Hitman Thread
Hitman Thread?
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good thing i brought my suit
_______________, quite the resume.
>rat poison lady’s drink at bar
>normal poison the Giggler’s coffee
>wait four minutes
ET this time around is easy-peasy
>Yet ANOTHER elusive target in Sapienza
>still no Whittleton Creek
For me it's Sapienza.
Is the Expansion Pass worth $20?
My only missed ET was The Fugitive. It's also the suit I want the most.
At least I got the signature suit.
Is that so, user?
bank is too easy
Why do these fuckers keep making those stupid ass sniper maps that 99% of players get tired of within 10 minutes?
That doesn't count, that doesn't even look like real snow, all the guards are dressed with those very light suits and all the patients wear kimono even outside.
I want Siberia but I want to see 47 and guards fully dressed to fight the cold.
Also why the fuck didn't they make an ET in Mumbai yet? I want to add leather gloves to that sexy outfit
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't set in a prison (i.e a perfect setting for a traditional level).
What a waste.
Is it possible to rob the bank as the robbers? I doubt it.
They should've added an opportunity with those two guys instead of just relegate them in a locked room.
I don't know something like pushing them to start the robbery so you could kill the target
How much of the franchise should I buy, what games
Whole thing?
Blood Money was great for its time but I'm not sure if it aged like wine or milk. Buy nu-Hitman 2, it includes all missions from nu-Hitman 1.
Playing through Hitman 2016 for the first time right now, spontaneously downloading it off game pass. Is this babby's first stealth game or is actually great? The adrenaline rushes I experience while playing a new level for the first time are fucking amazing.
>Is this babby's first stealth game or is actually great?
Any recommendations for what I should be checking out once I'm done with Hitman and the sequel?
What was the name of that speedrunning faggot from the Hitman forums again, that came into a Yea Forums thread, after some anons talked about him for shitting the forums up, and who even pretended not to be the same person before saying literally the same lines word for word he said on the forums?
I don't have any screencaps unfortunately. But it was the fag who complained that the devs need to develop the games around speedrunners first since they're the core audience, and I remember him repeating the "hitman is not a stealth game, its a puzzle game" shit over and over again, because he hated dynamic stuff in the games and needed everything to be as static as possible to make speedruns work.
Post the best level in each game. I haven't played C47 or SA, but I'll start with my favorites.
>Meat King's Party
>You Better Watch Out
>Fuck Absolution. Shaving Lenny is ok.
>Situs Inversus
>Chasing a Ghost
Kotti said all that?
Unironically. A normal prison map would be kino.
So the game is on sale now, but what the fuck do I need to buy to get everything?
>Been saying I wanted a prison map since 2016's release
>They finally add it
>It's a sniper map
I've been monkey paw'd
Gold edition for all Hitman 2 content + Legacy pack for hitman 1 content unless you own hitman 1 in which case you get that for free.
so i buy the gold edition for 35 bucks and then which one of the legacy packs? Apparently theres 2 - one named "GOTY Legacy pack" and "GOTY Legacy pack upgrade"
If you don't own hitman 2016 then buy the GOTY Legacy pack, the upgrade is for people with the standard edition of hitman 2016 who want access to the GOTY content.
hitman 2:silent assassin, hitman:contracts, blood money, hitman 2016, hitman 2 are all worth playing, preferably in order of release if you like old games, it's a fun series
Lads if I have the silver edition of the game, but want access to the resort map when it releases, what DLC and I supposed to buy.
It seems like I'm supposed to buy the expansion pass but as far as I can tell, the expansion pass includes the bank as part of the purchase, but I already own the bank and I don't want to buy the same shit twice.
Why is this so confusing? am I retarded?
Thanks bros
No that shit is genuinely confusing
I sometimes enter these threads and I think there is always someone asking this
For me, it's 2018 Chadman