Race With Ryan

How are you guys preparing for the release of the century? Who are you maining?

last thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 those who say this isnt video games or not real

Article about it

Playasia listing

Amazon listing

An article from gonintendo from February 2019 announcing the game

is there any gameplay for this yet?

Not yet

this is my 8th oc piece
God I love this meme

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>last thread

Are you faggots asking for this to get moved to /vg/ by mods?

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Ok. At least Crash Nitro Fueled was King of Kart racing for week or two. It is over now.

Hey Ryan do you want to come with me to join Smash? - Steve

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will keep this in mind for next time


>due to Sindel's magic everyone forgets who Ryan is but is ashamed to admit it and pretends to know who he is in an overcompensating manner

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You can anyone of you make a edit meme of this?

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I didn't read your post

So the parents of this halfblood mutt are using him to make YT money.

Pretty much.

I made a general and it died

I wanna fondle Combo Panda

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is Combo Panda the new Klonoa?

I remember watching a video of some pre teen kid getting caught mass debating by his mom with a disgusting Minnesota accent and then any other time she walked in, the kid roasted the fuck out of her. I've been trying to find the kids channel or a compilation or something cuz I've been thinking about it for fucking weeks. Please help user?

combo panda is our favorite eceleb besides ryan with nearly 1 million subs. fuck all the anime girl virtual youtubers, combo panda is real shit

In appearance, I suppose so. He has that shota looking charm. In personality, no. Combo Panda is more hot-blooded and brash, trying to emulate the "trash talking gamer" stereotype.
I recommend his robot videos so you see him struggle and give some more personality depth

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Is the mosaic still a thing?

>t. Virgin virtual youtuber
>Chad Panda

Alright Yea Forums, show me your best Ryanposts

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We need more porn of Alpha Lexa


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Is this meme REALLY that funny that it deserves a constant thread at all times?

>Yea Forums finally has a good meme for the first time in years
>They obsessively overkill it until it's a bloody mess
>Not to mention making autistic collages and screencaps like it's the funniest thing in the fucking world for le Reddit repost upboats while in reality it's an 7.5/10 meme at best

Nu/v/ is real

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You never know when the next meme will come and overshadow it. I mean the Laboman meme got destroyed by the newer wojak edits. Honestly still pissed it only lasted for a day.

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we are just excited for the biggest game of all time.

You don't get to bitch while posting family guy frog faggot.

why does November 1st feel like it's so long away. i just want to race with ryan already.

I made this one

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Combo panda and Big Gil reminds me of 9-Volt and 18-Volt respectively

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Finishing the black race with Ryan

Get up Ryan, we got karts to race.

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God, I miss those threads.

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Touched this one up from last time.

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Anyone still working on the mosaic?

I want to fuck the panda

>2 hours since thread was made
>only 46 replies
What went so wrong?

>No Gods or kings, only Ryan
>I am Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the surprise in his egg?
>'No,' says the man in India, 'it belongs to the corporations.'
>'No,' says the man in Cyprus, 'it belongs to my life hacks.'
>'No,' says the man in Sweden, 'it belongs to the redditors.'
>I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I choseā€¦
>Ryan ToysReview
>A channel where the gamer would not fear the chad,where the /pol/lack would not be bound by petty morality,where the redpilled would not be constrained by the bluepilled.
>And with the sweat of your brow, ToysReview can become your channel, as well.

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burgers arent up yet
theyll be plenty of shitposts in about 5-6 hours

any peckbros?

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Its 1 pm (1300 for yurops) on the east coast so yeah

peck is irrelevant and gay

looks like this meme is dead already

>man in India is T-series
>man in Sweden is Pewdiepie
Who's the man in Cyprus?

The third most subscribed channel on youtube, 5-minute crafts

literal who


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mario kart BTFO

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>hes not /racingwithryan/

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That's ace!

>your party members are even more powerful than yourself

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I wanna fuck the mom

>bumping a thread with PREVIOUS THREAD in the op
it's almost like you niggers want to get kicked off to /vg/ and kill this meme before it can even spread its wings

someone draw combo panda with a fat ass

Iā€™m saving this

I hope they're actually happy like in this picture and not abusive towards their money making child

Rimba DLC when?

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I wonder what attack items will it have? Ryan toys?

>party members forfeit their power to help the protagonist when he's in need

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how old are combo panda and alpha lexa anyway

eh, old enough

are these the "real non movie games" y'all are always on about???


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who here Gillchads?

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Made this my Phone Wallpaper. Dont know why but it made me near piss myself.

Who is Ryan? Can i get a quick rundown?

I want to fuck that fucking cat so fucking hard

more like a quick ryandown lol

Huge credit for the user who made this masterpiece

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When the game comes out we need to raise its metacritic score all the way to 10.0

really? to me she's a 2/10 4 if we're bring generousand this is coming from a guy who want's to marry an Asian lady

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which one's the mom?

eh, she's a solid 5, maybe 6 on a good day


>Rothschilds bow to Ryan
>In contact with aliens
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Control the youth with an iron but fair fist
>Own toy stores & playgrounds globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Ryangrad will be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Ryan babies
> said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Vietnamese monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented toy distribution with him
>Own toy R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Ryan's toys inside you right now
>He learned fluent English in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with him. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Ryan
>Is about 7 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent being.

>season 2 greenlighted
>this shit
are you fucking kidding me?

Booba > Ryan


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>19M subs
Do people really enjoy this?

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Has this retard gotten even a single reply with this meme he's trying to force?

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Its kids, they can watch the same video 5 times and still be entertained

>race with ryan gets moved to /vg/

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At least it's actual content that kids could reasonably enjoy
Meanwhile, this Buzzfeed clickbait tier content is the 3rd biggest channel on the entire website

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>12 different featured variant channels that are just them relupoading clips in different orders for each video
How is this shit allowed?

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You guys think Ryan fucks?

>pointing hand not shopped into a nazi salute
So close, yet so far.

Of course not. He's never lost his virginity. Because he never loses.

>not race war aryan

Where my Blippi chads at?

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>Blippicucks dont have a game

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He is pewds X1000. He has the age 2-7 youtuber demographic nailed down so hard his shit gets BILLIONS of views.

Any lewds of the cat?


Someone needs to do the Chad Ryan vs The Virgin Blippi

Search alpha_lexa on paheal and you'll see.

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i still don't know the name of this furry cartoon...

I'm going to hell

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Don't ruin a good thread with your wojak garbage


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uhh, combros?

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Wow, is nununu/v/ cancerous
XD le funny kid face photoshop ryan ryan ryan

finally. i have been waiting 20 years for this.
only zoomers arent excited for this game

just preordered, what am I in for

This kid's going to get bullied for this shit in high school, isn't he?

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>no fun allowed

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How do I start brushing up on my Ryan lore bros? I only have a little more than 4 months before the game comes out, should that be enough time to at least learn the basics?

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Fuck no, he's a goddamn made millionare with an upcoming video game and he isn't even 10. High School is all about style over substance and when you have the type of dough this kid is slinging everyone is going to want to be your friend, he's set for life man.

Ha orange blob

you have to have been studying the ryan lore since the early 2000's to be properly knowledgeable for this game

make sure to watch the vtubers channel along with combo panda videos. i recommend the robo panda series on combos channel for some quick lore. There's also so wiki pages you can read.

are you 3 and own a tablet? this game is for you

The kids name was Awesomestrator

>he's going to live a life full of fake friends
that sounds even worse

I'm so fucking confused

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Dunno what to tell you user, that's just the price of being rich and famous.