Is the stealth genre dead?
Is the stealth genre dead?
until they remove savescumming and enemies resetting to nothing ever happening after seeing a dead guard or the player, it will stay dead
What breed of dog is this wtf
African Long Nose.
The worst part is that the animation is based on the actual real life event that happened, i think it was zoo in a Japanese city during the WW2
i fucking love elephants
How does this make you feel?
my penis
I shouldn't have fucking clicked it.
No, it's always been a niche genre anyway. Theres plenty of great stealth games you fucking retard.
...there's always one of you in every thread
These days normies get enough of stealth in their sandbox games like Far Cry. No demand for a dedicated stealth game. Stick with Thief FMs for now.
Why are elephants so based
don't blame me. blame the nips.
third nuke is the answer
third nuke third nuke
and guess who's the one that keep bombing and shooting civilian town?
>implying death isn't a preferable alternative to living your life in a zoo
>*"Escape from the city" opening riff*
>not just shooting the fucking elephant
Fucking bug people.
what do you think society is? enjoy being on display without ever realizing it
Fucking american
the Japanese are evil we already knew this
>this is supposed to be sad because they starved
the true tragedy was locking them up in the first place, their lives were already over
they just love to torture animals
The car backing up slowly in the background.
almonds: activated
No shit. It literally says that in the beginning of the clip, you mong.
Elephants are smart enough to use pc.
What if they were raised in the zoo and don't know any different tho?
>There're elephants shitposting right now
Can't hear a single thing
He's doing pretty good.
>find pic on reddit
>go make innane thread on Yea Forums loosely referencing video games
Love this meme. Reddit forever!!!
>what is instinct
please tell me you just posted without thinking and you aren't actually this naive
>extinct due to chinese
>There's elephants doing lewd pictures right now
not only do they smell poison in apples, they smell the thot in the group
elephants are truely the greatest animal
the japs were so evil during back then and maybe they still are
maybe they shouldn't have bombed pearl harbor
being erased by a nuke would've been less painful than starving to death anyways
This is nippon land, unlike in freedomland not every tom, dick, and zoo keeper has a gun. Clearly we didn't freedom them hard enough.
But it hit the ugliest one
Probably tired of the flash from cameras from dumb tourists.
American raided japan's air even before Pearl harbour.
pretty sure there's proof on how raised animals don't adjust to the wild when released, like how they get rejected from packs and shit like that
>the chinaman wants to kill these animals
the civilian children living in the cities bombed pearl harbor? big if true
What your mum doing under your house?
They're all evil and equally guilty
fake news
>Any animal
>Thinking it can fuck with a goose
Based pröööhhh btfoing zoomers
no shit dumbfuck, what does that have to do with anything? they don't adjust because they never learned how to live like that, instinct still makes them yearn for it. please learn the first thing about stuff you talk about
It was WWII. There has never been a higher amount of weapons in Japan aside from swords in the Shogunate period.
Zookeeper was just too afraid to ask.
Elephants are bulletproof, especially those shitty WW2 tier weapon.
Where's the joke?
What animal don't bugmen want to kill?
have sex
I wish I had an elephant to get rid of my weeds. I only got turtles.
Geese are the pitbulls of the animal world.
And yes, I read that before I posted it.
Geese just fuck with everything and are assholes to things they should be.
You do realize that the US comitted just as many atrocities, right? The key difference being that the gringos sweeped all those atrocities under the rug.
never forget 6 million elephants
Niggers? I know all the shit/pissskins are in cahoots against us
I agree, it's terrible. If only they made it abundantly clear with, I dunno, pamphlets, that they were going to bomb those cities because they had important military installations and factories in order to cripple their army and demonstrate the overwhelming strength of the allies in order to force them to surrender.
what a truly low quality poster you are
My grandma's goose was the terror of my childhood
Savescumming is a choice. Enemies resetting is something that everyone would have to endure. Though I wouldn't be against the post-mission gameplay stats counting the amount of times you save the game
truly the cost of freedumb *claps*
zoom zoom
>implying I live in that shithole
don't like it? fight us over it, see what happens
Let's not pretend that the bombings weren't just a dickwave at the USSR.
>inb4 "saved more lives than it cost"
naval blockades and conventional bombings would have forced the surrender.
>Jurassic Park theme plays
>[looney tunes sound effects]
literally might makes right, at least nazis were honest
>thread became elephant thread
best ending
That ain't right
You just know
___ ____ ____
following the reply chain, I thought you were implying animals raised in captivity would be better off released in the wild
if that is indeed your opinion then I disagree
To geese the entire world is a prison and everyone else is a pretty little bitch of a man who just got locked up for tax evasion.
is this what they call prepping the bull?
you're too busy getting sent to your death for the greatest ally
>might makes right
that mans Israel is the most powerful country ;)
>elephant thread became /pol/ thread
not so good ending desu
>what if they get out of their cages???
I genuinely don't get this logic. Do they think soldiers are going to waste time opening them up or something? Did they just want to torture animals for kicks?
I'm sure they could have spared a couple considering at the time literally the entire civilized world was at war.
blessed post,
i'd helicopter the shit out of that dog
impressive vocabulary
that is absolutely not my opinion at all, captive animals should be kept in sanctuaries where they can indulge in their instinctual habits. I know releasing them is a death sentence
I think the logic was that bombings etc. would cause structural damage allowing the animals to escape.
Well, fuck you too, asshole.
They raped women to death with bayonets and used infants for skeet shooting. I'm sure they loved murdering animals
god i wish that horse was me
>there's a Chrome extension called Benis Egstension
>has 5/5 stars with an average rating of 5.0 stars
>All it does is let you activate a spurdo saying BENIS :DDDD or a prööhphant saying PRÖÖÖH with a single click
i imagined the PRÖÖÖöööÖÖÖH sounding like the engine of an f1 car
>train an army of goose...geese...whatever
>become invincible.
Literally this guy
explain why it was necessary when they had zero allies, a destroyed navy and were starving because they couldn't move supplies because of bombings
Why would anyone bomb a zoo if it wasn't being used as a base or something?
What the fuck was his problem?
I want a game like this
Now that's a nice European women trying to satiate her big black bull
>the geese train you
>become superhuman
an elephant going prööh does kinda sound like an F1 car now that I think about it
Collateral damage
fuck off weeb
haha incel
Not all bombings are surgical strikes. And not all surgical strikes hit their intended target.
>what are air raids
how accurate do you think they were in the 1940s?
based trunkfriend
Genocidal incel rampage in the form of an elephant? It could be like a modern rampage
It's barely hanging in there.
You mean the duck? The seagull swooped in next to his 4 ducklings so of course he's gonna fucking murder the shit out of him.
he rose up
To be fair he was a nazi
far cry 4
OP cheese tactic. When is it getting nerfed?
I'd use chrome solely for that if I didn't know better
nazi elephant deserved it
Rip based prööh
>top 10 unsolved mysteries
WAIT the tail is a fake spider? fucking nerf this
Fucking hell
just move the fucking animals
i just imagined he was gonna grab his dick,
reminds me of that webm of the two guys playing xbox pushing eachother and then making out sucking duicks
pssht, nothing personial you fucking tigger
looks like manlets did learn afterall
>no alt history ww2 game where nazis had an elephant to weaponize
To where and how?
Imagine you're flying thousands of feet up in the air at night trying to find a specific bunch of buildings in a blacked-out city using pretty much just a map, a compass and a fancy magnifying glass.
>I think he knows she'll protect him
We had one that was the same breed, and she killed another bun and multiple european magpies. She was the sweetest snugglebun to people though