ITT: only the top-tier-est of vidya Mommies.
ITT: only the top-tier-est of vidya Mommies
Still the best vidya mom.
Just wish someone saved her from that shitty franchise
My fuckin' man
>all that kieran and morrigan porn
>their voice actors are mother and son in real life too
I wonder how they feel about it.
Kassandra is a mommy
god damn they made her so fucking ugly you'd think she was from a NRS game
That's pretty fucked up.
But I still kinda want to know the source of that clip
Your mom-waifus are shit
>Still have no idea what dark ritual and Kieran were for.
What game?
youre gay
>wouldn't let you bang her
Fuck Bioware.
better looking then trish tbqh. I think its the hair
put on your detective hat
Annette Birkin from Resident Evil 2
She's married. Also both her and her husband are amoral psychopaths who barely gives a shit about their daughter
God I hate her so much.
Was disappointed that I never got to ounch her in the stupid face.
She makes me so mad I can't type.
It's funny because Guzma ended up being her ideal child. Aka someone with self esteem so low that he'd do whatever she asked without question just got a slight bit of validation
Have sex.
Good old Mesopotamian snake mom
Never seen that one
Damn, she's such a vixen.
what game is this semen demon from
>game cut short
>sequel cut
>game they took on doesn't even look good
God damn it.
What game ?
I'm not sure if this team is working on the Avengers. It's probably Crystal Dynamics + the Thief devs.
New spider-man.
Which game is OP's mommy from???
oh, what a shame.
I'm digging this thread.
fucking sauce?
>Back at Eidos Montreal, a small team is currently aiding Crystal Dynamics' Avengers project and, Eurogamer has heard, in the early stages of production on the second Marvel game based around Guardians of the Galaxy. This project will be lead by Eidos Montreal.
True, apparently they worked more on Shadows of the Tomb Raider and helped with the Avengers. Sounds like they're still more focused on working on another Marvel title, though, which means no Deus Ex sequel. Doesn't discredit how short Mankind Divided ended up being either.
It's Eva from DMC5
They were for a story line that was later completely abandoned because none of the original writers work at Bioware anymore.
>m DMC5
Thank you my man. I won't masturbate, but I'll adore her design.
The valentines OVA
Literal perfection.
Cheers my nigga
I will get her drunk and then she'll milk my prostate and that's all I want dammit
The queen Zora from twilight princess even though she was technically only a ghost
My mommy.
That’s Queen Rutela to you
Hope's mommy is underrated
>have option to drink alone with her
>doesn't end in sex
>she has no romance option at all
this was our first warning that bioware was full of gays
I imagine not every creature on the Normandy wants Shepard's dick
Why do western artists draw feet so fucking grotesquely?
Based Lusamom.
that's a daddy
Shut the fuck up zoomer
DMC4 before they JUST her
>left utterly undeveloped
>assassinated as a character
>tossed away like garbage by the authors
It's not really surprising that no one remembers best mom of 2012.
Good feet coming through
>tfw no Kreia mommy to protect you from that bully Vrook and his cronies
She might not even be in the next one at least that something
There's no way they didn't design her after Sherri Moon Zombie.
put in dick
>influence lost: kreia
pull out dick
>influence lost: kreia
god damn it
I will carefully consider your teachings on when to put in and pull out my dick.
>Influence Gained: Kreia
>Influence Gained: Kreia
>Influence Gained: Kreia
It's not hard, user.
>It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall
Kreia knows how to make my peepee extra hard
>that feel when you’ll never have a clingy warrior mommy to snuggle with
Don't forget the other top-cake.
Resident Evil 2 Remake
>liking the used goods of another man
>having to care for the child of someone else
ok triplet lmao
Her sons are the coolest people you'll ever meet though, wouldn't you rather raise them over some loser nerd? I mean, not that you couldn't pump some loser nerd kids into her as well.
>top tier vidya mommy
>she closes her son in a closet while entire house is on fire
>leaves him there and runs away
>she's so retarded she manages to die right after abandoning her son
>he somehow survives the situation
But user, she never had any children.
that way she can express her unused maternal instincts on me
>handjob from behind
Good shit. Too bad there is few of it and most seems to be untagged.
>not even posting the best cake
How old is she by the time of nu-Hitman, anyway?
It is more boring and less attractive then prosecutor or doctor but she has the best figure.
Pretty sure you see her as a child in one of the flashback cutscenes but I can't boot up the game right now to check the date on it.
I'd give her my SeeD
Right at the end, I think, when you realize that 47 was the one who killed her parents.
Living proof that a cat is fine, too.
If that's the track we're taking, then does she count?
Never played CC, who dis?
Sherlotta, a character from Echoes of Time. She raised you.
And she's some manner of cat, eh?
Yes. Sort of.
Okay, cool. Animal-Moms are all good.
>Sherlotta loved my PC more then my Biological mother loved me.
That games ending had younger me in tears and has me drinking a shot right now.
There there, user.
Best mommy ever
Imagine the smell
Imagine suffocating between those
Thank you user. Did the cheetah adopt the pupper?
Kinda. Apparently a lot of cheetahs have anxiety problems, and some are extreme enough that it actually makes it difficult for them to breed, so conservationists started giving them therapy dogs to help calm them down.
>Vidya mom
If you're gonna post LOZ, at least post relevant stuff.
top tier choice, user-kun
I don't know, honestly. Finding Western artists who can draw good feet is like finding panning for gold.
>ywn have a harem of Star Wars ladies
>ywn charge up their loading ramps
Cheetahs are truely "our" cat.
Hey guys, Agent 47 here. Do you like my new suit? A friend of mine bought it for me. Her name is Diana and she's really nice. She gifts me a new suit every week. I'm lucky to have as great of a friend as her. We've known each other for more than 20 years and she's stuck by me all this time. Isn't that amazing?
Anyway, have a nice day and make sure to always do what you love. It works for me.
They're apparently pretty sweet-tempered as far as big cats go.
Sauce it please.
Blind Sith Girl is literal fucking dream wife. Her dialogue gave me heart boners.
Well user, although I couldnt take that shot, the National Training Center is going to take my phone away today. Have this. I hope it brings you all a better fate then mine and great joy.
Thank you user. It did cheer me up.
Fuck Jannies
Fuck Mods
And Fuck Isreal.
>get Chakwas drunk and then she'll milk my prostate
Artist is called LostOneZero, or LOZ for short. Does a lot of light bondage, feet and hosiery stuff.
Her and the edgy goth chick made for some great faps in my teenage years.
Thank you so much.
A decent choice but
>Not picking thiefmage mommy
Huh, you're a queer fellow
But user, little sisters can't be moms.
Because it's popular.
Goodbye Shota Kitty
ummm they can be if you cum inside of their pussies
can u look under her skirt? asking for a friend
She grew up, user. Imoen is a lucious and devious thiefmage now.
Goodbye or some sort of thing like it, blessed kitty.
Baby powder!
Her body looks so awkward and squished, and her costume looks super generic.
Only Spidey gets to have all the fun with the costumes.
That's a tranny
Just the right amount
So an ordinary woman?
Sit down Jensen and call me mommy, or else!