It has finally begun lads

It has finally begun lads

Translation: “Love doesn’t understand genders, races, or ages… only feelings”

Attached: asscreedod.png (454x475, 189K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ITT: Manufactured rage


años is age you dumbfuck

Why did you post this like it's interesting or something?
This looks like using a video game image to veil a politics thread
I say you fuck off back to redit where you belong

Who cares, love is love faggot.

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You fucking retard.

Can't wait for the left to legalize pedophilia.


t. Puerto Rican

>Age ain’t nothing but a number

Wtf the music industry is run by pedos

>Produced by R. Kelly

Oh fuck off

the left is going to be physically removed from the planet tho

Low estimates indicate a significant portion of men are sexually aroused by female children
>Consistent with previous data... 26.25 % exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli... In recent studies, 12 to 32% of community college samples of men reported sexual attraction to children... [a]
>In a sample of nearly 200 university males, 21% reported some sexual attraction to small children... In another sample with 100 male and 180 female undergraduate students, 22% of males and 3% of females reported sexual attraction to a child [b]
>In a sample of 80 “normal” volunteers, over 25% self-reported some pedophilic interest or in the plethysmographic phase exhibited penile arousal to a child that equaled or exceeded arousal to an adult [c]
>all 48 soldiers showed penile response to adult females, as did 40 of 48 to adolescent females, and notably, 28 of 48 showed penile response to the female children age 4–10 [d]

High estimates indicate the vast majority of men are sexually aroused by female children
>In another study, “normal” men’s erections to pictures of pubescent and younger girls averaged 70 and 50%, respectively, of their responses to adult females [e]
>89% of community males exhibited some sexual arousal while viewing slides of female children [f]
>Penile plethysmography (PPG) has shown that about 9 out of 10 normal men are sexually aroused by prepubertal children; (88.7%) [a]


>love faggot
the fuck are you talking about

It's especially disgusting because you just know what kind of person writes this shit

Age is just a number

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Pedófilos degenerados!!!"

The jews certainly want to they're major pedos

>I'm living in the timeline that legalizes cunny
pretty based desu

Absolutely based. You can't deny me love moralfags.

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Only 3D ones though
2D will still be reviled and banned

And the prison is just a room

We're in the endgame now

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Does this mean Ubisoft likes lolis, too?

Spot the pedo

>Game set in ancient Greece
>Doesn't feature pedophilia
Does Ubisoft not know history?

Does age here mean "time"? My googling is inconclusive

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If there's grass on the field, play ball.

Wheres the consistency??? Weren't liking kids supposed to be bad? How can people keep up with these changing ideals?
Well, as long as it's fictional who cares....
As long as it stays fictional................................

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and your asshole is just tyrone's personal onahole when you become his cellmate pedo :)

Based and lolipilled

>assassin's creed
No one cares.

on the internet you need to learn to insert punctuation yourself 'cause most people are idiots.

>nobody with 70 likes

oh for fucks sakes. go back to your containment board

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keep seething toasty roastie

Do people not understand that this is about Odyssey and being accurate to romans

t. Dr pizza

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Don't you mean Puelto Rican
You fucking people can't be a country, let alone speak a language

While true, there is a HUGE difference between subconscious hormonal arousal and ACTING on it. Most men find some pubescent girls in some way attractive but are generally uncomfortable with that feeling because consciously they know it's wrong. It's likely a leftover trait from our earlier years when we married a coupled at much younger ages in general, but that doesn't make pedophilia okay by any means.

I doubt it, is mostly a boogeyman made by the right to shit on the left, but if someday it happens, then I will stop being from the left

>a huge company promotes pedophilia acceptance
>"w-why are you manufacturing outrage?!"


Fuck /pol/


HAVE SEX (with children)

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God I was born centuries too late

is the translation just love? because love is not inherintly sexual unless you specify romantic love.

It's years


>15 year old with a 20 year old = bad
>20 year old with a 60 year old = weird but fine

Que coño estas haciendo con mi idioma, sudaca de mierda?
t. Español

Why the fuck does Odyssey's clothes look like garbage compared to Unity and specially to Syndicate? It's like PS3 tier clothes compared to what looks like actual fabric. Hell, it feels like a massive downgrade in everything compared to when it wasn't as heavy on the RPG bullshit. Freeclimbing, missions, clothes, weapons, animations and even just traveling the world has gone down hill.

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Miss Skelly.

This faggot is so annoying and desperate

One small step back for man, one giant leap forward for cunnybros.

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>mostly a boogeyman


Attached: TAKE IT.jpg (700x467, 70K)

Reminder public virulent anti pedos are always pedos

Schizophrenia is a helluva drug

>tfw lefty and also faps to lolicon sometimes
Guess i am free from the pedo curse

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>That twitter handle
>read it as assassins in ass pain

Well fuck this gay earth then

Every time.

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This was the name of a quest in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. Just a (((coincidence)))

Based the age of consent only changed 100 years ago because of Christian feminists.

yea i wish they continued in Unity's direction, it was pretty solid desu

The foreshadowing

Attached: HE HATES IT.jpg (1280x960, 126K)

go back to pedoera

Attached: 5235.png (722x848, 781K)

>/pol/ conplains about an article written by some nobody in a 400+ post thread
>find said article
>it's been seen by like 50 people

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you are in denial

Kill yourself, hypocritical SJW cuck.

>it's wrong even though it's a natural human reaction

>Not “¿”
Found the falseflagger

But acting like a natural reaction is gross is what gets me. Like you said, acting on it is the gross part. Not just saying some 13 year old in a bikini is hot.

There are several forms of love. One being platonic, one being agape, one being head over heels, one being puppy dog love. Love is love is some real bullshit tautology that protect you from anything you god damn pedo scum. Semantics will not save you from the noose ass wipe.

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>Translation: “Love doesn’t understand genders, races, or ages… only feelings”
Dumb Spaniard.
Proper traslation
>"Love doesn't know gender, race or age... just feelings"

>quarter pounder
oh no

Isn't it just historically accurate? Isn't this what we wanted? the fuck

I never went to that place, way too SJW

I wish this shit would speed up and hit the fan for a reset already before I'm too old to to enjoy it.

At this point we can only hope things get worse faster.

Seething old hags lmao

My biggest problem is freeclimbing. Missions used to be based around where you could and could not climb. It made sense. Walls were highly detailed to show you where you could climb. You hung onto rafters, windows and wall decorations. Now you just fucking spiderman around everything. It's just lazy.

Is not OK when the left do it

>women in the middle ages
>being strong, independent, able to fuck other women without hiding it, being taken seriously
Lol, no. If anything, this would've made more sense with two guys

Underrated post

Well FUUUUUCK that

What did he mean by this?

Ubisoft shills immediately damage controlling this.

>Women included where women were historically not present
>Adult men doing it with underage girls like they historically did

You can only complain about one of these you know, else you are a hypocrite.

Sure, as long as you keep it in the game. Not if you go on twitter and say it to non gamers and then put #Pride2019 at the end so the world can see it

It isn’t bad to find a teenager atracttive, what is bad is to fuck her. Teenagers are dumb, specially girl teenagers, and they aren’t ready to decide important things like sex. As an adult you should have that in mind and not take advantage of that

What kind of newfag vomit am I reading? Yea Forums is the second to last place to be complaining about that.

Why does it seem like /pol/ only ever talks about pedos? Are they all secret pedos?

How many years until I can get a loli gf

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those are different people


Is that what happened? And what's the difference between that and some dev that Yea Forums would call based going on twitter and talking about how much of rebels they are?

arachnophobia huh? you must want to fuck spiders

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I don't care about gays/trannies/50x genders
But will gladly assault pedos, bash their skulls with a massive bat

TheQuartering is just a basedboy for nu-neocon larpers.

Because adult women sure aren't dumb and shit at making good decisions right?

Keep pushing this 'love is love' shit and it will get pedophillia legalized.

I will shoot every indigent that comes around my family, child(ren), or property with that mindset.
Survivors will be shot again.

What's with this obsession to make anything just under 18 pedophilia when it's objectively untrue? Why are leftists acting like statist puritans?

Let’s be honest, the right just pretend the left is full of pedos to shit on queerness and shit like that. They don’t really care about kids they are just annoyed by the gays and take advantage of their weirdness to “OH NO NO NO THINK ABOUT THE KIDS” If you really cared about the kids, what ate you still in a place like Yea Forums in which people always try to do PC shit? Why don’t you complain about Yea Forums being full of pedos?
You just want to “own the libtards”

Why are murder sprees, genocides, starting endless wars, raising the dead, stealing cars and running over hundreds of prostitutes in games okay but not ephebophilia?

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It is a reaction we can understand and rationalize but we as a culture have grown to be mature enough to NOT fuck children. There is a large gap between noticing in your head that a teenager has a nice rack and proclaiming out loud, "wow that 14 year old has a sweet pair of baps!"

We got a tough guy here.

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I do want to fuck to fuck spiders, how could you tell?

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So where were you guys when Leon the Professional was being filmed?


>slippery slope
>when it's happening right in front of your eyes
Isn't pedoera the place you should rather be?

The overwhelming general rule across the world that marks relationships as heterosexual between biological men and women would disagree with this tweet's hypothesis time and time again.


Do conservatives do anything besides project their mental illnesses onto others? Get help already you ugly incel faggots

yawn at this moralfag

Post yfw the left legalizes pedophilia but lolicon is still banned.


>Place full of nazis and alt right (Yea Forums and 8chn) is also full of pedo shit
Mmmmmmmmmmm wonder why

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Right wing Christian Americans were marrying 11 year old girls in the 19th century.

>Can't wait for the left to legalize pedophilia.
Sick thing is this isn't a meme.
It will happen.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting degenerate.

Why do you really care about fucking teenagers?

it will be legalized in the next 2 years


Because the older the woman is the more autistic the offspring is. Our ancestors knew this.

Don't know about your country, but women had it pretty good during the 14th century in mine. Not as good as today, but certainly nothing too shabby

Do you completely lack self awareness? People who scream nigger are also degenerates. You're also a bad person that isn't good for society. You realize that, right?

Jews living in your head rent free doesn't make you any less of an invader eroding the traditions of Yea Forums. You have to go back.

Imagine getting upset that you can marry a virgin. The absolute state of the modern man.

What's the difference?

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>see that i hate pedo as much as him
>instead of trying to convince me why the left of pedos, told me to go “le SJW place”
my point is proven, you faggots don’t care about children, you just want to still circlejerking this politic war. Fuck off

Wait, so can Alexios marry Phoibe now?

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The taboo is on fucking outside your age range. Nobody gives a shit when a 16 year old fucks a 16 year old but a 30 year old fucking a 16 year old is socially and morally unacceptable. A 30 year wanking off to fucking digital 16 year olds is a socially and morally unacceptable loser that is showing the early signs of being a danger to society.

The irony is that the left is what took that away, yet /pol/fags act like those very leftists.

>what's the difference between real girls and drawings

based retard

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Surely not. If it does we live in clown world. Madeleine McCann will miraculously reappear if this happens.

>talk like one, argues like one, tries to insult like one
Yep, retardera is here.

>Why are murder sprees, genocides, starting endless wars, raising the dead, stealing cars and running over hundreds of prostitutes in games okay
It's just your assumption that people who have a problem with pedophilia are okay with these things. Afaik no one has agreed to that starting point with you so you're dangerously close to setting up a strawman. You know that though


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Everyone should just accept that children can be hot even if they aren't 18 yet and not go EW EW GROSS YIKES. I'ts not healthy to repress so much. That's a good way to develop an unhealthy "taboo fetish" like all those anti-pedo SJWs that then secretly were pedo all along. Commenting on some 14 year old baps is fine, it's not like you are gonna approach her.

Can't wait to see ResetEra trannies defend this.

>but a 30 year old fucking a 16 year old is socially and morally unacceptable.
If the guy is just trying to fuck some cunny, obviously. There is nothing wrong with a legitimate romance between age groups if it serves the purpose of reproduction well enpugh.

Lefties are already trusting children as old as 9 to determine whether or not they are their biological sex and then pumping them with hormone blockers. It stands to reason that they'll trust them to eventually give consent, as long as they say "Yes" in California.

>Love knows no AGE
>shares intimate kiss
>n-no-noooo, tha-that's m-manu-manufactured r-r-raaaaaage!

Ah yes, the famous bootlicker.

It's kassandras sheman body model, everything looks awful on her. I played through the game as alexios and everything works with him.

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Dilate nigger

t. pedo

>sexually abusing shotas and permanently fucking up their understanding of relationships, basic concepts, and social understanding is okay, but doing that to a girl is terrible!
What's scary is that there are people that actually think like that without a fucking drop of irony.
Keeping it 2D is fine. Nobody is getting hurt over some fucking drawings. Those bastards that actually abuse kids is something else.
I've met dudes and women that actually got /ss/'d as kids, and actually wanted to kill themselves over it.

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Are you going to pretend you don't play Total War games, Call of Duty and GTA? Are you REALLY going to LARP as a guy who never played games like this and is an unironic Jack Thompson supporter? On fucking Yea Forums of all places?

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>resetrannies are the ones who want historical accuracy
who are you fooling, false flagger?

They're dumb but at this point it's their responsibility to not be

Be sure to tell all the Jamals that in your prison dorm.

I can't keep up with this shit anymore. I swear just yesterday you guys told me they wanted to censor lolis.

Not an argument tradcuck.

>let's go full degenerate and let men fuck men, women date women and people mutilating themselves to try to look like the opposite gender
>let's try to make every child under the sun a faggot too
>you want to fuck someone underage? What are you, mentally ill?


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>just further proves what he's really after
Don't stop now retard, keep going. We both know that you want it.

Yea Forums is /pol/ owned turf, kike

You are the only person from the right in this post that said something logical, congratulations

But why?

Attached: and then there's this faggot.png (300x300, 118K)

So why can't we love little girls? Love is love bros

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>love knows no age
then why the fuck is loli porn bad?


Man, westacucks just can't design female bodies. Or faces. Or anything really.

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>Why are leftists acting like statist puritans?
To atone for their own crimes without having to face jail time.

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>trannies want to sexualize children and use children to defend their "alternative" life style
>"false flagging"

Only game I play rn is robot car soccer

Well Yea Forums is /pol/ owned and /pol/ is Reddit owned so it's true.

Shouldn’t you be looking at your wife’ son?

It's not, they just want you to think it is

I think they meant you can fall in love when you are 9 or 90.

>30 year old fucking a 16 year old is socially and morally unacceptable.
Why? Your great-granfather was okay with it and most everyone not too long ago.

>21 yo
>get to fuck prime 16 yo pussy
>parents don't care because i'm a good boy and they treat me like family
feels good mane

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>or ages
They're talking about the quest where an old man pays you to get ingredients for a stamina brew so you can bone his lecherous silver cougar wife for more than an entire day non-stop since he's worried if he did it his heart would give out. It's not pedo-shit it's GMILF-cuckoldry

>Corporate speak from all the person in the left

>rabid "anti-pedos" on twiter also are constantly being charged with possession of cp
They're in this thread, aren't they?

>killing you because you made me mad is okay it's just a natural human reaction

>muh left boogiemen

Attached: jerk off.gif (186x266, 373K)

>he really foes it
>now with the projection
kek, keep going retard. My sides thank you for it.

That's an ugly Korean plastic whore you posted. I don't know how you can find ayy lmaos attractive.

How come Yea Forums likes Neptunia, Senran Kagura, Atelier , Yume Nikki etc. but also like to pretend they're straight edge Christian family men when some westacucks try to appeal to degenerates like them with shit like Life is Strange and now this AssCreed thing or whatever?

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what a retard

There are people whose great-grandfather were okay with fucking goats and cows too.

>legitimate marriage
Quit projecting your fetishes

last 2 digits of my post is the age I'll date from now on.

is confusing but it means the same but both used on different occasion, kinda like how english use years and age which mean the same but their use may vary.

these people should hang

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Because when you're anonymous and you can LARP all of these things you eventually turn into a twisted mess of conflicting beliefs simply because a boogeyman lives inside of your mind.

I said dilate, tranny.

Upvoted my fellow kekistani MAGA!

Because 2D != 3D

They like pretending to be hypocrites as well when it can be used as a joke.

>plastic whore
She's the most natty girl in the industry. She has a wide strong jaw like her daddy meaning she didn't shave off the bones, she has monolids meaning she didn't undergo double eyelid surgery and she has fat thighs meaning she didn't surgically suck out the fat through her knees like some of her peers.

Seethe more beefy.

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Leon prefered his save his plant than fuck a brat

Attached: out.png (307x153, 110K)

Cunny is getting more powerful and thats a good thing

2D is not fucking real life you fucking dumb retard

Friendly reminder that homosexuals are 15 times more likely to be pedophiles than straight people

same im more concerned with weight anyways who the fuck cares about age

So GTAV is real life lol?

Because there is WAY more clothes to choose and two characters. Also the game is 90% bigger than either of those two.


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He is right. Love is a concept made up by humans.

>to pretend they're straight edge Christian family men
Because many traditional "Christian family men" in the past were basically white Mohammeds when it came to marriage. There's that 2X old man who was married to a nine year old in the early US before AoC laws started coming in

Unironically this. Why the fuck you can't fuck a girl 17.99 years old but the magically can on her birthday.

I'm referring to a scan of a textbook or newspaper that gets bandied about a lot on this topic. I'm sure at least one user has it

Most likely.

Attached: Life is Strange 2 hypocrisy.png (1009x4164, 1008K)

>yawn at this moralfa-
>*Gets pummeled to death by father*

ITT: Degenerates