Do video games need to change?
Do video games need to change?
>twitter screencap thread
Yea Forums needs to change
We don’t care because it’s not a social justice issue
Sounds like what needs to change is the workforce. Good to see someone is on that.
Holy fuck based. This industry needs a holy purge and exodus of all people that don’t actually play games or have talent
This, how is starting a thread with a Twitter screenshot not a bannable offense at this point?
Your stupid cocksucking mouth needs to change, Mandy
If you want a secure job then go get one. Nobody is stopping you.
>I got fired twice
are people in any other line of work like this
One of two reasons for this:
>She joined some shitty mobile game studio, since those are the easiest to get hired into
>Anti-SJW countermeasures are out
I'm optimistic about the latter. I had an interview with an Activision company Monday, and holy shit were they on the redpill.
No, if devs jobs become more secure, the industry will stagnate and eventually lead to the downfall of the medium.
Competition is good.
>Graduate in recession
>Only vidya would hire me for entry lvl slavework
>Now a working professional 10 yrs later specialized in it
Let me know when one an industry with "secure" jobs wants to hire a game director.
What were you trying to get into, user?
Maybe she needs to be better at her job?
Because 4chans traffic relies on outrage. Without angry incel getting upset over literally nothing this website would go bankrupt
>clearly a useless diversity hire roastie
Good. I hope she never finds another job
Opinion discarded.
calm down and try to have sex user
>were they on the redpill.
Elaborate. I’m curious
That bitch is bad luck. If you work for a company and she joins, better pack up cause it's going under. Straight up omen.
Serves this bitch right, I can gurantee you she does sweet fuck all especially after the shitshow that was telltale games. Probably has no idea what to do and her and her friends just go around company to company essentially living off welfare because these people DON'T WORK. God I am so glad I quit the fucking industry because these faggots were rampant.
what kind of position did she have? It doesn't sound like an important/vital job position. She most likely not a developer at all, just some unimportant social position
>im not the asshole everyone else is
I feel her pain.
Figure it out Mandy.
Does Astolfo need to change?
Game companies starting to learn they need to hire people who can make games and not people who can write garbage to please twitter fan base who doesnt actually buy games
Nah it’s the economy. We’re in an economic slowdown. The only people reaping benefits are the wealthfare leeching farmers of this country.
The videogame industry has become way too bloated.
They hire more employees than they need so they can pump out yearly releases instead of just hiring less people and taking more time to reap the same level of profit.
It's just greed.
There's no need for a single studio working on 1-2 major titles to surpass 250 employees.
>Actually wanting to talk about a video game related topic
Why don't you give me a kiss first, fag
What is going to change? If your business does like shit, shit happens.
Hiro is an infamous scam artist that got kicked off of 2chan and he's now ruining Yea Forums on purpose to get as much cash as possible from it before he has to bail again.
If it keeps happening, why would you willingly put yourself in these positions?
/incel/ - Internet Celebrities
Twittertards needs to change
Imagining joining a hit-driven industry and complaining that nothing is stable. If you want stability join a fucking oil company.
literally this
Please elaborate user
could it be that she doesn't know how to make real games only boring ass telltale "games"
So what job did Mandy have?
I take it this is one of you
Imagine shutting down with no warning to your employees or laying off a bunch of employees despite record breaking profits
welcome to the industry of bubbles. What did she expect? Making games is always a risk, it close to being a live streamer or actor. Do men make post like that too? It's kinda stupid. Video game industry always has been a risky business because you make entertainment media. Of course if you make crap games you fail, unless you make crap mobile games like angry bird or plants vs zombies. Because mobile poeple are dumb as shit, so you success is as random as stupidity is spread among humanity
Just panhandle bro. Robots are gonna take all the jobs eventually anyway.
The entire state of New York is like that.
>endless entertainment
she did get into a mobile game company
Teams in charge of making games should be maximum 30 people even for triple A games. The studio could be a lot bigger but everyone on the project should be able to remember each other's names.
Remeber to sage twitter screencap threads
>I have been exiled from 112 companies
>It's everyone else's fault
>getting fired and the company cutting people is the same thing
Industry discards people at extremely fast rates but nobody cares cause gimmie the game gimmie fast go go go fuck everyone
She sounds just like a retard from this board, why does Yea Forums hate women again?
It's still a bit early to say, but so far the common factors between those two companies were that they both made video games, and both hired you.
good employees don't get laid off on a regular basis
either way holy shit indie dev is easier than ever these days, if these people that constantly shift between companies think they're good enough that they shouldn't be job hunting surely they could set up a patreon or something and just make their own games instead and get a hard dose of reality that nobody cares about their work period
>can't hold a job
>blames the job market
What cash does he get? moot left the site because it was bankrupting him. All I know is janitors >don't get paid and >do it for free.
She's also probably right, CM pays like shit and you're expected to work when you're off work
you're fault for wanting to become a toy maker lmao
Moot claimed the site was self sustaining.
>Getting laid off is the same thing as getting fired
You don’t know how this works
>do men make posts like this
I'd point you to manufacturing jobs for the past 30 years, but I'm sure you'd move that goalpost anyway.
looks like she's actually cool. Can't tell if she's a nagging community manager that bans any request of more attractive female characters or actually a smart person... damn
I'm sure she is right. Yea Forums is retarded and just can't help but blame women regardless of the situation, but that Chris guy seems like the real faggot to me.
>PhD in romantic comedies
how the hell did she get hired in the first place, lmao
Good employees are often laid off when a company is cutting costs. Companies don't care if you're good or not, just if your current position is relevant and if you're in with the upper management.
t. Industry
that is actually amusing, very woke
>being some big company's wagecuck
These people deserve to suffer. Especially telltale niggers.
Video games don't need bloated teams of hundreds of people.
Developers don't need publishers to steal their money.
The """"industry"""" is a piece of shit. People who actually care about making game just do it on their own without asking some pencil pushers for permission.
>30 people
I think that's still way too small.
At max I propose 100-150, if you're building an engine in house
>gimmie the game gimmie fast go go go fuck everyone
I'm glad that you understand that I want my games, and I don't give a shit about the plebians behind them
Everyone who thinks the blizzard purge was a 'lay off' must be retarded. They purged a heap of people under the guise of a layoff only to put job postings up right after. It was mass firing of SJW's and women who can't work and Blizzard couldn't afford to give them handouts anymore.
>tfw got sweet sofware dev gig but probably gonna get fired soon because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing
fucking embeded software, why is it so hard?
to be honest, I do not understand your reply
Those darned in-cells!
The vast majority of people that blizzard let go were non essential personnel. Anyone thinking they would be working there as a community """""manager""""" or a narrative """""designer""""" until retirement is a certified retard. Fucking retail employees have better job security than those positions.
Honestly what the fuck is happening?
is the pendulum starting to swing the other way or am I just looking at a microcosm of society?
In vidya they are. If you're replaceable and there's no work for you to do in the next 3 months because some other department fucked up the schedule, you will be fired and then 3 months later they'll hire somebody for that position again. Welcome to current year. Being replaceable doesn't mean you're bad, just means you're not senior. Almost every artist on the team is replaceable.
Blizzard pulled the same things lots of Corps do, cut a bunch of people and then try to rehire those people when they realize they need them (but of course they're paying you less)
You're so delusional it hurts, why are you extrapolating your personal feelings about games when you don't even understand how volatile even regular development is, this board just reminds me so many children still interact with this medium.
Men and women have been complaining about companies cutting corners and costs by slicing off workforces in industries that aren't video games for years, and now that it's suddenly video games and you don't like the fact that its a woman on twitter now it's somehow their fault that corporations are shitty to non-unionized employees
>not being able to cross translate job skills like interpersonal skills, time management, and stakeholder liaison
>implying I would hire someone that incompetent blaming the industry over self
While I feel for her. Sticking with the same company for decades and expecting to move up the ranks doesn't exist anymore.
The closest you are gonna get is making your own startup.
You're aware that retail positions in fact, do not have better job security than those positions, correct? In most states you can be fired at will if its a "Right to Work" state. The only reason video game employees can be discarded at will is because there's little to no oversight in the industry and hasn't been for going on 20 years now.
Yea Forums. Yea Forums never changes.(for the better)
You do realize that often it is the shifting industry and suits that will cut departments regardless of its people or their individual performance correct? A studio closing is not indicative of the individuals work quality. It's probably good you aren't in charge of looking at resumes.
Why doesn’t she adapt and move to a different industry?
Nintendo hire this woman.
>community """""manager""""" or a narrative """""designer"""""
Or a """texture"""" artist or a """"level"""" designer. You dumb fucking nigger, everyone gets laid off if it's efficient to lay you off.
>Men and women have been complaining about companies cutting corners and costs by slicing off workforces in industries that aren't video games for years, and now that it's suddenly video games and you don't like the fact that its a woman on twitter now it's somehow their fault that corporations are shitty to non-unionized employees
I make video games as a side job next to my main job. Because I am not so stupid that I would think making video games is a serious job that will carry me for years. If I ever get into the gaming industry full time I would never expect it to last for months/years.
We just had an e-celeb sticky. Yea Forums is fucking dead. /vg/ and Discord are literally better at discussing video games.
It was literally a downsizing of a department to reduce its population and pay, you foaming at the mouth degenerate. It has nothing to do with women or SJWs.
if you want to keep your job you need to create something of value
nobody actually bought Telltale games no matter how feminist inclusive and progressive you made them, and I'm betting whatever new job she had was just as useless and redundant
and it is how other industries work, can't see why game devs have to be untouchable little special flowers
lol more like broke blizzard, they're still plenty woke. Remember the last overwatch update?
They want woke workers, yes. The only new extra stipulation is that these woke workers also need to be competent
she sounds pretty fucking based, to be honest
fuck off tranny
Why wouldn't you? Or the better question is, why shouldn't you? There are people in the music industry and film industry, various entertainment industries like television and production that work in them until they retire. Why are video games absent from this mentality?
Games industry actually works in contrast to other entertainment fields.