*one-hit kills you*

>*one-hit kills you*

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Well, yeah, that's why most of them have considerable and highly-conspicuous wind-ups.

I think hes just complaining about the Ubersaw crit chance

Most melee weapons have an increased crit chance, though, not just the ubersaw.

I agree random crits are bad

>*one-hit kills you*
>and your medic
>and your engineer
>and your heavy
>and your entire team

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accctually its 2 hit attack

I thought he was complaining about the taunt kill

holy shit the contract system fucking sucks. also the dragon's breath sucks even more

>still hasn't completed his contracts in 2019

*one-hit kills you*
Seriously wf Valve

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Unscope and look behind you once in a while on Hightower, user.

post 'em

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I did it lads
It took a million years but I did it

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as soon as i see one sniper with this cosmetic i stalk them and kill them over and over again until they ragequit

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But why would you do it user

>anger snipers
>hitting anything


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Meds have a seemingly increased melee crit chance because al that healing they’re doing is increasing their crit rate the same way doing damage does

because it's fun

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well obviously they cant hit anything when they die because of me

My class time tracker doesn't work at all, it doesn't count over 500 hours of my total playtime.

they're only capable of machina bodyshots

reset my stats a while back

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I was actually referring to melee weapons in general. They have a higher base crit chance than guns to reward high-risk close-quarters combat.

>still no fucking update
>ambassador is still the worst revolver in the entire game
>demoknight is fucking trash
>heavy is fucking trash that needs a babysitter to even come close to being decent at defense
>medic is still broken as fuck
>spy is still the worst class in the game
>pyro is bad and the dragon's fury makes him even worse after its nerf
>sniper continues to be an affront to good balancing, as his only counter is a better sniper due to his shit design
>bugs still swarm on engie and Valve is too retarded to fix them
>mfw still playing it in the year of our lord in 2019 despite all this fucking horseshit because its core still holds some of the best team-based gaming on the market

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Hey Yea Forums,

Attached: yoreugleh.webm (500x640, 336K)

valve just hates spy
>add spawn wallhacks for no reason

>>sniper continues to be an affront to good balancing, as his only counter is a better sniper due to his shit design
Dealing with them as a Scout or Pyro mostly works for me.
Flanking the team and airblasting the sniper off the cliff in pl_upward is what I live for.

Both get shut down by an engineer or one soldier guarding the flank

>still no willingly changing teams in casual
>still get autobalanced constantly when playing with friends
>same 3 maps always in the voting pool for casual instead of nominating any of the maps

>still one of the top 5 games played on steam most days
>still no update/care for the game despite that

based uglehposter

Soldiers are too busy at the frontline with their medic girlfriends/boyfriends, and defense Engineers always build in the same spot by the 2nd point where most of my Sniper airblasting happens and never on the 3rd point.

The problem is a good sniper will be mindful of those flanks and, with no real range limitations, the flanks become moot anyway due to how most maps are designed. He can just wait beyond the flank exit and shoot you then.

I mean, the flank routes in the 2nd and 3rd points are out of the sentry reach, so no. My bane is usually a scout who gets a meat shot and then a second one once I turn.

I encountered one of these players. You got to jump in the air, spin in a way so that you make the 800 IQ play by obstructing your head hitbox with a torso or limb hitbox and then just finish them off easily, even if you end up limping out of the fight.
They always end up in the tunnel beneath the spawn between the 2nd and 3rd point, though, which is strange.

Sniper always stand at the bottom of the hill on the left and the sentry spot is on the deck
How do you plan to airblast them there


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To be honest, if I didn't fuck up when I try to be serious in anything ever, I'd probably try it too.

literally just the middle, barely outside the sentry's line of fire. the snipers usually focus the "ambush" lane or the bit of land above the tunnel, so you just waltz out of the tunnel heading towards the edge of the cliff and just airblasting any sniper there because they have tunnel vision.
they don't have a sixth sense or anything, dude. they only think they're hot shit when you're walking in straightlines or are fighting someone else.

>so you just waltz out of the tunnel
if the sniper is close to the hill he can easily defend both
if the sniper is far back you have to walk past the sentry
not to mention the tunnel is generally the most heavily guarded area on second

it's the damage done by your healing target to be exact

same deal with engineer, sentry damage counts towards your crit chance