Question for my fellow boomers, do you get more skilled or less skilled with current games?
Sometimes I find games quite big and prefer something more linear ir relaxed
Question for my fellow boomers, do you get more skilled or less skilled with current games?
Sometimes I find games quite big and prefer something more linear ir relaxed
Monster is a shit drink
Honestly, I tried one last week its Mountain Dew but with a shitty after taste
When you get older not only do you not have time to play all day, but games ingeneral just aren't that important. I really don't care to get better at say Smash Brothers just to beat some kid I'll never meet online.
Just not worth the time to practice.
I've been getting better at shooters and strategy games. Action games and racing games as well.
I played fucking Super Mario 3 the other day and was terrible. I was much better as a kid.
>just gonna go ahead and do more advertising for this thing I bought stock in with my off topic threads.
I got more skilled in fighting games and worse at everything else
if that works, why aren't more products being advertised on Yea Forums?
I don't have the time or will to get into big games
nowadays I mostly play F1
It depends
Some games I’ve clearly deteriorated but some I think I have actually improved in
I’ve gotten immensely worse at shooters, for instance, used to be a god at em, but now can’t keep up with all the flickshot fananglin they seem to take
However, I beat Sekiro with more ease and comfortability than anyone I know, like one shot half the bosses and beat SSIsshin in 3 tries, while apparently some people thought it was super hard. I never played any souls games past 1 though so maybe it’s cause of that not tainting my playstyle
asian girls have the best titties
nega they sponsor teams in every possible motorsport series I doubt they need to shill on 4channel
Still better than red bull
meaningless, games are mostly about practice time and natural talent, unless you want to be pro and top5 you age is non factor
hard stuff like vermintide, sekiro, old castlevanias and megamans i got way better at but i got a lot worse at any fps
Honestly more skilled here, though for most people it seems to be the opposite. I’m very passionate about things I like so when it comes to vidya the only ones I stick with are ones I really really want to be good at. I’m better at fast paced action games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden nowadays than I was as a teenager, most things actually. It’s harder to keep up sure but as long as I’m enjoying it I’ll keep trying (and hopefully succeeding) to get better if the game demands it of me. I definitely appreciate relaxed experiences more now than I did when I was younger though.
Aging will always make you slower.
It's why arena shooters are dead.
Did i play Q3 and UT back in the day?
Would i be able to play them at the same level of skill and speed today?
Fuck no.
So what does that mean, as you age?
It's different from person to person.
I'm old, but i'm not old enough to the point that my hand eye coordination has gone to shit, so what i focus on these days is combat focused mechanical heavy games, but the caviat is that they have to be singleplayer, i can't keep up with multiplayer competitive games anymore.
There will come a time where i won't be able to keep up with mechanically demanding games AT ALL, either SP or MP, and that's when i'll probably retreat to narrative focused games, and slower RPGs.
I think as people age they reach the "narrative and RPG" phases faster than others, depends how shit your brain and hands were in the first place.
Frankly i really don't mind getting old.
People that obsess endlessly over their youth always strike me as individuals that had no real personality and nothing going on for themselves aside the advantages of being young, so when it starts to slip away they enter some kind of existential crisis.
Slow down, play some comfy games, tell the kids to get the fuck off your lawn and eat shit.
Life is not so bad.
Most times they have no titties at all though. Most likely some form of equivalent exchange..
Had no trouble with Bloodborne or Sekiro I think I still got it, what you lose in reflex you make up for in experience
>equivalent exchange
I wonder if we could consolidate all the titty onto one woman?
I slap the shit out of most zoomers because I know what I’m doing and don’t get tournament nerves. The talented and hard working ones are too fucking fast for me though. I pretty much exist as a gatekeeper and skill check in bracket now, which I honestly kinda enjoy.
I did lose to a 9-year-old in bracket a few months ago, which was embarrassing. In a game I don’t really play, but still.
>do you get more skilled or less skilled with current games?
More. I can jump from playing God of War to Sekiro, DMC5 or whatever and do everything like I played it just yesterday
>Sometimes I find games quite big and prefer something more linear ir relaxed
It has to do with something different than skill. Like said, you don't find it very productive because it takes so much time, but if you are going for it (aka if you like the game) you will be far better than most people