Rising Storm vietnam - Tabletop Simulator

>Rising Storm vietnam - Tabletop Simulator
What should i pick?

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the fuck am i looking at

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GPU too big for case so he sawed a hole in the case.

is buying a new case, even a cheap one, not in the cards here? why the fuck go through the effort of sawing this fucking case?

>tfw friends make fun of me for my big goofy corsair case
This is whyni buy big cases


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I've gotten more time from RS2, but tabetop is still a solid game, it's just better with friends.

it looks like one of those shitty prebuilt pcs from a school or office. probably a poor user or someone doing it full the lulz because internet points

>making a hole in a case is "effort"

spotted the basedboybeta

Rising Tabletop Storm Simulator: Vietnam Edition

RS2, good solo desu if that concerns you.

some prebuilts have proprietary mobo form factors, PSU's, or other components. even more likely to be the case with a SFF model like OP.

tried to swap a dell into another case myself about a decade ago and ran into that problem.

that optiplex is alpha af.

Vietnam unless you REALLY like tabletop games.

i've done this

GPU looks like a 750Ti or some such and the rest is an old office PC, so probably some destitute NEET.

If you have friends to play tabletop simulator buy it, if you don't, buy Vietnam instead, the game is solid and the playerbase is not big but is pretty friendly

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Alright sold. Hopefully i will meet any vietnamese player.

Why would you buy a new case just for one component?
Waste of time and money.

Because i don't like spent another case when i have another one.

Ahh fuck meant to reply to

the resourceful nature of pc gamers

There are several on the servers actually. One dude that frequents used to live in Saigon and moved to the states probably more that just don't talk too.

taking a dwemel to a case takes like 5 minutes and costs nothing

I've just salvaged a few of those and am poor, I'm in that boat now.
It's rough.

I like these little things. Pushes what they're capable of.

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my friend has a sick optiplex but he's doeesn't know shit so i have to set it up for him
need to buy a cheap case so i can fit in a gpu, but this is always a cheap alternative
you'd be surprised at the specs of some optiplex setups

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source on pic

idk some fatass anime girl
i think i saved it from a thread about the new atelier with super thick thighs

now that's solved.
can we post more of those shitty pc builds?

it's ingenuity!

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last acquisition request at my last place were lenovo m73 tinys. very competent replacements for general use/kiosks/etc and no bigger than a couple slices of bread.

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first word that came to mind, just post more of those.

i just saved some s;g stuff from a thread the other day
ruka has a big dick

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A larger computer case probably cost less than the tools used to cut that old case.

>Be OP
>buy a game JUST now
>Join VC because you're vietnamese duh
>Died few times suddenly know basic game
>this server play like a noob (Better than crossfire)
>angry american piss and napalm at me
>you start to speak vietnamese at them
>enemy start racist and yankee stuff came out norwhere
>no scope them like call of duty on youtube
Cool game

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unscrewing and rescewing a motherbaord is actually a huge pain in the ass

looks comfy, and better than the Optiplex 780s I got.

Biggest issues I have atm are the CPU on the motherboard physically blocking a large GPU going in. Also the power supply sucks.

new case can cost too much for a neet, and daddy tools are free

guys, like i said before, SFF are often proprietary and won't line up with standard case form factors. the dell opti SFFs were definitely proprietary when I worked on the a few years ago and looks similar to ops.

Why not just leave the case door off?

RS2 hands down.

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a shitty faggot-ass prebuilt desktop that the owner tried to salvage into atleast a low-tier gaming pc

Is this shitty enough for you?

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irl clipping

Can confirm. Viet here, moved to states. PLAY RISING STORM.

I bet you never had to deal with proprietary shit
Probably the motherboard is a 100% proprietary form-factor and has proprietary power connectors, making it impossible to just "get a new case" and put all of the stuff inside of it

Still makes me mad

Co discord khong? anh em minh choi.
Jeez watch this.

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Atelier ryza trailer iirc

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i remember my friend literally doing this to his slimjim pc.
Funny shit.

>Toe ring anchored open toe thigh high socks
Fuck, I didn't know that was a thing I needed, or a thing at all. Please tell me there's a name for this.

What the fuck