Finally, a decent way to play Morrowind

Finally, a decent way to play Morrowind.

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skyblivion and skywind will never release before half life 3 does


if skywind and skyblivion happens to release before 2030 i'll suck my own dick like boxxy

Trading off all the depth and complexity of Morrowind for babbis first rpg and a graphic improvement.

You're confusing jank with depth and complexity

never ever

and you're confusing slightly more modern graphics with a good game.

>open trailer page
>hit play
>fanmade voice acting
>close tab
Yep, that's going in my cringe compilation.

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>start Skywind
>so hype, I finally get to relive my childhood playing morrowind
>something seems off about the intro, like Azura has something caught in her throat, oh well I'm probably just misremembering it
>screen fades in from black
>a strange static like white noise starts playing
>nasally voice screeches in my ear, sounding as if it's across the room yet it's clearly meant to be right next to me
>clearly unsettled, I type in my real life name not even wanting to risk displeasing this foul electronic demon by lying to it
>dogs bark in the background as it mentions something about a storm, I couldn't really tell because it was mumbling
>the mysterious childlike voice yells QUIET HERE COMES THE GUARD as loud as it can
>an imperial guard walks over, yes, I remember this scene, finally I can return to some sense of normalcy
>the guard opens his mouth, and from its cursed maw some kid on his xbox mic whispers "this... is where YOU get off comewithme" then starts arguing with his mom in the background
>the game reaches out with some imperceptible tendril of force and attempts to wrest my very soul into its twisted plane
>yank the power cord out of my PC, throw it out the window, drive over it with my car later
FUCK fan-made voice acting.

Attached: last night's storm.png (277x250, 104K)

a mod replacing all the voice acting with shit like that would be hilariously enjoyable.

That's some really shitty voice acting.

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jesusf ucking christ it's the same voice actor of female dunmers in skyrim
kyselves asap
fucking zoomers i swear

>jesusf ucking christ it's the same voice actor of female dunmers in skyrim
explains why it sounds so terrible

>it's the same voice actor so it sounds great!


combine this and skyrim together
open source morrowind multiplayer BTFO

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>its morrowind, but without the systems allowing you to become a GOD
>instead it uses skyrims shitty systems, as well as terrible fan voice attacking for every character
>and it wont be out for another decade, if at all
why are people excited for this?

Anything's better than the batshit sword swinging that TES 1-2-3-4 has.

>playing Skyrim with a Vvardenfell map
OpenMW or gtfo

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So is this just Skyrim on Morrowind's map, or are they adding back attributes, enchanting, spellcrafting, and signs too?

Morroblivion makes sense as they take place in roughly the same period of time but Skyrim is two hundred or whatever years after Morrowind

wish there were more modding energy going into making Daggerfall into a completely new game
it has the most potential of any in the series it just needs a lot of work done

wish there were more modding energy going into making Daggerfall into a completely new game
it has the most potential of any in the series it just needs a lot of work done

dagger fall unity

the only decent way of playing morrowing is with the soultrap glitch

>dude you can break the game to remove all difficulty with an oveprowered character
>so much depth XD

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TES 6 is Daggerfall

I think it looks amazing for a mod.

Hates fuck off. It's not like Morrowind ceases to exist. Vanilla Morrowind will always be GOAT.

Morrowind's already awesome on its own but yeah this sounds like it will be great for anyone who prefers Skyrim as a game and Morrowind as a world, which is something I hear people say a lot.
Personally I prefer Morrowind in both respects but their take on the landscape and towns looks nice and I'd still give Skywind a try just to explore its version of Vvardenfell if nothing else.
If it ever releases, that is.

They brought back spears and levitation though, maybe more.

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>it looks amazing for a mod
Aren't most assets from the Dragonborn DLC though?

>morrowind but with garbage skyrim gameplay and character progression
Wow incredible

They aren't using any assets owned by Bethesda.

Um, it's obviously using a fuckton of assets from Skyrim.

everything is made from scratch sweetie

Nope. They legally can't. Everything from scratch.



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So literally all they're using from Skyrim is just skyrim.exe?

Why not go with an actual open source engine then like UE4 or something?

Because modders are experienced with bethesdas shitty engine and it's far less complicated.

I think they're using the animations and stuff, obviously. Just all the map assets, character models, and voices and shit are all new. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>that disgusting crouch walk animation in the trailer

Yeah it's bethesdas.

kill yourself retard

Even the singing is cringe as fuck, reminds me of that "dragonborn come" woman who made me come closer to ending my own life than any internet video.

>skyrim combat and leveling system
are you kidding me? fuck no

So how long until bethesda takes it down?

Go cool off by walking at a snails pace for the first few levels of Morrowind lmao

Cease & desist coming in 3... 2...

A week before release, just to rub it in their faces.

I wonder what color his dick is.

Just like they took Morrowblivion, OpenMW, and Daggerfall Unity down?

It's the same VA who voices Azura in Morrowind. They got her back for the mod. You are complaining about something that was in the original game already.

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The original game, Morrowind didn't use b-list Skyrim voice actors.

Azura was voiced in the intro and outri of the story.