>The PC Gamer story reveals that Mordhau, which only launched with the ability to build white male characters, is looking to expand its roster to include women and people from different races. Which is cool, except the developers are so worried about upsetting their bigoted fans that they’re planning (though not guaranteeing the ultimate inclusion) on adding a toggle for players to filter out those choices, so that every character in the game is displayed as a white male, regardless of their rival’s actual selection
Why are white men so fragile?
The PC Gamer story reveals that Mordhau, which only launched with the ability to build white male characters...
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kill all gamers
why is OP a convicted sex offender from resetera?
>linking kotaku
>Advertising or begging
that just sounds like a historical accuracy toggle
why are women and minorities so insecure about this? do they want to inflict their epic avatar on others over any sort of immersion?
Even if that were true, I still wouldn't be pathetic enough to burst into tears at the sight of women or black people
Always support quality journalism and link your sources, user
>every white """"male"""" shitposter
hell yeah I can beat women in games other than DOA now
I'll take them having their limbs tore off as a bonus
Why do these pussy ass devs always give in to pressure?
Even if they were going to do this (which they aren't), fuck liberals for thinking they can demand how someone else personally experiences a game
just fuck it
Idk why are non-white non-males so fragile they have to write entire news articles about it?
Medievel everything belongs to us it's not yours
Its funny how accurate this is now.
It's because everyone likes to laugh at seething whitoids
Aww, that's too bad. Try not to get mad enough to resurrect Gamergate because boy was that a disaster.
Yeah, fuck those minorities and women for literally being filtered out of the game. Jeez, you dunderfucks are dense.
I like how when the developers tell people to just mute other players if they don't like toxic hate speech the faggy leftists have a bitchfit, and when the developers tell people they can toggle the appearance of other player characters the faggy leftists accuse other people of being fragile.
>when the developers tell people they can toggle the appearance of other player characters because they are afraid of making extremely sensitive gamerteens mad, everyone who isn't a fragile baby accuses other people of being fragile.
"Gamergate" never went away we're still here and Anita is less relevant than ever, we own youtube as well and control the narrative ;)
>getting buttmad about filter options that would only show on an individual end
Not sure why anyone should care.
Imagine getting so mad at video games that your seethe campaign is still going strong after half a decade
fuck off
Report and press the mute button, bro.
Like, just turn on the motivational filter, knigga.
its because its about power and contro
they cant stand the idea that other people have the freedom to make the "wrong" choices
>more diversity and choices are good
>but choices are bad
No fuck you for telling me how to experience the game. I don't care if niggers and women are in the game but if I wanna choose a filter that's fine. Add a filter for niggers or women only too, I don't give a fuck
nice I can't wait
Devs just confirmed there will NOT be a toggle for women or black people
>we at Triternion do not, nor have we ever had any plans to implement any kind of ethnicity toggle on potential future character ethnicity customization additions.
>Shortly after launch and in internal discussions, the concept of a gender option toggle was dismissed as it would undermine the customization players work hard to create.
>Our official stance is that these toggle options are out of the question.
commence the seething
How will the whitoids ever cope with this
>undermine the customization players work hard to create.
Then I'm gonna announce that I'm not buying their shit game!
Please stop shitposting with Ryona art
god i wish that was me
>potential future character ethnicity customization additions.
Codeword for “we’re not putting them in the game but we know there’ll be a shitstorm if we say it directly”
Shitty thread
>not only can you hit women but you can hit black people too
ok this is an absolute buy for me
Lets see
excellent cope