Any other videogames with this feel?

Attached: Homm3.jpg (432x399, 37K)

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Age of Wonders
I've always really liked the fantasy map graphics for these kinds of games.

Attached: aow.jpg (1024x768, 289K)

Dominions 5

King's bounty


Is there a way to get AoW to not run like shit on modern systems?

HOMAM V Tribes or Disciples 2

I don't recall having lots of issues on Windows 7 x64 with any versions, though it's been a while.
I know for Shadow Magic I couldn't use steam to launch the game and instead had to use the exe in the game directory directly, else it had a few nagging issues.

Age of Wonders is the only series I can think of with a similar setting and atmosphere.

Don't forget to sign up for Songs of Conquest

Attached: conquest.png (1376x773, 2.97M)

I'm on w7 x64 yeah. Game is prone to crashing and having a janky feel all the time.

It might be the same jank I was experiencing. Try using the game exe instead.

I have the GOG version but I'll try that next time anyway.

makes me wanna install it just to see what's wrong, it's been awhile but I don't remember it having any issues on w7, but maybe it was so long ago that I played it last on 32bit w7

Oddly enough Total War has always given me similar feels on-map and in city management, the ways that you can go econ or try to build towards a specific unit. And some titles like Warhammer even have events scattered around the map which feels like the gathering of the various gold piles and other resources in HoMM, really explored wandering out and in some cases taking risks with tiny fast scout armies in a similar manner.
Battles are a lot different, naturally.

Ogre Battle was my HoMM

Attached: good-tarot-bq.jpg (800x600, 69K)

Disciples series

Attached: screenshot_disciples_2_dark_prophecy_33.jpg (800x600, 375K)

what´s the bet AoW game?
only played AoW3

For me it's Shadow Magic, but lots of people swear by the original.
Haven't played 3 yet.

>grimdark edgy game has the same feel as pompous colorful fantasy

Shadow Magic

theyre all pretty different games aside from 2 and SM, which SM is just a direct upgrade
1 is a very rigid skirmish type game with no random map feature
2 and SM are more like master of magic, which aow is the spiritual successor of
I personally prefer 3 the most out of them, and I could never really bring myself to like 2/SM for some reason
you should try all of them anyway, and master of magic while youre at it

Probably 1 imo. Shadow Magic does have random map generator and a bit more content but the art style just looks amateurish and janky which always rubbed me the wrong way.

thanks, i will try all of them

Besides Age of Wonders 3 or Heroes 7 (which is pretty good in SP) I would also recommend the King's Bounty games

As far as I know this is the only upcoming game that tries to capture the HoMM experience

Attached: game_screenshot_e22bd7d67461e8f07d4df083a353e511.jpg (1680x1050, 3.48M)

There almost nothing edgy about this game.

KB is way too satirical, HoMM has humor but that game is just intentionally silly.