmods

Beans are the cosmetics


Action 52

and what shithole of america does this travesty come from


Toast = Age of Empires 2
Beans = expansions (except Faggotten Empires)

>shithole of america


America has real food, unlike Great Shitain.

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Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans

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I'd try it desu

it's a british thing and it's genuinely enjoyable i've convinced more than 10 americna friends to try it and they all loved it

the UK you dumb nigger
baked beans are a cookout only side dish here

beans on toast is actually quite good

>beans on toast

fuck off

what is the toast sandwich of videogames?

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I'm willing to bet you're either an American trying to start a nationality war or a spic.

This nigga eatin’ beans.

Try beans on toast but put cheese on the toast first, thank me later bros

>non-american education

for me it's the breakfast oatcake

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That looks like shit but it’s honestly quite taste, like a lot of british cuisine.

Zeno Clash

For me it's a full English

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>people falling for this falseflag

remove the mushrooms and tomatoes and it'd be the perfect full english

Probably something made by modern Sony like GoW 2018 or TLoU.
Lacking in variety
Only created because they couldn't do any better at the time.

What's with anglos having shitty looking food?

Does Canada/Australia suffer from this problem too?

British food is the ultimate don't judge a book by its cover cuisine.

lot of british food came from beinvg poor as fuck like meat pies and stews

The English don't like mushrooms and tomatoes in their breakfeast?

>What's with anglos having shitty looking food
Way less additives and such so it doesn't have that chemical glow.

>remove the mushrooms and tomatoes

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for me its a chip butty

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I do curried lentils on sailors bread. It's a nice combo

nah most do i just hate mushrooms and tomatoes i can handle mushrooms a little bit tomatoes make me puke same for celery

>britbongs and amerilards eat this shit
just so u know, uk food in eu is considered some of the worst in the world

healthy, fulfilling, but easy to get sick of?
probably a solid multiplayer game

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we were all poor as fuck

and will be again after Brexit.

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>uk food in eu is considered some of the worst in the world
Pretty sure that's Finland with America behind it.

You're supposed to grill the tomatoes too, those look raw.

oh i'm sure it will you eurocuckold

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Eating this would make you obese though.

What are the black circles?

Yes, we know, there's many a stand-up comedian who's remarked on it, and the fact that the British built an empire that encompassed a quarter of the Earth's landmass either to get something to eat or to get away from the weather.

if you look around the edges they're slightly cooked but i agree need to be grilled to a crisp
Blood pudding/Black pudding
it's oates and pigs blood really tasty

>when the hd remake collection is better than the originals

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The Order 1886. In many ways.

Everyone shits on Britain for having the worst food but in reality it's Ireland. The potato thing isn't a meme, Irish ''cuisine'' is literally potatoes and sometimes turnips.

Something ain't right about those eggs

No it wouldn't, sodiepops and candy are what make people obese

>little baby black puddings
>little thin sausages

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Well if not obese it would certainly give you heart disease.

disdain for the sasuage patty also only 1 black pudding and 1 haggis cut don't call that the full chad that's weak

Beans don't have enough sauce but otherwise looks good especially the sausages. Most disappointing part of full English is how bland our sausages usually are.

That's the Anglo dream

Assassin's Creed. Bland, uninspired, but hours of sustenance.

These days, though, you can pay extra for less sustenance.

fuck boys i'm itching for a full english now, or some beans on toast at least.

>baked beans in sauce
>toast with butter
What part of eastern Europe are you from so we can laugh at you and your country?

Is that why they hate the French? The fact that red wine is apparently good for the heart?

Canada has Poutine, does it look shitty to you?

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The general idea is that food doesn’t need to look good, just taste good.

Not sure about Canada, but Australia has vegemite which is the same as marmite, so their tastes are probably similar.

britbongs fruitlessly trying to convince anyone their food isn't the worst slop in the world will never stop being funny


American food is the best however.

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For me its a munchie box

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Staffordshire family report in

local chinese place i goto recently started doing a variant of this called a salt baked box better than other munchie boxes i've had

The absolute state of this cuck

it's always a surprise to find out another person from staffordshire is on this shithole

>oi mate yer talkin bollocks but am sure ye never had an authentic boingy mollops mmmmm me gran's the best

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Its just toast and beans nothing else? I wanna try it.

>lettuce conveniently bagged so you can bin it straight away
Makes me wonder why they even bother including it.

Dark Souls series.

>he thinks he's too good for beans and toast


france and italy are the only european countries that have good food

Munchies is the greatest restaurant of all time.

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depends on how you like it i personally add a bit of butter to the toast with my beans on toast

Wish we had these in the US

I ate mac&cheese pizza once. It was awful.

Why'd you do that, user?

Missing out if your nan didn't make you one of these.

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user, don’t!

>naan bread
>1(one) egg

they didnt invent decent meals until they colonised more exotic countries. at least they have good roast potatoes

I like pizza and don't hate pasta, and wanted to see if they work together. It would be okay if you dumped a bunch of tomato sauce on it, I think.

I dont know whats going on here, a poutine with edamame ontop and some sort of cake?

spain is pretty good too

top tier cured ham especially

Outsiders don’t know about the quality of our breakfasts.


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gotta add cheese

Chips, peas, steak pudding and gravy on a tray. This is premium pissed food.

Beans and toast is great, but it started out as a rationing thing, apparently. Which could make it seem like a travesty? But it's p fucking good

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an irish breakfast is better. look up potato farls, theyre a fucking delicacy.

dunno if you've ever had castle oatcakes but they're easily some of the best i always go for the boxed oatcake doubled up

what a suprise

>naan bread
thats a potato farl, pajeet

>western cuisine

Tetris. Staple game on which you can add a few features if you've got ADHD and need renewed interest but for most people the base game is already as good as it gets and never gets old.
>Mean beans & toast

Butter the toast. But that's it, yes.
Also make sure you don't get really shit tinned beans, go for Heinz or some other one that isn't absolutely awful if you know of one.

>cheese in a can

No shit they're an Irish delicacy you faggots don't have anything else to make food with.

i can respect the cheese game i usually go mature cheddar when it's melted ontop

Do you add the cheese to the beans or the toast?

we have soda farls too

>Tomato sauce on chip butty
You fucking ruined it.

not him but i personally grate the cheese ontop at the end and let it melt a tiny bit

What is the best Full English with all the trimmings and brown sauce and a hot mug of tea of the vidya world?

For me? It's Skyrim with mods.

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>You will never eat dumpster meat and old heat lamp fries from a pizza box

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better than eating ready-meals lardboy

The real question is what's the beans on pizza of video games.

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on top of the toast, then add beans. cheese melts a little from the beans

Thanks anons going to give it a try.

Sonic 06

brown sauce belongs on meat you freak. put it on a chip butty and you may as well drink a vial of concenteated heartburn

Is this an accurate representation of Brit cooking?


I seriously hope you guys aren't consuming empty calories

I didn't know beans on pizza was a popular dish in Barnsley.

That turned out to be false. Saturated fat isn't linked to heart disease.

I'm all into the full english user but that looks terrible. Just look at that steamed-ass tomato piece, those weak oiled toasts (not buttered, oiled ?!), the pudding not being crusty, the bacon is soggy, sausage patties look like shit and have a subpar texture and that egg. Jesus that egg, was it put in a pan with just water ? Fucking hell.
The mushrooms, beans and farl look alright but the rest is absolutely rubbish and looks microwaved. No hash browns even ? Come the fuck on you imbecile.

dont eat this shit sober, you realise how disgusting it is

I'd rather have ready meals than eat potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, spudfucker

A chip butty doesn't need any sauce at all you retard, just butter. Shove either tomato or brown sauce on there and that's all you taste, it's shit, destroys everything good about it.

Hot Curry Slurry is a popular dish in the United Kingdom and greedy Brits rush to slurp up this nutritious and spicy meal straight from the source.
Don't forget to try the Long Pig Special.

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